Only the tequila | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

This story is partly true, which the photos showed at the bottom of me. The story takes place within my 2. Training year in 2002 AD.

5-6 people belonged to a group of vocational students who spent time with each other irregularly, but often in various constellations. This included Valentina, Yvonne, Susan, Heiko, Ivo and I.

Depending on the mood, Yvonne was celebrating with us, again not.

It was as a determination in midsummer that Ivo stopped training, since he still unexpectedly got his place of study abroad. He didn’t want to miss this opportunity. So we decided to dedicate a party to him.

D.H. It was more of the girls who went into it. Valentina and Yvonne in particular could not stop mentioning how bad it was that Ivo is doing. I would have found it better if he had stayed, but so?

At the beginning of the party we were all 6 in my parents’ living room, who spent their annual vacation in Scandinavia as every year.

“Where is Valentina all the time?“Ivo was amazed.

“Yes.”I said” It is fully funny today … or?”

Ivo searched for her, she found on the balcony, that connected to my parents’ bedroom. I thought it was stupid that Valentina was there because I had been shot in her for some time. She was unusually quiet that evening.

She was also the only one who did not override it that evening with alcohol. The next day she was supposed to drive my car to a rock concert that was given far away the next day. The fact that I left my car should also show how much I trusted Vali.

Valentina didn’t know that I was standing on her.

Nobody knew except Susan that I saw as my best friend. From my point of view that I did not speak openly, because the little one did not really go into my flirts and I saw myself almost without a chance. What was spoke for us that she often spent time with me alone (in which there was never a replacement of tenderness) and gestures, which I overinterpreted, which I only became aware of later. I commissioned Susan Valentina to feel something on the tooth what Valentina thinks about me.

“Ey, it’s much better outside, not so stuffy.“Ivo said when he came back from the balcony. We all got up, but realized that the balcony did not offer enough space for everyone.

Susan said “that doesn’t work here. Come on we go back. There we have music.”

Heiko stayed on the balcony, Susan, Yvonne and I went back to the living room – 3 there and 3 there.

“Well, you know where the drinks are.“I said with a little anger in my stomach, firstly I wanted everyone to celebrate together and secondly, I hadn’t imagined it that I couldn’t see Valentina all evening. But my mood should be better;much better.

Now Susan and I decided to take care of the bottle of Tequila that I had bought for us especially. We were crazy on the stuff while the others made a wide floor around the Mexican.

Tequila in the glass – salt on the hand – toast – armed with each other – give it – give him – lemon after – forgiven and “Give Me Five” was our ritual that evening.

At some point Susan and Yvonne were comfortable on the couch side by side. Then Yvonne licked suddenly in the area of Susan’s collarbone. If you look at the photo properly, you can see this.

(1) I only thought of fun. Who begins when they want to seduce someone? Especially since I was pretty sure that Susan would soon block down.

1. Susan didn’t really like Yvonne.


A few days before, Susan told me that she could never kiss a woman. Sex can not even be thought of.

3. She had almost a new relationship;Knowledge phase Status: Advanced

4. I was present.


The other 3 could have come in at any time.

Or was it just a means of provoking a threesome? That couldn’t be. Yvonne had a friend and she didn’t always behave correctly.

Then both got up, danced updated, kissed cautiously. I reached to the camera and used the trigger again.


I no longer know whether you can see that you were the main actors of a “shoot” or whether I had let them know.

“Do the camera away.“Yvonne said to me in a bitchy tone.

I already thought that something like that was coming. I then said “But that looks awesome.”

“Real?“Asked Yvonne surprised?

“Sure, of course. Go on.“Was my answer to that

Susan said nothing, just tried to keep her face away from the camera.

She seemed in another world. Now it liked Yvonne to be photographed. Otherwise, the hot look that she gave the camera was not to interpret while I ignored your request. (3) may well be that at that moment she realized that her show was hitting me.

Between the two it became more and more wilder and passionate. (4)

It would have been a shame if that had already been the end.

“Now you have to lick yourself.“I said without hope that would happen too.

Yvonne: “Oh yes. come here.

Lay down.”

Yvonne led Susan to the couch, pulled out her pants, put her between her thighs and put her panties aside.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. I jokingly asked “And what should I do now?”

Yvonne took the question seriously and looked at me according to the motto “What is the stupid question you idiot?“And still pulled while she was lying down between Susan’s legs and stretched her to me Gorgeous in contrast to.

“Finally put the thing away.“Yvonne asked me.

I did not know, what I should do.

When Susan “here.“I would have known, I would have known how my decision would have looked. I didn’t like it from the outside. As much as I loved it too. At Yvonne it was exactly the other way around.

It fell into the category fuckable for me. “But what role does that play? If Valentina notes that, I can write it off right away.“After my train of thought, Yvonne played on her damp column. That looked so inviting that I moved out my pants. The sex drive had won.

Susan groaned while Yvonne licked her. Due to the music it should not have penetrated to the balcony. I turned the volume control up a little and closed quickly the window.

“Damn.” I thought. “I’m definitely not without it without.

Yvonne would have been the last woman with whom I would have wanted a child.“So I pulled my pants up again.

“What is now?“Yvonne protested.

Me: “I just get a rubber quickly.”

“Meein God, nothing happens there.“She crowded me.

I just thought “What doesn’t happen and why is she sure that?“And I was already disappearing into my room. On the way back my cock became small again. When Yvonne realized this after my return, shaking the head with her, complemented by a annoyed sigh.

Now she turned around, blew him and put a clear look when he stood, where I have to mention that the look while she enclosed my cock with her lips, had an enormous impact effect on me.

I admit it. As a young sheet, I was not a good lover, poked around, had little experience. Too good I had to be kept that the position was anything but comfortable, one leg on the floor, one leg angled on the couch and of course I also had some in tea. That with the balance was not that easy either.

Seen in this way, her nagging was partially justified. But at that time I was angry with the blonde temptation. “This arrogant goat has to constantly complain about it. Now I show it the old one.“I thought and although something hurt me, I fucked her properly.

It was basically a hate fuck.

Maybe it wasn’t a bad move from Yvonne to provoke me like this. She liked being taken so hard. In doing so, she rubbed her clitoris and came to my parents’ sofa with a little beam of cunt juice.

When I noticed that, my highlight promptly followed.

Then Yvonne got up, kissed me with Susan’s moisture on my lips slowly, as if she wanted to say “Thanks for the great orgasm.”Then” said “she again thanks by pulling my condom off and letting the content drop into her mouth with relish. “Wow.”I thought” that’s why Ivo is probably alien to her?“(I knew about Susan that Yvonne and Ivo had known each other for a long time and had an affair with each other. This although Ivo had a much nicer and nicer girlfriend. That was not understandable.)))

“Do you want to lick them now?“Yvonne asked me.

“Why suddenly so friendly?” I thought to myself.

I didn’t want to hurt Susan, but shook my head. I don’t think Susan had noticed that. No, I didn’t want to with Susan. When I fucked Yvonne, I was also limited to looking at Yvonne’s rear part so that I didn’t have to look at Susan.

Then I put on a fresh T-shirt when I real monkey heat, since the old one was completely taken from my sweat, treated me to the next Pils, put me in an armchair and left the field. Your repertoire was not yet exhausted. So she pushed more and more fingers into Susan’s cunt without warning. Susan was getting louder and louder.

(So it wasn’t the worst idea of Yvonne Susan to give a pillow so that she could use it as sound insulation.) Then it went so that Yvonne pushed her whole right fist in Susan. At the moment of the “breakthrough” Susan reached to Yvonnes’s arm and came so violently that her hip moved up, lingered and twitched there. Strangely, the moan was not loud. It was more of a struggle for air with the view of an insane.

“Oh my God.”Said Yvonne and laughed in my direction surprised, according to the motto” Look at you. How it goes.”

“Boah, you are also a horny sow.“Yvonne said to Susan and then slowly pulled her hand out of Susan’s extended fuck hole.

“Do you want to taste yourself?“Asked Yvonne, who did not even wait and put her fingers in Susan’s mouth. Then Yvonne licked her own hand, looked at me with a “hm?”

Yes, I wanted to taste Susan again more intensely and licked the rest.

This highlight had demanded a lot of Susan’s body and mind.

Before she fell asleep she could only close her legs. Yvonne put on her slip and asked me if I had a blanket. Of course I had them and put them on Susan. Yvonne and I are now silent.

We didn’t really know what to do now. The others also had fun. We heard like Ivo and Heiko roared from the balcony. Now I realized again that we took a great risk.

How credible I would have been if the Valentina had noticed? Susan’s relationship would be at least on the brink. Who knows if everyone would have kept tight. At Yvonne, she also wanted to win Ivo entirely, which I didn’t know at that moment.

At some point Heiko stepped into the door, of course surprised that Susan was already sleeping.

“Uh, here is a mood. There’s nothing going on with you.”

Me: “Neeein. There is really nothing going on here.”

Yvonne and I just grinned at each other.

Heiko: “I’ll make a shoe. My old one is already annoying.

Then came Valentina + Ivo and everyone said goodbye (except Susan).

“You didn’t want to sleep here too?”I asked my crush” Then you don’t have to drive tomorrow tomorrow.”

Valentina: “Nah.

I go now too.”

I don’t want to see my corner of my mouth at that moment. She had noticed something? Valentina later said when they all said goodbye that Yvonne and Ivo went in one direction. Whether Yvonne has been bang again to say goodbye? One does not know. Is likely or what does you say?

When everyone was gone, I went to the bathroom.

I thought of what was experienced and that Susan was in the living room. The fact made me horny. “I would like to fuck her now. Just go in and put in.

It doesn’t look that bad now again.” I thought. My cock was rock hard. I took him and hit him against the washing machine. But before my latte would have impressed it, a bump would have come into the washing machine.

I wanted to fuck my best friend and had the strong need to push my sperm into her. I was somehow proud of her that she jumped over her shadow and had got involved with a woman. I also had the feeling that I had to reward her.

So I moved as if remotely controlled towards the living room.

I opened the door, went to the couch and switched on the reading lamp next to it. Susan woke up the light. She seemed slightly panicked, held a hand in front of her face because she was blinded.

I said in a calming voice: “It’s just, Boelker.”

She relaxed, closed her eyes again and I saw a little smile from her.

I switched off the light again. I have no idea why I turned it on. The lights of the big city were enough to recognize the bare essentials. Then I pulled out the bed box to enlarge the lying surface.

I hadn’t come up with the idea of Yvonne. I crawled up the couch and said “I really want to fuck you now.“I tried to sound as seductively as possible. Susan opened her thighs. Whether that should be the sign for me that it is okay? Or had nothing to do with it? I didn’t care at that moment.

I pulled the blanket away and her slip was pulled out by someone else for the second time that night. Then I leaned over her and pressed my cock into her fiery, hot abdomen. She groaned slightly. I didn’t notice a negative reaction.

She wasn’t the closest. Every time I got a close, she groaned softly. It sounded wonderful, so I held my ear directly to her mouth and enjoyed the interaction between my bumps and their sigh. I was fun and looked for the point where she came to moan and when she was very quiet.

She pressed her legs tightly around my hip. At some point that decreased and her moans also failed. She had fallen asleep. But that didn’t bother me and I continued.

I even found that better. So I could tell her things that I would otherwise not have dared to say, z.B. “You always wanted me to fuck you.“So I horny myself until I poured myself into it.

I wanted to enjoy something else;Therefore, with my half -stiffer in her pleasure center.

He became as hard as before. I felt strong and male. Earlier Yvonne was flat and now Susan. I just continued and wanted to have another one followed by the first load.

I don’t know how long I hung on Susan.

It was already bright when I perceived the outside world again. Now I fucked faster because I really wanted to come into her a second time, which I also succeeded.

I went to my room. Of course I couldn’t sleep.

My thoughts made me like this. When I wanted to get up slowly to take a shower, I switched on my stereo system, put on a new CD and turned the sound loudly so that I was awake that I was awake. Now go to Susan I don’t dare. She will now reproach me because I am the situation exploited had? I had that at all? She didn’t want it too? After a while the door opened.

I was startled. She still looked sleepy and stepped into my room with the top and panties, like a sister.

Susan: “I get right there.”

Me: “What do you mean?”

Susan: “Well the song.”

Ah, she meant the song that was already coupled as a single and was therefore known.

Susan: “I’ll hear that, then I’ll take a shower.”

Now she sat on my bed. With her hands she rubbed her face.

“How are you?”She asked” I’m not feeling well at all.”

Me: “It works. I have some headaches and tired without end.”

Susan: “Yesterday was pretty violent something?”

Me: “Yes.”

Susan: “When did the others go and where is Vali?”

Me: “It’s not here.

Then she should actually come. When the others went no idea. Didn’t look at the clock. You had already slept there.”

Susan: “Oh, how embarrassing.”

“Well, if that was the only embarrassing, then it’s good.” I thought so.

Me: “If you don’t come, we will probably have to take a taxi.”

She laughed and said, “So if I should drive, I don’t know where we would land.”

Susan: “That with Yvonne was also blatant.

Hopefully the Werner will not find out.”

Me: “It depends on you. He definitely does not know anything about me.”

Susan: “That’s good.”

Me: “Do you still know that I took photos of you and Yvonne?”

Susan: “Oh you shit. That’s right. You can’t show him that.


Me: “No, I don’t do it. For me they are all alone. But if he really had something against it? So I don’t care if my girlfriend With a woman … “

Susan: “I already think.”

Me: “Ask him what if.”

Like a good buddy, she pulled the ceiling away and said: “Get going. I’m going to take a shower now.”

Me: “You can also swim.”

“No, otherwise I’ll fall asleep again.”She said yawning

She was definitely not angry with me.

She was too good for that too. She didn’t know that we had slept together? Either she missed the topic extra or she really didn’t know. When I thought that I remembered that I hadn’t put on the slip at all. “She definitely noticed that and my sperm in her? You don’t notice that as a woman?” I wondered.

As she showered, I made breakfast for both of us.

When I put the plates on the table, I noticed the empty tequila bottle. (5) Then I asked Susan: “Anyone else drank out of it?”

Susan: “Not that I know.”

Me: “Then we made them empty alone. Then you don’t need to be surprised by Ms. Richter.”

So it was not the bossa Nova, but the tequila. That wasn’t the only drink that evening either.

What we did not understand why Yvonne was like that. According to our knowledge, she had drunk 1 glass of sparkling wine, 1 glass of wine and a maximum of 2 beers all evening and with drugs she had nothing to do with drugs.

Valentina rang at some point. She had already eaten. I told her that we had turned 1 pulle tequila away.

But she was totally disinterested again. “What has you become for a brake for a fun?” I thought so.

Later it turned out that Valentina had used me to get closer to Ivo because I had a better wire with Ivo. In contrast to her, I also had a car under my ass and was able to play for her chauffeur. At that time, of course, the knowledge hurt me a lot and put me in my bones for years.

The fact that she denied something from Ivo was also bad. She still said that I see ghosts. When I asked that by chance years later, she told me that I was right at the time.

We then drove to the concert.

What happened there has nothing to look for on Xhamster (because it had nothing to do with sex: p)

Susan told me at some point that she wanted to see the pictures. When she saw her she got red on her face. Susan: “Ooooooh Goooooott. Is not your serious or?”

I like? I was just the photographer.

Well, I spotted you something.”

Susan: “How embarrassing.”

It didn’t have to be embarrassed. I liked it. I told her that too.

Susan: “You know when I said that I couldn’t kiss a woman and then also Yvonne.”

Me: “And if I know that. Then maybe you should look for another lover.”

Susan: “Nah, let.

Werner said that kissing for him cheat be.”

Me: “Also with a woman?”

Susan: “Yes.”

Me: “Oops.”

The angel in me had a guilty conscience, especially when I saw Werner. The devil in me felt excellent at the thought of having insembled my best friend. I don’t even know if she knew that I also had sex with yvonne. I also kept my flap nicely.

“Not that other memories come up in their.“I never talked about it with Yvonne. But had the feeling that she has brought me more respect since then.

That’s life. C’est la vie. That’s life.

I wanted the brunette and got 2 blondes for that.






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