Lady Amanda | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Lady Amanda is called. Under this name, it is known in relevant circles far beyond the limits of the city. Known for their always high and always dangerously thin paragraphs as an external feature of their dominant appearance. Today she invited to the dressage lesson in her studio.

Your guests are Regine and Dieter, an inexperienced but horny young couple who would like to get to know the slave sex. And Lady Amanda will probably be the best teacher who can guide and steer her first tentative steps. With the experience of many years of practice and the self-discipline of not wanting to overthrow things, the dominatrix first begins the evening with an impressive demonstration of female slave-sur.

While Regine and Dieter made themselves a little unsafe on the wide leather couch, she calls her maid ines to herself. There is no word when INES in her scarce and incentive kilns -a short dress made of black satin, white apron and white bare in a sharp contrast to the glossy black stockings and the outrageously high black paint pumps -first yours mistress and then their guests entertained.

The atmosphere is excited because only Lady Amanda knows how the evening will go. But as soon as the drinks are served and the first sip does alcohol The dominatrix suddenly gets to the point: “How often did I tell you that you shouldn’t wiggle your ass so late when you use my guests,” she says her maid.

“I think you need a lesson again! We want to demonstrate to our young couple what it means to submit to a mistress!“Slave Ines remains rooted in front of the dominatrix. She knows this game only too well and yet it always excites her to have to serve as an illustrative object for newcomers in the field of dominant eroticism. “Come on, slave, go to your knee and lick your mistress out cleanly! And give them a little bit of effort if you still want to enjoy today, to feel a cock in you!“As a horny sow she is, the maid, given this threat, shows a considerable zeal.

Your tongue stretches towards her mistress of the sweetly fragrant cunt of her mistress.

“And now to both of you”, Lady Amanda is now turning to her guests. “My maid will take care of yours, but first you put the disturbing scraps of fabric, which cover you up so unnecessarily!“Confused, but willing, obey Regine and Dieter hesitantly. “I want to see the horny wanker with my back on the couch, and you two ensure that his tail is right! You, Regine, will give him a nice mouth massage and Ines will now take care of his nipples!“, The lady continues the tone.

But only her command -living maid Ines meets the order with the expected speed. “Come on, don’t decorate yourself, Regine! If I command it, you have horny slaves to dance asses how I wish!“Regine is a little bit together in the sharp tone of the dominatrix.

After all, nobody has talked to her yet. But she lets it happen willingly when the maid Ines pulls her skirt down after she had previously helped to undress Dieter. Only hesitantly approaches Regine’s mouth Dieter’s half -erected tail. After all, it is not the same, something at home, in your own four walls, voluntarily and out of the mood, or here, with a burgeoning desire, but still on command and under the strict eyes of a mistress that has so far been unknown.

Nevertheless, she wants to try, and Lady Amanda doesn’t expect anything else from her.

“Well, you’ll go, you have a little cock sucker! What are you waiting for?“, The dominatrix is impatient. And Regine obeyed. Lady Amanda leans back in her leather -related armchair and carefully observes the sex training of her new slaves. As expected, your maid is with pleasure and zeal, but also Regine apparently fits very easily into what is expected of her in a natural disposition.

In fact, Regine, who only wears her blouse, her owner stockings and the shoes with the highest paragraphs she had in her wardrobe, is heated and excited about the situation.

Apparently Dieter is no different either. This proves the iron -hard sting, which protrudes steeply from his body and is now editing the Regine with all the sophistication given to it. In the meantime, Ines, the maid, takes on the man’s nipples: Once she twirts with her tips, lacquered fingernailed fingernails, then gently strokes it over his hard chest muscles. In between, however, she licks and sucks him on his nipples again and again, because licking and sucking is the service that is the most to her and in which she has been instructed to perfection by her mistress.

Meanwhile, Lady has apparently blamed her long slim legs, but she observes the scene before her eyes with great attention and with knowledgeable interest.

“Enough, licked enough, her horny slave -good,” she finally commanded. “Zofe Ines, you will only make this measly wanker in the riding position! Come on, go over him and make your legs neatly so that you can really pull his stiff shaft into yourself! And then show us what you learned! How you can shed on a stiff trunk. Wag to the front so that the clit is also adapted.

““ Well, do it, I also want to hear this measly slave pig moaning!“In fact, pleasant moan soon fulfills the room, and the three submissive characters are all too happy to give the dominatrix’s commands. But then it turns out that The mistress does not want to see such a simple riding fuck as a slave dressage, but at best as a warm -up exercise.

Because after just a few short bumps she claps sharply: “Complete now, that is enough for a fucking slave! Now the whole group comes all around!““ Now we want to see how well my new slave Regine really is: you will now lie on the floor on all fours and Ines will really lick the column from below.

You can lead the fuck cock of the slave into the right hole. I want to see how my new slave puts his bolt in the ass of his hooker and fucks her properly. In the meantime you will operate your plum!“Played horror stands on the face of the two slaves who are now kneeling in front of their mistress. Dieter doesn’t need to play his enthusiasm at all.

“Come on, do your horny rabble, what’s there to wait? And you. Regine, should rather ask that Ines will pant his cock properly so that it slips into your horny asshole slightly!“Regine goes over the flat maid lying on the back in the foal position and stretches its plum towards its tongue.

Your expectant horny trembling is noticeable for everyone in the room. This sudden explosion of desire has not imagined her herself in her wildest dreams. Is not too small for a full -grown men’s tail by Dieters Kaliber? – but she has no time to question the mistress’ command.

“Come on, you dirty piece, press your back properly and put your ass!“, The next command of the dominatrix comes hard and unmistakable. “You should lick the column to my maid while you get it yourself from two sides!“And to give her words the good emphasis, Lady Amanda leans over her newly won slave and pulls Regine’s plump buttocks with me.

She drills her index finger into the twitching asshole, with it The slave First gets a taste. And Regine winds lustfully under her grip. At this sight, there is no further command to Dieter to conquer his wife’s little asshole.

He has been targeting it for a long time anyway, but so far Regine had always dismissed his efforts. Now he will teach her under the direction of the dominatrix of a better one!That is the real goal of your attendance. Both, Dieter and Regine, result in the directing instructions of a mistress. Both will benefit from it.

But only Dieter was aware that with the agreement of this meeting, he would also determine the roles for her further married life.

As expected, Regine leaves the mistress commanding entirely. The ass cheeks spread out by a strange hand, she groans violently when she feels Dieters hard spears in her back channel. Unexpectedly quickly she gets into driving from his rapid fucking joins. Panting her pointed tongue, she grabs her pointed tongue over the broad column of the maid in order to experience their leakage services on their fluff.

But Lady Amanda is voyeurin enough so as not to leave the three time to get to the climax so quickly. “That is enough, your horny pigs, we are not yet finished for today! Dieter will now be up here the couch Set and you, Regine, my new slavensau, will nibble on his cock so that you get to know the horny taste of your asshole!“This time the group is only hesitant to the mistress.

The temptation and greed to crown the horny hustle and bustle with a climax is too great. And yet the dominant appearance of the lady does not allow any contradiction. So you obey slowly, but you obey!While Dieter now enjoys the lustful treatment of his cock through a rain tongue, the mistress works at the same time his Egg With the pointed paragraph of your boots.

Dieter leans back in order to fully enjoy the enjoyment with the eyes closed with pleasure. But this position is only short -lived. “Come on now”, the dominatrix claps back into the hands and looks at Regine: “Slave, sit on the stiff stain.

You can see that he finally wants to inject! So pump the juice out of the eggs with your hurried cunt!“Regine does as you ordered. She no longer knows how often she has already started touring that evening, but she hopes to finally get to the climax this time, maybe this way.

And indeed, after a few bumps, she believes that the delights of an incredibly beautiful orgasm to be able to indulge. Then she suddenly feels the pressure of the high -heeled boot of the dominatrix on her thigh. “Will you stop, you horny hooker! I just told you that you should pump the horny cock with your hole.

There was no question of finishing. If you think you can pull off your own number here, then you have been wrong! Everything here only listens to my command!“Regine keeps in the spell of her new mistress, but a little hesitant, but still in her movement.

She does not dare to look at the dominatrix and instead gets horny at the sight of the pleasure maker Ines, which is buried her legs, her legs, her legs deep between her thighs. “Now it is my turn back to the turn!“She has already taken Ines on her collar and pushes her up to Dieter’s stiff shaft, which is still dripping from Regine’s cunt juice.

While the pleasure matters like to and willingly regine’s place on Dieter’s plump Schwengel, Lady Amanda grabs her new slave. With a skillful handle, she carefully presses Regine to the ground that the slave’s head falls between her thighs as if by itself. “Go now, you fucked bitch, lick the column to me! And if you do it well, maybe I will push my sales into your hole.

At the front or back, as I like it!“Regine is showering with this command. It is new to her to be a woman. And the “reward” promised could not make up for the wonderful feeling that her husband’s cock has often and many.

But these are not normal circumstances. Here and today laws apply that she has not yet met.

Without control over her own actions, she will be horny again this time and willingly entirely the command of her mistress. And she doesn’t hesitate to drill her nimble tongue into the lush plum in front of her eyes.

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