Geiler fuck with my dream man | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My name is Sabine, I am 21 years old, have pole -blonde hair, blue eyes and I’m heavy at 1.80, 63 kg. Two years ago, I practically did not change in time, then I drove the 1. All alone in Vacation, my girlfriend I just couldn’t get free. So I flew alone to Antalya to a hotel, all inclusive for 3 weeks.

Apparently I noticed when I checked in because I heard a polyphonic whistle. But I didn’t see anyone, but it was almost clear to me that it was definitely hotel employees who had already discovered me. I can also be overlooked badly and I had chosen my clothes in a summery before departure to Turkey, a supportive bra, a belly and back-free T-shirt, jeans shorts, string and just sneakers. At the same time, many guests had arrived and so I carried my suitcase on the room myself.

The flight had left early and so I was at 13.00 a.m. in my room. I had already been able to brown myself at home and so I wanted to go to the beach immediately. Without a bra, I put on a wide yellow T-shirt, a black string, a black boxer shorts and flip-flops, took my towels and my sunscreen with me. I gave up my key at the reception and set off my hotel ID, with which I was able to order all free drinks and dishes, I had of course forgotten.

Doesn’t matter, I thought to myself, let’s see;And again I heard a whistle. This time I was able to make up two hotel employees, I had to smile internally, they were both at most 1.60 – 1.65, I would have felt ridiculous to let them dredge from them. But as long as they left me in peace, they should whistle me calmly.

At the beach Arrived at this time, of course, I had a big problem to get a couch.

I asked a hotel employee and he told me that there would be a lounger for every guest and that were in a certain area, he showed where my standing should be, because it was sorted by room number. After a short search, I finally found the couch with my room number, next to it there was a couch on which a towel was already. So I started to apply it, good and good, I could do a lot alone, but my back was such a problem;So far I was on holiday always creamed by my parents and afterwards by my girlfriend, and now?

Well, I was in the shade and my long hair covered my back quite well, so I just lay on my stomach and was probably falling asleep, I was getting up early in the morning. Then I was asked whether I could help him to apply his back to him.

I thought, of course, then in return I can also have myself apply cream. I sat up and was speechless. But his astonishment was also noticeable to him, he looked at me and smiled at first embarrassed.

Then he stood, my dream man, as I had always imagined, certainly 1.88 to 1.90 tall, slim, but also not too washy board, short black hair, almost no body hair, pretty and with a fabulous smile.

I thought “that can’t be true”, swallowed and looked again, but he stayed real. He now noticed my uncertainty and asked if he had frightened me, whereupon I could only stutter “no, no”. I was aware that I was looking like a pubescent girl that hits a boy for the first time.

I wanted to change this and said: “Then give the sunscreen, I cream you, but only if you also put me away afterwards.“He laughed and said with a sonorous, melodious voice:“ That’s why I wanted to ask anyway.“I became aware of it, I was clearly on the defensive and he had already caught up and became more confident.

“Come on, lie down on the stomach” I gave him instructions and willingly put himself on his stomach and I put his back very, very carefully to him. I let my finger slide gently over his skin and I noticed how a shower ran through his body, he seemed to enjoy it, I stopped confused, but was also done.

Now I was tuned and had to lie on my stomach. I threw my hair forward so that my back was naked.

He paid me home, very, very tenderly, he stroked my sun milk, I enjoyed it, but he was already quite brisk, stroked my breasts on the side, which was already noticeable and my nipples came up. But he still became a researcher and stroked my spine with his fingertips, now a shower went through my body. I hadn’t recovered from that, when he carefully cremated my buttocks, I bit on my teeth so as not to reconcile myself, actually I should have stopped, but why, I liked it and he was the man of my unfulfilled dreams so far.

Although I shot through my head briefly, “You don’t know anything about him at all, not even his name.“I was torn out of these thoughts when he enjoyed my thighs, the inside of my thighs crew particularly intensely, and when he also creamed my back of my knees particularly intensely, I had to bite my lips again so as not to groan.

“But now it is good,” I now deliberately explained research, whereupon he said that he had had the feeling that I had liked it very much.

At that moment I looked at him and became a peak red and thought “caught”. He smiled at me and said that the red would be very good. I gathered again and thanked him.

He imagined and so I learned that he was called Mehmet, was 20 years old and came from Munich, had only arrived this morning and wanted to stay for 3 weeks. Then I imagined and told him that I had arrived from Cologne with the plane today and will also stay for 3 weeks.

He said cheeky “Well, that fits well, then we have a full 3 weeks for ourselves.“I had to admit to myself again, I had already thought, but what I thought he said. I smiled at him and agreed to him, this surprised me again.

We talked about God and the world and slowly I got thirsty.

And I didn’t have my hotel ID with me, he immediately noticed that something was going on in me and asked me what was, I answered and he said this was probably not a problem, he had his ID with him and invited me to go to the beach bar with him. I put on my T-shirt and we went to the bar and also found two free bar stools. We sat down, our knees touched, a shower went through my body.

Had he made it intentionally? But I didn’t care about it now, he ordered for us and we were enthusiastic about;And again he became active and suggested that we should drink on “you”.

Of course we did it, kissing ourselves on the cheeks. We talked well, his fingers stroked my arm or thighs again and again, his thighs touched mine and every time I felt goose bumps, and I could have always listened to him, his great voice fascinated me that way. I just couldn’t get to myself and hovered on cloud 7.

Now we were sitting at the bar for 2 hours and he said we would have to go to the room to change something for dinner.

I woke up and realized how late it was. We took the things off our loungers, went to the hotel and drove up to the rooms. He lived on the same floor as I was, even in the same wing and this meant that he had also booked a non -smoking room.

He lived 3 rooms next to me. When I showered and moved up, I noticed, he hadn’t smoked all the time. I put on a slightly supporting bra, a white blouse, a black mini skirt, a white string and high -heeled white pumps. So I waited and soon it knocked, it knocked something, namely my heart and that up to the neck.

I quickly opened the door and there he stood in front of me, a white shirt, the top buttons open and he had an elegant black trousers, he looked really good and he beamed at me with a smile and told me how great I looked in this outfitAnd how pretty I am. Again he had run over me and I smiled embarrassed.

When we drove down in the elevator I whispered in his ear that I also liked what I would see. We were led to the table, but I wasn’t really hungry. I was happy when we could leave the restaurant.

It had already become dark and he asked me if we wanted to go to the beach;I agreed with pleasure, because I had always imagined such a situation with the man of my dreams on the beach on the moonlight under starry sky. Without asking for a long time, he had packed my hand and lasting hands we went slowly towards the beach, without word, but my heart hit me to the neck.

But I had made a decision for me, I would tell him what I felt for him, either he felt the same thing for me or not. Then we stood on the beach, the water rippled slightly, the stars shone and my heart still hit me in my throat.

I had so much to say to him, I turned him to me, we looked at each other and I got no sound out. He looked at me with a smile and nods me slightly, he suspected that I wanted to tell him something, but my throat was laced, so I just fell around his neck and kissed him stormily on his mouth.

Now he seemed surprised, I saw him in his shiny eyes and knew that he was always looking, but he quickly replied my kiss. He kissed me very, very tenderly, on the mouth, cheeks and on my eyelids. Now my tension had also given way and we were storming hands along the water hems.

He asked me mischievously: “And what should that mean?“Without saying it, I shaped my lips“ I love you ”.

He smiled and now he grabbed me and kissed me so stormy that I almost had no air anymore. I wrapped my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck, he had packed my butt firmly and we kissed and kissed, I don’t know how long, but he held me up with ease all the time. I saw an older couple walking out of the corner of the eye, who knowingly smiled.

Without saying much we had confessed our mutual love. We hiked along the beach for a while, but now he had his hand on my waist, below my blouse on my bare skin, lying, and I enjoyed it, even that his fingers sometimes drove over my skin tender. We then sat down until 2.00 a.m. to the bar, drank something and told us about each other. Then we wanted to go to bed, we said goodbye in front of my room, I put my hands on his neck and pulled his head down a little and kissed him with a smack on his mouth.

Then I quickly saw that I came into the room, but not without us being for 8 beforehand.At 00 o’clock for breakfast.

I got ready and couldn’t sleep at first, after all, the last time I had 5.Seen on the clock 10 a.m., I fell asleep and dreamed of him. At 7.The alarm clock went at 00:. As best I could, I made my way around, I wasn’t enthusiastic about myself, it was already knocking on the door, I opened and he stood there.

I was calmed down, he also didn’t look better than me and we couldn’t get ourselves before laughing. We fell around our neck and kissed passionately, the first time Now he tried to penetrate my mouth with the tip of the tongue, and I allowed it;Because last night it was finally clear to me that I wanted him, forever.

I pulled him into my room, threw the door into the castle and we landed in my bed. I lay down at the bottom, he was sitting on my stomach and pressing my hands on the right and left of my head.

He said with a bright smile: “So now I torture you to death.“And he began to kiss every mm of my face, nibbled on my ears, kissed my neck and I absolutely couldn’t defend myself, but I wanted to do it at all? Soon we were out of breath and decided to go to breakfast as soon as possible.

We were sitting at our table again and our eyes met, our hands lay together. Then we quickly had breakfast to get to the beach. We creamed each other again and this time I didn’t hold back my slight groan when he touched me in sensitive places.

All day long we had something to tell, went to the beach bar together at noon to eat a salad and drink something, after that we were blessed, not without kissing again beforehand without kissing again beforehand.

We pushed our loungers together, when I was awake I lay on my stomach and had his hand on my buttocks. I remained calm because the feeling was too beautiful. When I looked over at him again with a smile at him, I noticed how he quickly closed his eyes.

Aha, I thought, the scoop let me still sleep in the belief, just to be able to leave his hand on my buttocks. I straightened up, he pretended that he was waking up, I jumped over his lounging and sat on his stomach, I pressed his hands down now, he let it happen, and kissed him wildly and passionately, this time I took the initiativeAnd pushed my tongue into his mouth, soon our tongues played around, I had let go of his hands and he had now fully under control my buttocks.

We kissed wildly until we both were out of breath, and it was time to go dinner again, we packed all things together and went into the room. He picked me up again, this time I had waived the BH, we went out and then he said that he wanted to get something in his room.

I waited and quickly he was back and had a big bathing towel with me. When he was with me I kissed him tenderly, then nibbled on his earlobe and whispered: “Could it be that you have something?”

He just beamed at me and smiled;Then I grabbed his hand and said: “Come on, come with.“I wanted it, he obviously wanted it too;So now there should be no delay. The moon seemed light, the stars sparkled and we were striving for a place that we had already seen last night, a cozy cookie, a little out of the bushes.

He spread the bathing towel, I lay on my back and he lay next to me.

He kissed me and pushed his hand under my blouse, this time I didn’t have a bra and he played around with his fingers my nipples. He opened the buttons of my blouse with one hand, with the fingertips of the other hand, he played around my nipple, his tongue conquered my mouth, our tongues played around, I moaned passionately and then hurled the blouse completely.

Now my fingers also hiked under his shirt, with the other hand I buttoned up his shirt and it soon flew away. He now kissed my breasts, took my nipples between his teeth and nibbled tenderly, one shower after the other ran through my body, my fingers had now dug in his back.

Now he tore me down with a jerk mini skirt and string and now had me naked;He looked at me and just said: “Are you fantastically beautiful.“He was now full of passion and his pants and panties also landed next to us in the sand. Now I asked him to lie down. I now caressed his belly, his chest, played around his best piece and saw how he would slowly become bigger. I carefully picked him up, pulled his foreskin back and nibbled on his glans, this did not leave him cold, he groaned.

Now I played around my tongue his glans, he let his hands slide over my back and went to caress about my backbone with my fingertips, I groaned quietly, which of course he continued on.

I tenderly jerked Mehmet’s shaft, finally took it in his mouth and played it around with my tongue, I moved my head up and down, his pelvis did the same and I noticed his gem. Mehmet gave me a pat and now we took the popular 69 position. He now worked on my fingers, lips and tongue pussy And my rosette and I devoted myself intensively to his gem.

Suddenly I noticed how I was electrified, Mehmet worked on my handlebar in which he had sucked it in his mouth and caressed with his tongue, he didn’t let go, a twitch was going through my abdomen, but also with Mehmets tail Something happened, he got thicker and suddenly twitched, I had never swallowed seeds, but the explosion came so suddenly that I had no chance, but I continued to work on and beam for beam in my throat while Mehmet swallowed my outlet.

Laughing we looked at each other, I continued to work on his gorgeous guy with my mouth and tongue and therefore he was back in very quickly, I knelt, crossed my arms on the bath towel, put my head on it and pressed my back on it.

So I now stretched Mehmet to my bottom;He didn’t let himself be asked for long, grabbed me on my hips and my wet pussy was so slippery that when he was first pushed, he pushed against my baking with his pelvis, I groaned horny and fired him really hard, I needed meit now. He now left his hands on my breasts and twirled my nipples, which bare me even more and with long quiet bumps he penetrated deep into me every time.

I had now become really horny and asked him to fuck me in my ass, I wanted to experience it, the 1.To be fucked anal and that by my dream man and tonight. He did it, first he moistened my rosette with the juice that I handed over and he put his cock on and carefully pressed his acorn on my tight hole.

My muscles still not played along, but he was so careful and every time my muscles relaxed, suddenly he pushed hard and suddenly and his pelvis clapped against my baking and he fucked me hard in my buttocks. After two or three bumps, the pain of limitless lust had given me and I realized that I would come back soon. His cock also shrugged in my intestine, but with calm bumps he fucked me in my buttocks for a while and then it was time, we both came at the same time, in an almost endless orgasm.

Now we were exhausted, he lay on my back and kissed my neck. Then we kissed extensively and then ran into the water and cleaned ourselves.

Then we lay down on the ceiling and spoiled each other with kisses and caress. We got dressed and went back to the hotel. You can imagine that it was the most beautiful vacation of my life.

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