Spray party in the log cabin | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The cold penetrated him into his bones. For a while now the biting cold snow blew in his face. In addition, the dawn had now used. In order to better protect himself against the flakes, he pinched his eyes together, which his view even more disabled. In the meantime, Jake was completely exhausted by the climb and the luggage, which he had trained in the mountains for a week. He has been looking forward to it for several months now reunion With Vanessa and Alex.

In the meantime, 2 years had passed when he had seen the two last time. At that time, Jake had dared to start a new island on a Caribbean island and, as it wanted, was accommodated for the first in the pool house of his then chief physician. Then he had the pretty Daughter Alex and her equally charming girlfriend Vanessa met. In an eventful weekend, the three came closer and had spent an unforgettable and erotic time.

Unfortunately, he had only been granted on the island for a short time, because he could not refuse a lucrative position as a senior doctor in his home country. So he had left the Caribbean and the beautiful women behind with a heavy heart. He was all the more surprised when the women had proposed a skiing holiday a few weeks ago to get back to meet and to refresh the memories of the nice time together.

So here he was at the climb to the booked mountain hut and trudged through the deep fresh snow. In his preparations, the way up had not looked that far. But the steep climb and the suddenly onset of snowstorm had made him a strain. Once again he wondered whether it might not have been a good idea to have chosen such a secluded and difficult to access hut.

He was also unsure whether he had taken the right path at the foot of the mountain. How should the two women master this ordeal if they came to him tomorrow as planned? Fortunately, he was still partially trained, otherwise he would have had to give up halfway up. In the meantime he was completely soaked through the snow and trembled all over the body. Slowly his cold was really difficult for him and he got to death with the fear here.

To distract himself, he thought of the warm days at the beach and was looking forward to a great time with the girls. In the dim light, he finally saw something on the side of the path. In front of him an old log cabin had appeared in the snow flower. Unfortunately no lamp burned here and he had difficulty recognizing whether this was the longed -for goal. The path seemed to continue between the slope and the hut. Through pinched eyes, he tried to recognize details of the hut and exclude that he had gone.

For the week he had chosen a holiday apartment in a large log cabin. Here, too. He was able to remember the last class reunion that his classmate Sarah could not come because she had moved to her grandfather in the mountains. There she now earned money by renting holiday apartments. In short he had with her Contact recorded. Sarah was delighted to be able to see him again and had offered him the apartment on the upper floor of her log cabin.

On the website the apartment was to be admired with a modern facility. Even an outdoor sauna was present. To make sure that he was right here, he went a few meters further. Fortunately, he found that this seemed to end in a group of trees. He was still a bit unsure and went back to the house. Completely undercooled he hammered against the front door. Minimum endless waiting followed.

Jake trudged impatiently in the snow on the spot to keep warm. “What should I do if there is nobody here,” it shot through his head briefly. Finally he heard quiet steps. After a short turn of the key, the heavy wooden door slowly opened. Inside it was almost stick darkness. When the door opened, he could see a young woman who had wrapped in a thick coat against the cold.

It took a short moment for Jake to see his school friend Sarah in the half -darken. “Come in quickly!“She threw him briefly and pulled him behind him into the house. “Otherwise it will be colder here than it already. “She continued and moved him on to the living area. Only now did a lot to him that she held a flashlight in her hands. Likewise, it was not comfortably warm inside as hoped.

He could even perceive his breath in the cold air. “WW-WA-WAASSSSS ISS-SS DD-de-de-Dennn here?“Asked Jake Bibbernd when he put his hat off his dark blonde curly head. “The electricity failed this morning and therefore the heating unit did not start. “She said to him. “This makes it bitter cold here. And I don’t have any matches or a lighter to turn the fireplace. “, She continued.

“DD-Dasss Ha-Hab-Bennnn we GL-like. “He said and put down his hiking backpack. With icy and half pigeons Finger If he got out of a lighter. He looked around and looked for the fireplace who promised a comfortably warm fire. In the light of the flashlight he saw a well -modernly furnished log cabin. In the corner he finally spotted the open fireplace and found to his satisfaction that everything was already prepared for a fire here.

He quickly sparked the flames and held his hands on the crackling notes. Sarah also appeared next to him and also tried to warm his hands. – – – – -satisfied he looked at his hostess. The last time they had seen each other on the closing trip. At that time she had been pretty but filler. He had understood through friends that she had had a crush on him.

But the beginning of the study time had made her separate ways. Now Jake found that she had become much slimmer. Her facial features with the striking cheekbones full of freckles, big lips and blue eyes were almost model. She was only a few centimeters smaller than Jake and had put her red-blond curls up. On the side, her hair ran back like a headband in a braid. “Nice to see DD-D-I Wieder.

“, He was still broke out and rubbed his hands, which began to burn through the radiating warmth. “I’m happy to see you again. “, She replied with an engaging smile. “You have to be completely frozen. “, She suddenly stated and straightened up from the fireplace. “Your clothes are totally soaked. You will have to go out for better or bad, otherwise you will never be able to warm up.

“, She continued. So he started to peel himself from his things hesitantly. “Don’t be like this, otherwise you will really freeze here!“, She asked him when she realized that it seemed to be striving for him to expose himself in front of her. Following her obvious note, he continued until he only stood in front of her in his underpants. Although the fireplace had started to radiate a cozy warmth, he trembled all over the body.

Here it was still incredibly cold in the room. “I-I-I HOLE SCH-FALL MA-MAL T-T-dry-corned S-S things made of M-meinem R-Rucks-S-Sack!“Jake bibbered and had difficulty not rattling with the teeth. She looked at his eyes a little undecided now. “I have another idea how we can warm up quickly. What do you think of it when we use our body heat to warm each other?“, She asked shyly. “You as Physician Must know that something like this is the fastest in emergencies.

“, She continued. Only now a lot of Jake that Sarah also seemed to suffer from the cold, despite her coat,. “Body heat?“, It burst out of him. He looked at Sarah in doubt for a short moment, but she nodded shyly. “We are adults and already know each other from childhood. What’s in the case?“, She tried to further defuse the situation. In the meantime, all means of getting back to normal temperature and he nodded his consent.

“I quickly go to get a few blankets. You can push the sofa in front of the fireplace. There we can lie down and warm up each other. “, She continued to suggest. So she disappeared in the next room and came back a few moments later with a few thick down corners. Jake had now put the sofa on and now looked at his host, who had thrown the ceilings on the sofa.

“I know that the situation is strange. But you will also have to take off your wet underpants. “, She asked him with a serious expression and held a towel towards him. He did not let this say this twice, took off his clammy boxer shorts and rubbed himself dry with the towel. In doing so, he kept his intimate area covered so as not to make the precarious situation even more strange. Sarah had put the flashlight aside and began to undress too.

Only the fireplace was still a light source in the room and caused a weakly flickering light. From the corner of the eye, Jake was only able to catch a few stealthy looks on her body. He was hatched under the thick blankets and waited for Sarah, who now also got rid of her top. Despite the bad lighting, he was able to find that it was really significantly slimmer than to the diploma pages. Jake did not try to camouflage directly, but was able to get a fleeting look at her well -shaped breasts in secret.

Has roping, Sarah lay down and pulled the ceilings over himself. More than he had enjoyed the sight of her C-cup, he now found the cozy warmth that her body radiated. Since she had laid in front of him, he enclosed her with his arms to achieve a maximum contact area to replace the heat. His arm touched the lower approach of her soft breasts as casually.

Sarah didn’t seem to disturb it, because she moved in his direction with her rear part. While the notch cracked in the fireplace, the two chatted a little and got each other up to the latest state of things. Jake told about his career that he had hit. He also briefly mentioned the attempt to emigrate into the Caribbean and announced the women without responding to further details. Sarah seemed to be able to make a living well with the renting of holiday apartments.

With a sad undertone she also told how her beloved grandfather died six months ago. When asked about a relationship, she replied that she was in an on-off relationship with her direct neighbor Robert. Jake heard from the descriptions that Sarah already promised more about the relationship, but Robert was looking for a close friendship with occasional advantages. Sarah further opened that Robert deserved his money through forestry work and skiing lessons.

As they told, the familiar familiarity of the youth friendship was automatically re -established. In the meantime, the uncontrolled tremor had stopped Jake’s body and, enjoying the warmth, he nestled on her body. Since he had now reached a normal body temperature again, exhaustion overturned him after the ascent and the cold experienced and he slowly slumbered into a cozy sleep. – – – – – -that he was woken up again, it took a few seconds to orientate himself.

He was still close behind Sarah. His chest nestled against her bare back and he enjoyed the close touch of her body. When he had positioned himself a little more comfortably, he suddenly found that the tight clasp and the warmth of her skin had not passed it without a trace. He now noticed how his member had grown to full size and was tugging between his stomach and back.

Sarah, on the other hand, seemed to have noticed his predicament, because regular breaths showed that they seemed to sleep. To position yourself a little more conveniently and its plump erection Freeing from the clasp, slipping something from the sleeping person. This acknowledged his effort by taking his arm in half asleep and grumpy closer to him closer to him. Desperated also try to free themselves by slowly backing down and healing, because the friction on its subside made its genitals more and more tougher.

If she should wake up now, he would have an honest effort to explain the situation. But suddenly his fears became true, because Sarah moved and seemed to wake up. Again she took his arm and pressed him on her stomach. She pushed his hand up almost imperceptibly until she came back to the lower approach of her breasts. But there wasn’t over there this time. With increasing pressure, she now led his hand to her chest.

“Are you awake, Sarah?“Jake asked himself puzzled. “Not that it means afterwards I would take advantage of the situation. “, He was still hesitant, quietly in the room. “I’m wide awake. I have never slept and yours … uhem ….Flashlight registered. Keep on!“, She whispered and pressed her back even closer to his body. He did not let that say twice and started kneading her chest gently.

He nibbled tenderly on her neck and sucked the scent of her hair. Sarah replied to his benefits with a quiet moan and rubbed her butt against his stand. Jake let his hand go down on her stomach and stopped just before her panties. Sarah immediately understood his intention and briefly got rid of her brief. He gently stroked down from the lower abdomen over her pubic hill. He stopped briefly, because here he could not feel any traces of a hair and closed a regular intimate shave here.

In order to grant him more space, Sarah now lightly put one leg on. Jake accepted this invitation and let his hand slide down. In the meantime, he spends her back with sensual kisses. With two fingers he spread her velvety labia and found that she too was very excited. Because not only did her gender seem to radiate an incredible heat, he also noticed under his fingers how damp she was already.

He started massaging her clit between his fingers very slowly. Sarah whimpered and pushed her pelvis towards his hand. Since his fingers were now completely wetted by their love juice, he had no difficulty letting a finger disappear in their warm cave in order to edit their vaginal wall with circular movements. “Oh yes,! I’ve dreamed of that for a while. I want you to get it right to me!“, She groaned her lust.

Jake could hardly trust his ears. Sarah had thrown him on his back with one sentence and positioned himself on his lap. The ceiling had slipped from her body. The room had now reached a pleasant temperature through the fire. When he let his gaze wander from her breasts to her flat belly, Jake now enjoyed the sight of her body how the light game of the flames emerged in her curves.

He also found his guess that, like himself, she was completely shaved in the genital area. Sarah had sat on his stiff member with her shame, so that this was trapped between her labia and his stomach. With slight movements of her pelvis she slid back and forth on his penis and distributed the traces of her excitement on the underside of his erection with her wet lips. Jake needed all of his concentration so as not to get immediately when he saw how they bite themselves on their lower lips as if they were their senses and with half -closed eyes.

With a moan she rose lightly, took his stand in his hand and led his glans to her gender. Slowly she let her pelvis drop and enjoyed how he filled her up more and more. In the meantime, she had absorbed it up to half without difficulty and started moving up and down, groaning louder and groaned. Looking for his closeness, she leaned forward.

In doing so, he enjoyed how her soft breasts nestled against his muscular chest. The light started in the living area completely unexpectedly and somewhere in another room the radio started to play in the middle of the song. Apparently the electricity had been tackled again. She had put herself on him and looked around blink. Jake had also got a fright. Not only because of the sudden brightness, but also because he was now completely in her.

After a few moments, the two looked at each other and started with a laugh. But the laugh was suddenly interrupted by a loud knock on the door. She looked undecided in the direction of the entrance area, got up and thus released its still plump stand with a smacking noise from her cave. She threw herself over her coat and went to the door where someone still seemed to be tapping vigorously. After a few minutes she was back in the room.

With a red head, she said that her neighbor Robert had been on the door. This had come back from the city and had apparently been able to fix their electricity problem with a spare part. Jake observed how she was undecided in her coat in the room. Somehow the erotic mood was completely gone. In the meantime, both looked embarrassed and were undecided how things should go now. Jake did not get rid of the feeling that Sarah seemed to regret everything a little.

Finally she had told him that she had certain sensations for her neighbor. Apparently she had had to come up with some excuses in this custainable situation. In order to defuse the strange situation, Jake got up with heavy hearts and stood out nervously from his backpack. “I’ll go up then. Now the heating in the holiday apartment is also working. “, He suggested carefully. Sarah seemed to understand his thoughts and was clearly relieved.

“Okay, then I’ll show you the apartment quickly. We still have a whole week ahead of us. “, She replied shyly to him. With this she led him to the apartment. Without looking around, he made it comfortable in a bed after a brief farewell. After a few seconds he sank into a deep sleep between the soft down.

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