Spontaneous sex | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A short erotic event from my painter studio. Alternately written from two perspectives, together with Yannick1978. You can find more stories from us in our hamster profiles: I was always very relaxed when I moved out at work. I was satisfied with my body and had now gained a lot of experience. But that day was different. While I moved out behind the privacy screen, I had to think of her words … as she said that I should bring a lot of time … I didn’t really get ahead with my body studies on the act painting of the male anatomy.

Either the poorly paid students were inadequately defined by the physique, or were too cramped in their pose. Today I seemed to be lucky. A brown-burned, well-built, about 25-year-old boy lümmelte relaxed on the white sheet of my little studio stage. I had booked him for three hours, which apparently surprised him. I wanted to take the time to put individual body structures on paper and possibly in several designs. put onto canvas. At the beginning I asked him to sit down with a wide leg to be able to sketch the transition from the thighs to the strips to the lower body … I sat down as I was called.

It was not the first time, that I took this position – but this time I made me a little nervous. Her intense looks excited me and it was difficult for me to hide this excitement. Cramped I thought of my daily training program so as not to mess up the picture … The sudden nervousness of the boy disrupted the naturalness of my required pose. A little disappointed I reached to the baby oil bottle to the muscle contours of his Legs to make more clearly visible. I routinely massaged the oil into its calves and thighs, so that the contours in the light shone more clearly.

“Relax, breathe flat and please don’t move!“I hadn’t missed that his shaved penis had increased in size and excellent half -tires from his middle of his body. Smiling I went back to my sketch block with a wobbling back and started my first designs … I was puzzled when she put me on, but it felt good. Nobody had done that with me yet … When she went back, I tried to stay relaxed and breathed in and out deeply … but felt how I became more and more excited by her eyes.

I watched her hand elegantly drove over the sketch block..… Already with the first lines I noticed that it was right. The boy looked more relaxed. The contours came out well. However, his big hard penis too. He now stiffly towered up and seemed to want to look for the right one. An impressive erotic motive that I absolutely had to capture in its bloom and beauty. I licked over my lips concentrated and drew his excited masculinity … Despite my effort, mine was mine tail bigger and bigger and towered cheekily and hard towards her.

When she licked her lips, I couldn’t distract myself anymore. Immediately the idea came to me how it would be if these lips played around my cock … I was satisfied. I had succeeded in the sketchy drawing of his cock. Only the scrotum was not clearly visible between its thighs. Despite all the professionalism, I felt the situation excited me. “Please apart the legs a little further!“I asked him and demonstrated what I meant on my stool.

When my thigh cellar rock shoved up a bit, I remembered that, as so often. Too late …… How hypnotized I looked at her and guessed her pussy between the legs. I also opened my legs and my cock became even harder. My gaze was liable between her legs …… Thank you very much Mr. Hundertwasser, I thought. During my studies, this slightly crazy artist of modern painting fascinated me, whose habit was to usually paint undressed.

At the time, I tried this feeling of freedom when drawing and liked it. I did not drew naked, but did not use the constricting underwear. I felt more freely, which often benefited my creativity. His gaze rested between my spread thighs. I kept my wide -legged seating position and pretended that I was completely deepened into my work. I always looked at the impressive one over my sketch block erection The boy who seemed to fight with himself.

His plump Eichel had long been freed and presented himself brilliantly in a matt red tone …… my inner tension kept growing. She actually noticed that she played with me? She seemed so incredibly calm to drive me to madness here. Did it more often?… I think if I go to Toilet should go … but then I would not be able to look at them anymore …… I worked more and more unfocused and realized how the moisture between my legs increased.

“Please straighten yourself and close your eyes! Concentrate on a quiet attitude. I now draw your legs in the local profile. “Secretly I hoped to keep his penis his stability. I didn’t often have such a well -defined cock in my studio in this state. Again I licked me lust over my lips and sat down in front of my standing model, the tail of which I now had directly at the face height. The pleasant, slightly spicy fragrance of his excitement none me a little.

I was horny and realized that I would not control the situation for long …… I stood up and unfortunately could no longer see between her legs … and not only I stood. My cock also remained straight. I saw him fixed him with her eyes and wondered whether this smell that I just perceived was from her wet pussy … he had now closed his eyes firmly. In peace, I was able to look at his wonderful cock, which was slightly bobbing and diagonally directed towards the studio ceiling.

Fascinated I looked at this male work of art impressed. When the boy fluctuated it happened. His plump glans pushed a little bit between my slightly opened lips. From a reflex that is still inexplicable to this day, my lips closed as if by itself around the hard shaft of his cock …… I lost a little bit of balance and fluctuated – or it was an unconscious drive … In any case, my hard part landed exactly on her mouthAnd she opened it to enclose him with her lips.

A surprised moan came over my lips … I stopped briefly when the boy groaned. What did I do here? There was no longer a back now. A plausible explanation ? Unthinkable. I willingly let my drawing block slide to the ground. Incessive my lips clutched his pulsating strap, which I now pushed up to half of it into my mouth. He tasted unique and increased my greed. I was looking for a muscular butt and clawed my hands in his well -trained Knackpo.

So fixed I started to blow his cock rhythmically …… ok, so she really wanted it – that was clear now … I was curious to see how far she would go and left the command … but I helped me with slight movements of my pelvishard part, slowly sliding deeper and deeper.  I watched from above and listened to the quiet smacking … I couldn’t suppress another moan …… with small uncontrolled bumps he now moved his oil -shiny abdomen.

His hands held my head while his cock gently fucked in my mouth. His moan mixed with my smacking blowing noises. I grabbed his rocking testicles with my hand and began to smell them soulingly from below … I couldn’t believe what luck I was. Of course I had hoped that before, but never expected it to really happen. I became more and more relaxed and slowly pushed deeper into her hot mouth, which spoiled me so horny.

Her hands play around my testicles … When his fantastic cock had erected, I licked over his pulsating acorn one last time. I wanted more and realized that the boy was ready for it. I turned and now knelt so that he had my plump butt in front of his rod. My half -length skirt was tight over mine ass. I was sure he knew what to do now. My missing underwear would make his next actions enormously simplified … I was getting hornier and enjoying my plump butt right in front of my cock.

I stroked her rounds with a firm hand and pushed her skirt up. Already her pussy shone towards me and I let my cock slide through it a few times so that it was nicely wet. It already felt incredibly horny. My hands stayed on their solid butt and massaged him a little …… His hands kneaded my ass cheeks as my labia moistened his glans. I was wiggling impatiently with my ass. I felt relieved how he felt his cock, bit by bit into my damp column.

Moaning I pushed my pelvis towards him, so that his strap finally completely disappeared into my cunt. His testicles clap against me. I enjoyed the moment when his piston grabbed the tight grip of my wet cunt was exposed before he stretched them sufficiently to fuck them. I leaned deeper to feel it even more intensely in me …… uneasy I let my hands hike over her back and followed her bent attitude. I pressed her a bit deeper before my hard strap bumped deep into her tight, moist and hot column.

It felt good how he was literally clutched by her. Then I pulled him out of her powerfully to sink him again very slowly … he fucked me well. I let myself go. Slowly he reached the right pace. My ass cheeks came towards him at each of his bumps. He grabbed her and now took control. Trapped in his lust, he hammered his cock from behind in my cunt from behind. My face pressed onto the floor, I pushed out short pointed screams … I noticed that she liked the rhythm and held it, pushed deep into her again and again and became more and more awesome myself.

I held her butt and intensified my bumps … her pleasurable screams turned me on and I gave her a slap on the butt …… aua! His hand clapped on my ass. I felt the greed of his bumps and let his cock let off steam in me. With a last deep punch he finally stayed in me and groaned. I felt his testicles pulling together and his cum my inner -minded flood. Sprayingly, he emptied himself in me and let himself fall forward.

Moaning he buried me under his twitching body. … her cunt felt so wonderful and I was getting hotter and horny, gave me, heard our punches, our groans, felt her juice, smelled the lust together, became hotter and hotter and unloaded me in a stunning climax …After that only sinking on her exhausted, deeply satisfied … still in the frenzy!… I stayed below him for several minutes before I finally got up and my skirt was directed.

Dripped sperm From my cunt. Satisfied and freely grabbed my block, sat down on the stool and began to draw the boy in his lying position. END.

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