Erokarma: Sex dreams come true | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Nadja looked through the window the blackish discolored sky. Raindrops perish on the window, pulled watery stripes on the glass surface. Wind gusts whip water cascades in front of them. What a weather.

It was dark in the apartment, only the golden appearance of a lonely candle threw dancing shadows on the wall.

The rain drummed up on the roof. Nadja liked this weather. She sat quietly on the wide leather couch and enjoyed just having to think of nothing. After a while she decided to go on the balcony, into the warm rain.

The light squeak of the balcony door was drowned out by a quiet thunder rash. Nadja smiled. A thunderstorm approached. She entered the balcony and was soaked to the skin within a few seconds.

The long black t-shirt stuck to her body, her full breasts were clearly distinguished below.

The cycling pants were also completely soaked. Nadja spread her arms and offered her body to the falling water masses. The water ran down its body, pulled its traces all over her skin. A pleasant sparkling pulled through her body.

As she let her look at the street wander, she noticed a shape that stood closely on her house entrance and tried to stay as dry as possible. A senseless undertaking, the wind gusts pressed showers against him, as if they had not been to mention not to leave no jaws. He stood there helplessly, at the mercy of the winds of the wind. Nadja didn’t want him to have to stand in this weather that way.

She entered her apartment dripping, moving towards the intercom. She hesitated briefly, should she really ask a stranger in her apartment?Then she reached to the listener of the device, lifted it off and said quietly: “Hello? Hello, young man!” “Yes, please?“The man’s voice was pleasant, quiet and deep.

Nadja didn’t know why, but for some reason she overwhelmed a shower. “I saw her down there.

You are gossip. I would like to ask her in, in such a weather you can not leave anyone at the door. But then the gentle bass sounded again: “That would be very nice of them. I’m completely soaked.”” I open them, come up to the third floor “.

The buzzing of the door opener sounded, then she heard his steps on the wooden staircase.

His steps echoed again in the stairwell. When he entered the last stage, she opened the door. He looked up, looked at her with a smile. The first thing Nadja noticed was his eyes.

They were dark brown, they looked at them friendly and yet sophisticated. It almost sank into the depth of these two dark lakes. She wanted to look away, but his gaze kept her caught. Again she overlooked a shower.

His voice broke her bias: “Many, thank you for getting me out of the rain. It is uncomfortable in the long run to lean on the corner all the time. It doesn’t seem to be in sight either “. Nadja stopped him.

“Come in. You have to sorry, I was not prepared for a visit “.

The stranger entered the apartment. His gaze wander over the couch, The red ceiling that Nadja was used to rumble. A semi -full cup of coffee was on the glass table, right next to it a bowl of cookies.

And what you only noticed now, the dark blue bra, which she had moved out earlier when it started to become so humid was on the floor, right next to the table. How embarrassing. When she turned back to the stranger, his gaze just revoked her breasts. Nadja frozen.

How could she forgot that. She herself was also gossiping wet, the t-shirt showed every contour of her body, the moist fabric spanned her Nipple, Glued on her like a second skin that showed more than she veiled. Even the belly button could be recognized by shadow. Again their eyes met.

Nadja blushed. And again she sank in his eyes, in his penetrating look. Something like that had never happened to her. She would have to be ashamed of death, she accused herself, stood in front of this stranger like …

She didn’t know how to describe it, he had something in himself that she took the usual bias.

His presence filled the room, he stood in front of her, as a matter of course as if he were living here and not her. And as if he belonged here. And that was also what she amazed. She had to remember that he was strange, had to see to see him as a stranger ……

He seemed familiar. She knew him somewhere? But if, where? Briefly torn out of her thoughts noticed that she was still in the open door. With a embarrassed smile she asked him in.

The stranger hung his coat on the hook and then turned to Nadja. “Can I offer you some coffee?“, She asked after a change of view that would probably only have taken seconds, but actually seemed to take hours to take hours.

His gaze pierced her, no, rather slid into her, penetrated her, touched her body without actually touching. Nadja was amazed. She had never experienced anything like that. She asked him to take a seat on the couch and turned to get the coffee out of the kitchen.

A tremor drove through her body when she felt his eyes spread her back, following the course of the spine, and then gliding over the buttocks, which of course was not covered by the tightly sitting cycling pants.

She didn’t want to admit it, but had to admit that this man excited her. And that is exactly what she worried, he had just come in to the door for a few minutes here, and he already called out feelings that she had been forgotten for a long time. What kind of man was that?She almost didn’t dare to leave the kitchen and go back to him.

He was not scary to her, but he had something in himself that she couldn’t classify. And he excited them! His whole way was exciting, the way he spoke, how he moved, how he looked at her.

She entered it hesitantly Living room. The candle still threw flickering shadows on the wall. He stood by the window, his outline was out of focus from the blackish cloud -covered sky, which he seemed to look through the rainy window panes.

“Come to me Nadja!“She was startled. The voice did not sound, it was just there, everywhere and dominant. Where did he know her name from? Was he at all who had spoken? “Come to me, Nadja, don’t be afraid!“Again the voice sounded that she seemed to get out of her inside, whispered directly into her brain. She dropped the coffee cup, but that wasn’t even aware of that.

As in a trance, she moved to the shadow. In the dark, his eyes seemed easy to glow.

“Who are you?“, She heard her own voice as in further distant questions. A slight smile played around his lips. “Who I am, Nadja? I am you! Part of you.

I am your desire, your lust that you have displaced so far. You never got to know the joy. You gave yourself, but never felt true desire.“His voice became even more urgent:“ I am here to lead your body to never known joys. I am everything that makes your sexuality, personified in the form of a man!“He laughed quietly, a pleasant laughter.

“You do not believe me. I know. But you will learn to believe. And you will learn to feel.

The real pleasure!“With these words he came up with her. Nadja couldn’t move, just looked at him, and he looked back, penetrated her again with his profound looks. His face was only a few centimeters away from hers. She felt his warm breath, felt her dry lips opened gently.

His lips came closer, lay down on her, gently like a berthhown, merged together, warm and infinitely soft. The kiss was so incredibly tender that Nadja’s knee gave up, panting she slumped slightly, but immediately two strong arms closed around her body, held it, and the lips found each other again. An electrifying tingling went off his lips, hiked through her body, sensitized it, did not leave out any fiber, no place. His tongue now played on her lips, penetrated her, found her tongue and started a sensual game, the tongue tips dab, massaged, the lips sucked up to loosen up and merge again.

His fingernails drove over their back, smelled gently and at the same time incredibly exciting, up and down.

Nadja visibly enjoys this game, the fingertips trigger showers, put them in a spiritual floating state, stimulate them. Now the fingernails are also spreading over the neck, crawling, caressing, with her goose bumps. She fled her head forward, the lips loosen, her forehead sinks on his shoulder, she offers the neck. And he takes time to love it there, gliding like a draft, gently strokes the sensitive skin.

Nadja shrugs, teeth nibble slightly where there were still fingers, the tongue draws moist traces on her way to the earlobe, plays with the sensitive skin, caress you. Kissing lips make their way to Nadja’s neck. It slowly moves her head back and forth, but no matter what place skin becomes free, the fingers or tongue are immediately on the spot to spoil.

Nadja breathes a little faster, she feels that she is excited, feels how her nipples are pressing through the still wet fabric of the T-shirt, emerging as a top surveys. His tongue plays again on her neck, extensively covered every piece of the sensitive skin, slides deeper, to the collarbone, to the breast approach.

The lips squeeze on the fabric of the T-shirt, kiss their way into the hollow between the two breasts. Nadja pants the air, the air, the nipples feel as if they were swollen to the bursting, are so hard and unspeakably sensitive, every smallest movement of it causes a minimal
Substance friction on these sensitive buds, which chase the embers’ waves through their bodies.

The kissing lips have left the cotton, remain in front of the breasts. Nadja feels the hot breath of the man, even this drainage stimulates, falls into a whirlpool of feelings. His tongue dabbed one of her buds.

She grabs loudly. A lava stream rolls through its lower abdomen, heats it, glowingly crying radiates the heat between her legs in the entire body. Again the tongue dabs the nipple. Nadja moans, must hold on to.

“Mmmmhhn, uuuuuhh” she bites her teeth when the lips close around the sensitive bud. However, when he begins to suck gently, it cannot suppress a slight outcry, the pulling is too strong that seems to be shooting directly into her pleasure center from this point. It sucks gently on the nipple, kneads her lips gently, lets her teeth nibble slightly.

Then he begins to soak up the nipple, pulls on her, takes part of the warm soft chest in her mouth. Nadja reaches into his hair, pulls him closer, wants to feel more intense.

Again she screams quietly. While his lips play and suck on the glowing buds, his fingernails spread their bare lower legs up and down, they irritate them, remove glowing pull. Nadja moans as the hand slides higher, along the thigh, stimulated in movements with slow stroking movements. She bites her lips.

The tongue plays on the nipples, plays and sucks while the fingers of one hand continue their stroking irritation, along the lower leg, up to the thigh, slide along the inside. Her knees tremble, she doesn’t know how long she can still stand. His head drives deeper, lifts the t-shirt, the tongue makes its way, down the stomach down to the belly button, licking, licking, licking, pulling flaming traces on its skin, she lets it cake quietly. In addition, the fingers play, the fingernails stroke over the inside of the thighs, more and more approach their pleasure center.

Nadja feels how wet she is, how rough the heat is, which seems to be almost burning her inner.

The lips have reached the navel, kissing gently and then again demanding around him, caressing every place of the irritated skin, the tongue slides around it, pulls circular lanes, then dab into the navel, massage it there, lick it there. Nadja has to groan more and more often, the excitement is too rough. The fingers slide closer and closer to the swollen venus hill, over which the fabric of the cyclist’s pants that are not only soaked by the rain. One hand glides between her legs, without touching its most sensitive place, strokes the furrow of the tense buttocks, kneads the tense baking.

Nadja gasps loudly, longs for finally being touched where the redemption of these south is no longer distant. As if he had guessed her thoughts, his head lowers even deeper, the tongue glides over the fabric of the cycling pants, then strokes vigorously through the gap that presses against the wet fabric. Nadja screams, then the knees give up. It sinks to the ground, lies on the back with bent legs.

This position enables him to go even more intensively.

The tongue strokes the fabric -covered tremendous column, up
And down, press the fabric into your crack, then slide higher and starts your pearl out. Nadja only gasps, she closed her eyes and throws her head back and forth with your mouth open, now and then the tongue drives over the dry lips. “Please, do what, I can no longer!!!““ Oh yes, you can still, believe me ”come your fingers, stroke and scratch over the Venus hill together with your tongue bring the fabric to drip. Nadja is so incredibly wet.

“Please … I … I … run ..

from… ooouuuhhh ”she moans chopped while tongue and fingers are mercilessly continued. Nadja bulges the lower body towards the mouth, rubs her shame on his face, the wet fabric of the pants rubs over his nose. With his tongue he strengthens the pressure on her clit, a partial orgasm gives her relief.

But immediately he pulls her cyclists down and begins the game on her bare hot lust grotto.

Again, she screams, beg for mercy when his tongue skilfully rubs the hot and damp lips, pluck his lips on her labia and suck. Then he lets two fingers slide into her wet heat. Nadja presses against her fingers, wants to feel her deeper, begs for more. The two fingers squeeze deeply, start the circular game, grate and stimulate, then glide out again, to irritate the area directly at the entrance, then push back to three, stretch out, fill out.

Then slide out completely to make the tongue, which drilles into it pressively. Nadja whispers, gasps, moves wildly back and forth, snaps at air as the mouth starts to suck on her shell, the tongue plays in her. The wet fingers now rub the swollen pearl, press and rub gently. “I ..

Hold … that … not .. more ..

Long from … mmmmmmhhnn … “

The mouth moves higher again, sucks on the clit, lets the tongue play there, while four fingers do targeted movements there, hunting the electric shocks through Nadja’s entire body.
Glowing lava flows burn them from the inside as they are waiting for redemption. But he holds her down, plays with her, excites her with the Finger and build up more and more pressure. Nadja fills up like just before the explosion, even higher this excitement can no longer be increased.

At that moment he lies down on her and she feels how his excited gender rubs on her clit and the labia. She wants to feel it now, now wants everything from him, stretches his lower body, spreads it Legs far apart so that the swollen reddened gender is open to him. Glittering stripes run down on their legs. Slowly he places himself between her legs, rubs on her pink cherry with the tip of his limb.

Again it turns through it, she screams, the first one orgasm hunt through your body. Then finally he penetrates her … In front of Nadja’s eyes exploded colorful stars when she feels how he fills her, rubs into her, only slowly and faster and repelled.

It is like a bubbling volcano, filled with boiling magma, into which its limb pushes again and again. She presses towards him, moaning uncontrollably, winds, whimpering under the touch of his hands.

Again and again and again in her, her inner muscles cling to his gender, try to capture it, he pulls, on the other hand, the friction burns it almost, makes it a single glowing organism. And then, then she feels how the first waves approach, only slowly, but then strike at a blow, it is torn away from exploding heat, sounds away, while one orgasm follows the other. He does not give peace, pushes further into her glowing body, hunts it from one climax to the next until she collapses exhausted and weakened. Your last whispered words questions about his name.

“I am called Erokarma, I am a personification of your sexual joys …“Nadja doesn’t hear more, his smiling face blurs and makes a comprehensive welcome blackness space.

Nadja tears the shrill whispering of the alarm clock out of sleep. Erik turns to the other side and brum-Melt something about work later. She is in bed next to her husband. She looks at the bed in astonishment, her sleeping man.

Then a grin drives over her face, she just dreamed everything. That a dream can be so realistic … shaking his head she goes into the bathroom. The hot water drives the last brain brushes, freshly showered and dressed neatly, it leaves it again and goes into the kitchen.

But the coffee is not finished on time today the jug is not to be found. On their way through the living room, a golden sunbeam breaks in a glass shard. Nadja kneels down in astonishment. A big coffee stain is in the carpet.

And the shards that lie in the corner clearly come from the coffee pot. Slowly Nadja’s gaze glides up, sees through the balcony door into the sky, which is colored dark red through the sunrise. Slowly the outline of a blackish shape fades, dissolves like a hasty fog in the wind. And on her ear the wind drives a whispered word, sailing and gliding it penetrates her brain: “Erokama”.

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