Dirty quickie in the car | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I whirled my head around slightly panicked, looked to the left and to the right … “Everything is fine,” I said myself. “You can still go back …”. But I didn’t really want that … my hands sweated … I reached into the glove compartment and took out a pack of handkerchiefs. My hands trembled so strongly that I didn’t get the pack with my fingers, which is why I just bite into the plastic tapper with my mouth and the pack of. The handkerchiefs tumbled out and fell on my lap.

What a sight … I looked around through the windscreen of my car, whether someone had seen me … but there was nobody … wait … yes … a woman with dark hair turned around the corner. The wind blew violently and her dark hair whirled around her face as if they played with the secret of her face. Her red lips looked like a strong red rose in the middle of a burnt field covered by ash. She was wearing a black leather jacket that was so tight that she almost snapped her waist.

However, their breasts came into their own even more, as if they were popping out of their body. She stopped in the middle of the parking lot, opened her jacket so far that her naked decorative was exposed and slowly turned in a circle. “It has to be,” I said. I once gave light. She turned her head and looked in my direction. I tentatively stretched my arm up, he felt like he was out of lead and waved in her direction with a shaky hand.

A smile emerged on her face and she booted off. Your high -hooky shoes keep all over parking spot against and I had the feeling that 1000 eyes watched me and condemned me … but there was nobody … only me, my car … and you. 2 meters, then she was on the car … you can still drive, just turn the key over, press the clutch and gas and you are away … but while I was still thinking, she had already opened the door and swung her first leg into mine automobile.

A suspenders flashed out under her skirt and before I knew it was sitting next to me in the car. Immediately a breeze of her perfume blew towards me … it smelled so well … and I noticed that I alone erection got. We looked at ourselves briefly and then her view of my lap fell… “You started without me?“She asked with a grin. The handkerchiefs! I had the handkerchiefs that I liked on my step not cleared away ..! I felt how I started scarlet red … “I … wanted … had..Hands … handkerchiefs … and … and … ” -” Very quiet … “, she said.

“Why are you so excited?”. I was silent and looked at the ground … “My girlfriend is not allowed to know anything about it … I love her, but …”. Her grin became wider: “Don’t worry, I swallow cocks as well as secrets. “She said with a wink. Suddenly I felt her handle on mine tail. I was so absent and at the same time on her ruby -red lips that I hadn’t even noticed how she knotted my pants with my right hand during the short conversation and got my cock out.

“Hmm …”, I groaned. She massaged my cock in such rhythmic movements as if her hand and my cock dance tango. “It is getting bigger and bigger … should already be on the 20cm …”, they bit themselves on the lower lip. I looked at her on the bare decor. Should be around 85c. Little beads of sweat shone on their breasts like the morning dew in a meadow in the early fog. “And your girlfriend probably won’t get it, hm? What a Jammer around the beautiful cock … “.

“No …” I say. “Hm?“, She looked at me confused. “No … it’s not that she couldn’t tame him, but …”, with a jerk I grab her neck, pack her head and throw it on my lap. My cock bores so deep into her mouth that I feel her trachea. “… I am the one who cannot tame his cock, it is he who directs me!!! And he needs it harder!!!“I captured her bush of hair on the back of the head while I kept pushing my cock into her mouth.

She roared, saliva dripped out of her mouth and ran over my cock. Then I tore up your head up. Her red lipstick was already smeared and her hair was dismantled. But I saw it in her eyes: she liked it. “So that’s how it is …” she said. She pushed her skirt up and exposed her shaved one pussy. “Well then come …” – “No”, I replied, “you’re not finished yet. “With a lustful smile, she sank her face back in my lap.

Her tongue played around my glans like a carousel and her lips pressed hard on my cock. I leaned back satisfied, didn’t think anymore my girlfriend Or any observer. I was in the here and now and this horny bitch from Xhamster is sucking my cock as if it were a lollypop. With my right hand I drove her back along her, past that ass and felt after her pussy. She was soaking wet.

But I didn’t want her pussy … I took some of the damp water on my fingers and pushed my hand back, to her little hole, and without waiting I pushed my index finger in. She groaned loudly and was now even tighter on my cock. I pushed the middle finger right away and at the same time she devoured my cock to the stop to suppress her own groan. Her pussy dripped my whole seat, what a mess … Suddenly her mouth let off my cock from the bracket handle and her head appeared again from my lap.

“I want your cock in my ass … please!”. I nodded. Your eyes shone. And she already sat on me and slowly introduced my cock into her asshole. They bit so much on the lower lip that it started to bleed. I tore up her leather jacket, took out her breasts from the push-up. Massive, thick, yet plump udder in which I sank my face. I bite her slightly in her nipple and she cried out with lust.

Then she started riding me, faster and faster, my cock literally disappeared into her ass. Her pussy dripped with moisture that she had already chopped my whole stomach. “Turn around,” I ordered her and she did as her. Now she smashed her ass on my lap in reverse riding position, more and more violent and faster. I reached her hair from behind, kept her tightly in the neck like a wolf who torn a lamb, bends on the neck and does not want to give his prey.

My cock vomited in her ass and I noticed how I was board member. With a jerk I threw her forward onto the steering wheel, pressing her so much that her breasts press on the horn. The horn sounded in the entire parking lot and at the same time I filled her ass with my load with a strong push. We stayed in this position for another minute, then she swung back onto the passenger seat. “Huuh …” she groaned, “that was good.

We should repeat that on occasion … “. “Yes, we should,” I replied with a satisfied grin. “Should I drive you home?”, I asked. “Not necessary. I’m not far from here. “She opened the door and got out. “Ciao Nancy,” I said. She turned around. “Ciao Chris,” she said with a wink and wavered …

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