The teacher of life | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

out of the network

rosette freak

“Where was my ..? Crap … of all things!… my red music book … “

I was clearly too unfocused lately … too forgetful … little things … but still … it piled up … well, the preparations for high school … this class was a bit difficult … Well, they would all do it … somehow … somehow ..

It was not due to private problems … no … With Sidney I was clearly happy … after a relatively long row of wrong grips, a reliable man finally … sensitive, considerate, tender …

Well, he hadn’t studied … that was simply not possible from home, although he would have had the potential for graduating from high school and studying … for sure … 4 children … he was the oldest … for him it was a matter of courseTo do an apprenticeship for middle maturity to earn his own money as soon as possible … he was just guilty of his mom … so he had explained it to me … his father just cleaned the plate … He was just 14 back then …The new of his dads was 18 years younger than his mom … When he was old enough to understand it, his mom explained to him in her typical laconic tone for her: “Oh, you know, sid, I had 4 childrenThe part-time job in the supermarket, because in the evening I just didn’t feel like with your father … well, you already know … and on weekends? The usual program for the woman: cooking, washing, ironing … and then I should go off like Liz Taylor at night in her best days … and also look so much …, oh sid, hopefully you will be different if you become a manare…”

And fortunately, sid was actually different. No, he was not a fabric softener. He certainly represented his point of view and interests towards me;Also in sexual terms … but he had an ear for nuances … he could distinguish when my “no” was breathed, a subtle request not to stop with his tenderness now, and when I actually thought “no”.

He did not feel intellectually understood because he was “only” the freight forwarder and I teacher for German and history at a high school in a small German town on the Main.

“Oh, Linda, dear, title … everything sound and smoke … We all go into the box with nothing … Until then, we should see that we are reasonably nice to deal with our fellow human beings … of course only if you deserve it …”

“And how about me ..? I deserved it ..?”

I put my most seductive smile on in such situations.

“Well, that depends … whether you wear something nice under this dress ..?”

“What would you find nicely ..?”

I pulled my dress up a little and showed him my new black suspenders.

“Hey, sweet, I think I could find that nice … more than nice even …”

The excitement in his voice could not be ignored.

“Maybe you could have a little more to me ..?”

“But sure, smaller … I think I still have something very exciting for you …”

My new black panties … with an opening in a not very unbearable position ..

“Wow, Linda … You really have never had anything like that … That really knocks me around …”

“Cut around?… I was hoping that it would build you … at a very specific important place … “

The structure was already in full swing … The bump in Sids pants could hardly be overlooked … good! Very good! A little more tutoring with my skillful hands and my tongue … it would be a great number ..

Very soon I would with Sidney in the ?he “land. I loved it in this way … nothing … almost nothing brought me to frenzy so quickly … pampering each other with tongue and lips … and then the actual act … aaahhh, … Waaahnsinn ..

Sidney also loved this Vaiante … and he was incredibly clever ..

“Yeah, honey, … Schöön, … don’t forget my poritis … Aaahhh, you are such a fantastic tasty … Yeah, your tongue in my asshole, … just wonderful … put your fingers in my pussy, …… so Schööön, … “

He really liked to lick me … We notice something like that … very quickly … technology, endurance … everything in secondary importance … we want to feel the man we do with me … with skin and hair … with pussy and butt … and sidneyI liked me in this way … with every tongue, with every touch it was clearly felt ..

He felt it exactly like that … while he spoiled my pussy and ass, I got it to his cock and eggs according to all the rules of brass and lollipodel … He had spread his legs wide … I spoiled his stiff cock in my mouthSensitive area underneath with my tender hands … I knew that would make him half insane with lust … Occasionally I went even more bold … Simply because the lust went through with me … I licked his asshole … put a finger in there …”Linda, … you sweet horny bitch … I can’t … Aaaahh …” And he was already injecting a huge load of his delicious sperm in my greedy mouth … mhhmm, … he just tasted delicious ..

We mostly came to fuck anyway … a second round was not a bigger problem for SID (and of course for me) … On the contrary: if he came properly, it took a long time until his second finish … and that was something of meRight…

Well, occasionally it didn’t work and his cock rose into my hot greedy mouth after a discharge no longer to be full of splendor and size … and???… we liked ourselves and just liked to do it … in short: in the bed and not only there I harmonized with Sidney pretty perfect … that was good for me … incredibly good … especially after the shitty experience with Werner ..

Werner… Erlogean-Schmensleichermaricheric realmobile broker … We had been together for almost 2 years … He developed strange tendencies … At first it was not noticeable to me ….At least not immediately … Much a woman doesn’t want to see either … the pink glasses … you just come to terms with a lot … You think it would just be part of it … you don’t want to be considered a prudish … and finally … what if he isthat with another fetches??? Instead of saying: “Hey, that doesn’t fit me now … please leave it … no, that brings me nothing …” We often take part … let ourselves be in certain variants … imperceptible, very subtle, it changes our sexuality …We adapt to our respective parner … often so much until we share his inclinations and preferences, … preferences that we could never imagine ever have them ..

Werner and the whores… his addiction to the puff scenario,..the puff in your own bedroom ..

First of all, I see it as an amusing and attractive game … whether I wasn’t even dirty dirty whore Could do for him ..???

Well, why not ..? Okay, supposedly we all dream of it … in reality it is probably more like this: the guys dream we would dream and find it exciting ..

Through my girlfriend Clarissa, who works with whores, who want to get out–very few succeeds;At least not in the long run;I know about the misery of this job … … but as a little teasing game for my Werner … okay, … why not ..?

The first time … well, if I am very open even the first 3 role -playing games as a whore, I find myself very attractive ..

Werner turned our bedroom into a brothel … red curtains … red light … corresponding utensils, whip, chains, clips, on the walls … cheap pin-up posters ..

I in stilettos, which reached me up to half over my thighs … lingerie … The usual stuff ..

“Well, sweet, blow without rubber, … we can talk about that … had to put a little bit on it … Come smaller, … I suck your magnificent dick du you have a huge tail;I see something like that, after all I am a professional;I have to know, not ..?… but not fuck without is, okay?… … “

My nasty lecture- I master the vocabulary surprisingly quickly and a little even brings me on touring- werner is crazy about lust ..

He gives me the coal … a game … even an exciting game … until then ..

“Yes, coal, … that’s all you are interested in ranging sluts … but you will show you a shit hooker … I will get you really well … show you what a real man is … you will come … the first timeYou will come in your whores’ life … “

You mean goodness … well, if it makes him sharp ..

Then there is a wild fucking … The final always looks the same … I always have to be the same … I scream, sob, moan, claw my fingernails in his back … Zapple like an eel..

“Aaaaahh, … oohhh, … finally … finally a engraver who knows how to take me … sooo geiiil … I come, … aahh,..´Mir come, … you horny you stalled … “

Werner always has a huge departure … accompanied by all sorts of clever lectures ..

“I knew you damned, horny whore … if you first had a good cock in your cunt … not these dairy boys, who cumshot when you manage … now you finally get a real man, what ..?”

You dear God … the freepers led to the women ..? How often during the day ..? Pseudo-birds were probably bad enough, but also this completely brain-tearing chatter ..? Terrible ..

At first I can keep the coal and should buy something nice for my “whore wages” ..

Suddenly he wants the money back … Okay too, we have a common household budget … then he demands for the number, I should pay him … For the fact that he got it so well to a dirty whore ..

So, that is clearly too far for me … to talk to him sensibly, however, is difficult … In addition: A normal tender lovemaking without the whores’ lecture is no longer possible for a long time … that just doesn’t make it anymore …Nothing more with him … and I … what do I do ..? I automatically play the dirty hooker more and more … no, that has to change, but it doesn’t ..

One evening his cell phone rings … ne SMS for him … he is in the shower … In such situations we take each other the calls of the other … this is so agreed … In addition: Werner often gets short -term appointments to visit a property ..

With the SMS said it is about something completely different ..

“Hi, Werner, Schatzi, … were you wild again yesterday … and soooo generous … I’m looking forward to Friday … you give your evil girl a lot of whip, yes?… your favorite horse in the club … Chantal … Bussi … “

“Horse?“I think I would have just kicked me!!!

Werner in the shower … I give him his cell phone without a word … my gaze demands an explanation … immediately ..

He turns out to be a pig … as a total pig ..

“Linda, as if you were starving … you just don’t have that … you just don’t bring that … not really … not really right … it’s so, baby …”

I almost scratch the eyes … he saves himself with a towel with a towel the naked-ins covered staircase ..

I am hurt … so hurt … this damn asshole!!!… I stupid cow … why did I have the whore number done with me for so long ..???

I take the deformation of my sexuality into the relationship with Sidney … our first night … it’s nice … it is tender … very tender … now unusual tenderness ..

Suddenly he pauses ..

“What is, sidney ..?”

“Hey, Linda, Süse, you know what you just asked me ..? What did you say…?”

I don’t have the slightest idea ..

It was the usual Werner Gestmmel… “Belory of your dirty little horny horny whore…”

I start crying, … I’m afraid, Sidney would go immediately and couldn’t come back ..

But no … he keeps me in his arms … we talk … all night … it is good … so good … so good ..

Sidney brought my sexuality back to normal … I loved him for that … too ..

Professionally, I had put a lightning career … With just over forty I was on the go to the principal ..

The usual talk … especially among oh so tolerant educators … yes, the left -liberals ..

I probably earned that on the mattress … with some older gentlemen from the high school office … Otherwise, this career at this age was probably not to be explained ..

In addition my Ausseres … I did not find that I was overrun … shoulder -length brown hair, brown eyes … tits? Legs? butt?… Oh, everything in a rather normal framework, in my opinion … I had never thought about it … Wasn’t necessary … I came to average with men at an early stage … The usual lovesickness in puberty … The usual tentative gamesIn the car … the nervousness … the disappointment after the first time … and that should have been everything ..?…For this reason…?… oh dear heaven … I really enjoyed sex in my early 30 … but the man for life hadn’t been there yet ..

Somehow strangely designed the whole … male sexuality … female sexuality … at an age when men think and can think about pretty much nothing, our interest and orgasm ability is not yet so pronounced … And when we get to the tasteThe gentlemen again after … albeit very slow … but the cycle is kind of strangely opposite … if you are lucky, you will meet at a certain age in the middle ..

Sidney,..The man forever ..?…Perhaps…

My clothes? Appropriately, as I found … I didn’t go to my charms … at least not on duty … but some men only see what they want to see … there is nothing to be done ..

Prejudices … gossip and gossip, also-grade under educator … One day I will involuntarily witness ..

I just come out of the school canteen, want to bend around the corner towards the teacher room, my clasp falls out of my hair, while bending I hear voices in front of me ..

“…Really…?, The M … has a colored ..? Sidney … so it’s en neg … sorry, colleague s, a bimbo ..? Is that possible,…? Is that still politically correct?… or rather more colored ..?”


“Oh, colleague N …, we don’t take it all exactly during the break, or, my gentleman?… we are among us … so I would say Bimbo, that’s still in the frame, … against it: With Negro you have to be a little careful these days? “Anti -Discrimination Act” or “Equal Opportunities Act”? What does that mean again??? And the whole new -fashioned circus … soon you can no longer dare … you have to ask the anti -discrimination officer before you look at a colleague on your butt … “

Again laughter ..

“Yes, the” Frauenouote “, … oh, it used to be all easier …”

“I am very for the” women’s quota “, especially in …”

“Ha, ha, ha, … exactly, Mr. colleague, I already know what you want to go …”

It’s about me … about my relationship with Sidney … that much is clear … I am ashamed to give myself a little, but I stop standing and listening … and what I get to hear in the episode, I don’t like …not at all…

“Hey, … a bimbo … but it has to be necessary … so in this regard, not?… we all know this neg … um … this black …, black, Mr. colleague, it works?… does that work too ..?”

“Sure, safe … goes … also … also, we here below us … afterwards, in the conference, you just have to be careful again, what you say … but we are flexible, not ..?”

“Exactly exactly”

“So, the m, … I would like to walk into it in the moonlight … I have already thought about going a little bit on cloth at the next company outing, but if you have a neg … um … it will be bimbo… … “

“Oh, … there is none there that it would disturb, colleague S, … so, the M has a negro … let’s just say it, not ..? Negro … you are somehow used to the expression, not ..? So, of course we are not biased … we have nothing against … “

“No, no, … of course not …”

“So, colleague s, I think you can forget that with the M, … if a white bimbo whip in it, then it is lost for ours … that doesn’t matter …”

“Really…?… so it’s true ..? The bim … the negroes are in this regard … but probably only in this regard, not?…in advance…?… I mean, everything else … let’s just look at Africa, … decades of development aid …Billions … and still … sad conditions in these countries, not ..? Probably missing … Well, let’s say … German characteristics … discipline … roll up the sleeves and so … well, everything that has just made us an export world champion … no wonder … if they are also overdiders day and night with their pimplesGreat Schw … but for the women concerned, that’s sure to be something of … “

Sch … I’m so angry!… the usual prejudices that apparently cannot be dismissed out of the world ..

Sidney was much more relaxed ..

“Oh, Linda, dear, what’s the point?… Sure, we come out of the bush, have the biggest straps ever and you only want a negro cock if you had it in it … The usual nonsense … and? What should I do against it…? Laugh about it, of course … prejudices always arise in the head … and out of ignorance … because you don’t know the other … This also applies to sexual stereotypes … Look, years ago there was a sharp one … and why?… she just wanted to try it with a black man … since her best friend had banged with you … we would go off very differently … all stupid stuff … this idea also arises in the minds of women … that doesn’t have much with realityto do…”

I envied Sid for his casualness in dealing with these things … however … he too … he has his prejudices … lesbians … this is his clamp … he has a lock in his head … he understands it when we discuss it, but he still hasa quirk ..

The teaching staff … s, the English teacher, of all people wanted to go to my laundry … this hypocritical moral apostle ..

“It just takes over … you haven’t noticed that yet?… the smooches in the corners … and the other day … 3 weeks ago … this … this extremely embarrassing incident in the gym … Who were the two of them ..? The poor cleaning lady … the unfortunate woman P, she almost got a heart attack … no, no, Ms. Ms. M, … you take it all too lightly, … clearly … “

“Colleague S, … The persons of the incident you mentioned are all over 18 … You dear heaven … these are young people … In addition, that much did not happen that afternoon … The two of them viewed their mistake …”

“It happened enough, colleague … in my opinion more than enough … You know my motto: defend the beginning! I am very consistent … it doesn’t work otherwise … only a clear line helps … “

With steadfastness, in moral things, it was not far from ..

That had become clear to me on our last year … 3 days and 2 nights in a nice pension in the Eifel ..

I can only fall asleep without sid next to me and I also forgot my “toy for on the go” … Shit … So get out in the hallway towards the smoking room ..

“I will show you, you ranged bitch … there … and there … and again …”

“Outch … Auuuaa …”

“What…? That hurts you ..? My goodness, and you want a good slave, be … you are not good for … and there … “

The clapping of a whip on a butt ..

“Auuaaa … but it’s cool … more, biiitte..More … I want … I need a lot more … Please, Lord, … “

“Well, that sounds better, you bitch … show the tits …”

“Out … but shot, more, … pull more … Biiitte … much firmer … aua … yes, … Schööön …”

The door is only based … my curiosity wins … of course ..

Frauke B, neat French teacher, confident, married since ..? Well, at least for a long time, … lies on the bed … handcuffs … she wears some latex stuff … rivet collar … weights on the nipples … the oh so moral gentleman s … and how … next to him a whip… he wears black leather clothes and a cap … He reminds me of Al Pacino in the classic “Cruising”, with the difference, s gets it to a woman and no gay ..

“Fuck D … Fuck me now ..? Biiitte … I need it so much … “

“Bitch … what you still need here I and no one else … if you make bitching, I will be your old time, what kind of he has actually married …”

“Neiiin … please not, … that would be …”

“Lies all alone, bitch … okay, I’ll give you an opportunity … but woe, you embarrass me again in the club to the bones like the other day … then the oven is final … after a double-decker fuck andAfterwards, just 3 cocks in the ass in a row and a few steamers who have waxed you on your tits, ask for a break … and you want to be a decent fuck piece?… well, but I’m used to something else … strictly strictly gave you a little … give yourself a little effort … “

Ne S/m relationship between 2 colleagues … is their beer … are grown up ..

2 weeks ago … the incident on the ladies’ toilet … that was worse … much worse … and my role was not the best … on the contrary ..

S carefully and attentively carefully and attentively supervises Petra L, the English trainee, … a nice, extremely external blonde … she is considered a bit strictly among the students … well, probably the usual uncertainty that she tries to overplay through strict … that was at the timeI wasn’t much different either ..

However, what I will involuntarily become an ear witness this Thursday afternoon, that’s already ..

“Now do it, … finally take it in my mouth and blase me properly, … it will soon ..? Or do I have to send you an extra invitation for ..? On, take my hard strap nicely in your horny lollo, … do it … “

S … clearly ..

“… but … Peter … auaaa, … why do you pull me to … auuaaa …”

“Hey, you bitch, … I allowed you to duke me ..?… can’t remember it … well, I will be able to manage you bitch … let’s go … blow … “

“But here…?… if someone comes now ..?… ne colleague ..?”

“And…? Then I will say that you horny luder went to my pants in the corridor … of course I fought back … but finally … I’m just a man … well, you want a good rating, not?… so do something for it … do it … “

Suction lips … clearly ..

My goodness … This Petra L can’t be so stupid to believe that it could ..

Professional progress through sexual favors … a relic from past times ..? Apparently not yet ..

I have to do something … I have to intervene ..

I don’t do it … my possibilities on the position of the principal … there would be a investigation … for sure … very uncomfortable the whole ..

Sometimes the blouse is closer to us than the skirt … I failed at the time ..? Certainly ..

Quite different from 23 years ago … the rape … my almost rape ..

I jog in the evening at the lake … the darkness slowly breaks in ..

I’m not anxious … usually not..

But lately there have been sexual attacks against young women in our area … approximately by the wayside, which I regularly run ..

The cyclist behind me … I am mentally prepared … everything goes very quickly … the guy lets his bike fall … pulls me down the embankment … he wears a hood … my judo helps me..I pull his mask down..half just, but it is enough to recognize him … our caretaker ..

I am filing a complaint … my parents are against it … “y” is related to the landlord … the apartment is cheap … and in general: the talk ..

I shit … such pigs belong to me!!!

The process … memorable … The wanker was a simple mind … He read that all women would dream of rape … he just wanted to fulfill us, so to speak ..!… just because we are very easy!-Dreaming that occasionally does not mean that does not mean … a man can be so stupid … yes!… “Y” it proves…

Tumult in the courtroom in the courtroom ..

“Cock off …”

To save the men, I have to say that many in the hall were outraged as the women present … after all … after all ..

We will soon change … the talk ..

“Maybe she didn’t want it ..? She has always been a bit early, not ..?… must be the jogging pants so tight … Hautensg ..?”

Back then I was conscious and had done the right thing … but today?… the view of the transportation ..

I don’t do anything … stop and listen to ..

“… what’s the point, hey ..?… I can jerk off myself … mouth and blow, it will soon ..?”

This pig … this chauvinistic pig ..

Gossip … a slight slap in the face … clearly ..

“I maybe allowed you bitch to look into my eyes?… look at the tail and only on it, okay?… concentrate exclusively on my cock, okay?… well … aaahhh … Guuut … not so bad … Suck on, bitch …, go, turn around before I get into your mouth … rock up … show me your horny butt … yes that is good …very nice…”

“… Au … what do you do … what do you do ..?”

“Well, what … I’ll fuck you in the ass … you like that …”

“No Please not,..Auaaa … “

“Hey, … that was just my thumb … and already bitches … so girls, … that has to get better … come, … relax your butt …”

“No … please … I’ve never had it …”

“What kind of fairy tales do you want to serve me ..?… such a horny ass and never want to have had one in it ..?… you can tell your hairdresser … you can also let it fuck about how ..? … I bet you let you miss a horny ass fuck every night … with such a butt it can’t be otherwise, little … so, let it go … go on … “

“Auuaaa …”

S has to push his strap into her butt without hesitation … such a pig … Petra L is not fun … clearly not ..

“Aaahhh, … what a nice tight ass …”

Your quiet whimper can be heard … for this beautiful variant of lovemaking, Petra L is probably lost forever after this shitty experience ..

I don’t do anything … I don’t do what I should actually do in this situation ..

I leave the women’s toilet … When I go out, I still hear how it sprays his load in Petra LS Darm with a pork grunt … this damn pig ..

All of this goes through my head as I, almost on the car, noticeable, my music book is missing … my bag … I always check it only on the car … so, back to room 424 in 4.OG, … crap … I would come too late to date with SID … He hated to wait ..

This Abitur class is a case for itself … everyone has already turned a round of honor … at least one … all over 18 … but this time they would make it … everyone … and it looked pretty good with it … except at … at TimmyAnd Monika … well, … young love … they had other things in mind than … somehow understandable, but … they had to concentrate a little on the fabric now … after that they could be 24 hours a day …young…

In front of room 424 … I have the door handle in my hand … but what ..?… Timmy and Monika … clearly their voices … but according to learning for history it somehow doesn’t sound like … rather … they wouldn’t be in the classroom ..?

Quiet, I open the door very carefully and look into it ..

Timmy and Monika … they just learn for life ..

“Timmy, leave that. Not here, please, I don’t like that. Not here. When someone comes, then..That would be really embarrassing.”

“Don’t be like this, Moni. That’s exciting. That’s the kick just about it. The possibility, caught to become. In the park and in the cinema you don’t stand up like that.”

“Yes, yes, but here, that’s something else. If a teacher comes now?”

“I’ll come right away when you wander me so well. Slower. Ah, Moni, come, finally take it in your mouth. Blow it to me. Suck him off nicely.”

After social studies and preparation for the Abitur it didn’t look like it, but it was an exciting sight.

Timmy’s jeans were completely pulled down. His tail firmly surrounded by Moni’s right hand. The villain had a pretty part. No XL format, but quite neat.

Timmy of all people, who, at least at first glance.

So far always one of the best, calm, ambitious, girls rather reserved compared to.

He was currently in his world pain phase. Saw everything gray, constantly quoted camus, sartre and others.

However, his achievements had significantly decreased in the past few months. Very atypical for him. He was unfocused, tremendous, not on the matter, briefly connected in his answers. Questions about the causes he deviated.

Now I knew the cause. Monika. The girl was quite a reason to put the school and everything else at the back.

Monika r.,Daughter from a good house, new -rich parents who imagined a lot on their social status and constantly intervened at the school management when they saw their daughter disadvantaged regarding the grading regarding the grading.

What they saw very often, to the dismay of the teachers.

However, Monika had nothing from her parents’ class of class. A nice uncomplicated young woman who was easy to awaken sympathies.

Well, maybe she was not the guy, descending on the boys immediately. A little too slim. Not thin, but with a little little “in front of the hut”.

Many probably did not dare to approach them at all, which was clearly due to their parents.

“A good game”, that was what she was in mind for her daughter.

And Timmy was certainly not a “good game” in the sense of Moni’s parents.

But his lümmel was not to be scoffed at. I could understand Monika.

The two had recently come closer. I noticed that.

“Now finally take off the puli completely. Let me go to your horny tits.”

Timmy fumbled extensively under Moni’s sweater, massaged her right breasts, groaned under her firm movements.

Small, very small breasts, which, however, matched Monika’s entire appearance.

Affair? First tender gang? Nothing was known. She seemed to have or had no one with anyone. At least with no one from your school. Until recently. Close familiarity with Timmy

And now she knelt between Timmy’s legs, on the right his strap in his hand, quickly and firmly rubbing him.

“Now do it. In the mouth!”

Timmy pushes its Beckern in the highest excitement. His stiff tail in front of Monis lips.

It gives way back.

“No, Timmy, that’s me …”

She rubs the tail violently. Too fierce. It won’t be long at Timmy for a long time.

“Oh, shit. why not? All girls blow their cocks their friends. This is completely normal.Only you make such bitches. This is also horny for girls, believe me.”

“But I’m not all, Timmy. Each blows the tail of her boyfriend? How many have already blown you? Shit, Timmy, if only for … “

Moni lets go Timmy’s cock.

“Sorry, Moni, Darling, was not meant so. I love you. It’s just like that … you have already put him in your mouth. Already often. Why … why do you do it so rarely?”

“Because you’re too violent! And then your quick spraying! This is … I don’t like that!”

So Timmy quickly went through the hormones when Moni put him in his mouth.

The error was probably on both sides. Moni clearly jerked Timmy too quickly.She lacked the calm, the technology, the playful.

Timmy’s way of moving Moni to blow was not the last conclusion of the wisdom either.

She did it occasionally, for the sake of him without really liking it.

You could well imagine it: a young horny guy who pushes his pipe of the young woman in her mouth and comes too quickly.

A lot of tutoring was still necessary here. With all two.

Moni should definitely learn how much joy it can be to spoil a stiff cock with the mouth according to all the rules of art.

I could certainly do a lot if ..

The thought was absurd! What else did I do here? Close the door quietly, turn around, go and leave the two discreetly: that would be the only correct behavior!

But I didn’t! I could not make it! The sight of the two started to excite me.

My nipples pressed against the bra.

What else would I hear and above all to see?

“Cool! Super beautiful tits, Moni “.

Moni had now moved out of her puli. Small fixed tits came out.

“Way too small. Others have … “

“Nonsense, sweetness. I stand on your boobs! I drive off completely! Yeah, that’s … “

The tail in the hand now Moni drove over her breasts, attracted Timmy’s glans with her delicate nipples.

Look, the little one had a lot on it.

“Let’s finally fuck! Come on, finally pull off the skirt and climb me! Riding on me. Do … or, even better, let the skirt with you and just pull off your panties! Finally come!”

“Also fuck? Here? No, that’s me … “

“Then at least do it yourself while you’ll take me down one. Come on yourself. Touch yourself. Get between your thighs! Jerk off. That turns me on animal.”

“Timmy …”

“It makes you horny too. The idea that someone could get us. Give too! Come. Lay on the desk and make your legs wide. How about a game? You are the teacher and you are pimped by a student. Well, how about? Do not make you this idea too? That gives you wet.”

“The teacher? Look at, someone is cool to fuck his teacher and I thought you only like me, you stupid … “

“I do too, Moni. I like you, baby. I love you and only you, but of course I also think … that’s just sexual, baby. Only plays in the head. You probably also have other cocks in your head when we drive. At least at least, not? You can tell me calmly. It’s okay. I will even turn me on. I get it even better to you. Say, Moni, give a teacher stallion that you would like to have in it?”

“You are perverted, Timmy.”

“Oh, nonsense, … slower, moni, otherwise, …”

Timmy was short of cumshot.

Moni just rubbed too violently. There was still a lot of room for improvement, regarding their technology.

Undecided to blow him or not, her head moved, but pulled back shortly before the bright red glans.

“No! I don’t think of something like that. At least not to a teacher.”

“Then maybe to a teacher. Do you do it with women too, Moni? Have you ever with a woman? With one of your friends? Maybe with Miranda? You are always related? All girls occasionally do it..”

“Idiot! It is you who fantasized here by other women. Also from his teacher. Speaking of. Which should I play? Which should I be? Which one would you like to fuck?”


“Linda? You already call her Linda? You already call them the first name? Our history teacher? Runs there … “

“Ms. S … only in my dirty dreams I call her Linda.”

So Timmy was up to me. And that has long been. In any case, he could hide it well. I hadn’t noticed anything in this direction yet.

He thought of me as he drove it with Moni.

Would you do it? The rollplay? Moni would be “Linda” ..

Wildly dreamed of orgies with my students (and schoolchildren) I had had for years.

But implement it, that would never have come to my mind.

It was pretty tight 3 years ago .


The boy was incredibly shot into me.

This conditionless worship paired with touching inexperience and helplessness.

In the Landschulheim. Nearly. But I had mastered myself.

I was too responsible.

Til today.

Timmy dreamed of doing it wildly with me. The idea … I take the crotch.

“Aaahh …”

“Timmy, there is someone!”

“Nonsense! Do not steer, Moni. Come on, over to the desk. Make me “Linda”! Bend yourself. I stand on your ass!”

“And on mine?”

“On yours too, baby. But Linda’s that is also not … Aahhh, slow. Treasure, otherwise there will be no longer any bird.”

It would certainly no longer happen! Timmy was shortly before the spraying!

“Why Lin … Ms. S.? What has … “

“Oh, somehow everything. Your black costume that she mostly wears. Her glasses. She always looks so mastery. Clever lectures, a bit of intelligence beast, but I bet … the idea of how she is fucking … her lips … I stop at her animal!”

“I look very different from Lin … Ms. S., But if it is … but hurry up, Timmy. If now really someone … I am getting you! Slow, … nice … it’s … Aahhh … I admit it, it also makes me … what is that..? Oh, man, Timmy, now I wanted to fuck and you splash! Do you see how when blowing! Shit, I can’t find that now … “

It was no longer to be stopped. Moni’s violent hand massage did its effect.

When she lets him go to put him in her cunt, Timmy twitched and groaned the rest loudly.

“Aaaahh, a horny departure! That was just too much, darling. You would have earlier … “

“Hey, I’m now to blame that you could get me more?”

“No, Honey, was also a horny number.”

“Sure for you. And what about me?”

Timmy shrugs his shoulders.

“Shit! Typical guy! Hardly any hose, he doesn’t care about anything! But I would also like to get my money’s worth! I very much hope that you will find something, Timmy!”

Very self -confident! Great, Moni!

Suddenly there is nothing of innocence in her face.

Moni licks over his lips, pulls on her nipples, walking your step towards Tommy, looks challenging in his eyes.

“Hey, it takes a while again until he …”

“It doesn’t always have to be fucked, Timmy. It works differently. You stand up … on “Linda”? You couldn’t fuck “Linda”, but you can “Linda” nicely lick your pussy if you like? Do you want to do that?”

Moni lies back on the teacher desk, lifts his legs, spreads the thighs far, her right -wing play fingering with her pleasure bud.

“What is Timmy? Fear of your own courage? Where is your tongue? “Linda” wants to be licked nicely.”

“Moni, what …”

“Linda! I am Linda! Come on, lick me!”

How about Moni as “Linda”? I would recognize something from my reactions in it?

It was completely crazy of mine to still stand at the door, but it was just too exciting.

I am about to enter.

The fright in the faces of the two. Their embarrassment. Their shame.

How would their reactions be, their excuses?

Would they be ready for certain “favors”?

Finally it was about her notes.

Especially Moni … the idea of doing it with her … her innocence ..

They also stood on women or not? What would she dare? What would she allow?

In addition their parents. Influential. A quite scandal. If Monika would confidently know me in the place, report the matter- I would be done professionally for all times.

In addition sidney. I was also able to write it down with absolute certainty.

Nevertheless: it was too tempting.

Besides us three, hardly anyone was allowed to be in the building.

Except Ms. K. In the secretary.

I rub my cunt. Increasingly violent. I wear the black costume that Timmy turns on.

He is now between Monis Schenkel. His tongue drives through her slit.

“Yeah, … that’s how it is, lick me. Slide a finger … Aahhh … “

“You taste fantastic, Moni.”

“Linda! I am Linda! You lick Linda, sweet “

I enter the room.

“Well, if you practice so hardwork, the ABI certainly have no problems …”

Timmy’s head drives around, lips and corners of the mouth already quite damp by Moni’s cunt juice.

Moni raises her upper body from the desk, reaches for her T-shirt, which she does not find because it is still next to the chair in front of which she blown Timmy Grade one.

Her nipples are stiff, her face covered by blush.

“Shit, Timmy, I told you that it goes wrong! Mrs. M …”

“Yes? I hear. I’m looking forward to your explanation.”

I try to put strictness in my voice and outrage in my gaze.

“It was Moni’s idea, Ms. M. Honestly! She went to my pants. Couldn’t wait to home anymore. She was so horny. I didn’t want to, but … “

“I’m sorry, what? So, Timmy, that’s something common of you! Why do you say something like that? I think you love me and now something like that! Mrs. M., It’s not true what Timmy says there was very different. Word of honor.”

“Timmy, who of you both says the truth? That cannot be without consequences, that is probably clear to you both?”

Again strict and outrage in my voice. I take a few steps to the two.

Timmy still kneels in front of the desk. He’s pale with fright. His cock limp.

“After all, it’s about your Abitur grade. To the submission note. And what happened here … “

“Please don’t tell us. Couldn’t put an eye on? I mean, they were also young and … “

“Well, Timmy, you enjoy me! I was young too? That means I am no longer young in your eyes today? I am no longer attractive? So I don’t like that, Timmy! Not at all.”

Timmy gets even paler, starts to stutter.

“No … uhem … Mrs. M.. So have … “

I’m going to take another step towards him and now stand right in front of him.

I briefly raise my skirt and show him a lot of leg.

“Not attractive because of not attractive” Moni can be heard, “he drives fully on her! He’s totally sharp on her. He dreams of how he drives it to them. Very often he does that! He said earlier! And that while I blown one! I think that’s mean! He likes her much more than on me and I think that of Shit! I don’t like that at all! After all, I am his girlfriend and love him.”

“No, Ms. M …”

“Linda, call me Linda, Timmy.”

A surprised but pleased look.

“Real? Hey, I can call her Linda? Hey, really cool! I think it’s totally horny! So, Linda … “

“But only if you finally say the truth, Timmy. Only then can you call me that, and only this afternoon. So how was that here now? Who started with it? Moni went to your pants here in the classroom or … “

“I’m not, Ms. M! He started with it! Found it cool to maybe be caught and now we have the salad!”

“Linda. You too can call me that, Moni, but only if you … “

“… when I say the truth and I do that, wife … um … linda. Word of honor! I swear.”

I stroke moni fleetingly over my shoulder. Little sweet breasts. Your nipples are still standing.

She will allow my touch?

“On, Timmy, help me! Stand to what you did! Man up!”

A quick look at Timmy’s cock.

“Well, there doesn’t seem to be much going on, because of” standing his husband “and so …”

Moni giggles amused.

“Good joke, Linda.”

“Hey, I can soon see you again, you will already see.”

“Well, Timmy, I wouldn’t do it at the moment. In any case, you certainly can’t do it without active support. Not without female support.”

“Support me, Linda? That would be really sharp! Come on, blow me one, linda, baby.”

“Shit, Timmy, don’t talk such a crap!”

Moni is really acidic.

I take Timmy under the chin.

“Linda, baby? Well, how do you feel about me? Are a fairly lash, because your lümmel is so limp.”

Timmy takes his cock and rubs him violently.

“It will definitely be, Linda,.

“You still haven’t answered my question. How was that exactly now? Who started here with the bird?”

“Vögelei? If it had been at least one! If it had happened, Linda: But that’s exactly the problem;Timmy and his quick spraying! It’s always the same with the guy! Not only here in the classroom, but also when we do it at home. If I’m just going to be really sharp, Timmy sprays and … “

“… you have none of it, Moni. poor thing.”

I briefly stroke her through my hair, touch her left chest very fleetingly.

A quiet but clearly audible sigh. It likes Moni. Clearly.

“Not true, Linda! That is due to Moni. She blows me too violently! She jerks me too quickly. I’ll come there … “

“You are mean, Timmy! Do you want to say that I wouldn’t make you good for you? Not wank well? Not blow well? Hey, that’s … “

“Quiet, Moni, treasure, very quiet. And you hold your cheeky mouth, Timmy! Moni doesn’t really make it so bad, except for … “

“Linda, you watched us? You saw how I Timmy … “

“Yes, I have, sweetie, but please don’t tell me, okay? And you don’t either, Timmy? Should that remain our sweet secret? What do you all mean?”

“Linda, you also saw how it came to me? How I sprayed?”

“Yes, I saw Timmy.”

“And? How was I? I sprayed a considerable amount, not?”

“As a quick splash, I wouldn’t show up here, Timmy!”

“Quick splash? But I said it is up to Moni because she … “

“You will probably hold the flap? Moni love you. You should be glad that she does these things with you.”

“Am I too, Linda, but … I would also like to get it better and longer, but it’s just too horny if she jerks and blows me, I just can’t master myself long enough.”

“So I’ll do it well, Timmy?”

“Yes, Moni, you do that.”

Moni falls around the neck of Timmy.

“Thanks honey. I think you love me.”

“Yes, I have, Moni. So, Linda, Moni is right. It was my idea. I found it horny to try it in the classroom. Moni actually didn’t want to and … “

I stroke Timmy over the chest, my voice very close to his ear.

“Nice, you finally say the truth . I want to overlook your misstep. And: yes, you hosed nicely earlier. That was a hot sight. I liked.”

“Real, Linda? Excellent. Hey, thank you.”

“What I didn’t like at all: Moni didn’t get her money’s worth and she was just about wanting to climb you. She just wanted to ride you nicely and you just hose very selfishly. I didn’t think that was nice at all, Timmy. Not beautiful at all.”

“But Linda, I explained why I …”

“Yes, you have that, Timmy, but maybe it makes it better? Does it better for Moni?”

“Great, Linda. Finally someone think of me too!”

“I would say you both have a little problem, but it would be easy to fix. If you, well, let’s say if you would play along? Would you?”

Both nod.

“You don’t have any wrong. Timmy, it is of course frustrating for Moni if you come too early. You can see that, not? You’re a clever boy?”

Timmy nods.

“And- and understand that now, please don’t go wrong, moni- too Timmy is not entirely wrong with what he says . You jerk off and blows his cock too quickly. Too fierce. And at that age it happens pretty quickly with such a treatment for the boys. That is actually completely normal. Hey, Moni, you are actually doing it very well, but: it could be even better. Should I teach you to spoil a tail more slowly? Slow and extensive? Would you like to learn that?”

Moni nods enthusiastically.

“Oh yes, that would be nice, Linda.”

“Right now? Do you want to learn that now? Here on the spot? Here in this classroom?”

“Yes, Linda, extremely happy!”

“And you, Timmy? Do you want to learn to master yourself longer? Here too on the spot in this room?”

“Yes I want to. Especially if you teach me that, Linda. I also get really hard to.”

“Well, sex and effort are actually mutually exclusive, but good. Hey, if you can master yourself for longer, this is not only nicer for Moni, but also more beautiful for you. You will see. You will cum even more intensely. And much more. So, let’s do a little special tutoring lesson? Shall we start?”

“Au yes”, both call synchronously.

“Then sit over the chair, Timmy and make your legs wide apart.”

Timmy’s member half -sleep.

Moni kneels between his legs.

“Moni, such a tail is a sensitive part.”

“Guys and sensitive? Are you quite sure too, Linda?”

“I got it from her cocks, not from …”

“I am sensitive,” protests Timmy loudly.

“Will you finally keep your cheeky mouth? Well, we have that right away! The language will be released immediately.”

I kneel next to Timmy, slowly open my bra and show him my tits. I take my right, then the left chest in my hand, lick nipple that stiffen immediately.

“Well, Timmy, you suddenly say nothing more? You don’t like what you see there?”

Timmy gets stem eyes, his breath goes to a shock way.

“Linda, that’s …”

“I like your tits too, Linda, I may … I mean, I would like to do it …”

“… touch, you think, moni? why not? If you handle it beautifully tenderly.”

“You also like women, Moni? Ay, shit, I laughed at a secret lesbian?”

I put Timmy on the eggs briefly but vigorously.

“Will you be calm and not talk about Moni such a nonsense? Apparently she also likes women and that’s not at all … “

“But she never told me anything about that!”

“Well, you won’t have asked her about it. In addition, women have their secrets, not, Moni?”

Moni nods, strokes my hips, her lips approach my breasts, desire in her eyes.

“Timmy, does not make you the idea of seeing how women are doing with each other? You’ve never seen that before, or for example?”

“Only in porn.”

“And? It excited you there?”

“Yes, was a monkey horn.”

“And why are you upset about it in reality because Moni also likes women? We are dealing with someone who has prejudices against lesbian and/or bisexual women? Are you one of those who believe that a lesbian would only need a decent cock in the jar to get back on the right track? I don’t like such settings at all, Timmy! To be honest, I can’t stand such stupid wankers on death! I’m afraid that your submission note will fall very down.”

“Not true, I have no prejudices about it. I have nothing against them … “

“…Women. Only with your own what?”

“That just surprised me, Linda. I didn’t know that Moni too … “

“I didn’t know how to react to it, Timmy. And I didn’t want to risk it, maybe that’s why you lose you.”

“How often have you already done it with a girl, moni?”

“I don’t say.”

“And with whom, treasure? With one from our class?”

“I don’t betray either.”

“Would you like to learn something, Timmy? Let’s see how 2 women spoil themselves tenderly? It is very exciting for a boy to watch. You’ll see. And: hands away from your cock! We take care of that later. Promised. Your cock will not be forgotten … Come here, Moni, spoils my breasts, very tender, yes? I’m curious to see how you … Yeah, that’s nice, you do that wonderful.”

Moni very close to Linda. Her hands caress Linda’s hips, her tongue flows, circles around the right nipple, her lips suck on it. She spoils Linda’s nuclear courtyard, then her nipple between the thumb and index finger.

“This is … Aah, don’t forget the other, dear, I have 2 of them … Yeah, you do that, Moni.”

Beans, Linda’s pelvis twitches, it comes quickly and violently.

“That was very nice, Moni. I think your Abinote will be very good. And now you have earned a reward, come here, sweet … Timmy! Immediately hands away from the tail, you hear?”

“It’s too horny … I just have to …”

“… leave your hands off the tail! You have to! Hey, look at Timmy, Moni. He has almost become very stiff again without us having done something with his lümmel. I think he liked our idea.”

“Great, Timmy, he’s standing again, my darling. Come on, I’ll do it … “

Linda holds Moni on her hips.

“Come here, you spoiled me so nicely, now it’s your turn, Moni, I want to stroke you too, are your tits …”

“… way too small. I would like to have big boobs as you, Linda.”

“But no, dear, you have a wonderful breast. That’s right, Timmy, not? Your Moni has nice tits and you like her tits, not true?”

“Yes, I do, Linda. Monis Möpse are small, but cool.”

“You like my tits? Really, treasure? Great, and I always thought … “

Moni wants to fall around Timmy again.

“Stay here, little one. My goodness, you are wet sweat. I think you need it very urgently now, not?”

“Yeah, Linda, I’m …”

“… you are totally wet.”

Linda’s hand between Moni’s legs. She rubs her clit violently, puts 2 fingers in her pussy.

“Aaah … yes, … now … that’s … oh, linda … ooohh, as I needed now!”

“Horny, Linda, you made Moni to come. Hey, I’m totally off, it was just too spicy, I have to … “

“Hands away from the cock, Timmy! Woe to you inject before we have edited you! You will only inject again when you have fucked moni well, okay? Think of your ABI, Timmy.”

“Yes. It’s already good, but for a long time I can’t stand it anymore.”

“Well, then we want to start redemption slowly. What do you think Moni?”

“Okay, now show me how I have more of Timmy’s cock. Or, Linda, you might be able to fulfill a wish beforehand?”

“Sure, little, what’s the matter of what?”

“Oh, I don’t really dare to.”

“Is it so bad? So pig? So spoiled?”

“No, I don’t think so, but somehow …”

“Come on, Moni, whisper it in my ear, yes?”

Moni leans into Linda.

“Hey, what do you both whisper? Her checks something? It’s about my cock?it stands again like a one! I thought I would get one blown from both of you? Yes, what’s now? I can’t jerk off? I won’t be sucked either? Yes, what can I do?”

“Keep the flap and be patient! You can, Timmy! And watch us, you can do that too.”

Linda on Moni’s ear.

“Moni, so you want me to …”

“Yes, Linda, that would be really cool.”

“It’s nothing bad, Moni. If you like it, I would be happy to do that. So I should spank your buttocks? You naughty horny girl about the knee? Before Timmy’s eyes? So that makes you incredible?”

“Yes, Linda, that’s … aaah, when I think about it, I have to take my legs back on my legs!”

Moni rubs the cunt violently.

“Ask Timmy if he doesn’t do that with you?”

“I do not dare.”

“Not here and now, but on occasion when you are alone. You can accuse the guys a lot, a lot of things, but they are not clairvoyant. You have to say Timmy what you like and then just make him do it.”

“Maybe there will be action here soon, or how do I see that? My cock is going down again because of the boredom.”

“That will change immediately, Timmy. You’ll see.”

Linda puts Moni over her lap, massages her little solid buttocks and her thighs. Moni sighs.

“And now we want to see how this delightful ass, who feels sooo good, as it looks. High with the skirt, Moni. Aaah, a wonderful and horny sight!”

“Ay, what will that, you two? But looks hot!”

2 violent blows on Monis ass, which immediately reduces.

“So, you couldn’t wait for the naughty bitch and had to go to the tail here in the room Timmy because …”

gossip. gossip. More blows on Monis ass.

“… I was so horny! So hot! Punish me, Linda! Please! get into my bottom! Really firm, Biiitte!”

gossip! gossip! gossip!

Moni’s butt now bright red.

“Yeah … Guuut … it’s even firmer, Linda? Hit really firmly, yes? Oooh, that’s how it is … “

Moni winds up with lindas strikes with lust. Seuzt, screams, her pelvis twitches.

“Oh, you run out nicely, little one! Even more slap on the buttocks? Even firmer?”

“Yes Yes please..Aaah … exactly so, Aah, I get crazy about lust! This is… ooh, I come back, yes ..

“But you will hardly be able to sit tomorrow without being hurt, little one.”

“Doesn’t matter! Now it’s nice! More! Further! Get into my butt again!”

“Craziness!!! You stand on it, to be dragging, moni? I’ll do that with you too, okay? This evening!”

Timmy’s cock is totally stiff again through this demonstration.

“Did you hear that, Moni? You could have had that long ago. And certainly very often if you had told your Timmy. And I wouldn’t do it tonight, Timmy. I think Moni’s butt needs a break, as red as that is now. Or, better: he needs some pats. And Timmy should do it. Come here, Timmy, pampered Monis ass a bit, yes? Carefully caress and kiss.”

Timmy rises with a giant slat, kneels to the left of Moni.

“Hey, you have a nice stiff again! Fine. Come on, I’ll massage it a little.”

“You finally get me down, Linda? Cool?”

“I’ll massage it to you. This is something completely different. That means: I do it when Moni allows me and you caress her buttocks. May I, Moni? I would like to touch Timmy’s cock sooo to hold him in my hand. Oooh, he has become so stiff again. You can look forward to a great fuck, Moni.”

“Make calm, Linda. My Timmy has a nice cock, not?”

“That’s right, he has.”

“If he wouldn’t always inject so quickly! Not that he is right now … “

“… injects, you mean? He will not do that! I watch out for it. In addition: he will be understated, to spray! He has to think of his abi.”

“Do it, Linda, I’m so hot. Wichs-hermic massage finally my cock!”

I cautiously include Timmy’s device. Light, gentle movements, back and forth, Timmy moans … but he doesn’t forget Monis ass. Strokes him tenderly, then grabs it more firmly, massages her buttocks, strokes again, bends, licks over her ass, drives through her poreates with his tongue.

“Aaahh, madness, … what do you do, Timmy? It’s so incredibly beautiful … “

“He licks your ass.”

“This is heavenly, Linda! Great, Timmy, you’ve never done that before. Horny, honey, leak on! Lick my hole too! Do it, leak my asshole nice! I’ve wanted that from you for so long.”

“I don’t lick the asshole.”

I pack a little more firmly.

“Aua! That wasn’t horny now, Linda.”

“Shouldn’t it be at all! You will do what Moni wants! Lick your rosette, it will soon be? Otherwise I stop and send you home with a stand! And give you a ban on wank tonight! And Moni will monitor that! And woe … “

“Sharp! Wichsbanbot for Timmy! Cool! I am very for that! And I lie next to him and get myself with my favorite vibrator and bring myself to orgasm at least three times! And Timmy has big eggs! Great, the idea, Linda.”

“Do, Timmy! Leck Monis poloch. That’s awesome. For you too, you will see. Yes exactly. Lick your back hole very gently. That looks good for the beginning. Pull your ass cheeks apart so that I can see everything you both do. This is the only way I can teach you something.”

Moni on the knees, her back is completely pushed through, the ass fully raised up. Moan…

Timmy has pulled her cheeks wide, very far apart, massages them vigorously, his tongue approaches Monis asshole, he tongues around her rosette, est slowly and carefully, then faster and faster.

“This is … aaahhh … I turn through lust, Timmy, that’s … aaahhh …Next, my darling, more! You do that incredibly good … Aahh … I’m so happy … and afterwards … your cock, Timmy! Fuck me afterwards, yes? Then I absolutely need your strong cock in my … aaah … “

Moni as if from your senses, panting with her face on the floor. She is lustful twitching ..

“Well, Timmy, you seem to have fun licking your asshole?”

“Yes! is great! If I had known that, then … “

“… you would have done it before?”

“But yes.”

“And you will do it more often now, not? You will spoil Monis ass more often and lick her hole? You will, not, Timmy?”

“Yes, I will! Promised, Linda.”

I drive moni through the sweaty hair.

“Did you hear that, sweetie? So your Timmy will spoil you more often now.”

No reaction. No Answer. Moni no longer gets anything. Her ass is countered Timmy’s tongue.

“Your cock, Timmy! fuck me! Fucks me with your hard part! Oh, God, do it! I run out of desire and lust! Finally do it, give me! Push him hard and deep in! Very deep! Biiitte … “

“Indeed, Moni. I call that leak! Look at the floor between her legs, Timmy. But only very briefly, okay? Then you keep licking them.”

“Madness, Moni! Never so moist.”

“You also make it incredibly guuut, honey, aahhh, … please go on …”

“Hey, I’m totally sharp too, put it in you, but Linda said she wants to show us … So better blow and so??? What about it, Linda???”

“Oh, Timmy, you have to be flexible. Not only in life in general but also leg sex. Moni absolutely needs your cock, Timmy. She urgently needs a decent number. She wants- no, she has to!- get well! As for the blowing, I will send you a detailed email. Then you can then practice diligently at home and report to me in detail during the consultation hour. Now finish, Timmy. Don’t let Moni wait for your cock anymore. That would come the same as mental cruelty. Fuck her into her soaking wet pussy.”

“In my cunt! In my horny wet cunt! Don’t say pussy, Timmy. Please, say cunt!”

“Hey, Moni, you have never talked. Not so pork so far, only imnmer … “

I clap Timmy on the ass.

“Hold out no lectures here, but finally Moni put your hard cock in your cunt! Will soon be? Where will you put it in Moni?”

“Inihre wet cunt.”

“Yeah, Timmy, horny. But now do it finally!”

“I don’t stand it anymore either.”

Timy posts himself behind Moni. His streak strap in front of her wet pussy sardon, cunt ..

Timmy doesn’t torch for long now, is now frenzied with lust. He grabs Monis’s ass cheeks and pushes his cock into Moni with a jerk.

“Schööön, Timmy, that’s … Aaah … I waited for so long! And now accelerate, my darling! Fuck me really hard! Hard and quick! Make my horny cunt! Get it really good, yes?”

“But, sweetie so far, …”

“… you were probably on the hose, Timmy? Thought well, Moni only stands on cuddling? No, she also needs to be hard and quick occasionally. Now for example. Fuck them properly. Make it.”

Timmy is getting really wild now. His cock first sails into Moni faster and faster.

“You have it, you greedy cunt. You sparrow. You seed robber. I fuck you So horny that you can no longer walk, you horny piece, you.”

“Yeah … I need it now, Timmy, fuck my wet fut, gifts of my horny cunt! push me! Oh, you have never been so wild! So I want you more often, Timmy.”

“But I think I have to …”

“Doesn’t matter! Then stop, Timmy. Spray your hot juice deep into my cunt! Then I come again when I feel your sperm.”

“But you also have a sweet butt, Timmy. look horny, your movements. Especially how your sack claps on Monis ass. Come on, do slowly. Very slowly. Don’t move in Moni. Just keep silent and let her feel your cock completely. Well, how is that moni?”

Spin, sigh, sob ..

I drive moni through my hair.

“My goodness, little one, you are completely sweaty. And not just your hair. Your whole body shines with sweat.”

“Fickschweiß! This is horny fuck sweat, Linda.”

“I know sweetie.”

“Further! Timmy is supposed to … and I want to feel it inject … He should now … “

“… keep fucking yourself and then spraying, yes?”

Timmy picks up his earlier pace.

“I really give your wet cunt today, Moni! You never complain about a fuck with me again, I guarantee that … Aaahh …Now … Moni … I … “

“Pull your cock out, Timmy, and show me how beautiful you can inject! On, do! I want to see it! See how it is to you! Spray allles on Monis sweetly red and horny buttocks!”

Lau moaning comes Timmy. Hot sperm lands on Moni’s backbone, on her ass, runs your legs down, lands on the floor.

“You did that wonderful you both … Hey, you heard that?”

“What is Linda?”

“In front of the door. Voices. Clearly. I heard it very clearly.”

“I didn’t hear anything.”

“You were also strong while fucking. And you did that great, Timmy. I liked it. But there is guaranteed to be at the door. I’ll have a look … “

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