The new pants | Erotic sex stories

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The “new” pants

Hello friends,

Today I would also like to write what happened to me with my “new” pants. Since I like Nudist Make and otherwise loose I got over the crazy idea of cleaning up my old jeans. I didn’t like one anymore, but it still fit.

I didn’t want to throw them away either, but it just got over the idea of doing something crazy.

I quickly got a scissors and in the front

Large hole cut in. I cut out the whole area around the zipper. So she was totally open at the front.

I put them on to do a few more subtleties.

So it looked so attractive.

Now I tried the whole thing without anything underneath. It did not look appealing but horny and felt wonderful when the “vegetables” are so exposed.

For the rest of the morning I kept my pants at home.

Somehow the whole pants already dealt with me outdoor to wear.

However, I couldn’t leave the house with it. They would have locked me away, grin. Since the weather was reasonably pleasant, I decided to drive out.

Somewhere into the forest or to the lake. From the lake that I always visit in Summer I knew that people go for a walk there every now and then people with their dogs. Rucking out of the pants, packed into a training pants, paired pants and off we went to the lake. Once at the lake, 5 – 6 cars were in the parking lot.

Could have been a stroller but also anglers. But I didn’t worry about that. I snapped my beach bag and down to the lake.

Thank God there was no angler there. The corner is otherwise very calm and hidden and is also very popular with anglers.

Nevertheless, you can look down to the way up if you remove something from the square there. I quickly got my towel out, get out of my clothes and first enjoy nature without everything. Then I remembered why I actually drove here. I pulled over a shirt and the “new” pants.

It felt strange.

The “vegetables” dangled freely out of their pants and the Legs were covered. On the other side from the lake I saw a few people with their dogs.

It may have passed a 1/2 hour when I heard from above dog bark.

So I was now thinking about whether I should go through my place

To see who or whether there were some on the way or passed there. I summarized everyone and went there. But I turned to the way that I was only seen from behind at the bottom of the lake. A short time later I also heard voices how 2 people talked.

Suddenly a dog dormed down to me from above and sniffed me and ran into the lake. I may have scared myself. Then I heard a “meal” and Astor here from above.

I looked over my shoulder and looked at the top of the path for a couple, so typed the 50 – 55 years but quite sympathetically. look.

The dog continued to play in the water.

He called Astor repeatedly. It didn’t seem to be interested in the dog. “Renate Hole the bait up again,” the guy ranks his partner.

I now get the leash out of the automobile. While the guy went away, the woman came down the steep way to me. So now I really didn’t know how to behave. But I stopped as I stood there so far.

Then the woman stood about 2 – 3 m. Laterally next to me and called her dog back. Then she looked over at me I could see in her eyes and that she suddenly swallowed when she saw me with her pants. Upps she just said.

Sorry if I just bothered her here with something. I felt like me, despite all the red, even though it was a great situation that I had asked out so much. Nice outfit then just said she. Thank you just brought back.

Nice and joyful surprise here on the lake, you don’t see every day. Suddenly you heard the voice from above again, “Renate you have the dog I have the leash here and please I have another appointment“ The woman looked at me and only said maybe you can see each other again or later. Then she went up the steep path again. After the two were gone, I went back to my place.

Oha I just thought that it could have ended differently. I preferred to take off my pants again and lay down naked in the sun that seems to be strong. Since it was in the middle of the week, there was not too much operation in addition to the over there, and a few bathers had now gathered. Over there is the textile area and stop where I lie you can just make nudist.

The rest of the day went calm and I had caught myself, had been swimming a few times, and every now and then people went past the way too. But not what tears you from the stool. In between I had always played around my “sundial” but I haven’t hosed so far yet. Somehow I was still quite cool.

Think the warm sun and the whole thing around it did not let me come to rest. While I was lying there and was in my mind, I continued to play on myself and my stiff lance. What I hadn’t noticed in the meantime was that someone came down from the path and now about 5 m. Watched from me to the lake.

Since the sun dazzled me, I couldn’t see anything at first. Only when I looked at the 2nd did I recognize the woman from earlier. Alone without a man and dog. Then she also saw me and in what situation I was there.

So I never thought that the lake has such surprises. I rose and took 2 steps towards her. My tail still stood on 1/2 mast. She looked at me and grinned.

So she was here at the lake so often, but she has never experienced that her something like that happens twice in one day. Um I could only say. Well, only the pants before and now here. I asked back badly.

No and also she had observed me from the side for 5 minutes and pointed to a small clearing on the side of the lake between the trees and what she saw had something. She looked at me and also looked at my 1/2 stiff and said you don’t need to hide it either. Really a great sight and eye -catcher. We don’t want to sit down. I asked her.

Why not. So we sat on my ceiling and talked quite easily. She told her that her husband had another appointment and only came back in the evening. He is also a dog breeder and has just taken the dog with him.

The fact that you live only 10 minutes away from here she just came to the lake again. We also talked about the lake here and also about how nice it is here. When I asked if she was a bit shocked earlier because I was here with the pants she only said that she had often seen nudist here, but at first she was already a bit perplexed. Sorry I just said.

No it was ok, she gave back and in addition her husband didn’t get anything from it. We still loosened. After a while she asked me if you can make Pipi somewhere. I only pointed to the lake and grinned one.

So I said, now I want to swim a lap brief. Then just let slip and bra at. It does not bother me. You can also get a towel from me and I jumped into the lake.

When I reappeared I saw that she too went out. In fact, she got into the water with panties and bra. The water was wonderful and a real cooling. We alberten around a little and after a while we left the lake together again.Outside I got a towel out of my pocket and when I turned around it was already up without behind me.

So I have to say 2 very beautiful bells looked at me. I felt and saw that she fixed me with her eyes. After she had dried up, we sit on the ceiling again and sunbathed. However, she kept her panties and I saw that she wasn’t shaved.

Some dark hair looked at the side and out above. Although she was lying on her breasts and did not fall to the side of the gravity to a limited extent. Their nipples were tense. As we enjoyed the sun and she had closed her eyes, I turned on the side and then I took a blade of grass and drove her over the face and neckpiece with it.

Well, she just said while trying to take my grass out of my hand. In doing so, she turned in my direction and unfortunately her knee hit her knee slightly into my most sensitive place. I pulled back in the spirit and so the impact was not that bad anymore. Nevertheless, the tears shot my eyes slightly.

She apologized for 1000 times and that it would be her suffering. Well I could calm her down, there is still life in it. She had to laugh heartily on that and said she would like to see that. Cheeky as I was, I lay on my back relaxed, put on my legs and started massaging my cock lightly.

Renate looked at me on the stomach. Slowly but surely my cock flows more and more.

Soon he had reached his full size and I had to let him go because otherwise I would be a risk that I would inject what Renate also noticed. While I was busy with myself, Renate had freed himself from her panties, but he was still hung in my knees.

Should I remove him I asked completely cheekily. Yes, she liked to give back. With a stiffer lance I turned over to her sat on my knees while turning on her back. For the first time I saw her beautiful black and full splendor that covered her pleasure rum.

Just when I pushed her panties over my foot bones, she grabbed my stiff lance. Fi ….She wanted and couldn’t because she had a “visit” and a “dowel” downstairs. But she would see it if I cumshot. She let go of my cock, but gently grabbed me Egg While her other hand drove through her black curly splendor.

Come massage your horny cock she said to me and at the same time she rubbed her through her curly splendor and labia. A slight groaning showed me that she had found her “pea” and that it was now closely rubbed because she also reinforced her handshake on my eggs. Your breathing became faster. As I massaged my cock with one hand, I played with the other on her hard nipple.

Your movements have now become a bit more hectic. All the time she watched me massage my cock. It looks so good what you’re doing there she said to me. For a long time she hadn’t seen such a beautiful cock.

The one of her husband was probably not so hardworking anymore. I told her that I would come right away. Come on and sit between my legs, I want to see how you splash your horny cream on my hand and lure splashes. She rubbed her clit faster and faster.

I then sat between her legs and saw her very swollen and pink labia and the ribbon that lay between her buttocks. Her labia was very pronounced.Moistly shone her juice into the now slowly setting sun.Now she also took her 2 hand to help and pulled her labia apart so that I had a clear view of her pleasure center. You could see that she was pressing. Your inner life looked far out.

Well, we have pressure on the bubble I asked completely cheekily. She looked at me with a pinched face and nodded. Let it out, then I said to her, get wet. It is a secret preference of me to see and feel something like this.

She dropped back and now pressed her even stronger with the strong rubs of her clit. I was sitting in front of her. Her voice now became a little louder and breathing more violent. She raised her head slightly and at that moment a thick, strong yellow beam splashed out of her and hit my stomach and hand while I werked off vigorously.

Boy had a pressure on the bubble.But it felt wonderful and at the same time horny to feel the warm beam while diligently rubbed the plum. When her beam hit me, she groaned loudly and just said “Now come to me your horny cock cream” .I leaned over her wet black curly splendor and now I also inject my hot and horny cream. It tingled so wonderful and horny and there was plenty of cream with it. In big flakes I injected everything on her curls and hand.

With pleasure she stroked her labia and locked the whole cream. Exhausted she dropped back and I saw a little beam that left her hole and flowed there between her buttocks. Wow was a great feeling. Renate also had a satisfied smile on his lips.

I made the proposal with me again into the lake. I think that’s definitely better she gave back. It got a little cooler because the sun was gone behind a row of trees. Later our paths separated again and when she said goodbye she only said, “Now I know how beautiful and horny it can be at the lake.


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