Milf and Teen are fucked hard at the quarry lake part 2 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Continuation of: The woman on the quarry lake I always sat between the legs of Biggi when the men arrived with us. Her jooses and cheering became no less than you saw that I still had my hands in the ass of Biggi. One of the men, perhaps in his mid -forty, grabbed my thighs and just lifted me aside to kneel between Biggi and first to his fingers suck. A rough laughter sounded of him and his hand, who was full of his saliva, pushed slowly but unchecked into the ass of Biggi.

The other three men, one of whom was probably still a bit older, also sat down and did what was probably not to be prevented, he too fingered his hand into the far -stretched hole of Biggi and let it disappear in it. Full of humility and above all completely enthusiastic, I watched and stayed in the crouch, but more to see when I was watching my still exposed pussy grate. For a long time I couldn’t do that for a long time, because one of the younger men knelt behind me and rubbed with both hands over my naked Arch.

His hands rubbed my skin tightly and I felt his fingers massaged my labia, which were very thick with lust, and asked me in a hoarse voice whether I wanted to be fisted. I became dizzy on the question and I would have liked to answer with a loud β€œyes” at that moment, but I was never fisted and even if I was fascinated by Biggi, I realized that I had to answer it.

Nevertheless, the man did not leave me behind me and grabbed my breasts. He pushed her up and pressed her as his fingers dug hard. I trembled and hardly got a word out, only my gasping was more and as always, my lust not only ran out of my pussy, but also my saliva dripped from my corner of my mouth. The last of the men, also quite young, talked to the man behind me and gave his disappointment that I couldn’t fist.

He asked Biggi why I would be here if I was not available for it and what you actually think of. I was uncomfortable and I didn’t know what to do. Until Biggi took the coals out of the fire and called panting, while their holes were stretched, that I do very well throat fuck and also sip. I wasn’t just trembling now, it ran down my back cold. I couldn’t get out of the number anymore and the way I crouched in the sand, I didn’t want to do that anymore.

I corrected the headquarters of my sweatpants and pulled it out so that only my pelvis was free. My top, which was already open anyway, I took off and was aside. My breasts took the attention of three of the men and when I told them that I wanted to blow them all, the waves seemed to smooth themselves and my presence was covered. I started playing on my breasts and squeezing it firmly and hard.

Thrown my hair back and let my tongue slide over my lips. A moment later, one of the younger men opened his pants and asked me to show what I can, or whether everything was just talk. I slipped back and forth in the sand with my shoes and spread my legs a little when he stood in front of me and asked me to tail get out of pants. I pulled his light pants down with both hands and a steel -hard cock hit me.

I knew that I didn’t have to come with tenderness. My hands surrounded his heavy eggs and pulled them out of their pants. While I was pulling, my lips pushed over its thick but dry glans. He quickly grabbed my head and pulled me tightly, so that I had no choice but to record all his piston in my mouth. This hard, and direct, turned me on even more and greedily I started blowing on his tube and sucking it eagerly.

The man went into a light crouch and started to fuck my mouth wildly. His cock drilled deeper and deeper into me and I felt how he rubbed in my throat. I almost ran my tears, but I was actually happy. A gurgling sound came out of my mouth and as so often with such deep throat fuck with me, I fired a “gag gag gag gag gag” as his piston drilled deep into my throat.

Again and again my face pressed against his belly and more and more it foamed the saliva and the first drops of cum from his cock. I was already looking forward to his cargo, but instead the man gave me further to his neighbor, who was already hard on his pipe and I stared at this with opened eyes. Suddenly a cock hung in front of me, like me until then only from that Internet knew.

His eggs noticed first because they hung a lot more than the tail was long. But the length was also more than considerable. The man came a little closer and I grabbed the stand with just one hand to tame him. I enclosed it with my hand, which was not that easy, and led his dripping glans to my mouth. The circumference was enormous and I was sure that I was now getting to my limits and that you can disappoint men with the second man.

Nevertheless, I pushed my wide open mouth over his wonderfully thick glans and started sucking on it. It was somehow soft and even could be shaped in my mouth, which of course immediately prompted me to push her deeper and deeper into my throat. I still had to stop setting several times and pulled the tail with sticky threads out of my mouth to snap for air. But I had it just as quickly in my throat and was as if I really choke down this piston.

Of course the man helped me and with a grin he felt how much I was exhausted and thanked them by grabbing my head with both hands and squeezing his tail into my throat up to his thick hanging. He gasped something, but I continued to drool and felt how the mixture of tail juice and my saliva ran over my tits. Again he pulled this monster out of my wide open neck and another of the men gave me a throat fuck until I was finally able to catch a glimpse of Biggi again, which was pinned by one of the men with wide torn holes.

She was on the chain of the excavator and let herself turn into her open mouth while the man treated her big breasts like a punching bag. With this sight between my legs and I hoped that they didn’t treat my breasts like Biggi’s that. Then came the man who had just relieved himself to me via Biggi and I had to suck his piston without contradiction. While I was licking it, I tasted the salty water and when I also took it deeper in my mouth, I felt how a gush of his hot piss ran into my throat again.

I choked and thought that it was only the beginning would be because I saw the others who rubbed their tails hard and were ready to spray out. The man grabbed my hair hard and pulled me to him when his cock poked himself into my neck … then finally, I felt a hot and viscous extent in my mouth when he hammered his cock back into me and so part of his spermPumped in my throat.

I tore my mouth as far as I could, so that a lot of saliva and cum ran out of my mouth. I grabbed my breasts and deteriorated on them, while one of the other men also stretched his cock towards me and I had to milk him by rubbing it and fucking it with my mouth cunt. I felt how he twitched and how he reared up when he was his sperm Already shot into my mouth and the warm splashes are horny in my throat.

I rubbed his cock with both hands until no curd cheese came and I fell wildly over his glans to suck her clean. Incidentally, the splash clapped my eyes and glued my eyes from the older man, but I was so horny and wild that, despite the burning, I wanted to see in my eyes what the thickest of the pistons did and built up in front of me. The man jerked his third leg and his foreskin pushed back and forth over his glans.

I pushed my smeared lips over his piston and at Jerk off He always boxed against my nose, but I wanted to be available when the sperm poured out of his pipe. Finally it was so far and my hands didn’t know where to go. I rubbed pussy in my ultra -induced pussy and hiked over my mucous breasts when I almost hanged my hands on my hands to really get everything. Thick rays, spill out of it and his thick glans injected everything into my face and mouth.

I trembled and with lust I almost started crying … I begged that I wanted more, and the men did what they could do. But nobody could get back into the game at that moment and Biggi came back into the game, who seemed to have something like a plug in her cunt … and asked the men in a circle to also baptize and welcome me with the wonderful water and welcome.

Again it ran down my back cold and I was still on the monster that I would like to have licked and caressed for a long time, but faster than I could react, the man put my head on my head and turned him into one for him goodposition. He directed his thick glans to my mouth and I stretched out my tongue with wide mouth. The cum ran over my face and more and more, I didn’t even think about claiming these sparrowers for me.

The man stroked my face and collected some of his tons of sperm to rub Biggi on her face. Then flowed, a warm beam out of his cock and I let it run over my tongue. My tongue moved around his glans as he grabbed my head and pushed my head over his cock with a strict hand, so that his piss pumped into me and I couldn’t defend myself against it.

Coughing and yet endlessly horny, I swallowed what I could and felt how it rippled over my tits and my jogging pants were sucking. Then the next came and with the fat glans in my mouth I murmured happily when he had werked out a load of sperm and clapping over my forehead. In anticipation, which awaited me from the other two, I continued to try to suck on this giants and tasted his water again and again.

It seemed to be coming to an end, but when I looked down at myself and covered myself, saw with a slimy and aqueous liquid, the water rippled from one of the cocks over my head and without taking care of it, I let it over my hair andMy face walking to look for the open mouth for the tail that served me. The jet rippled into my open mouth and with slightly sharpened lips I swallowed part of it to let other things run over my tits.

Biggi suddenly stood in front of me and deteriorated everything that had accumulated over my breasts. I laughed at her while she didn’t react. I thought it was a shame to get dressed and put on the way. Only now did I notice that it was now dark night, and I couldn’t remember that it got dark at all. I have to have been busy with the men’s tails for a long time and I was proud of myself, because nobody had complained and I had experienced something new that was strange at first, but it seemed to be my thing exactly.

Then Biggi also set off with heavy feet. I couldn’t believe it, because suddenly I was sitting alone in the sand and my legs hurt after I had sitting in my crouch forever. I got up and pulled my soaking wet pants up. I still called Biggi that she waits and I don’t have to run around the lake in the dark, but she was not ready to wait and left myself alone.

My jogging pants stuck in my crotch and I felt how she caught my cheating my still hot pussy. I wiped my hair clean and had the drops seeped into the sand when I searched for my top and it didn’t find it at first. Then I pulled it over and twisted my hair into a braid so that I could cover it with the hood of my upper part. I wasn’t enthusiastic about driving home, but I was quite confident not to meet anyone.

I almost ran around the lake and even saw how a car drove away from the parking lot with several people … Biggi and her friends?!I swung on my bike and felt my wet pants pressed onto the saddle. My big butt was spanned the fabric and I could see how the outlines of my still swollen pussy emerged. I cycled and felt the skin of my breasts, on which the sperm of the strangers dried slowly.

I just wanted to take a shower at home, but the wet jogging pants in my step turned me on unspeakably and so I decided to do something at home … I already painted this because I could also enter the house through the basement andI remained so unnoticed. End and thank you very much for your attention, as well as the positive reviews.

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