Tessa is blackmailed | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Aron was a normal teenager, He had brown curly hair, tanned skin and crystal blue eyes. Actually, he even looked over average for his age.

Due to his appearance, he had no problems landing with the girls, but he was also not particularly interested in them. So far he had had three short relationships, but only because it had just happened. He was interested in girls of his age, but in a somewhat more special way.

A few weeks ago, when he was looking for a friend of a friend, he accidentally accidentally had the wrong room caught. There he had made an interesting discovery. Because there he had caught Tessa Ludwig, how they knelt half drunk in front of a guy and sucked one. This guy was Marco.

You have to know Marco was Patrick’s best friend and Tessa was Patrick’s girlfriend.

Actually she loved him more than anything, but she too made mistakes when she was drunk.

But of course Aron did not take this chance to take away. Because Tessa was exceptionally pretty, but she was also quite arrogant and hated Aron, she really loathed him. So he secretly filmed the whole process with his cell phone and then set out and then.

In the past few weeks since the incident, he had broken his head almost continuously about how he could best use his pressure. Today it was finally ready today he would pay for this bitch Tessa everything.

After the ninth hour, Aron let himself be packed together for a long time to put his school things together, because he knew that Tessa always left the room last, as she still wrote with her boyfriend on WhatsApp.

The door to the classroom could only be opened from the inside, as you needed a key from the outside and after the Teacher had gone and the door behind him fell into the castle he was alone with Tessa. He was slowly approaching her to that.

“Hey tess my sweetness how is you?“Aron started mockingly.

Tessa briefly replied: “What do you want Aron? So I’m just writing with my friend … “

“Well maybe you want to send your friend here.“, Aron said with a big grin on his face and held Tessa his cell phone with the video directly in front of his nose.

She just looked up for a short time, but when she saw the video she frozed and was chalk light.

“Where did you get that?“, She shouted in horror and desperately tried to tear the cell phone out of her hand.

“Calm down or I send it to your friend on the spot,” replied Aron amused.

That showed effect. Tessa suddenly became quiet.

“What do you want for that? Money?“She asked hopefully.

“Don’t worry you don’t have to pay for it, at least not in the way.“He replied with anticipation

Tessa only looked at Aron without understanding.

“First of all, you undress.“, Aron ordered in strict sound.

Tessa was startled: “You don’t mean that seriously. As if I am here in the School in front of you and then before you.

You can remove that.”

Aron kept his finger over the send button and said calmly: “Last chance.”

You looked at Tessa that she was looking for a way out.

But there was none and in the end her resistance broke.

Slow and ashamed she began to slowly pull her white shirt over her head.

Meanwhile, more of her flawless sun -tanned skin came to light.

Aron was tied up by the sight for a moment.

When she pulled her shirt all over her head, her blond -colored hair fell down and lay over her white bra, which could just keep her highly pushed plush breasts in check.

“What do I do here?“Tessa thought frustrated.

“The pants next,” ordered Aron.

Still hesitantly she was parking from her tight blue hot pants.

Now she stood in a white stimulus underwear with her well -trained body in front of Aron in the middle of the classroom, while she shifted her weight to the other restlessly.

Aron, on the other hand, was not hesitant at all. He came close to her so that she could feel his peppermint mint on her face and drove into her panties with his long fingers. Surprisingly, she was almost expired.

She couldn’t believe it, how could that be? With his other hand he grabbed her magnificent ass.

“You are extremely wet you know that?“Asked Aron while he penetrated her deep into her with his fingers.

Ashamed she turned her head to the side, but she was unable to suppress a slight groan.

Obviously Aron had scored one of her sensitive points. He stimulated it for a few minutes and then pulled his fingers out of her hole again. She seemed almost a little disappointed.

“Kneel down!“, Aron committed full of delight.

She already suspected what he was up to and refused.

She would certainly not bubble this caustic guy. After all, she had a friend. But when Aron recovered his cell phone broke her resistance again and she desperately sank to his knees in front of him.

“Take off me!“He said next. You could already hear the excitement in your voice.

Slowly she opened his pants.

Her Arons jumped immediately tail in contrast to. She was startled and turned her head away disgusted. Although she was disturbed that he had an impressive cock. He was circumcised, thick and easy 19 cm long.

Longer than that of Patrick. Then Aron left her behind, went to the desk, and sat on it. She just looked after him surprised.

He demanded: “If you don’t have my cock in my mouth within three seconds.”

He could see the horror in her eyes, but she fell on his cock and let him disappear in her warm wet mouth. He groaned enthusiastically.

Then he asked: “Blow me as if I was sweetie your friend. If I mind something or you only take a second break, I’ll send the photo.”

Desperately she started moving her head slowly but with increasing intensity. In the meantime she played around his cock with her tongue. Actually she likes to give her friend one Blowjob.

Because she liked to have control over the otherwise so strong gender. But this asshole blackmailed her. She had such an incredible anger in her stomach, only once she had made a mistake and cheated on her boyfriend, she actually loved him. Aron tore her out of her thoughts when he grabbed her on his hair and pressed his cock deep into her throat, she had never had a penis so deep in her mouth.

She was just able to suppress her aggregation. Because she didn’t want her friend to see this video. In the meantime, Aron moved her head faster and faster. Her lips always slid over his glans and his cock always penetrated deep into her mouth.

She noticed how Aron slowly got going.

She finally wanted to get it behind her, so she also jerked his hand with her hand. He seemed to please him because he got even faster and started moaning. More and more violent, she already felt like that sperm Slowly climb, but shortly before he came he pulled his penis out of her mouth and ordered her to continue with her hand. She was desperate because she knew exactly what he was going on, he wanted to inject her in the face.

Not even to her boyfriend had allowed her because she just found it incredibly humiliating. But with him she had no choice.

While she was working on his cock with both hands, she pleaded him in her mouth. But he started moaning and exploded shortly afterwards. She closed her eyes and he injected his entire load in her face.

The sperm ran down on her face and dripped into her neckline. Then he ordered his cock to lick his cock to the last drop.

As she licked the last remnants with her tongue, she noticed his black cell phone, which had filmed everything at the end of the table. With a grin he pulled his cock out of her mouth in her pocket and grinned with the words with the words: “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

And so she stayed behind, kneeling on the floor half -naked, with her face full of sperm.

But that wasn’t even the worst. He even had two videos now.

And with that he would continue to blackmail her.

So the whole thing wasn’t over yet.

The next day was a nice sunny Wednesday, but Tessa hadn’t slept all night because she had tried to find a solution to her problem. But no matter how she had turned or turned, she had not found a solution. So she had no other way to avoid Aron as much as possible. Because who knows what he was going to do, after all, he now had two videos to blackmail them.

The first two hours went as usual.

Except that Aron stared at the other side of the classroom all the time. You ran a shower over your back. What did he have before?

Suddenly her cell phone vibrate, a WhatsApp message from Aaron: “You stay the break, in the class, I want to fuck you.”

She suddenly became freezing cold. What did he do, the break only lasted a quarter of an hour.

Then the others would come back to the room. What if you could see them. And in general she couldn’t allow him to enter her. Not Aron, she just loathed this guy.

But she had no choice, so she stayed with her teeth after the hour.

When the last left, Aron slowly came up to her like a predator. She shivered.

He grabbed her on his hair and ruthlessly pulled her head back. It hurts.

Then he pushed his tongue into her mouth. She turned in his grip, but nothing helped.

While he kissed her further, he penetrated her back into her with his fingers. She hated herself, but it felt damn good. She tried to suppress her moan, but she couldn’t. She groaned while he continued to push her tongue into her mouth.

Suddenly he stopped and just said lust: “So and now pull yourself out, I want to fuck you.“In his words she felt mixed feelings, she was afraid, panic, but also what was worst, lust. For some reason that she hated herself was just incredibly excited.

Just as he had ordered it, she now brushed her clothes off the body when she was finished, dripping on the floor. Aron only looked with a grin: “Apparently you like it.”

Angry about herself, she pinched any comment.

Then Aron let off his pants, pressed her upper body on the desk, packed her hair and penetrated her into her. At the beginning she tried to suppress her moans, but with increasing speed, she just let it out because she was in another world.

It just felt so good. Aron’s cock penetrated her deeper and deeper and he also did not consider it, he had grabbed her on his hair so that it hurt a little.

With each of his bumps, he rammed her hard against the desk, which slipped further forward by push. It was getting louder and louder regardless of whether it would be heard. Because she had lost any control.

He penetrated her faster and harder.

The bell at the end of the break tore her out of her trance. “Aaaar oooh aron we ooh we hate ooh we have to stop oooh you come back right away.“She groaned. But Aron didn’t stop. He continued to penetrate her and he did not slow down, but rather the opposite.

Suddenly the classroom door opened and Patrick Tessa’s friend stood in the door.

But at that moment the desk had reached the wall and since Aron was still pounding his cock into it, his bumps now penetrated freely into it with full force. Tessa reacted to this with uncontrolled moans.

At the same time, she looked at her friend in horror in the door and watched the scenario and at the same time felt like a feeling in her ascent she would come. And not exactly slowly, everything just exploded in her head and she just enjoyed twitching and groaning Arons bumps. Aron has now been brought in by her moaning and started to moan too.

After a few moments he pumped his cargo into her and sank on her together exhausted. While her twitches slowly subsided, Patrick turned and went away.

Tessa shook Aron and wanted to run after him, but her Legs fail.

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