Katrin in the violence of her teacher [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In the afternoon shortly before Quitting time Are you going to boss called. You know why. The money from the cash register. You could face yourself for keeping money out of the cash register.

Now there is the receipt for it. You enter the office of your boss anxiously. It opens up to you that the accounts you have created about the income of the boutique are not correct. He had the feeling that you “” economics in your own pocket “.

You know for yourself that the accusation is made, but try to talk you out of: “Mr. Stöltig, you have to believe me that I have not put any money. You know that I cannot yet create the billing alone.

I’m still a trainee. I’m sorry when I made a mistake. “But your boss is besides himself.

He shouts at you: “Katrin, I had a hidden camera installed! You just took the money out of the cash register. Do you want to see the pictures??? Or should the video go straight to the police? “Then he explains to you that you would not be the first one who would go to him. Then his tone becomes calmer again, nevertheless serious and determined: “Katrin, you know exactly that I also fierce your predecessors. I checked the bills.

Everything indicates that you have sold out at the cash register! I don’t think we can continue the training relationship! This provides an advertisement from the police!“You fight against tears.

Try to reply to the allegations, but your boss does not let you speak. “Be quiet! I don’t want to listen to justifications!“The first tears roll over their face. Please look at him. With a shaky voice you continue: “Please, please, please.

Don’t throw me out. Please another chance. It will not happen again. Please don’t be so hard.

“Mr. Stühnung is unimpressed in any papers. Obviously your personnel file: “Katrin, the case is clear. There is nothing to discuss. Why should I keep you? Why? You are dishonesty cheating and you are not obedient.

You have to show me that you will also follow my instructions!“You are desperately sobbing in front of him.

You try to suppress the tears. You took a long time to get the training position. “Mr. Stöllting, I ask you. I will change, I will be obedient.

Honestly! Please believe me! Please! I’ll do what you ask. “”Everything?“He smashes back and looks at you demand. Suppose seconds. He takes you hard in the neck: “Katrin, I asked you a little! Everything? You will do everything I ask you? “Set after.

A light nod of you.

“Yes” you whisper quietly in the full consciousness that he is not only the work common?. A smile runs over his face: “Katrin, I’ll make you a suggestion. I will forget the incident. But in the future I expect that you are doing what I ask! If you are contradicting you are going on your job! I think you know what that would mean for you.

Terminated for embezzlement! We got understood, Katrin!“Dissolved and howling you answer him in a shaky voice: Yes, Mr. Stöltig. Thank you for giving me another chance. It will never happen again! But please don’t ask for too much of me.

Please!“Your boss rises from his armchair. Look at you.

“Katrin, you are a pretty, young girl, but you will have to learn to serve me. Obedience, that’s what I ask!”He says,” I don’t like your clothes that you have worn in the past few days. That needs to change!“He looks at you strictly and continues:“ Tomorrow you will wear the following items of clothing: a white summer dress, knee -length, white linen gymnastics shoes, plus white, thin socks. Under the left sock you have to wear a silver foot chain.

You will tie your hair together with a cloth into a ponytail.

Do you understand me?“The tone of your boss can clearly see that it is not a wish, but a command. You know that he does not tolerate any contradiction. So you nodly and answer that you will be happy to do him a favor. Then your boss asks you if you like to eat grapes.

You answer this, although you cannot classify his remark at all. “Katrin! So that the clarist. You will do everything 100 percent as I have commanded you. So, if you don’t have an anket, you have to buy one! I will pay attention to every detail in the future.

And tomorrow you will get the opportunity to prove that something is due to your job!“Then you leave the office.

You know that he has anything to do with you. The next day you go anxious and with soft knees to work. What will you expect? It does not take long. Then your boss calls you to the office.

“Good morning Katrin,” he greets you. “You just look adorable in your dress. This is how I imagine our trainees. Very charming.

So it was worth it that yesterday we had the clarifying conversation about the dress code.

These white linen shoes best fit a young girl like you. How old are you actually?” he asks. “Seventeen, Mr. Stölting. In November I will 18 “.

“Nice, beautiful,” he replies and looks striking to you Feet. “You can certainly think that you have to make up for the incident again. You owe me a favor. But I assume that you will not make any difficulties today.

If you perform your tasks without contradiction, your job is certainly not in danger. We’ll make a nice little game today and if you just make any mistake ….Duore Katrin, the termination is written! And this is the criminal complaint to the police!“Then he stops two documents in front of your nose.

You understood him. And by his grin you can see that he likes your powerlessness. He has you “in your hand”, that’s clear to you.

He says he has a special order for you. He leads you to the window and shows you the small Turkish grocery store, on the other street side. You can look directly into the store from your office and everything observe, What is going on there. The desk is right at the window.

You will be commissioned to get a large bag of grapes in the Turkish food dealer. Your boss says you wouldn’t need money, he would clarify everything with the shop owner by phone.

He was his buddy. Then he says you should hurry up. If you were not back in 3 minutes, would experience something.

It all seems a bit strange to you, but then you make your way. When you leave the office building, you look up again. Your boss stands by the window and watches you. He is phoning.

A little later you enter the grocery store. A group of Turkish young people, obviously known to the shop owner, is talking about the events of yesterday’s disco. When you enter the shop, the conversation falls silent. In your summer dress you seem to like them.

The floral dress extends to just over your knees.

An attractive sight. In addition the linen shoes, the white socks. You order the grapes and get the already packed bag. “5.80 DM” you hear Hassan, the owner, say.

You are completely amazed that you pay for your pay. “I have no money at all,” you answered a little, “I thought my boss had already clarified this here?”. “Why your boss? I know nothing, ”replies Hassan and calls you once again to finally pay for you. You become restless, your face is running red, “what to do?” do you think about it.

You look at the window of your boss. He already seems nervous. When he sees you too, he points threatingly to his wristwatch.

You don’t have much time anymore. Probably your boss came up with the whole game here for you.

You have to come up with something. “Please I have to take the grapes with me, they are for my boss, he is already waiting. If I’m not back right away, there is an animal trouble. You have to let me go.

We regulate that with the payment later. I will simply pay the grapes later, o. K?” you ask. Hassan is slowly getting annoying.

“It doesn’t work like that, my little one!! Without paying, I won’t let you go! Then you have to leave a deposit here!“He scolds.

His tone is very determined. “A deposit? I have nothing with me. Not even a watch, ”you answer. The other youngsters watch the events taut.

You obviously liked to watch you in your helpless situation. One of them, called Achmed, builds up in front of the starting door. “You can’t get out of here, sweetie!” he said. He looks spellbound on your bare calves, then at the white linen gymnastics shoes.

Then he calls: “Hassan, take a piece of clothing from the little ones as a deposit! That would be really nice, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha?!“You are startled. He won’t be serious about that. But Hassan likes his colleague’s suggestion.

“Exactly! Let me part of your clothes here as a deposit!”. “It’s probably a joke?“You ask slightly irritated.

Hassan approaches you: “You are a really sweet thing, my little one!“Then he looks at you in a sample from top to bottom. His gaze sticks to your white shoes. Then Hassan looks into your eyes: “Pull off your shoes, little ones. I want your shoes as a deposit.

Then you can take the grapes with you and pay later!“You are shocked, still believe in a joke:“ That’s not her serious? You can’t take my shoes here and then let me walk back to the office?,“Try to change his mind.

“But! That’s exactly what I want, sweetie! Lot the sneakers off!“Hassan remains hard. You hesitate. The hard words are startled. “What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask.

He takes the bag out of your hand again: “Then not small. You only get the grapes for a deposit, all right?“He can’t do that, you think and look at Hassan. But he obviously found fun to put up with conditions: “I want your shoes as a pledge, little one! Is that clear. And I don’t feel like discussing people like you here for a long time.

And now finally get going! Take off the sneakers! Make it.

Small! Bring it on!“His sound is hard and determining. You are in the end. Intimidated, helpless, could have to be crazy. For another minutes.

You try not to work too helpos. But you can hardly do that. “The idea is too horny, Hassan! Yes, take off your shoes!“One of the young people is roaring,“ I find the linen gymnastics shoes really sharp! She should finally take off things. The little white socks best right away, hahaha! Well, come little ones! Show time! The sweetness should get started!“The other youngsters laugh.

They stand in a small seating area in a semicircle. You look at the door. Achmed stands there. He has crossed his arms in front of his chest and grins at you: “Don’t decay yourself that! Show us your cute socks, little “he is told you.

No chance to escape.

You are pretty helpless in your situation because you know that your boss will be totally stinky if you come back without the grapes. It is clear to you who can figure out such “unusual games”, no pardon. Under no circumstances should you come back without the grapes. Hassan comes around the sales counter, now stands right in front of you: “What is now? Come on! Give me your shoes, little ones!“You are still close to tears:“ Please don’t! Let me go like that! Please please!“Do you hide Hasssan.

Hassan grins at you and points down to your sneakers.

Apparently he is totally fixed on the feet:: “Home with your shoes!”He found. Then you bend off. “Do already, sweetie! Take off and with it!”He screams. A tear rolls over your cheek, you are completely excited.

You open the loop and take off your right, white linen gymnastics shoe. The socks are shown. The Toes Press through the thin fabric of the sock. “How cute!“Notes Hassan and stares at your little socked foot.

As soon as you have touched the sneaker from the foot, it will be torn out of your hand. “Bring it on! “Hassan demands,” and now the left sneaker!“He seems mercilessly:“ Let go! Or should I help, sweetie?“You crouch in front of the boys, only dressed with a sneaker.

“Next, sweetie! Otherwise it will put something!“Threats Abdul, the greatest of the troops. What a disgrace! But you kneel down, pull on the laces. Then the loop of the left shoe also loosens.

You roam it from the foot. Then you just crouch in the socks in the shop. Hassan also takes this shoe from you with big friends. Slowly you consider.

Now you are only in the white socks in the shop. You feel the cold stone floor through the thin fabric of the socks. Hassan looks triumphantly at your shoes that he presents the boy. “Is she not horny, the little one? Take a look at the thin socks!“One of the boys calls“ Los Hassan, she should continue to strip! Let see if she has pretty feet!“You stand trembling in socks on the stone floor.

“Please leave me!“Do you fly.

The young men stare at your feet. Your gaze is aimed at your toes that shimmer through the thin fabric of your white socks. The socks are slightly rubbed on the heels – the fabric thin. “Please let me go! You got my sneakers!“Do you fly.

You are typing restlessly on the spot. Sham down because you are staring at so. Then step in front of you and grab your neck tightly: “We determine when you walk the kla? So small, and because you have made such an uprising here, I now want your socks! Give them here!“You can no longer suppress the tears.

But Hassan does not let go of you. Banned he looks at your little feet.

He obviously wants to see more of it: “Lot little ones! Now also the socks! Pull them off!”. “Oh no!“You ask. The tears slowly roll over your cheeks. You feel so humiliated.

You are ashamed of the youngsters on command, shoes and Socks to have to take off. “Please don’t also the socks,” you have to be praying, that must be? Please let me go!”. Hassan only laughs. “Small if you are not in 1 minute barefoot stand in front of me, then I’ll help! And when I have the socks, you can experience something! Give me the stockings now!!“Then he grabs you and presses you down on your neck.

“Down with the socks, I said!“Do you hear Hassan commands.

Under your pressure, you reluctantly go down to your feet. “Come on now! Pull off the socks!“He screams and presses ever more firmly. Abdul is added. He grabs your wrist, with a jerk he turned your right arm backwards.

“Aahhh” you groan. Under the pressure you have to bend a little forward. “O. K, O.

K I’ll do it! Not so firm!“You scream. Slowly you push your fingers into the cuff of the right sock. The socks roll up easily. The bare heel shows itself.

“Come on, finally do it! We want to see you barefoot ”screams one of the young people.

Then your first foot is naked. The young people Hassan continue to press you down. “Now the other socks!“He demands. With your free hand you grab your other foot with your free hand, slowly push the sock, piece by piece from the foot piece by piece.

There is a little hook on your toes. Then the second sock also falls. Slowly it slips over the toes, rolls up a little. You are barefoot.

“Why not right away?“Laughs Abdul and push you down. For a moment sits on the floor, then you rap up again.

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