My daughter Claudia | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I’ve been watching you for a while. You get ready to go to the bathroom. You’re mine Daughter And just 18. Your body has long dressed me like magically.

Again and again I tried to catch a look at you when you change or go to the bathroom. Today it is time again. You take off in your room and only come with you bra And panties briefly clothed into the living room again to get something.

Your bra is provocatively small and still optimally brings your youthful breasts into its own. Your pointed panties is so small that you could use it as a pocket square in the jacket.

(Would actually be a good idea, but maybe used?!))). I have the impression that you stay longer than necessary, including your eyes that you take me away, I don’t know how to interpret properly. Was that a smile on your face when you noticed my eyes. Shortly afterwards I hear the shower rustling.

I go to the bathroom and open the door. “Can I have the hairbrush briefly?“I ask to have a reason for my penetration.

“Yes, of course”. When I enter the bathroom, I immediately see that you have not completely closed the shower door, so I see you in your perfect nudity. You have closed your eyes and let the water jet to you wip off you.

There is a slight smile above your face, as if you dream of something very nice. So I have some time to look at you extensively – your pretty face, with your brow hair, your little breasts, which are just hand -sized (grain size 75 b, I have already checked), your slim, slightly browned body on whichdistinguish the bikine parts lighter. My gaze wanders down to your buttocks, two nice round flawless hemispheres.

You are just turning slowly and providing as if you guessed my thoughts. I stare at your hips, see your venus hill and … what is there? You are completely shaved.

I breathe more violently, no bush of hair blocks my view of your young girl pussy. Now you stand by the head for me. I can’t see myself enough. Your labia are still completely closed, they are smooth and peaceful.

“Paps, can you please give me the shower gel, it is on the mirror. “You tear me out of my dreams. Did you notice my eyes? Did you see how long I’ve stared at you? I give you the shower gel and easily touch your hand.

You have now parked the water. “Thanks Paps, you can also put my back on me when you’re already there?”.

What’s wrong with you. Do you want to seduce me?. You have already done me. “Like if you want!“You smile at me.

Can you read minds? I let some gel run into my hand and start rubbing your neck. Slowly I drive along your shoulders, down on your back, touch the side up to the side up to the armpits. I would like to go further forward to your breasts. But I still have inhibitions.

After all, you are my daughter.

But then I feel how you lean back a little, so that my hands continue to go forward to the approach of your breast. I get brave. Pour past the breasts on the side. You put your head back, I see that you have closed your eyes and hear a quiet sigh.

You enjoy it. I stroke further forward, touch your nipples that are already hard out. I knead your breasts easily. Then I drive with my hands over your buttocks, down the thighs and up again.

My fingers move into your PO column and rub you too much there too. I notice how you enjoy my tenderness.

Your groan is coming more and more often. I am getting hotter too. My pants press, or rather the content.

I think several times that all of this shouldn’t be, but since you obviously enjoy it, I quickly wipe the thoughts aside again. In the meantime my hands have already hiked past your hip and stroke over your hill and touch your pussy. Your labia feel wonderfully soft and delicate. With my middle finger I slowly drive up and down and like with a flower in the sunlight you open yourself and I can enter deeper.

When I touch your clitoris, your moan will be louder.

Then you turn around and kiss me passionately. Our tongues can be found and drive a wild dance. Your hand wanders down on me and roams over my tail that has already burst into a bursting. You open my pants and grab the rod.

I feel how your hands tremble slightly, but at the same time grip on possessively. I solve my mouth from you and look deep into your brown eyes? I will not do anything that you don’t want too. “Paps, my dearest dad, you can do everything with me. I would like to belong to you today “I kiss your neck and my mouth wanders to your breasts.

My tongue roams over your nipples.

They taste delicious. I suck slightly on them, bite into it slightly. Your breast is beautiful. So small and firm.

For minutes I like to alternate both tits. Then you press my head slightly down. You want me to kiss you below too. I go into my knees and stick something on your belly button until I slowly spread around your pussy with my tongue.

I approach the labia and slowly stroke from bottom to top. I feel a slight tremor on you. Again your column opens and I drive deeper.

I taste your juice that already leaves. I can no longer hold myself and press my mouth on your column and suck on it.

The taste of your juice drives me almost crazy. I stop, get up and whisper in a rough voice: “Leave us in that bedroom go, I want you completely!“I’ll take you by the hand and take you into the bedroom. We let ourselves fall on the bed just so that I can bury my head back in your lap immediately. I love the fragrance, the taste, just everything in women, and especially with such a young pussy.

The expression cunt does not seem suitable for me in such a young thing, although I have nothing else against a somewhat torbary language (cunt, fucking, tail, tits can also turn on).

I keep pushing my tongue into you, you enjoy how I cancel your groan. You taste very different from yours Mother, much fresher. Your hand has now clutched my cock tightly and pushes it foreskin slowly up and down. In between you stroke my sack and play with the eggs.

I have now pulled your labia apart with my fingers in order to be able to penetrate my tongue.

More and more juice flows out of you, my face is already very wet. I stroke my tongue past your pussy to the dam and then spoil your hole with my tongue. You pull on my cock to bring it closer to your mouth. Suddenly I feel your tongue on my glans.

I go through a shudder. You play on my hole with your tongue, try to push your tongue in. You lick around the glans and then drive down the whole shaft again. In the meantime I go through my head where you got this technique.

Are you a natural talent or have you already gained so much experience.

? You are faster and faster on my cock, I adapt to your pace. In order not to shoot too early, however, I have to interrupt this fascinating treatment from you and turn around to come to you. Our mouths meet again to a deep kiss. You lick your own juice from my lips my cock lies on your pussy.

I’m slowly lifting my pelvis. You grab me between the Legs and bring it into the right position. I feel your wet, wide -open hole on my glans. Slowly I let myself go.

Your hole picks me up deeper and deeper.

By pulling out and penetrating it again, I get deeper and deeper. Your labia. No resistance can be felt. Your first time you have already behind you.

I am finally completely inside. I feel that you enjoy being filled down there. My tail is not a “porn model”, but 4 cm thick, and approx. 13 cm long.

I’m slowly starting to stoj3en. I pull it out to the acorn approach and then go back to you entirely into you. My bumps are getting faster and faster. You come towards me with your pelvis to feel me even deeper.

“Yes, come on, push, fuck your daughter, give me the juice from which I emerged until.

Spray me yours sperm deep inside. “You really go out of yourself. I will soon no longer be able to keep myself. “I’m coming right away.

I’m just spraying your hole for you that you overflow. “I feel the tingling in the tip of the tail and suddenly the cargo shoots out. I push a few more times and then exhausted to fall on your breast with my head. I still let my cock be stuck.

It’s a wonderful feeling. I gnaw on your tits and stroke your warts with my tongue. “Paps, that was wonderful. I have slept with a boy twice three times so far, but they were far too impatient.

Only today did I feel the whole beauty.

Think we can do that more often. I want to do a lot more with you. “I’ll look into your face. “From myself I can fuck with you every day, you make me as horny as nothing in the world yet.

We can continue later if I have recovered something again. “.

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