Cheating on the guests toilet | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

How do you manage to have noise with your own husband and your best friend at the same time? Quite simply – by bursting in when the two are doing it together! And although you can Fling As cheated Wife Actually the injured party, the collected outrage of the two, which has just been caught at the affair, is directed against a self. You find that unfairly? Sure – me too. But the world is unjust!

I still remember the conscious evening. We had the 40 with us.

My husband’s birthday celebrated. It was a really fun society that was together. The whole thing was a surprise party that my husband had no idea of;At least that’s how you could hope. My best friend Anita had helped me with the preparations.

I was amazed right where she knew my husband so well that she knew exactly who was invited and who was not to eat what to eat, and which gifts could best like. Such, sometimes very intimate knowledge, usually only has the wife. At first I talked to myself that Anita’s amazing knowledge of my husband had a very harmless reason;For example, that I had just revealed more about him over time than I was aware of it.

But when we talked even more intensely about the gifts and Anita suddenly said that I should buy him a few chic new underpants for my birthday, so it became clear to me – that was no longer a coincidence, and that was no longer a harmless explanatory background, but my husband was in the process of cheating on me with my best friend. Or vice versa – my best friend fell with my husband.

However – unlike an affair, Anitas could not explain my husband’s underwear. How else could she have known that he hadn’t had chic slips long ago? He really didn’t do that – but I definitely didn’t tell her that, because it had always been embarrassed to me. However, it was not because of me – my husband himself was that it insisted that it would be important to the content and not the packaging, as he used to express himself as ambiguously. Well – Anita had obviously liked the content, but now wanted a sexy new packaging.

So far it came – the husband enjoyed sex during the affair – and the brave betrayed wife also bought the right stimulating linen, which his lover would then move out of him! Nothing there, that was out of the question.

“If you want to see my husband in hot briefs, you have to buy them themselves,” I replied a little cute. Anita did very surprised, but then tried to steer it in. “Oh, you know – men usually have terrible underpants,” she said. “I know that from my own husband.“So it had noticed that she had threatened with her slippery proposal to betray herself, and she now tried to dissuade me from this track.

However, I watched both Anita and my husband very precisely in the following days and weeks – and discovered more and more signs that an affair was actually going on there.

I then received the final evidence on this Birthday party, which Anita had prepared with me. My husband had done a ambiguous surprise when he had come home and had greeted him decorated rooms, balloons, balls of air, garlands, many gifts, loud groovy music, a cake and a cold buffet as well as a lot of his friends – including Anita and her husband -. However, I could have bet that his new lover before or after Cheat had already betrayed everything because I noticed it, he wasn’t really surprised, he just pretended. But then he all greeted everyone very warmly, unpacked the gifts, and then everything was distributed in our big house, where there was enough space for it, so you didn’t have to crouch in a room on a clump.

Until it rang again at some point;It was a straggler, Erich, the best friend of my husband from his school time together.

It had not been certain with him until the last moment whether he could come at all;He lived half of the year in America. But now he had done it. I fell around his neck with joy, took him by the hand and set out to look for my husband to show him this real surprise – but my husband was nowhere to be found anywhere. I walked through all the rooms, now red with embarrassment, and Erich Dapp always got behind me.

No, my husband was actually not there. Where was he? He had briefly crawled into the garden to snap fresh air and secretly smoke one, although he had actually stopped smoking? No, he wasn’t in the garden either, where it was much too cold anyway. Then I noticed that I hadn’t seen Anita on my search, and it was clear to me – the two were currently cheating, in our own house, at this party, for which I had done most of it.

Just when this became clear to me -I was in the hallway at that time -Erich plucked me on my arm. He made a meaningful face, put a finger on his lips and pointed towards the guest toilet, recognizable by the small ceramic sign with a pissed girl that I had done at some point.

Yes, now I heard it too;There was a quiet groan, something scraped over tiles, and then there were strange bumps against the window frame. It is not yet clear to me today whether I might have already guessed in the subconscious what I would see if I went to look or whether I really believed what I murmured then something had happened andwe would have to look. In any case he came along. I now have to explain that we have doors in the bathroom and at the guests toilet that can also be opened from the outside, even if the key is turned inside that is not a key, but a switch on a rotating disc.

We had made it aware of it at the time because we had actually wanted children -but unfortunately they failed to do so -from which we did not want them to be able to lock themselves.

So I just had to turn the outer pane and could open the door to the guest toilet. There crouched my girlfriend Anita on the wide window ledge, with a bare ass and also a little crushed up at the top, and in front of her my husband, the pants half down to his knees, ditto a bright red underpants from a very shiny and chic fabric – that had to be given to him anitahave;In any case, it wasn’t from me! -, So also with bare ass and pumped up and down in Anita. In doing so, he pushed her with his thighs against a flower pot on the tiled Sims, which cried over the tiles, and with his back against the window, Where the frame is scored with every impact.

I pushed out a quiet cry, the two turned around, with stunned faces. For a moment I was like in shock, then I realized what had just happened there.

My husband actually betrayed me! I started crying immediately. Erich comfortably put my arm around my shoulders and first led me to the kitchen, where I could calm down. I didn’t say anything, no allegations and did not even make a scene for the two adulterers;I was actually quite caught and undramatic. Nevertheless – now Anita and my husband are totally angry with me.

Maybe because I caught and people often try to maneuver themselves from a situation by their own anger in which they are wrong and where another would have any right to be angry with them? Or whether this is more due to the fact that the two than the party were already a little more advanced, Erich and I was caught doing my smooching, in the middle of the hallway? After all, we didn’t fuck each other. Although I am not quite sure whether we are not catching up with it. Erich is in Germany even longer;And as the saying goes? Eye about the eye, tooth for tooth – affair around the affair!

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