A camshow can be that hot | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In the office roof for 7 hours of office work in the heat that prevails outside today, I’m pretty finished and also slightly sweaty. I wear ballerinas without Socks, a very short skirt, string underneath, a thin blouse and one bra. My colleague is already gone, I’m sitting alone in the office on my PC and have extended my “fishing” in the relevant forums to. to “fishing” one or the other customer, which I can delight with my offers (hot photos and videos, worn, good-fitting women’s laundry, hot sex chat or even Skype webcam) against my favorite currency (= Amazon voucher).

“Pling” does it, a message opens at Xhamster. “Hello you sweetie, your photos and videos in profile really make you want more. Do you also make webcam?”” Of course “, I quickly guess as an answer,” at Skype “. “Free, wink?“Comes the new question. “Of course not, laugh, you have to make an Amazon easy to relax to me for 10 minutes. To see. “” Ok, tell me your skype name, we connect quickly and then you show me what you are wearing today, take it off for me and ……

grin. You can have a voucher right away. Do you want to see me too?“I quickly replied:“ Wait, I’m still sitting here at work in the office, I would like to do the Skype session at home so in approx. 2 hours. “” Oh, don’t be a frog. Are you alone?”” Yes, “I answer. “Then there is no excuse, here you have the voucher, now you have to, laugh”, and “pling” does it and I see a voucher code on the screen. When I redeem it, I realize that my interested person had 50 €.

“Thank you for the generous payment,” I write. He: “I am now expecting a horny show in front of the cam, which also makes me hot when I know that you are still in the office. Incidentally, I also sit in the office, alone, and my pants are below. And don’t look at the clock, just do it at you, after all, I paid you generously. “I think: Ok, what’s the point anyway, nobody in the hot weather is anymore in the corridor and the office door I can lock from the inside.

I combine with my patron via Skype, but I still know that I will show him everything, but not my face. Then I start the video call. He accepts the call right away and I can see that he is sitting on a chair in front of a wall, I don’t see his face, but already very stiff tail, the steep stands up. “Well, you like my gem?”” Yes, it looks very good, “I replied to him, starting to take off my blouse and lose my bra.

“You like it when I knead my firm breasts for you and take the warts between your fingers?“, Icher, I ask:“ Are not very big, but apparently real and without silicone and your warts are awesome. Your voice is also very pleasant. I think I will have a lot of fun. It bothers you when I jerk my cock?“Me:“ Of course not, I do it for that. I want to see you inject at least once, I’m fully on it.

“He:” Oh, I have no doubt that I would inject, your body is already awesome and yours ass And I haven’t even seen your pussy. “I rub my left chest with experienced hand and grab my skirt and panties with my other hand. I notice how wet I am down there – not just from the sweat of the day. I see that he now rubs his cock violently.

When I put my finger in my mouth with pussy juice, it comes to him. He injects a huge load on his stomach. Me: “Oh, you are easy to amuse. Hope that wasn’t it with you. “He:“ Don’t worry, hadn’t had a pussy for injection and not waxed for a week. There wants to get a lot out of it. Show me your ass now!“I get off the chair and strip with weighing panties skirt and panties.

Then I turn around, knee on the seat of the chair and stretch my ass into the cam. I move it gently back and forth, then I grab between mine with one hand Legs And spread my labia, so that between the fixed, well -rounded buttocks I can see my totally wet pussy well now. Behind me I hear a moan from the loudspeaker and find out with a look over my shoulder that it has come back.

I admire to him: “You are a real splash. It goes on like this now?““ Just keep going, your pussy is fantastically beautiful, so I’m sure I would spray again – maybe even twice, ”he says. I turn again now and sit on the chair with a wide -legged one, I start with the Finger My hands massage my pussy – lips, clit, finger in, out again. I notice how I get really horny now.

To see the thick stiff cock that sprays just because of me and to stroke me, brings me mine orgasm closer to. He says: “Do you have something there to push it into your dreamlike wet pussy?“I reach into my handbag and pull my thick vibrator -20cm for inserting, 5cm diameter – out. I keep it in the cam and ask about it: “Something like this here?““ Jaaaaaaahhhhh, get you with it, I want to see your orgasm.

“Slowly I slide the thick part into my pussy, slowly to the stop. I then enjoy a brief moment on how the big part is deep in me before I start to push the vibrator back and forth in an ever faster rhythm. Of course, it does not fail to get to my orgasm. I feel a gush fluid leaves my pussy, I hold the vibrator so tight with my hand that I can also enjoy the last waves of my orgasm with it deep inside.

When I can open my eyes again, I can see that my Skype viewer still has to come. In the meantime, his whole belly is covered with thick lanes of viscous sperm. He says: “Oh, it was horny, just like you have never made me injection so often in such a short time. Everything about you is awesome, breasts, ass, pussy and your orgasm was simply unearthly, just not from this world. I’ll say it – if you are interested, I would marry you immediately, ”he says with a laugh.

I laugh back: “You can’t even make me greater praise. I also have to say that you asked me quite a bit here in front of the cam, I haven’t had such a strong orgasm for a long time. Your cock is also great and the squash – respect. Then I hope we see each other again and say goodbye. “After I have switched off the cam, I can still read that he would like a repetition of such a show as soon as possible, with such a hot woman he would hardly endure it without a week without standing.

I dry my wet pussy with my dish towel and get dressed again. With a look at the clock I see that it is time to end the work -grin. I leave my office on slightly shaky legs and go down the stairs and past the gatekeeper lodge, which is not occupied at that time. When I put my office break on the counter, I notice two things. On the screen of the PC, I see the Skype program icon in the taskbar and some drops on the floor in front of the PC ……..I think that is not true – the gatekeeper!.

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