Sinning sex in the monastery | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

According to various. Disappointments in the life -private and professional nature – I decided to go to the monastery at the age of 29 to live the life of an abstinated nun. I spend the time with praying, meditation and physical work on the field or in the various workshops of the monastery. After a year as a novice I was consecrated as a nun and have been calling myself since then Sister Suza. The monastery also includes a small bed house in which male hikers can also spend the night.

This bed house is of course strictly separated from the sleeping wing in which my monastery cell is located, it is located in an outbuilding. Today I have bed and cleaning service in this bed house, D. H. I have to clean up the rooms that were inhabited overnight, clean and freshly move into the beds. When making beds, I find an object that was located under the ceiling, down onto the floor and rolls under the bed. I kneel on the floor and get this item out of the bed.

It’s a ca. 20cm long, white vibrator, the function of which was not impaired by the fall when I was convincing by pressing the switch -on button. I made the part disappear in my religious costume. I didn’t think about it all day long, only in the evening when my religious costume was put down I fell down the vibrator – exactly on the bed! Should that be a sign of God?I briefly considered which rules apply in relation to the lust of meat.

I only remembered the absolute ban to run a man with a man, the exchange of tenderness alone is already prohibited from a nun with a man. But a ban to indulge even his lust of meat? I couldn’t remember it. I also knew about some sisters who also let their pleasure run free – rarely, but they did it. I went to the sink and undertook the vibrator of an intensive hand wash.

Then I lay on my bed, I first put the vibrator next to myself. I don’t know when I last had sex with my own body, it was probably before I entered the monastery. My breasts especially my nipples enjoyed the delicate touches of my fingers when my right hand slid between my legs, it was like seeing again, I groaned softly. Immediately a lustful moisture made its way outside from the inside of the body and wet my labia.

Slowly I rubbed my labia, also pushed a finger into my pussy, then let it slide over my clit – it was wonderful!When I was ready that I longed for more, I took the vibrator from the bed next to me and pushed it into my pussy very slowly and ever deeper. At first without vibration I started in slow rhythm -Rein/out, in/out – my pussy to push with it. When I realized that I was approaching my climax alone, I pressed the switch-on button and exploded almost simultaneously with the onset of vibration rhythm.

Moist the juice flowed out of my pussy and wet the sheet. Was that horny, I couldn’t even get my last anymore orgasm remember. At that moment, someone was stirred in my sleep cell. I was so frightened that the vibrator – switched on – flew through the air in a high arc and came up with a hard impact on the floor – and went out. On a chair, approx. 2m next to my bed, our 55-year-old caretaker was sitting.

He said: “Well, sister Fotze, woman should lock her cell when she drives fornication with a forbidden object. If I quickly picked up the part – in these words, he quickly picked up the vibrator and pushed it into his trouser pocket of the abbess – what do you think you will say? Do you think it is done with praying three rosary wreaths?“Shamefully I covered my nuns and hit my eyes. I felt totally dirty under his eyes.

I asked quietly and shyly: “How long …..?““ You mean how long I have watched you in your vigorous hustle and bustle? I say that one of your fingers was already deep in your really sweet cunt at that time. “He got up from the chair and stepped on my bed. How frozen I pressed my back on the wall and captured the nun costume over my bare body. He: “I think I could refrain from reporting to the abbess if …….“I saw his horny grin on his face and asked fearfully:“ If something?“He reached for my nun costume, which I still stopped above my bare body, and pulled on it.

I held these iron. He said: “Well ok, then I go to the abbess. “He turned and ran to the door. I put my nun costume next to me and quickly said: “No, stay here. “He came back to the bed and said with a greedy look at my breasts:“ I see, we understand each other. Now spread your legs and put yourself so that I can lick your cunt, I want to drink your nun cunt juice.

“In the hope that it will not get worse and that he is satisfied with it, I had it granted and felt his greedy tongue between my legs, on my lips, on my clit, in my pussy …that my head and abdomen separated from each other – my head said: No, I don’t want to;My abdomen said: Come on, let it happen, you want it too. I had to admit that this guy, although the situation was still totally uncomfortable to me, was not that bad about my pussy.

My initial tension had largely dissolved, so that with his tongue game and simultaneous finger pressure on my clit, he actually had a little success – I had a tiny orgasm, which was unnoticed for him because my breath had only increased slightly. When he set his efforts with his tongue and fingers in and in my pussy and uprising with the words “You have a totally horny -tasting cunt”, I actually accepted it, I would have survived and he let me undisturbed.

How I was wrong!He got his tail Out-I had to confess: a very nice, thick, long specimen, which I represented in full splendor and said: “So, you small dirty nun hookers, now suck my cock. If you make it decent and bring me to inject in your mouth, then I’ll leave you alone afterwards. Otherwise – I’m thinking about whether I will fuck you in your cunt or your little tight ass.

“With great fearful eyes I tried to alleviate the unamountable duty that awaited me by asking:” But you pull it out to spray, or to spray?”” You would like to have that, you lousy little dirty sluder. Of course I want to get rid of my fickrotz in your mouth. Start blowing. “With my right hand I grabbed his cock and carefully took it into my mouth with the glans. I licked it around it tentatively. He immediately: “If you continue to blame so lame, then your ass is my cock garage in a few minutes – so strict yourself!“A little brave -Na yes, with such a threat, because I was still an ass boy, had never had one before my nun time Ass fuck About me- I sucked her cock more courageously, well, I had some experience from before.

With the treatment of his cock I was probably right, he suddenly grabbed my back of my head with a violent gasp and pulled it up hard, so that his cock exploded deep in my throat while spraying and his seed ran directly into my stomach. I had to choke slightly and started coughing, whereupon he said immediately: “If you cough out the stuff or even piss, I’ll come back tomorrow to fuck you in the ass.

“I brave to suppress my cough as far as he was going to open my head when he pulled my head up and opened my mouth with both index fingers by pulling the cheeks far, that:“ Braving, my darling, nicely swallowed everything,Looks really sperm -free from your dirty mouth. So I have to say: you nuns really have it if you are “convinced” by me by sex. You are already the 13th. Here in this monastery, which I was able to convince with gentle pressure to do it with me.

And half of it does it voluntarily with me in the meantime. You are all the same: As soon as you see a thick, hard cock, your cunt will be wet and you want to get it worried. What about you? When should I get it right to you? Your decision is now completely voluntary, I keep my promise. So you don’t have to. what is?I just thought about my answer, I have to confess, somehow he was right, a stiff tail leaves a cunt wet.

And how she was wet I could clearly feel that between my thighs. He had already dressed his pants in his words and closed the belt. I grabbed his pants bravely and could feel how life came back into his tail immediately. So I said to him: “I can feel that you have not yet shot your whole powder. Why my decision is right, you are right, I am a lousy little whores bitch in a nun costume and long for a hard cock in my cunt-now!“What should I say, only almost 2 hours later he left my monastery cell after he had taken it to me according to all the rules of Fickkunst von in front, from behind, I had sitting on him and we both came several times.

My bed sheet was completely wet from the cunt juice and sperm. He kissed me after he reached for the door handle of my chamber again and said softly: “You are the best fuck mare here in this monastery, the others that I visit regularly do not come with. Horny tits, juicy cunt, Gorgeous, You are naturally naturally. “I thanked the compliments and said:” But your gorgeous tail is also created for my horny cunt, just be careful not to have you in my cell every evening.

“Grinning, he said:“ At my age, I can make rounds like you, but at most 2-3 times a week. And your fellow sisters also want to be taken care of in some cases. After all, there is only one man here in the monastery. “With these words he left my cell. What can I say-since then I have been fucked by him regularly, we make real role-playing games, so pray with rosary, with asshole highring, he suddenly pushes up the nun costum.

You definitely want a nun at Jerk off watch, or? See your horny nonnen-fotzenloch? Can you, nun suza is happy about everyone …… :-).

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