My girlfriend fucks secretly alien | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

There is something about reporting about an experience of me or Julia. It all started with a few days ago, while Julia was showering, I had looked into her cell phone briefly. I had noticed beforehand that she had written a lot with anyone. When I had unlocked her cell phone and typed onto the app, it was entirely whether the name Frank was in her chat overview. Since I didn’t know any of Frank and nobody in our friend group, I was able to think pretty quickly, which is why she wrote with him.

So I clicked on the chat. Julia had written with Frank for a few days. They had both asked each other a little one. They hadn’t replaced pictures or the like. However, I could see that both had agreed. They had agreed for the midnight event in the thermal bath for tomorrow at 7 p.m. Julia had actually promised me when she hits someone to live out. At that moment I thought that she would definitely tell me.

When she still hadn’t told me the next day, I told her that I wanted to go to the thermal bath with a few friends in the evening because the thermal bath opened until midnight. Of course that was just an emergency lie, I just wanted to hear from her that she is agreed. Julia stayed very relaxed when she heard it. Immediately after that she told me that she meets an old friend of study tonight and that she had also considered going into the thermal baths.

She said that she had forgotten to tell me and that I don’t have to worry because Frank was just a good friend for her that she hadn’t seen for a long time. Then I said to her for fun that we see each other in the thermal bath tonight. Julia’s statement that Frank was only a good friend for her, I could somehow not quite believe. Walking 6pm I grabbed my bag and said goodbye my girlfriend home.

She also said that her former study friend picks her up and she was back home around 10 p.m. So I drove my car to the thermal bath, stood in the parking lot and thought about it in the situation that it seems a bit strange when Julia sees me alone in the thermal bath. It would look like when I spy her afterwards. So I decided to write Julia that we had surrounded and that we go to the city and sit down in a few bars there.

Shortly afterwards she replied that I wish me a lot of fun and that she will be picked up by Frank. I quickly parked my car so as not to be seen. I stood in a side street of the thermal bath. Shortly after 7pm I saw that Julia was out of a gray car. Their former known Frank Steig also went out and both went towards the entrance. You could see well that both know each other, but it didn’t look like I had made an appointment for sex.

There was also a lot going on in the thermal bath. So I thought it was probably the best decision to just wait at home until she comes back home. So I drove back home and sat on the sofa and looked a little away. It was 22:40 when I noticed how late it was. And thought to me that Julia wanted to be at home long ago. That seemed a bit strange to me, since Julia is usually very punctual.

So I sat in my car and quickly drove to the thermal bath, where I saw the gray car where Julia got out earlier. The big rush was also over because the parking lot of the thermal baths has become much empty. I parked my car back on the side street and looked whether I can take a look into the thermal bath while protecting the night. At the entrance I was able to read a banner that the admission was free an hour before the bathing closes.

Since it was now shortly after 11 p.m. I decided to just go into the thermal bath. I briefly took my bath bag out of the car, which was still from before in the car was. Now I went into the thermal bath, put on my swimming trunks and carefully armed with a towel into the bathing area. I tried to seem as inconspicuous as possible, because hopefully Julia shouldn’t see me. There were only occasional visitors, so I could quickly see that Julia wasn’t here.

So I tried my luck in the sauna world. It was relatively dark here, only the individual saunas were illuminated. Slowly I tried to take a look at every sauna. I was unsuccessful for the first saunas. However, I thought Julia thought at the steam sauna. Since the sauna was well lit on the inside and the gait was significantly darker, I could see after a few times I could see that it was Julia. Next to her was her good friend Frank and a few steps below was an older couple below.

When I took a closer look, I realized that Julia was not exactly wearing her longest bikini and that his hand was between Julia’s thigh. The old couple could apparently not see through the steam what they did above. I was able to think well that Julia knew exactly what she got involved tonight because she put on her bikini, which has long since become scarce. I could see that franks tail had won clearly in size.

Julia also looked as if her like it. Frank’s cock was not necessarily very long for Julia’s taste, but not small, but rather slightly above average. But the thickness was all the more remarkable. Especially the acorn was of striking size. It didn’t take long, Julia had her hand on his cock. Her fingertips stroked his glans and felt the tail until she slowly moved her hand up and down. It went on for a few minutes until I saw that both of them got up and the sauna wanted to leave.

So I went a few meters further into a darker corner. Julia went forward and Frank after his stiff cock after. Both showered and met together with the changing rooms. I only saw how both went into a family circuit. As possible I continued in a few changing rooms and closed behind me, so that both thought they had been undisturbed. I took a look under the cabin walls towards the family cabin. I could only see that Julia knelt and Frank was standing right in front of her.

It was heard that she worked on the tail with her mouth. I myself jerked my cock that has become pretty hard. Frank said to Julia Leise that he really wants to fuck her at home. In the meantime the smacking has become louder. Suddenly Frank moaned out loud. The smack stopped. I could hear him sprayed on Julia. I couldn’t control myself and also sprayed a large load against the cabin wall. I still heard that Julia put the tail back in her mouth again.

Meanwhile I tried to hurry to move to wait in the car. Once in the car, I breathed a short breath to drive down a little. A few minutes later I could also see that both got into the gray car. Julia and Frank started and I tried to follow inconspicuously. The gray car parked not far from the thermal bath. I also stopped a few hundred meters away. Both got out and went into the house.

I went after the house to get an overview. The bedroom I couldn’t see. However, when I walked around the house almost once, I saw both standing in the living room in front of the sofa. Frank kneaded my girlfriend’s breasts and Julia had a hand on his pants. Frank pushed Julia onto the sofa and pulled out her pants. He lay in front of her and licked her.

She reached into the sofa with both hands and twitched with her whole body. She took off her top and Frank kneaded her breasts through the bra. Frank lay on his back and Julia lay on him with his upper body. She got his cock out of her pants and took him directly in her mouth. She played on his glans with her tongue and jerked his cock with them. He took his left hand and played Julia around her cunt.

Then Frank got up, took Julia and put her back on the edge of the sofa. Even from a few meters I could see that Julia was extremely moist. Frank played a little with his cock to Julia’s Kitzler until he slowly slid into her. I could even hear Julia’s moaning in the garden. Julia leaned back and clawed to Frank with her legs. He pushed his cock into Julia tremendously.

Frank pulled his cock out of Julia. I could see how wet the tail was. Julia knelt on the sofa in front of him and stretched her ass towards him. Frank put his cock Julia into her cunt from behind. I was able to hear her moans from outside again and see how she stretched out her ass Frank so that he could fuck in her cunt uninhibitedly. After fucking Julia from behind for a few minutes, he pulled his cock out of Julia.

He jerked his cock and Julia knelt in front of him. She stretched out her tongue, Frank put his glans on Julia’s tongue and pushed his cock into Julia’s mouth. Julia licked his cock with her tongue with one hand on the tail and sucked tight. Suddenly Frank went to the living room table and got something. Julia still knelt on the floor. He went back to Julia and she grabbed his cock directly. I saw that he had brought his cell phone.

While Julia sucked on his cock, it looked from the outside as if he were to take photos of Julia. However, I couldn’t really imagine that because she never wanted to take photos of us during sex. With one hand, Frank now held his cell phone and with the other hand he jerked his cock. A few moments later, his cock exploded and a lot sperm Sprayed my girlfriend towards. I couldn’t see exactly where he sprayed Julia the sperm just that it was a decent cargo.

Since I always inject Julia, when I have sex with her, always inject on her breasts because she doesn’t like sperm in her mouth and face, I suspected that Frank splashed her sperm on her breasts. Shortly afterwards Frank Julia helped and both went out of the living room, probably to the bathroom, to freshen up. I stopped in the garden for a moment to see where Julia is right now. Suddenly the light in the living room started again.

It was Julia who got her clothes to dress. I saw her got her cell phone out of her pocket. My cell phone vibrated briefly. Julia had written a message to me that there would be about 15 minutes at home. I wrote to her that I was still on the go, but I would also go home right away. A little later I heard the doorstep and a car went away. I thought it had to be Frank and Julia.

So I went around the house and went to my car. I made my way home. Once there I parked my car and went into the apartment. Julia was already at home. I asked Julia how it was in Swimming pool was. She replied to me that it was very nice and that I can also come with me next time. Frank would very much like to get to know me. At that moment I didn’t quite know what to answer and so I just answered her that I would be very happy about it.

Not much else happens that evening. Since it was late, we went to sleep. The next day we excluded for a long time because we both Vacation had. Julia slept a little longer than me as usual. When I cooked my morning coffee, I noticed Julia’s cell phone. It was in the kitchen on the charger. I looked at her cell phone curiously. I really wanted to know if she had more secrets in front of me. Right on the lock screen I could see that Julia had new news from Frank.

I looked briefly that Julia still slept. Then I unlocked her cell phone and opened the app. 2 new news from Frank. I clicked on the chat and let: “Good morning my dear Julia, thanks for the hot evening yesterday. Let us repeat that for the next few days. It’s best to send you the pictures from last night. My cock is looking forward to you!When I left the text I already had a queasy feeling. Among them directly the next message from Frank: “I sent the pictures to you by email! Horny greetings Frank “So I opened your email app.

And actually she had 3 new emails. I opened the emails. There were 5 pictures in every email and when I had seen it I couldn’t believe it. Already in the pool My girlfriend Frank’s cock had at least 3 times in his mouth. The crowning glory, however, was that Frank always injected her in her face or in her mouth. And even a video was how he shot a huge load of sperm into her face at home.

Suddenly I heard that Julia just got up. I closed the app and put your cell phone back. I’m curious to see if and when she will tell me about last night.

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