Sex meetings with marc | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Once again it was one of these cold and dreary days in autumn when you are bored and nothing really knows to start with yourself. I switched on the PC and logged in one Gay Community where I get around every now and then so easily. I hadn’t expected anything special and so only one or the other rather irrelevant chat came. When I just wanted to go offline again, I heard the acoustic signal ..

ups I received a message. Well let’s see who will write me now. I opened the message and read “Hey hello, I’m the Marc and I just discovered that you come out of my close. Just get in touch with if you are interested “.

I first looked at his profile: mid 20, dark hair, slim, etc. It sounded very interesting and so I just wrote back. Then there was a really stimulating and nice conversation with the likeable unknown. When we came to the point that we just wanted to exchange pictures to see who you had to deal with, I hardly trust my eyes ..

What a delicious guy! With that I could have imagined a lot in my imagination, only I thought that it would ultimately only stay with a imagination, because I already knew the customs of some “candidates”. If things get serious and get down to business, most of them pull the tail a. Suddenly he wrote “We can meet if you like”. Me: “To get to know you to get to know a coffee or something?”.

“It can also be more …” he replied. “What do you think, sex, ons?”. “Sex yes, I don’t like ons that. Maybe a friendship with a lot of fun, i.e. regular meetings.

But I have to tell you that I am BI and have a friend and that’s why it should be discreet. But I need a cock every now and then when you understand what I mean “. I was surprised and pleased. “We can make an appointment for a meeting in the next few days,” he suggested “but unfortunately I have to go away, but I will contact me, promised!”.

Ok, that’s it, I thought;Nothing will be anyway. But I let myself be surprised. We met in chat more often for the next few days and at some point we really agreed to meet me. I suggested him a meeting point from which I would pick him up because it would be easier and we exchanged our cell phone numbers and he would report via SMS if he had arrived.

His SMS came on time for the agreed time and I set off. It only took a few minutes to reach my destination. He stood next to his automobile and looked at me curiously. He really looked much better than in the photo.

I stopped, got out and went to him and greeted him. He seemed to be a little shy, so I asked him to take a seat in my car. We then drove directly to me. When I arrived at home I offered something to drink and we smoked a cigarette and talked in the same familiarity as before in chat.

I learned that he was a footballer and I could already guess that there was an attractive and trained body under his clothes. We chatted a little when I suddenly brought up the courage to ask him if he were ready to get into me bedroom go. He nodded and I went ahead. In the bedroom he immediately got rid of his clothes and what I saw there was cheering and cheering me inside.

A cool body and a considerable club protruded and greeted me. I also undressed and when I was naked, I already found it on the bed. I approached him and gently stroked his male chest, which was really only hairy hairy. Then I just kissed him.

He willingly returned my kiss and our tongues played tenderly with each other.

I asked him if he might also have massages. His eyes light up and he said: “For one massage I would die now, I’m completely tense “. “It is not died here, turn your stomach” I asked him. I got a body lotion and distributed it on his back.

A very nice sight … this muscular upper body, the solid buttocks, its trained legs. His plump slopes peeked between his cheeks, which he had probably shaved extra sparkling clean beforehand. Before that, I was able to discover a cute dark hair bush over his mega latte-actually as I like it very much.

I spoil him with my hands and he clearly enjoyed it. Every now and then he groaned slightly: “Oh, it is good and the lotion smells so great”. I kept pampering him and my fingers continued to bake to his plump. There I also massaged and stroked it extensively.

The lotion smelled really great and fresh and also stimulated me very much. I enjoyed my touches and the sensual fragrance on his sexy body. Then my hand wandered between his cheeks and gently caressed his crack. I took my index finger very carefully and groped carefully into his grotto.

He groaned with pleasure and bliss. Since he liked it, I felt deeper into him. It felt cool, warm, tight. I read from him and asked him to turn around.

He did it and asked puzzled: “What do you want to do, I thought you fuck me?”. Now I was surprised and grinned at him: “Not yet, we also want to massage the other side or not?”. He nodded and let it happen. My hands wandered over his chest and my fingers spoiled his hard nipples.

This sight was so cool and I would have loved to jump immediately, but I wanted to take it slowly and that we both enjoy it. We did that extensively. My hands wandered down his stomach, stroked his navel and then I carefully felt myself towards his best piece that awaited me in all his thickness. I have rarely seen such a hammer cock.

I just had to touch him, feel it, touch and much more ..

ch stroked his giants and massaged him, stroked him again and heard him quietly whimpered “horny, keep going”. Of course I keep going, I don’t let that say that twice. My hiking continued down to his voluminous hanging. It felt like he had collected all of his nectar, his sack was so plump.

He had 2 beautiful big ones Egg And it just felt cool to touch her. I kneaded his balls gently and I only heard him sigh: “You are really talented. Please make me really horny today “. But certainly the massage lesson was over when I pushed his belt into my mouth and began to blow it sensually.

“Ohhhhhh Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”. It was amazing to blow him and massage his blocks to stroke his adoniper. It was simply a compulsion to have to touch him everywhere and he enjoyed it loudly and rewarded my actions with lustful moans. I briefly let him off to put his legs over my shoulders so that I can get his fuck cavity better when I bubbled to edit them on the side and prepare them for the ride.

Again I put my finger in and slowly drilled myself deeper into his warm wet hole. I noticed how he was getting crazy and suddenly he bended me, I should put my cock in him and take it properly. Of course, I couldn’t resist this request. He also said that he would first prefer the doggy position to get used to it and so he turned back on his stomach.

I knelt behind him and pulled a condom over my. Then carefully pressed my glans to his hole and hiked with my penis tip through his furrow before I penetrated a little bit into it. I noticed that he was a little tanged and so I remained in the position so that he could get used to my stallion cock. I leaned further, kissed his back and and stroked it gently so that he would become looser and relax.

Then I slowly penetrated him step by step into him. He became more and more relaxed and had my pipe granted. When he was completely relaxed I penetrated to the attack and he groaned loudly on “Fuck me” he screamed. And I started with slow shock movements.

It was indescribably cool to be in him and he too liked it to be bumped by me. My bumps became faster and deeper and his rosette took me gratefully and willingly. His horny cracked butt crowded me more and more demanding with every shock. Again and again he fired me on “fuck me” and I was getting more and more violent into his horny mare hole.

Then I turned it on my back without pulling my cock out of his hole.

I wanted to look him in the eye while fucking and see his lust, his whimper and moan alone was not enough for me. I wanted to see how he was almost insane while I rode him mercilessly. It was a complete success. This ass was just made to fuck and I had to get a little slower so that I wouldn’t come so quickly.

It would be a shame if the ride was already over. And I noticed that this pretty boy just wanted to be fucked properly and he should get that. My hip moved up and down and I worked on his cunt. He groaned and groaned in the clock of my movements.

Suddenly he said that it hurt a little because he had to be ridden first and that he would have to get used to it first and asked me if I could inject him on my stomach. I pulled my cock out of his fuck cavity with a “plop”, pulled my condom down and said to him “Then be nice to him again and blas him beautiful”. Without hesitation, he greedily stuck my piston in his mouth. It felt warm and moist ..

He seemed to drool with joy and he could blow like a professional. Of course it didn’t take long to get me. My cream syringes out like a fountain and I flooded his upper body. A little of my fuck sauce landed on his face and he only said “Wow, you always come so violently and always come so much with you?”.

I just nodded because I couldn’t talk and gasp. This guy made me so horny and I rarely came so violently and enjoyed a fuck so much. It was simply indescribable, cool, outrageous, unique … I slide relieved to the side on the back.

It seemed to me as if I had thrown everything out of myself and would be completely empty. I was still completely dazed and suddenly I felt how he sat on my cock with his little horny ass and started jerk off. It didn’t take long and he delivered his load on my stomach. He groaned, whimpered and left – I had the impression that he hardly had any breath.

So my little horny bi-boy also enjoyed it and he clearly liked it. What a fuck! Then I took him in my arm and kissed him, stroked his whole body again, then took a towel and wiped it dry. Then I dried myself. “Horny” he just grinned at me and I nodded to him in agreement.

Then we got dressed, went into the living room and still smoked the obligatory “cigarette after”. We agreed that it didn’t want to stay with one time and we would like to become “repeat offices” before we say goodbye.

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