Perverses photo shoot | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello everyone, I think I no longer need to imagine because some know me from the story of “The photographer and the red -haired horny model”, but still for everyone, I am Simone And live with Werner my friend in his house. The story of the above story ended with the fact that I have permission to make my first shoot, of course with a man whom I would like to bring with me while shooting, which should actually be easy for melook.

As already mentioned, the whole house with cameras is monitored for security reasons, each room even with 2 cameras (different perspectives) in number. The models are pointed out to this safety measure before shooting. But now to the story that I would like to bring you closer here. Werner taught me a lot about photography, which I expressed my wish to organize my own shoot. Werner agreed, but always remained unnoticed near me in the house so that nothing goes wrong with the shoot.

After I had chosen a male model called Ulli from a model agency, I stepped in with him Contact And we made an appointment for shooting. I was pretty excited and nervous, was my first shooting with a man and afterwards or after or. During that, things should really go down. In the morning of the agreed appointment, Ulli was now on the doorstep and rang the bell. I opened the door for him and was amazed at what a great guy was in front of me.

I asked Ulli into the house and over a coffee we clarified the things that I had imagined to take pictures, no problem, he saw it pretty loose. Of course he looked at me from top to bottom and back and I enjoyed being looked at that, I would have liked to know what he thought, how he looked at me. Of course I didn’t have a slip or. bra on, since I knew what I wanted, but he had no idea that I was actually naked under my jeans and blouse.

In the studio I ordered Ulli to take off his shirt so that I could photograph it in black and white and with bare torso, I had my idea of what I wanted. After the first photos, he asked him to rub himself with baby oil so that his well -trained body came into its own, after a few recordings I sprayed his upper body with lukewarm water, so the water pearl was created, but somehow the right one was missing. Unfortunately, I had to forget the idea of moving his nipples with an ice cube to stand up so that they came into its own on his shaved upper body, because I had no ice cubes.

So I am decisive over to him and played with my tongue on his nipples, which got really horny and struggled with the body, what a horny sight. I think his tail Was already a bit hard in his pants during the campaign, which he did not show. After I had now taken all the photos of him and his naked Öberk, I asked him that he opened his pants a little and pulled down so far that you could see panties, but no longer.

The more photos I took from Ulli, the more I imagined how it will be to be fucked horny by him. With the thought I was already a little damp in my pants. After further erotic recordings, I wanted to know how far he would go if I go to the panties and touch or touch his tail. Wanted to blow, he read it or he said no, let’s see. So I went to Ulli, knelt in front of him, and opened the remaining buttons of his pants completely and pulled them down to his knees.

He was only in front of a panties covered with a slip and harmed the things that should still follow. With my fingers I pulled him down very slowly, and what I got to see, that was awesome. His cock was a bit smaller like that of Werner, but he was circumcised and really horny veined and shaved, what a horny sight, and he was also a bit stiff, but not yet to the full size, which should still change.

I took this wonderfully shaped cock between my lips and started blowing it. With a quiet moan he told me that he likes this very well, which in turn flashing me, his croped acorn with the tip of the tongue to caress. I offered him, if he wanted me to have me naked, he should move out, he liked to follow this wish, now we were both naked and gave each other the lust and greed, he licked my freshly shaved pussy So horny that after a few minutes I am my first horny orgasm Had his fingers twirled my stiff nipples, which made me even more, I think he knows how to get women really horny.

After my first orgasm had subsided, I asked him that he should lie down on me, he should lick my cunt again and I like to blow his horny cock and his Egg want to lick. No sooner said than I sucked on his eggs, his horny nature veined cock tasted just wonderful and his eggs in the scrotum was getting thicker, just delicious to see how cool this circumcised cock is. After licking, blowing, sucking, I just wanted to have this horny cock in my wet shaved cunt, I wanted to be fucked really cool.

So put me on my back, spread my thighs and waited that he was finally sliding into my horny cunt. He slowly came to me with his hard cock, and first massaged my clit with his croped glans, what a feeling. I was getting hotter and wetter, at the idea that he sank his so horny veined tail in my cunt. But I still had a little surprise for him, I handed him a new penis/testicle ring, which he should be overstripped, I wanted to delay his orgasm to have more of it without knowing whether he would come quickly or not.

Furthermore, the whole thing was so cool to look at what his eggs looked like in the penis/testicle ring and the idea of fucking against my cunt, which I became even hornier. He complied with this wish and his gem was a bit harder, simply wonderful, my first and straight horny shoot. Now that he came back between my sprayed thighs, he started to penetrate me with his penis slowly but absolutely. My wet and wet shaved cunt greedily picked him up and now wanted to be finally fucked.

After he had his hard penis -ranged cock deep inside me, he began to push me, with each of his horny bumps I noticed his vein, which almost led me to the unconscious kit of the desire, he felt more and more how cooler I became and his bumps becameincreasingly violent. Now he wanted to know exactly and also wanted to fuck me from behind, I had nothing against it and so he turned me on the stomach, I stretched out my ass, which he first drove into my cunt juice so that he was without any problems in thiscould penetrate.

My cunt was now something like that that I expired like a small waterfall. Now finally fuck me to orgasm I almost shouted at him, almost begging it, but he clearly enjoyed it how I flowed under him. He now fucked my asshole and his vein cock was getting harder and harder. He fucked so horny that I forgot everything around me. I didn’t even notice that Werner was now naked in the room and also wanted to fuck me.

That was a surprise that I hadn’t expected. Werner stood in front of me, his cock in front of my blasmaul. Now I had 2 horny cocks at the same time that wanted to fuck me until the Ohmacht. Ulli grinned when he saw Werner and thought too, it would be really cool and he should be right.

Now I had really blown the cock on size, Ulli still his cock in my tight asshole, Werner now wanted to go into my wet cunt with his cock. I had nothing to do with it, because I also wanted to be fucked to orgasm from 2 horny such hard cocks at the same time. So now, after Ulli pulled his cock out of my tight asshole, I sat down on Werner and let him really spice out the tail, I felt how my cunt was really filled filled out.

Now that I was sitting on his horny lance, Ulli entered my tight asshole again and I poured up out of sheer lust and screamed both, I really fuck me through, I want and need it now and here. After changing the two in my stretched holes several times, I first let my horny cunt inseminated by Ulli, then by Werner, who sponge with his tail in the seeds by Ulli. The whole thing went back and forth for hours, I let myself be fucked by Werner or Ulli.

horny titty fuck, blew both tails individually or together, let me inject with it sperm, licked it and swallowed it just a horny fuck day. But the crowning glory was when Werner started licking and blowing Ulli, that was absolutely the highlight of the things that we were ready with the horny fucking and had said goodbye to Ulli, I asked Werner if he had liked itto fuck me so horny with Ulli.

Of course he said and asked me how did I like it with the sandwich number?I looked at him, gave him another kiss, blew his cock hard again, let me fuck again with Werner horny and told him that it was mega horn, gladly again. Werner grinned and said, well you little nasty fucking, we have the recording that we can see again from the fuck, but I’m planning my next shoot, let yourself be surprised.

But this is another story….

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