Letter to a good friend | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Moin Clara,

After we have been telling ourselves so great stories for some time that are fun and are really cool, I would like to use the time to design a small scenario, which you might also like.

In any case, I would like to emphasize that I actually have a lot or everything we wrote back and forth in the ICQ or SMS.

Already at the moment when I write down these words my mouth will be dry again … no idea what that is.

You will surely remember the evening when you last stayed with me before your Bern stay. At that time you were still Katrin and so you have been in bed for some time before me bedroom go. Much later I only followed after I have a while on the PC or.

Sitting in front of the television ..

You lay on the left side of the foot from the foot part in bed. Cuddled into the ceiling, you almost want to say rolled up. Apparently the impression came out that you are sleeping. That’s how it should be – at least according to my idea.

I got rid of my clothing except for T-shirt and shorts and also lay down in bed, just on the right side.

Since there was a second blanket, there was no need to crawl under yours.

Nevertheless, under your blanket, I got to work on your side of the bed … and that of you how you will certainly remember. At that time (and this is not a criticism, but a statement) you were not able to do any adequate action …

In my opinion, I was not so squeamish, but no matter … this should only serve as an introduction anyway … A similar experience – only a little more constructed – hovered around in my head … On the topic:

Imagine you would like to / would like to spend the night again ..

And the starting situation would be about the same. You went to bed in front of me and I would remain a little more. However, you would have drunk enough the evening before and would go to bed with a bumped or even filled bubble or even better with an almost no longer sustainable urge. That could be the start ..

So far my idea ..

Since you are still katrin in time and extremely shy – Although we already know each other quite well – you also go to the (already prepared) bed dressed. You have at least one shirt, one bra, A colored panties and the beautiful tight jeans (which I know from the pictures) … so you are now in bed … and “sleep” or.

Harrst the things that come there ..

Of course, it can’t be different … some time later I also come to bed … and initially crawl under my ceiling ..

I have no idea how strong your urge is after relief, whether you can still lie still or have to move slightly restless so that I don’t lose anything, I start with such an action as at the time in August … I’m slowly starting to touch you on your thingsto rip your curves and also knead your butt through the jeans.

I also want to include your whole body in my actions. As if happened to happen, I also delete your stomach and press it tenderly, just as I also include your whole body. You can easily defend yourself at this point or give me to understand that my gimmicks and irritation on your lower abdomen would not remain without consequences, I shouldn’t stop with it. But since I am an evil boy, I don’t listen to you in this way, of course, but still intensify my efforts ..

You are now doing a leap in development in the time -lapse and tell me one last time that you cannot hold your water like this and do it in bed, I shouldn’t end what I started.

At this point you may be on your back ..

It comes as it has to come … The horny guy does not let his shameful man and you run out of some drops of your wet into your oh so nice tight jeans, which you also tell me about it. Now of course it is the case that I want to have the evidence and you have to show me the wet spots in my pants, which on this occasion can also grow up a bit. But you are already kneeling in bed, because otherwise I can’t take a look at the mishap.

I am enthusiastic and you inevitably let another gush of your juice in the jeans, which I have now, like several times described, want to touch how exactly it will be shown. Maybe I will be behind you and reach around your body in the crotch to feel the wet … Then I sniff my fingers … and you come up with the intoxicating idea, I could also reach directly on my pants.

I would be happy to meet the wish what you press my head into your crotch and let another small load of juice bubble … I first noticed it with my whole face.

Well, the game could continue so that you get rid of your jeans and only in the panties, which is already soaked, sitting in bed, crouching, knees, whatever … and your brno is still well filled ..

Then you could go on me, lovingly tortured by me again in the riding seat and just let a few drops run again and again … starting at my step towards my face sliding towards my face.

Always just a few droplets through the panties, which I observe would like to spread out on me or my things or. penetration…

After all, you have reached my face via chin. Here you are spoiled for choice … you could be so far above me that your precious water drips on my face first and then you add your water to open my mouth.

Of course, this should be done in a male sound.

Then your juice shoots the open mouth through panties in the middle of my face and I get the instructions for swallowing from you.

Alternatively, even after the drop with your soaked panties, you can settle exactly on my mouth (of course it is also necessary to pronounce an arrangement about the opening of it) and piss directly into my mouth ..

That stays with you and your preferences or. Leave fantasies.

The progress of the game is then completely open, so I didn’t think about this. It would be conceivable that my abuse continues almost the same by threatening me or actually introducing something … this is complete of yours fantasy and leave our day form ..

As far as a little demolition on my thoughts on the topic.

I hope you, like me, can identify with the tiny story and would also enjoy playing it out like this or similar … I personally would like that ..

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