My neighbor and the latex fetish | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The new neighbor has been studying in Cologne for two years. From WGS I had the snout full and so I had a stay a little further on the outskirts. The quarter was not the best and had a bad reputation because of the nearby street line. However, I liked the rotten charm and the rents were affordable. There was a small shop on the ground floor of the house. The apartment between mine and the shop was empty.

The landlord had already announced to me when I moved in, that she would be in negotiation and that the apartment would soon have been awarded. In the three months I already lived here, however, no new neighbor had been seen. Actually it was right for me, who knows how the sub -tenants would be on it. So I had the entire hut for myself after the shop closes and could make noise as much as I wanted.

Shortly afterwards it was time. A moving laster was just around the corner in the morning when I left the house towards the university and five men drag boxes and furniture on the first floor. Nothing of the new tenants was yet to be seen. Well, I thought to myself, that couldn’t go on forever. When I came back in the evening, the move in. The bell was not yet re -labeled and so there was no indication of the number and gender of the new.

Nothing moved for the next few days, even though I listened curiously to whether a sign of life could not be heard from below. Only days after that when I wanted to leave the house late in the evening she came towards me in the stairwell. Because the light was very sparse due to the lack of a functioning glow and I as usual, the stairs jumped down in two sets more than ran, it only noticed me at the last moment. I almost had it around.

“Not so stormy young man,” was the mocking comment when I just came to a standstill in front of her. “Huch, you have to be the new one” was everything that I could think of. “Yes,” she said, “I am Karin and have been living here for a few days”. It might be in the middle or late thirty, was definitely 1.75m tall and had a blond -curly medium -length hair hair. In the weak appearance of the stair lighting, you could also make out a very pretty face with dark eyes that unabashed me.

It was dressed completely black, with a wide vest under which a carrier shirt looked out and narrow smooth leather pants that shimmered in the light. In short, she was beautiful, looked uncomplicated and smelled fantastic well. I had to have stared at her for a moment, at least I tore my amused grin out of my thoughts and I noticed that I hadn’t imagined yet. “Sorry,” I said, “I’ve been Tom and have been living up here for a few weeks.

Are you already completely furnished? I mean, if you need help, just ring the bell briefly “. “Thank you, but I don’t think it will be necessary, everything is actually ready so far. The new kitchen is coming on Friday. But it is delivered and installed “. “Yes, maybe for a coffee if everything is over”. “Sure,” she said, grinning mockingly for the second time. “Yes, because until the days,” I said as a farewell and took the last step of stairs as usual in two jumps.

Once outside, I swung on my bike and drove towards my family pub, where I had made an appointment with a few studies. On the way there I was annoyed a little about myself. Every time I liked a woman very well, I couldn’t hide it. Sure, she had noticed that immediately and had a little fun with it. Maybe I shouldn’t have invited her to coffee right away, after all, not every woman is interested in a guy of ten to fifteen years younger.

“Oh, what’s the point,” I told myself, an invitation to coffee with the new neighbor is probably completely normal. The rest of the evening with the buddies went, as always when we met in the pub. We drank a lot of beer, led over university and co and finally ended in our favorite topic: the dilemma that was definitely too few pretty women in our course;Of course the only reason why we were all singles.

The only difference in the course of the evening was that as usual, I did not have a saying ready for everything, but stared at my beer glass a little pensively in my beer glass. Karin, the exciting woman with the everyday name, employed me. I felt like I was still able to smell it. Yes, she smelled well. Despite a lot of beer, I got a stand in my thoughts and soon said goodbye to me with a few mild excuses. Arrived at home, I thought I could perceive your smell in the stairwell.

I stopped in front of her door for a short time, but then decided differently and hired the stairs further up. Unthinkable how embarrassing it would be, drunk from her at night on your doorstep caught to become. As well as the door of my booth fell behind me into the castle, I tore my pants open and took mine tail In the hand. I went into the bathroom, hung my eggs on the cold sink edge and began to jerk off my half -tire cock.

I tried to spread my legs as far as possible without clamping the eggs on the sink and rubbing my stand as quickly as possible. The cold ceramic of the pelvis on the tail root was awesome for a quick wank number. It took me less than two minutes and pulling in the loin that had built up on the stairs since I was meeting Karin poured into the sink in a gush. Drunk like me afterwards I slept like a stone.

The next few days I saw nothing of Karin. I followed my daily business and didn’t try to think too much about her. It was around six on Friday evening, I was sitting in front of my TV and staring at some stupid evening program when the doorbell rang. I strolled to the door and opened. Karin stood in front of me and looked pretty annoyed. “Your offer still applies?”, she asked. “The cardboard noses from the kitchen company brought the kitchen and almost everything mounted, but the worktop is still there and the sink is also not connected.

Quitting time did you say! On Monday you want to do the rest. But I would like to use the kitchen at the weekend. I just don’t make the plate alone “. “Hey, of course! No problem, we’ll get that!“, Was my spontaneous answer. Yes, I thought, the boys from the kitchen company give you out for the days! We went down into their apartment together. In fact, it was almost completely furnished. Good taste and certainly not cheap! In the kitchen we lifted the heavy record together on the base cabinets.

Then she took the water scale and I lay on the floor to turn on the adjusting screws for the cabinets. She had her leather pants again. Bang tightly sitting without snorting her pretty figure. From here it was a wonderful sight, especially because her labia fully emerged in her crotch. Fortunately, I was wearing jeans who concealed my swelling cock at least a little bit. Only with difficulty I was able to solve my eyes and make the adjustments regarding the adjustment screws.

Because of me that could have been going on forever. But then her cell phone rang. She went along and I only heard: “Shit, that has to be now? It doesn’t work later? Yes, okay, I’m coming! Sorry Andi, I urgently have to go again. This will definitely take. Maybe you’ll have time tomorrow?”” As you want, “I said,” but I can just finish it to you too. The two remaining adjustment screws, the sink, the bar a bit silicone and done.

Honestly that would not be a problem for me “. She looked at me a little skeptically and briefly considered. “Secure? I really don’t have to!”” Just let me do “. She smiled at me. “You are a treasure, thank you!“, She said and fell out of the apartment. After that I worked for a good hour until I finished everything. Then everything looked perfect and I was satisfied. In addition, where I now had a stone with her in her board.

Actually, I wanted to go up to myself, but my curiosity stopped me and I decided to look a little around her. Of course you don’t do that, but the stairwell was quite noisy and that’s why I was sure to hear it in good time. Besides, she didn’t say it would take a while until she came back? So I crept off and inspected her apartment: hallway, bathroom, living room everything is quite normal.

Another door went off from the living room. I opened it carefully. Although the room was dark, I suspected her bedroom here. I switched on the light. A huge bed was in the middle of the room. Head and foot ends were made of wrought iron grids. Mattress and bedding were covered with dark red satin. I thought very nice, beautiful bed linen turns me on. I turned around and found that the whole wall around the door was taken by a large mirror cabinet.

I painted myself to roll myself in satin laundry with her in this bed and watch us in the mirror when you have scored sex games. Who can share this with her? This room was also very large, although quite large of her fragrance! But there was another intense smell in the air! I knew this smell! My blood pounded in my head and increasingly in my cock. I opened the closet with shaky hands.

Madness, that was the source of this horny fragrance. Latex and rubber suits hung there in a row. I touched the material of my moist dreams and buried my face in one of the suits. Wafer -thin latex dresses next to thick rubber suits, plus leather straps, corsets and everything the fetish heart desires. In half of the cabinet, shelf floors had moved in on which smaller latex parts were folded cleanly. I also cautiously rummage through this part. Everything was latex underwear: carrier shirts, T-shirts, panties, shorts and cyclists.

I picked out one of the latter. It was made of thin black latex, about half a leg length and had a zipper through the crotch. Could it fit you it shot through my head. Without thinking further, I tore down my pants and underpants. The part was powdered on the inside and so I slid into it without any problems. It was almost like a glove, except that the small boosts on the hip reveal that it was actually made for women.

My cock pounded when I tried to pack it in the tight shorts. The elastic material nestled around my buttocks and made its way into my step. It compensates for my cock and my eggs. I opened the zipper and started massaging my stand. Just don’t inject, I thought when I also hung up my reflection. A noise in the stairwell brought me back from my latex dreams in lighttheless into the incredibility of this real situation.

I grave in panic after my pants, tore it up at me, struck the closet door and stumbled out of the room. When she opened the apartment door, I had just saved myself into the kitchen and with her hello the last button on my pants was closed. With probably high -red head I tried to explain to her as relaxed as possible, what I had done in her absence in her kitchen. She was happy and I took the first opportunity to say goodbye under the pretext of important appointments.

I reached my apartment with shaky knees. Completed, I thought and wanted to be superior to me if my name was called right in front of my door. How hypnotized I opened. Karin stood in front of me. About her finger, which she held my nose directly, my underpants dangled. With the other hand she tore up my sweater and the hem of the latex shorts came to light. “I do not believe it. You little lout sniffer!“I was completely frozen and could not be reacted to any reaction.

She took a deep breath, seemed to be superior, but then took a step aside and snapped at me. “Out!“I took two steps into the stairwell like remote controlled and she pushed myself towards the stairs. “Go underneath, you shit!“I stumbled down the stairs and was banged into her apartment under constant pushing. Behind me the door slammed into the castle. “Well, probably wanted to get you down in your neighbor’s clothes? Play a little rubber doll, hm? Did it end the language? Keep going!“She steered my steps into her bedroom.

I stood around there like a glove – no more rational thought capable. “Undress yourself!“She almost screamed. I did as she ordered me. “Do it, take everything off!“I hurried, as far as my shaky movements were possible and shortly afterwards only stuck to her with the latex pants. It clapped terribly when her flat hand whizzed on my cheek. I didn’t move and was ready to endure everything just to make up for what I had done again.

“You little wanker! So rubber panties make you horny!“With one hand she brutally grabbed me and found her presumption confirmed. “Good my rubber mixture, if you want rubber, you should get rubber!“She tore up the closet doors and ran out some parts from her collection with hectic movements that she threw to feet. “P attrite that! And hurt yourself, but woe you break something “. A mountain made of black latex piled up to my feet.

I bent down and tried to identify the parts. The first thing I grabbed was a step -long stocking. Then a shirt with long sleeves, then the second stocking and finally two gloves. Everything was powdered and so I managed to gradually put on under her strict look. When I was finished I stood in front of her from neck to the toes in latex. “Turn around!“, She said to me. From behind she put a mask over my head that only left the eyes and mouth free.

The neck part of the mask put her over the high collar of the shirt and pulled a buckle in the neck. Everything was incredibly embarrassed to me, but still or that is why I was more cool than ever before. She turned me around again: “Well, how do you like it in your pelle?“She didn’t expect an answer, but only opened the zipper in my step. My throbbing, stiff tail that was popping out there spoke. “You are worse than I thought! Stay where you are and don’t touch you!“She turned away and went to another door in her bedroom, which I had not yet noticed.

She only disappeared briefly and then came out with a massive frame on rollers. She pushed it up to my knee and then lowered the frame so that it stood stable on the floor and no longer on the rollers. I did not understand the meaning of this monster. Before I knew it, she pushed me from behind so that I fell slightly over the front. My knees landed in two half shell and my chest lay on a padded board pointed upwards.

With quick handles she had tied up my hands with handcuffs on my back, then pressed my head forward and hooked a buckle that was attached to the neck part of my latex mask, at the top of the frame. I tried to defend myself reflexively. Much too late as I had to find out immediately. Within seconds she had put a belt around the frame and my hip and tied me up to a package on this apparatus.

“Stop to fidget! Who wanted to play rubber dolls? Now you are there whether you want or not!“She then ended her work in peace. I had only previously registered all the straps and ligaments on the frame, which she now re -paused and made me completely unable to move. Then she let the padded board on which my upper body lay a little further down. Then she handled behind my back, whereupon the shells on which I knelt and my legs were spread to the maximum.

With the words: “Well, you still feel good?“, She gave me a pat on the bottom and came back into my field of vision to look at her work. In her hand she had a tube. She grinned maliciously when she bent down and under the board on which my upper body lay on something that I couldn’t see, handled around. Shortly afterwards I felt something wet and cold moved over my acorn, overwhelmed my stand and even pick up my eggs.

She had put my cock in something, which was deceptively real as a cunt and was provided with plenty of lubricant. I moaned audibly. “Horny piece, just don’t spray off!“Was everything she said about it. When she was finished, she meticulously checked all the straps with which she had strapped me onto the frame and stopped behind me. She reached through my fixed legs and opened the rice closure of my latex shorts to my couch.

One of her fingers was looking for his way into my rosette cold and slippery. I involuntarily pinched my sphincter. “Hehe, darling, so it just hurts!“, Was your comment. Half -panic, half horny I tried to relax and let her lubricate my intestinal exit with sliding cream. Then she put a dildo on my gate and drove it deep into my butt. It was probably such a fir tree -shaped part, as I had already admired in a sex shop: briefly, pointed and thick at the front and then tapered to the plate.

So thick that I thought it was blown up my virgin entrance until then. When the part was firmly in my intestine, she closed my shortage to my tail root again. “Curious neighbors can also be endured so nicely,” she said, and left the room quite well -moody. So alone, half kneeling, half -lying on this frame, I took the first time in what a bizarre situation I was actually in place. I just helped my attractive neighbor to install her kitchen and now I am tied and humiliated with a plug in my ass, the tail in a kind of milking machine and waiting to be used by this mysterious lady.

Sure, I was shocked, everything was so infinitely embarrassing and surely I was actually paralyzed at times, but if I would not have been terribly horny, there would have been a way to escape the whole. So the fact was that I hadn’t got into this situation completely without will, but pure lust ultimately led me here. If something could calm me down at this moment, it was the fact that Karin’s anger at the beginning, I hoped at least- at least- joy- had given way to her nicely packed victim.

The longer I had to stay on this frame alone in the bedroom, the more reasons were added to my calm. After all, it had always been a damp dream to be put in latex from head to toe. I sweated in my second skin and with every little movement that allowed the tight bondage, the material sucked on every square centimeter of my body. The plug in my ass could be pushed out and pushed out through the sphincter and in my hip I had developed a few centimeters of freedom of movement and was able to penetrate my now chubby warm art pussy.

Horny and willing, as I was now, I rejected the thought of what poor picture I was giving away and only wish that Karin didn’t let me wait too long for whatever. My wishes were fulfilled. Slowly the door opened and Karin’s head appeared. “I don’t think so, horny how my little one is, he fucks the rubber shell in my absence! Nothing is too embarrassing for you either. First get yourself caught with rubber underwear strangers and now also in front of my eyes ram everything that is within reach of your snap!“My breath punched.

Not because Karin had caught me again in an embarrassing situation, but because her outfit was awesome. Stood in front of me the dream a woman in latex. She had a floor -length black latex dress. The shoulder -free top was very close. Her breasts supported two rubber half bowls, which presented their large and stiff nipples. Two straps framed their breasts and merged into a wide neck cuff on the neck. Below her hip, the dress widened to a chamois, wide skirt that was slit in the middle from the hip.

She was wearing her blond -curled, shoulder -length hair open and her arms were wrapped in latex gloves over the elbows. If you took one step forward, the flowing skirt was shared and gave a view of her shaved cunt for a short moment. On her feet she wears nice leather boots with high heels. “Make your mouth to be part of it! I didn’t want to do you a favor! I put on like this because it turns me on “.

She moved an armrest into my field of vision about two meters from my head and sat on it. She put her legs on the left and right over the back and then hung the fabric that also hidden the view of her cunt in a slower and lascivious way over the leans. My gaze followed the remaining little triangle of pubic hair above her pussy directly into the moist shiny shiny pink furrow, which opened far from it. She had large labia that were shared by a bright red, huge clit at her upper end.

I could smell the scent of her wet lust grotto. I groaned and started to involuntarily push back into my rubber shower. Smoke -up smiling Karin acknowledged my attempts at rams and let her rubberized fingers slide into her lap. With her flat hand she massaged the whole area of her step. Then she shared her labia with her fingers and stroked their inside. Her middle finger disappeared deep into her cunt and brilliantly came to light in front of cunt juice. The mucus of their own excitement enjoyed their entire gender with relish.

She put her head on the neck slightly on her lips and obviously enjoyed the excitement that her rubber hand triggered in her lap. She made circular movements with her hip and intensified her finger game in and on her cunt until her entire step before wet excitement shone. Then she interrupted her horny game for each of her rubberized fingers and wet fingers wasted by cunt juice. In doing so, she looked at my eyes unexpectedly.

“Would you also like to have something from it?”, she asked. Without really expecting an answer from me, she got up and stood directly in front of my face, so that with some effort I could have reached your pleasure grotto with my tongue. Your hand slipped into your crotch again. With her two middle fingers, she dipped deep into her furrow and smeared the fragrant evidence of her lust on my lips and under the nasal openings of my latex mask.

She smelled wonderful. Again and again her fingers got the fragrant juice from the depth of her pelvis, which immediately landed in my face. Without having touched her cunt so far, my lips tasted like the most violent oral sex. Then she went back to her chair and sat on it as before. With her right hand, she reached for a device that looked like a remote control, pointed it to me and typed a few buttons with the thumb.

Suddenly the rubber dimensions, which enclosed my cock slippery and wet, became alive. My eggs, which creates and massaged my glans. I started to moan loudly. With her index finger on my lips, she meant to refrain and started with a small speech: “Actually, I should have left it on the slap and otherwise should consistently keep you out of my life. But now you have pushed yourself into my life and I didn’t want to move for now either.

In addition, your situation even seems to be fun. I had no more men to treat myself, but honest lust for rubber and bondage games, as apparently there is, turns me on. “I just wanted to say something about that, but she continued to shake my head and instead intensified the massage of my tail with the remote control with the remote control. The rubber -dimensite gave smacking noises when it slipped up and down on my cock independently.

I felt like a cow that was to be milked and could not suppress groaning with the best will in the world, with the best will in the world. Karin got up with an annoyed look and began looking for something behind my back in her wardrobe. A few seconds later she kept my nose from behind and when I opened my mouth forced it into a rubber ball in it. When she had pressed it behind my incisors and I couldn’t get it out without my hands, she let go of it and attached a belt to my back of my head that pushed the ball even deeper into my mouth.

“I was about to inform you about my other plans and you just grumble like a horny bull at the Sperm donation. I warn you if you cum here without my permission and my pretty rubber shower sows up, everything so far will appear to you like a delicate petting unit!“She sat down on her chair and continued with her speech:“ I am something like a therapist or call it a service provider for the realization of special fantasies. However, I only treat women.

Women with very interesting ideas of sex that they cannot or do not want to live out in their normal environment. Sometimes it would be an advantage if a man was also present at the therapy sessions. So far, however, I had not been able to find a partner who seemed suitable to me. You now have two options: Either you can imagine to help me as my assistant, then I press this button on the remote control and you can finally inject into your beloved rubber shower and maybe today, one or the otherGet to know the additional service of my practice or I switch off the massage and you piss off from my apartment and preferably from yours, because I don’t think we will be good neighbors under these requirements.

While you think about it, I will take a few photos of you so that, no matter how this ends this, you don’t swarm out of the new neighbor with your buddies, okay?“With these words, she loosened the neck closure of my latex mask and the securing of my gear and pulled the mask over the face at the front. She dangled on the gag tangled in front of my mouth. I was completely sweaty and probably had a pretty crazy look. Nevertheless, I was probably clearly recognizable as Tom.

While she pulled out the camera and the flash light this bizarre scenery lit, I tried to take a clear thought. It was a smooth blackmail, but lust is a good motivation to get involved in things that you hadn’t even dreamed of before. I also trusted Karin for whatever reason. And everything indicated that Karin had already made the decision and would be happy to employ me as her assistant, otherwise the staging of the whole history would not have been necessary.

“Well, my dear, how did you decide? Should I turn this up here so that you can cum your juice or want to jerk your stand alone in your apartment and keep dreaming of wild sex??”A” felt “was my indistinct answer. “So now and here in front of my eyes, you want that?“She asked ironic. A violent nod was my answer. “Very nice,” she whispered to me and put my mask over my head again.

She moved the armchair a little closer to me and showed me her divine pussy. Then I felt how she turned the rubber dimensions on. She seemed to vibrate at full performance and massaged my cock, as I had better experienced with a woman. I groaned so loudly I could in my gag. I was fucked by a slippery art and couldn’t imagine anything hotter. She enjoyed my sight and jerked off her wet gap violently from my nose.

Soon her groaned my groaned my gag. She had to be shortly before an orgasm. She looked at me with my eyes and mouth wide open and nodded me. I knew how to come with her as a sign. So far I had only managed to keep my juice back to me, which from the eggs rise. Shortly afterwards they flinched the first spasms. She screamed her lust in my ear and came. Almost at the same time it was so far with me.

With force I injected my load into the rubber -dimens. I had to have a high red head and the saliva dripped out of my caught mouth. With all the violence I rammed my stand as deep as possible in the suction apparatus between my legs and let me suck off until the last drop. Karin was sitting in front of me in the armchair and switched down the milking machine that had edited me a few stages without switching it on completely.

She got up and loosened the gag belt on my back of my head. It wasn’t easy to get the rubber ball out of your mouth again, but together we made it. As soon as the ball was outside, she pressed her gossip wet cunt in face. “Well, you can smell and taste what you have done? Lick her nicely clean and just don’t stop until I came back. “It wasn’t the most cozy head posture to conscientiously lick the column to a woman, but with some effort my tongue reached all crucial places in her crotch.

I enjoyed the juice from her labia. I supported my attempts with my tongue into her cunt with rhythmic fucking movements. I licked everything that gave me her horny salty source. Then she pushed my head deep into her cunt and rocked with her feet, so that my whole face slipped through her column. “Suck on my clit!“, She called me moaning too. I shaped my lips into an O and sucked her entire clit.

I felt wildly shook at how her next orgasm was on. Shortly before she came, she pressed my head deep into her column. She clawed her fingers around my ears and her hip pressed her as tightly as possible against my mouth. Moaning or better screaming loudly, she came and sprayed me a huge jet cunt juice in my mouth. I greedily swallowed everything her grotto donated before she was exhausted by me.

She sank back into the armchair and smiled at me for the first time since I was put on my frame here. “Oh god, it was horny! I certainly didn’t use your leak services for the last time. A woman couldn’t have done it better for me either. And now to you. Can you spray for me again or do I have to help?“I didn’t understand her. After my orgasm, my cock was a bit limp in the rubber envelope that she had put over it, but I was still horny enough.

If I had been able to touch my cock myself or had a little more freedom of movement in my hip, it would not have been a problem to bring him to full size and to spray. But she didn’t expect an answer either, but wanted to help me. She handled with the remote control and I felt how the rubber -like one became tighter and began to vibrate again more. Seconds later, the cone in my ass also started rumbling.

I looked at Karin frightened. “Still Virgo, back or what?“I nodded and registered how the rubber plug in my intestine became larger and larger and vibrated violently. Shortly before it got really uncomfortable, the air escaped from the tap, just to pump up again immediately afterwards. I had the feeling that the part was greater with every re -inflow. At first this new feeling was extremely uncomfortable because I just thought I had to poop urgently, but the more often it was repeated, the hornier it became.

The vibrations stimulated my prostate and my cock grew back into an official stand that has now been massaged again by the rubber -dimens. I looked at Karin. She had long buried her rubberized hand in her lap and stroked her clit. “Should I do it to you?”, she asked. I nodded and felt how the clock increased in my butt. The cone rammed my rosette and I held against it with every inflation, as much as my bondage allowed it allowed.

“Karin, do it me!“, I called her with lust almost bursting. “Yes, I get you how you need it!“, The answer came moaning. Then she turned the pleasure donor onto full powder and I would be filled at the back and sucked at the front that hearing and seeing passed me. I had never felt this lust in my life. Karin could have done everything with me at that time. I wanted to be fucked and sucked up to the cum and all of this under the eyes of Karins.

She herself was now shortly before another orgasm and her hand slid over her clit rapidly quickly. Without taking my eyes off my eyes for a second, she came over a violent climax. She winced and threw herself back and forth in her armchair. It didn’t stop at all. At first she was completely quiet but with the second or third orgasm wave she screamed uninhibitedly. Her sight also gave me the rest, the cone in my intestine blew up one last time before I exploded.

I rammed my spear forward like cramped and pressed my sphincter as tight as I could together. As a result, I felt the vibrations even more violently. I sprayed and shrugged for seconds afterwards. The rubber mill also sucked the last drop of my eggs before it was switched off by Karin. The plug in my butt also stopped his work shortly afterwards. I was exhausted. Karin sat motionlessly in her armchair for a moment with your eyes closed before she looked at me again and did not confess me enough yet.

She straightened up and removed the milking machine in which my cock was hung up and the dildo from my butt. “What’s up? Do you already make a limp?“Stupid question, I thought. After all, I had just come twice in a row, which is a little break until the next erection is probably completely normal! “Well, if you can’t have a stand, you just stay connected and have to help me to enjoy it else!“She disappeared from my field of vision and rummaged in her closet after another utensil to increase her pleasure.

When she was standing in front of me, she held a black leather harness in her hand, on the inside of which a mighty rubber image was attached. She pressed the rubber hinge deep into my mouth. “Get nice wet, my darling!“, Were their instructions on it. Then she pulled it out again and climbed with one foot after the other and pulled the harness to the crotch. Relishly placed the mighty dildo in front of her gate and began to push him into her pleasure channel under a quiet moan.

All of this happened right in front of my eyes. The rubber chip penis disappeared into it quietly. With two side buckles she pulled the harness tight around her hips and then sorted her latex rock. She went back to the closet and came back with a large box. I was certainly presenting 20 different essays in it, including various penis replications in some impressive size. All parts had a leather plate with three snap buttons on their underside, which matched the push buttons on the outside of the harness, which danced tightly around her hip in front of my eyes.

I would like to take care of what this should be good for. “Well, what do you want?“Asked innocently and pointed to the biggest cock in the range. “Maybe this?“I shook my head violently. “Okay, there is a moderate variant for our virgin for the introduction!“From the middle of the box, she took a significantly smaller dildo and attached it to the intended push buttons on the intended push buttons. This was a little thinner than a normal cock and ran relatively pointed at the front.

At its base, however, he became wider and ended with two almost round thickenings that were separated by a constriction. I was slightly dizzy with the thought of being fucked in my butt by a woman, but on the other hand it made no difference. Karin slowly walked around me. I felt how she sprayed half the tube of sliding cream in my butt.

While she distributed the lubricant, she at the same time widened my rosette with her fingers. Then I felt the tip of the dildo struggled with my gate. The first centimeters of the rubber hungry slid into me without any problems, only the thickened base needed something of Karin’s tutoring. As soon as she had completely sunk the spanking in my intestine, she pulled it out again and began to fuck me deeply and rhythmically. She grabbed my hip and took me in the doggy position.

The beginning Was a bit uncomfortable, but when my rosette was far enough I could also enjoy her strong ramming. Karin was less about my enjoyment at that moment. She fucked me as it liked it best and it didn’t take long for it, I heard her moaning that she was shortly before coming back. Her hip clapped faster and faster on my butt and the echo that the rubber hing was triggered in it was more and more violent.

Take pointed screams she came to orgasm that did not want to end. When her last spasms had laid, she still sank in me in my back and hugged me almost tenderly. I even thought I could feel a few kisses through my latex shirt on my shoulders. Shortly afterwards she pulled the dildo out of my butt and banned me from the frame. I was now a bit stiff in the limbs and had to stretch a little to be able to stand up again.

By the way, her anal fuck was not without consequences for me and so my cock was proud again and in full size from my hip. Karin was already the old one again and gave me that I had to finish my own later with me. Then she turned away from me and searched her closet again. “This would have to fit you,” she said and put a black large latex clothing over my shoulders.

To do this, she packed other utensils in a bag that she pushed into my hand. Finally, she gave me my own clothes. “The things you wear are washed out with warm water, dry them and then powder them inside. On the outside you use the spray that I packed with it. You will be informed about the other part of our agreement as soon as the time comes. I will call you and then you put on the suit and come down, I will explain everything else when the time has come! So, and now go!“She gave me a fleeting kiss on my mouth and pushed me out of her bedroom to her apartment door.

“I hope you have your key with you. Everything else could be embarrassed in this elevator!“, Were her last words before her door fell into the castle and I was alone in the stairwell in full latex gear. It took me a few seconds to reflect before I became aware of my recording and hurried up to me. Fortunately, my apartment door was still open and so I scurried directly and closed the door behind me.

While I was peeling out of the whole rubber that I was still wearing, I tried to realize what had actually happened in the last few hours. She liked to pretend ten times as a therapist or service provider for crazy sexual practices, but that also meant nothing more than that she was actually a prostitute and I was on the best way to prostitute myself too. I didn’t get my thoughts much further because my phone rang.

I went. “I’m,” I heard Karin Sagen from the other end of the line. “I hope I wasn’t too rough to you. I mean I didn’t really want to hurt you and I certainly don’t want to blackmail you. If you want, let’s let it be based and forget what happened. On the other hand, I decided to like you and if you want to voluntarily assist me every now and then, I would be very happy.

I will also show myself clearly and that could see what we have experienced today, yes, a very exciting basis for an interesting friendship. What do you think?“I was not really able to answer yet and printed some of the disadvantageous words in the listener. “Okay, Tom think about it and give me a sign for the days! I will follow it! Take care and think of me if you get one down next time!“Then she put on and I had an additional problem.

I had a crush. Nevertheless, I was still undecided how it should go on. For the next two days I did not contact Karin and heard none of her. Yesterday I cleaned my outfit from our orgy and for the first time inspected everything she had given me. It was a black full-body latex suit with incorporated feet and gloves. He had a two-way zipper from the neck through the crotch to the couch. As soon as I held the suit in my hands, I felt the urge to put it on too.

I took off and slipped into the well -powdered part of my damp dreams. It was wonderful and he also fit like tailor -made. It showered at me when I pulled the zipper through my crotch and the wonderful material nestled close to my whole body. In addition, I took the mask that I was already wearing at Karin and was now totally wrapped in latex. My stiff tail pulsed in his rubber prison and I had to get out and jerk off immediately.

I couldn’t help think of Karin and our horny games and so it was clear from that moment how I would make up my mind. To experience everything in the world I wanted to experience something similar again. At the same time I remembered how I could give Karin a sign that I would accept her offer. The next morning I went to the university in the morning. I had put on Karin’s long -sleeved latex shirt and the latex shorts under my normal clothes.

Outside it was cold and there was no risk of getting a heat collapse in the lecture. Kitchen noises penetrated from below so that I could be sure that Karin was at home. I left my apartment shortly before eleven. When I passed I rang the doorbell and then hooked on the street. Below I hoped that after opening the door, Karin would come to the window to see who had ringed.

I was lucky and shortly afterwards I saw Karin by the window. I looked around, nobody was near me. I opened the rice closure of my training jacket and showed Karin the latex shirt what I had underneath. Then I opened my pants and showed her the short too. Karin smiled, showed me her raised thumb and simulated a kiss. I hid my rubber die again under my everyday clothes and was sure that Karin had understood. Happy about my decision I cycled to the university, struggling with my stand, which stimulates through the latex pelle, stimulating in my shorts.

Until the weekend I heard and saw nothing of Karin. I hadn’t left the house and was ready for everything that would come. Most of the time I slipped immediately when I came home in my suit and spent the evening in it. After waiting until at least 11 p.m. and had to find disappointed that she hadn’t called again, I unpacked my cock and redeemed myself from the pulling in my hip.

It was on Saturday around 9 p.m. I was just cooking when my phone rang. With a frenzied pulse I took off the listener and heard Karin’s voice. “Pull the suit and mask on and come down. The key is on the outside of the door. Go into the bedroom and sit on the armchair. You can see everything else then. Be there in 20 minutes!“Clicking in the line revealed that she had to go without waiting.

I switched off the stove and waned into the bathroom for showering. Shortly afterwards I stood in front of your apartment in full latex gear and frenzied pulse. I opened and pulled off the key. The light was dimmed in the whole apartment. Due to my mask, I also heard voices from Karin’s bedroom. Slowly I went to the door and opened. Karin stood right in front of it and pulled me in my arm. She also had a full body suit from red latex, but without a mask.

She wore dangerously looking, crazy high pumps and had strapped the harness with which she also got me at the time. On her bed, which was completely covered with black rubber today, her customer knelt. Except for the latex mask, which only free eyes and mouth was the woman naked. Her hands were tied to her back with leather bracelets. She had a leash around her neck that was attached to the metal bars from Karin’s bed.

Her mouth was probably gagged with the same rubber ball as with me back then. She was totally sweaty and the saliva ran from her corners of the mouth. When I entered she groaned loudly and audibly into her gag. Karin was to take a seat on the armchair. I did as I was called and Karin then fixed my arms on the back and my legs on the feet of the chair with leather straps. Karin’s customer did not let me out of sight and groaned louder and louder into her gag.

When I was firmly tied to the chair, Karin let off from me and loosened the leash from the bed frame. She pulled on a leash and meant the woman coming down from bed. She followed Karin’s wish on her knees slipping. Karin placed her in front of my chair and removed the ball gag from her mouth. Then she opened the zipper on my suit and took out my plump stand. She put the woman on her neck and pressed her head into my lap.

The woman opened her mouth and picked up my cock. Karin pulled the leash under my butt and attached her tight to the back of the chair. As a result, my cock was pushed deep into the wife’s throat, who had little freedom of movement with her head. Then Karin knelt behind her customer and put her rubber imagery on one of her gates. She put the woman on her hip with both hands and pushed the rubber pipenis deep into her.

Due to Karin’s bumps, my cock also disappeared deeper in the mouth of the woman. Karin looked into my eyes and began to penetrate her customer violently. Moaning the wife Karin’s clock continued to me and sucked my cock in the same rhythm. Happed up by the bizarre scenery I was difficult to control, but I knew that I should only cum on Karin’s command. Karin works extensively and deeply her customer’s pleasure channel and meant not to come in between by shaking your head.

Karin pushed into the woman at a changing pace for minutes, then I saw that she was about to be orgasm. Creaming loudly she climbed one last time before she was shaken by the waves of her orgasm. She nodded me and pushed my cock deep into the woman from behind. I couldn’t control myself anymore and syringe. The taste of my sperm also gave Karin’s customer the rest. Almost brutally, she sucked the last drop out of my eggs while she could be ridden by her orgasm on the rubber image.

I had hardly recovered when Karin pulled the dildo out of the woman. She hooked the leash on her patient’s neck cuff and also loosened my bonds. Then she meant to leave the room with a head movement. I got up and staggered with shaky knees towards the door. “I’ll call you later,” she called after me when I went through the door. A few seconds later I found myself a few seconds later I found myself wrapped in latex in my apartment and tried to realize what happened.

I let myself fall on my sofa and had to fell asleep right away. The ringing of my phone woke me up. “Hello Tom”, I heard Karin’s happy voice. “Well, how did you like it? Do you still have the hot suit?“I affirmed. “Then come down and let us toast this day!“I was not quite awake yet, but I hurried, washed my face and cock in the bathroom for a moment and went down the stairs to Karin.

She stood in the door with her fantastic suit and received me with open arms. I enclosed her hip with both arms and pressed her to me. Her lips were looking for mine and we kissed like a couple that hadn’t seen years more. “Come in, my horny piece,” she whispered in my ear when she pulled me over the threshold. In a glare -in -mood she conducted me in the living room on her sofa and gave us two glasses of sparkling wine.

“On the hottest shape of the neighborhood, dear Tom!“I laughed and we both drank our glasses on one train. She turned her glass off and slipped from the sofa and knelt between my legs without a comment. “You deserved a little reward. My patient left me happy and deeply satisfied. Not least because she was allowed to suck a plump cock again. “With these words, she opened the zipper in the crotch of my suit and began to suck on my gender devotedly.

Since her customer had only recently got me, I was able to enjoy her caresses without being afraid that I would come up with me. For minutes she devoted herself to my stand until she suddenly paused, uprising, in turn opened the step closure of her suit and slowly settled on my stand. Tender and dripping wet took her cunt. When I was in full length in her, she opened two small zippers at the level of her breasts and her nipples came to light.

“Suck me my hot nipples!“, Was your almost pleading request. Slowly and tenderly we fucked ourselves, always interrupted by intensive tongue kisses and strokes on all reachable parts of our rubberized bodies. We sweat in our second skin, but enjoyed this wonderful, slippery feeling. With high -red cheeks she signaled her approaching orgasm. She got up and stood with wide spread legs to the sofa tendon bent next to me. “Take me from behind and do it as violently as you can!“I stood behind her and she helped find her entrance with her hand.

When I was deep in her again, I increased the pace of my fucking movements. She spurred me on not to let me up and edit her as violently as possible. My hip clapped on her butt with every bump and the latex of our suits sucked together noisily. “Let me come first,” she pressed out with a loud moan and came almost at the same moment. Then she pulled my cock out of her cunt, turned and sat on the sofa clinic.

With her rubberized hands, she grabbed my eggs, massaged my shaft and sucked her own juice from my glans. She looked me in the eye and nodded. As on command, my eggs contracted and I ejaculated in several batches in their mouths. Afterwards we were on your sofa exhausted. “I think I have a crush,” I confessed to her. “The Olle Karin likes to hear that,” she replied mockingly. “For now, however, you have to be satisfied with the role as my latex lover.

If you are good, you have enough time to prove that you are not only in love with my rubberized butt. As an almost unteachable single woman, I need a lot more persuasiveness!“In a good mood, she kissed me intimately and rubbed her step again on my thigh …

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