Party evening | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We want to go out with friends tonight. Probably roam the bars again and drink something. I’m just walking naked through the apartment and looking for something suitable to put on. First I grab a black one bra And a top string.

Then I put on my tight jeans, which emphasizes my butt so beautifully. You can’t leave your eyes off me at that moment. Now I’m still looking for the right top. One piece after the other flies out of the closet until I found something.

A tight -fitting shirt with lace insert on the neckline. In addition a few high -heel ankle boots. You are already dressed and then we can also go. Your hand strokes my butt as I walk past you through the door.

All in all, it will be a wetful evening because we drove the tram into the city, we can both drink something alcoholic. After the third cocktail, you notice that I am already pretty good, because my hand wanders up on your thigh. At first you keep push them back inconspicuously, but the more you drink, the more you let me do it and enjoy the tingling. I lean towards you and now carefully stroke the noticeable exploitation in your pants.

You enjoy the touch, but still make sure that nobody will notice it. Unfortunately, our accompaniment will soon leave and I lean against you and kiss your neck. We say goodbye and run towards the stop when you suddenly stop. You turn around and pull me in the other direction.

I stumble behind you and ask where you want to go. You just grins at me: “You don’t know anymore, our agreement?”

We are already standing in front of the small door, which shines in red cinema. In the shop windows next to it hang hearts and Lingerie. You pull me in there gently.

Run the stairs down and then grin the lady at the counter in a friendly manner. “We would like to go to a cabin.“I’m probably a little puzzled, because the lady succeeds me briefly, but then nods and shows us the way. You close the little room of the little room behind me. I look around tentatively, a simple PVC floor and bare walls on which there is a hole every now and then.

Because you notice my uncertainty, you pull me to yourself and kiss me lovingly and long. Stroke my whole body while you slowly pull out my top. Your kisses migrate down my upper body, you push the bra down and gently suck on the nipples. A quiet moan escapes me.

I relax more and more and that alcohol Make again that I get looser and sharp. Now my hands paint over your body and I press myself more to you. Open your pants and push them down a bit with a boxer shorts so that your stiffer tail Jump off immediately. I go on my knees and lick over its tip.

“Oh that’s so cool”, you press between your teeth. Slowly I let your cock slide into my mouth when suddenly what happens behind the one wall.

You hear a rustling and a short time later another penis pushes through one of the holes. I look at you expectingly, you nod and say: “Come on, blow him just as horny as you always do with me. But first you look your pants.“I walk to the wall and push my jeans up to my ankles, just want to go back to my knees, when you hold my hip and only press my upper body forward.

“I also want to have fun.“I am totally wet due to the situation and so you can do it completely immediately. In the meantime, I first let my tongue lightly circle around the other person of the other. Through your bumps, my mouth is pushed further and further on the other tail, which still supports it with its own fucking movements. So I will soon be fucked from both sides and can’t get out of the moan anymore.

Your hands claw in mine ass And you uninhibited my little, damp hole. My juice is spread over your eggs, I literally run out. I feel permanently as shortly before mine orgasm, But the redeeming twitch does not want to stand up. At the same time, my saliva is distributed on the strange tail and I take a hand to add it to it jerk off.

You can watch the whole thing from your stand very well and know how cool it just has to feel. “So you like to be my little bitch? My Sex toy, which I also share when I feel like it?“I just escape a subdued“ Hmhm ”. Your hand claps on my butt. “Well-behaved.”

You let off briefly from me just to crouch and let your tongue slide between my column.

Circles my hole and insert the tip of the tongue.

The other penis twitches in my mouth when I let my tongue circle around him and I hear a moan through the hole. I massage the tip a little and let my tongue glide up and down the shaft. The twitch is getting stronger and so I let it slide again between my lips.

After a few times I let off from him and keep jerking off when suddenly his whole juice shoots out and spoils me on my breasts and partly the floor. This sight makes you so sharp that you fuck me again and spray your juice into me after a few strong bumps. The strange cock disappears again and I stick to the wall with a panting. You stroke my buttocks and then pull my string up again.

“Come on, let’s continue at home. Now I just want you for myself.“I get dressed completely and run after you. We don’t see the other man, probably he’s already gone. I’m still slightly shaky on my legs and you press me against you.

“How good that I can do it all with you.“Then we run home, where I will be spoiled as a reward.

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