My first fuck date | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My name is Tessa and I am 33 years old. I recently separated from my long -time friend and now my nose full of relationships. It just went wrong too much. He had lied to me and we had become completely alien. Only the sex that had always been good until the end. And that’s exactly what I missed … sex! Of course, as a woman, I can also get a good satisfaction myself and in my bedside table there was a small collection of dildos and vibrators that had already given me one or the other nice climax.

But a nice, hard men’s tail is something else. But where should I get it from? I notice more from day to day how mine pussy longed for a big cock. Finally I remembered how a well-known one had told me that he had met someone in a chat for a fuck date. That was exactly what I wanted. So I threw the PC, logged in and entered a room called “erotic”.

I was quickly contacted by some men. Most of them just didn’t fit, they came from too far or were unappealing for me. Because, with all lust, sympathy must already be present. A man who introduced me to me as Lars (42), on the other hand, awakened my curiosity. He came out of the neighboring town and turned out to be as undergrowth as I did. After the chemistry seemed to be right in the chat and the exchange of photos also met on both sides, we decided to meet the next afternoon.

What was I excited! And not only I seemed to be happy, my pussy has also tingled all day long, in the hope of one again tail to feel. Before going to the date, of course I made myself chic. Something make-up, lipstick and a bewitching fragrance do not smell as little as the right outfit. It was early summer and therefore quite pleasantly warm. So I chose a short skirt and a T-shirt with a wide neckline.

Including a bra that brought my breasts into its own. I do without a slip. I wanted to surprise him with it. Full of anticipation, curiosity and lust I drove to the city to the café in which we had an appointment. Lars was already there. I recognized him immediately because he looked exactly as in the photo that he had shown me in chat. We hugged ourselves as a greeting and he whispered in my ear that he had already got a stand at my sight.

I looked down at his pants and in fact a not exactly small bump came up there. How I would have loved to have taken a little look at what was underneath in the café. But that still had to wait. We both ordered a coffee and chatted a little. Lars was really incredibly nice and really didn’t look bad. During our conversation, Lars touched me again and again, first on my hands, his arms, then he put his hand on my thigh and slowly let her hike up under my skirt.

It felt so incredibly good and tingling. Finally, Lars felt himself between my thighs and I saw that my face the surprise was successful with the non -existent slip. He stroked me over the shaved venus hill and I couldn’t help but give a quiet groan of myself. “I think I can’t wait any longer, I have to fuck you now!, finally said Lars.

A little shocked and at the same time incredibly excited about his openness I only brought a quiet “O. K. ” out. Lars paid, took me by the hand and led me out of the café to his automobile. After we started, he told me how cool he was all the time and that he would have loved to put me on the table in the café and fucked properly in the café. Then his hand wandered back under my skirt and he stroked my already quite damp pussy.

The desire rose in me. I looked over at him and saw this promising bump again in his pants. I took my hand and stroked her. Oh, man, that really felt like a good thing! Now Lars also slipped a quiet moan when I keep going over his erection strain. We stroked and touched all the twenty minutes that the trip to his home took, as often as possible and were both when we arrived completely cool.

Lars opened the front door, quickly pushed it behind us and then kissed me passionately. Our tongues played together while the hands explored the body of the other. Lars took off my T-shirt and pulled my rather lush breasts from the bra. He massaged her, which felt so incredibly good. My nipples straightened up quickly and Lars let it be used to circle with his tongue and suck on them.

I now gave a moan more and more. I finally wanted to see what Lars had in pants. I opened his belt and pushed his jeans down. Even the boxer shorts did not stay long where it was, so Lars ’tail quickly stretched towards me in full size. The bump in the pants hadn’t promised too much, it was really well stocked.

Big, firm and thick, so I liked my cocks. While Lars was still playing on my breasts, I became better friends with his best piece. I gently circled his glans with my fingers, stroked his testicles and latte. Lars seemed very like this. He interrupted the caresses on my breasts and conducted me in his bedroom. We both pulled out completely and I sit down on the bed.

When Lars stood in front of me, I couldn’t help but put his cock in my mouth. Very slowly I only let his glans slide in. My tongue circled her and Lars groaned lustfully. Then I took him deeper in my mouth and started blowing him. His cock now slipped deeper and deeper into my mouth, which Lars supported with slight shock movements. Finally I had him to the stop.

It’s a good thing that I really had my strangling reflex under control, which the tail was, really in my throat. Lar’s shock movements became more and more violent until he finally groaned loudly and I noticed a twitch in his tail. Then I already felt when a proper portion of his warm sperm ran down my throat. That was fast. Too fast. It won’t have been yet, or? My pussy was still completely unsatisfied.

Lars quickly redeemed me from my doubts and said: “Don’t worry Tessa, you will also get your expense!“That sounded promising. After I had unfortunately licked Lars his rather limp cock, he knelt in front of the bed, pulled me down and spread mine Legs. “What a nice sight, a really appetizing little cunt. And so nice wet ”. He let his thumb slide over my clit, first gently, then with a little more pressure.

With the other hand he now searched my wet hole and put his index finger in. I had to groan loudly, “You like what?”“ Oh, yes and how!”” Let’s see if you like that too, “said Lars and the next moment he had disappeared with his head between my legs. With his nimble tongue he now licked my pussy. This man knew what he was doing. Again and again he sucked on my clit that my body started to twitch.

When he also fingered me with two fingers, I couldn’t hold it back and with a loud groan I came to the climax. When I really came back to myself, Lars grinned at me and said: “That was a good start. “I looked at him and I didn’t miss that his stand was back in full size. “Now it is fucked!”He said, and before I knew it, he pushed his hard cock into my still very wet pussy.

Very slowly he continued to push it on to the stop. I don’t know if I had ever felt so well filled out. Then he slowly pulled it out, just to sink him back in my size in me. Slowly the speed of his bumps increased. He pushed deep and firmly into me again and again. With his hands he grabbed my breasts and kneaded them with a firm handle.

I groaned and screamed and was completely full of lust. Suddenly Lars stopped and pulled out his cock. He turned me around. I now knelt in front of him on all fours. He pushed my upper body down, so that my butt and my pussy now protruded even more. Then he put his glans to the entrance to my pussy and pushed it in violently. In this position, fucking was so much more intense.

I screamed out loud from wool lust. Lars to feel like this in me, his hard, horny bumps, almost brought me around the mind. At that time I only existed out of lust. His cock always bored deep into me, with his Egg repeatedly hit my clit. He fucked so incredibly well. Then he got a little slower, pulled his cock out and then let him slide deep into me again and again.

He put into my long hair and grabbed a thick strand that he pulled to him and gave up the pace of his fucking movements. My pussy winced just like this and only a little later I enjoyed the best orgasm that I had experienced until then. My whole body trembled when the climax sent an insane feeling through my body. After a few more powerful bumps, Lars also climaxed and injected me a load of his sperm into the pussy.

After pulling his cock out of my pussy, I was allowed to lick him clean.

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