Kinky bitch in the porn cinema | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The Dildo Stuck in her slippery cunt from behind. Lisa had attached him to the wall tiles in the bathroom with a suction cup. Boarded forward half kneeling it was on the tile floor – the orgasm made her tremble with lust and she gasped and groaned. Her tits touched the cold floor. One of her hands was looking for her lust hole between her thighs and her fingers slid through her wet over the swollen clit and the wet labia. Today she had taken a thick, vein, black dildo and fucked herself – he fucked her deeply and stretched her labia.

It was a warm summer day and sweat beads had formed on her back. Slowly the lust passed and her senses gathered. Lisa rapped on all four and the dildo snapped out of her cunt – her juice dripped onto the floor. She got up, wiped the dark strands of hair out of her face and looked into the large, floor -to -ceiling mirror, which was attached to the closed bathroom door. Her eyes slided partly, partly assessing and partly satisfied with your own body.

Now she was almost 30, but luckily you couldn’t see that from her body. Her dark brown hair lay smooth on her straight shoulders. Her breasts could have been a number bigger, but with her 75c she had a little more than the average woman and they were still well -shaped with circular, dark nipples. Due to her regular visits to fitness courses and the occasional jogging, she had a female flat belly with a pronounced hip and a round ass.

Between her tight thighs she could now see her wet labia, who looked wet out of her cunt – she liked this sight and would never have come up with the idea that they were a little too long. She gently stroked her bare Venushügel – the permanent depilation was worth every euro. She looked into her own dark eyes and a smile scurried over her face. Then she got into the shower and then went to sleep.

The next morning the dildo still hung in the same place. Lisa grinned and only a look at the clock, which showed her that she was already late, prevented her from getting back on her knees. She quickly got ready, slipped into her inconspicuous office things, drank an espresso and ate a banana on the way to work – the dildo was still hung in her bathroom. Just as her other sex toy was relatively open in her apartment.

But Lisa did not expect a visit and was single for almost two years. Their relationships actually always failed because they mostly stranger at some point. Although she did not do this in a targeted manner, it was usually not better than in the relationship – normal, even good sex – but nothing that she else looked at in porn or nothing that even comes up with her dirty head cinemaif she did it herself.

During the day she exchanged some news with friends. Wedding here. 30. Birthday. Engagement there. – It was Friday evening and she had the choice to go to a girls’ evening to discuss a wedding, other friends wanted to go to the club and be towed and a friend had asked if she had time and lust. Lisa had lust – but internally rebelled her dark lisa against these wonderfully normal possibilities.

She leaned back on her office chair, took her cell phone and opened the link that had sent her an internet acquaintance for some time. – her heart hit faster and her nipples came up. Fantasies and unfulfilled wishes scurried through their thoughts while they are doing exactly the information on the website again. One thought crowded into the foreground, ‘It is also not much different from the dildo on the wall … … harmless actually …’ Lisa taped on the contact information on the website and called the number – she kept the phone short, only cleared whetherThe opening times were right and whether there would be something special today – no, normal opening times and women always very welcome, often even more on Fridays than during the week.

Lisa made Quitting time and said all the invitations for the evening – she had a different plan. In the spotlight of her little Polo, the exit to the carof. Lisa’s hands held the steering wheel tightly, she felt the excitement that tingling all over her body when she slowed down and removed from the highway. Immediately after the departure there were some fast food restaurants, a game library, a large parking lot and then she could see it – the sex shop with porn cinema – her goal.

Lisa had long had the imagination to visit a porn cinema, alongside some other topics, she liked to watch amateur porn in Internet About porn cinemas and Glory Holes – it became one of their favorite fantasies in masturbating. She intentionally parked in front of one of the restaurants, only in the event that someone recognized her car. The path from the parking lot to the entrance appeared to her like an eternity – inside she had to force herself to continue to force you closer to the entrance.

Her guilty conscience fought with her dark, dirty side – but she suspected that there would be no second attempt if she just got off now. At least she wanted to go in, look at it and if it is completely different than she hoped for it in the imagination. Lisa came in almost free of charge – at the entrance to her surprise, an older woman was sitting immediately that Lisa was a beginner.

Even before Lisa rushed past her, the woman said kindly “Wait short. New?“Lisa just nodded and looked into her eyes confidently. The woman took her cell phone and briefly talked to someone. Then two men entered the entrance area, they paid for the woman, who looked pretty carefully and then sent them past Lisa. A moment later, a young man appeared and replaced the older woman at the cash register.

“Come with me. I am Anastasia – you can call me Anna. ” “I am Lisa. “Anna led Lisa through the rooms in just a few minutes. There was a counter area behind the entrance area, with bar and a few seats. The actual cinema began behind it. There were a few single cabins, and a hall with canvas, stage and space for Mind. 30 spectators. The peculiarity of this cinema was the Glory Hole Cabins, which arranged on the side of the large hall and protruded into the room.

On the cabin wall to the hall there was a screen that showed the cabin interior, in front of it there were a few large armchairs. In the left and right wall of the cabin, the typical holes and peep holes and access were from a gear behind the main room. In the back area there were still few scope in which, in addition to presentation chairs, various soft SM furniture or motto furniture stood. <UL class = “Languages-Menu Dropdown” Style = “Display: Block;opacity: 0; “><Li></Li></UL>A gang bang ran in the large room porn, Spectators were occasionally in the dark and one of the screens on the Glory Hole cabins was already on and Lisa could see a young attractive woman who was just one tail sucked – two other men sat in front of the cabin and watched the scene on the screen.

Anna stopped for a moment and looked at Lisa. Then she said with a friendly but certain voice. “I don’t want a professional here. All visitors are here for the same or at least similar reasons and everyone is responsible for their happiness and health alone. Understood?“Lisa nodded. “As you can see, you are not the only woman tonight. “Anna pointed to the screen and Lisa became all the more conscious that the picture there showed the live action in the room – her nipples were hard.

Anna added “Women often come here before or after the weekend alone. “She grinned and added” after the weekend if she had no or bad sex and before the weekend … “Lisa had to grin involuntarily. “Saturday women often come with their friends or men;There are enough couples who stand on hard, foreign sex. “Lisa nodded and Anna said goodbye. The two women had drawn the other visitors’ attention.

Lisa oriented himself briefly and then went into a glory hole cabin – her heart raced. It was brighter in the cabin when she suspected and as she had seen from outside on the screen, there were three small cameras – one diagonally on the ceiling, one on the wall to the room without opening and one with wide angle, diagonally down – below -Everyone started automatically when the door is completed from the inside.

In the cabin there was a stool, handkerchiefs, a bottle of water and of course there were rubber. Lisa stood in the cabin, her feelings overwhelmed her and she could not have said how much time had passed when the first tail was pushed by one of the side openings. ‘It’s like a dildo on the tile wall’ Lisa thought. ‘Like a dildo at home in the bathroom on the tile wall …’ Lisa got to his knees like in a trance and took the tail in his hand.

It was better than a dildo at home. The tail was warm, he flinched when she touched, he was meaty hard, pulsed and became more and more tougher, the acorn began to shine when the first drops Jerk off climbed “take it in your mouth. Suck him. Come on … ”She suddenly heard a male voice and she became aware that she jerked the strange cock intensively and that he was shortly before exploding. Shortly before he came, she leaned forward and when her lips the swollen glans touched he sprayed his load in her mouth and face.

Lisa tasted the stranger sperm And reacted instinctively, she sucked the tail and sucked it until he stopped twitching. Then the tail disappeared through the hole and Lisa stared into the empty opening. “Undress yourself. Show us what you have. “She heard in the half from outside. She stood out, climbed out of her shoes and while she pulled out her dress and the underwear was pushed through the other hole, the next tail was pushed through the other hole.

Lisa stood naked in the Glory Hole Cabin. It also tasted the sperm of the first cock. The new cock was a bit smaller, but thicker than the first and it was already rock hard. His glans shone blank and the foreskin was loosely withdrawn. She knelt in front of this tail and rubbed her tits on him. Then she sucked his eggs, creates and acorn – he came directly and she sucked this cock empty.

After this second cock she took between her legs and rubbed her wet cunt. Her clit was swollen and the labia was sensitive and irritated – she had sucked two cocks in real and felt excited as in her imagination. The next cock was unshaven, but relatively long with thick, hanging testicles. She rubbed her tits on him, sucked and jerked him. He didn’t come so quickly and behind Lisa another cock was put through the other hole.

A circumcised, smaller, dark -skinned cock – southern countries – thought Lisa and changed side. ‘Like a dildo on the wall’ – Lisa now stood wide legs, bent forward, supported himself with one arm over her head on the opposite wall and rubbed her wet cunt over the long cock with the hairy sack while sheother cock sucked. The guy outside the cabin with down pants had an ass as hairy as his sack and when he felt the wet cunt rubbed over his tail, he started to push in reflex, he wanted to go into the horny cunt.

In the meantime, the cinema filled well and next to the Glory Hole cabins, a woman took off on stage in the cinema hall. The armchairs were occupied in front of Lisa’s cabin and the men sat there and looked at Lisa on the screen. Lisa looked aside, the rubbers, the tail between her legs rubbed her wet cunt and slipped half and out for the second time. She reached down with a tail in her mouth and somehow wanted to reach a rubber when she stretched out, the tail slipped into her.

Lisa paused for a moment. Turn away and pull the rubber over it? ‘Like a dildo on the wall. ‘She pressed her pelvis back against the wall – the dildo shot back and pushed forward again. Back and deep back into them. The dildo … no, the tail … it smacked, she stood quietly with trembling knees – at home she fucked the dildo, here the tail fucked her cunt through the wall. She dropped the rubber back onto the floor and put on her wet column and rubbed over her clit.

The tail in her mouth exploded with her at the same time. Her cunt shrugged and tensioned while the stranger continued to fuck. She groaned, sperm dripped out of her mouth and a moment later also from her cunt – he came when he felt the twitching of the cunt and fucked in splashing into her so that his sperm dripped out of her. Lisa sank to his knees and wiped sperm out of his mouth and face.

It was warm in the cabin … continued …

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