Horny strap-on fuck with my wife | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Me and my girlfriend (both 24) have always been keen to experiment. Together we already tried out any practices and techniques. From vaginal, oral, anal NS BDSM up to three, Four and more. Even before our relationship, I was happy to satisfy myself a little anal about masturbation. I quickly found that I can experience very intensive orgasms by irritation of the prostate. Also during sex with my girlfriend we have repeatedly installed the stimulation of the prostate.

At blowjobs or handjobs it both almost crazy when they put a finger or two in my buttocks. I enjoyed the intense feelings and she loved watching it with my extreme orgasms. But my girlfriend also enjoyed being taken anal. We often drove it very varied, intense and passionate. Since we both searched for new techniques and experiments again and again, we also came on strapon at some point.

After a few hours of research in Internet we also found a nice model and had it delivered to our home. It was time on a free Saturday evening. We made a cozy dinner by candlelight and some red wine. It was A mild summer evening And so there was also a clear starry sky. The delicious food helped us to relax and to forget all everyday problems entirely. After eating we sat on the terrace for a while and started to kiss us passionately.

Her tongue was hesitant at first, then more and more intensely the way into my mouth where she was greeted and replaced by my tongue. Our hands made their own closely enclosed and explored the body of the other than be the first meal. While my fingers were buttoned up the buttons of their decolts, their tender hands wandered down to my lap. She carefully opened my pants and started rubbing my penis on the terrace.

But soon I grabbed her, raised her up and kissed her into the house and put her on the bed. There it was possible for me without resistance her to take off her red dress and strip off. Now she was there, in red string and a top bra. By kissing her thighs I found that she was already very hot between her legs. Her pleasure grotto gave rise to a sweet fragrance that I knew too well and love.

Due to her inventory, there was already a small dark spot on her panties. I had already put the half -open trousers on my way into the bedroom and now took off my shirt. In her eyes I saw that she was very excited and her body also gave me clear signals. She pulled out her panties herself, threw it in my direction and spread her legs so that her cunt came into its own.

Of course I did not let this request end and got to work. With my tongue I gently licked her thighs up to her cunt. I kissed her venus mound, her shamal lips, her buttocks and gently licked over the rosette. This always made her wild. With one finger I penetrated into your buttocks and with two more into the cunt. To do this, I licked rhytically, first long and then faster and faster over her clitoris and the labia.

After just a few minutes she was so wild and excited that she moaning her first loudly orgasm had and put her cunt in the face with all my might. Since I was in a way I was not up and got her a second and a third orgasm. After licking her she pulled me to her and she kissed me intensely. She enjoyed the taste of her own cunt kissing. When she ended the passionate kiss, she whispered in my ear: “Thank you very much my darling.

Now you will be spoiled “I lay down and she went to the comedy in which we had stowed the strapon. To put him on, she turned away from me that I only saw her back and buttocks. However, when she turned over, I became much harder. Then she stood, my girlfriend. Dainty, slim, young and beautiful. Her hair shone in the light of the bedside lamp, her breasts stood off with steep nipples.

Not too big not too small. A picture for the gods. Without saying a word she came to my bed and kissed me passionately. Then she kissed my chest, stomach and further down to my penis. Passionately caressed him with her mouth and stirred in the testicles and the buttocks with her delicate hands. With a little spit, she soon penetrated with one, but soon with two fingers into my buttocks.

I felt how she climbed particularly exciting lust in me. Shortly before I reached my orgasm she heard to delight on my penis with her mouth and came up with her head back up. Wägend that she passionately kissed me again she lay down on me and sethte the strapon very finely on my rosette. With a particularly intensive kiss I gave her to understand that I was ready and pressed my butt towards her.

She too replied the movement by slowly entering me. I felt the unusually large strapon that quickly disappeared into my buttocks. When he was in me until he was in me, my girlfriend started moving to her hips. The tip of the strapon was aimed at my prostate and built up incredibly intensive pressure. After 4-5 bumps, I felt the energy in my smoke, and then collected from my penis and swelled to a climax.

I kissed her more and more intensely, whereupon you too much. And then he came. The most intense orgasm I have ever had until then. I had the feeling of exploding and splashing my whole load on my stomach and some of it was accidental and the duvet. Due to the strapon in the butt, the climax was particularly intense. Full with my own from top to bottom sperm I pulled my girlfriend to me, hugged her and whispered in her ear: “Thanks for this experience darling.

I love you “We have regularly have very emotional and intense strapon sex since this day. However, without playing games as you often find in the BDSM and Femdom scene, but with a lot of love and intimacy.

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