In the men’s shower | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

At some point, in the ninth or tenth grade, we started after physical education have a shower go. Of course, not all boys liked to take a shower in the community showers because they were ashamed of their bodies. We were always six to eight boys who took a regular shower. It also had advantages, so you always got a little late in the following lessons.

So it happened that one in the morning after double lesson sport under the shower stood. During this time I also noticed that I don’t just like women. Because the crunchy asses, the trained bodies and delicious cocks made me a little horny. So we stood in the shower and soaps properly.

Daniel, who was at the same time, was to clean his best piece with a lot of foam, looked around in the shower room. He probably had the greatest of us tail and plump Egg. Daniel noted that he was observed. Not just from me.

Marc was also amazed, his cock slowly became stiff without touching him.

“You think it’s horny?“Asked Daniel. I noticed that everyone was now there and saw how Daniel insisted his cranks. “I haven’t gained people for a few days.

Would have to jerk off now, ”said Daniel. Jonas, who stood next to him, agreed. He too was in the mood jerk off. Jonas was the crush of all girls.

Short black hair, muscles without end and a horny shaved cock. Jonas immediately started to jerk off his cock with his right hand. He stood quickly. He grabbed his eggs with his left hand and gently kneaded it.

Daniel, too. When he took a step back, he was under the water jet. Now his huge cock was full to see. He was almost 20 cm tall.

“Well, go Marc, your cock is already like a one. Come on, join in, ”Jonas asked him. Marc got red, he was the youngest in our class and one of the smallest. But not his tail, he could be impressive.

Marc didn’t have to think long either, he grabbed his hard cock and began to jerk him quickly. I also couldn’t let myself go and stroked my cock, which was slowly getting hard. I leaned my back on the tiled wall. It was a great feeling how the warm water flowed over the cold tiles and I mean ass rubbed by it.

When I looked to the left, I saw that Thomas and Steven sat side by side on the floor, they had turned off their showers. Both had theirs Legs Prevised and their cocks were wanking. It was just a horny sight.

“It’s a shame that we don’t have a biscuit,” said Daniel, “otherwise we could play a wide range and the loser would have to eat the creamy biscuit.”. Jonas and I had to laugh.

The others didn’t even notice it. They were so deepened in their wanking. Marc suddenly started to breathe. His wanking movements became faster and faster.

Then he splashed with a loud moan sperm on the tiled floor. It mixed directly with the water from the shower heads and flowed towards the drainage. A moan was also heard from Thomas and Steven. They jerked their cocks and looked at each other’s eyes.

Almost synchronously, the two injected their sperm on their bellies. They sat exhausted while their cocks became limp again. After Steven had put on, he helped Thomas Hoch, who was a bit shaky on his feet. Then the two showered and, like Marc before, left the shower room.

“Come on, we inject together,” said Jonas. Daniel and I went to him and set up so that we could all see each other. I groaned softly as I jerked my cock hard and watched Daniel and Jonas how they did me right away. Daniel had closed his eyes and put his head back.

He enjoyed what happened. Jonas also groaned softly: “Mhhh, yes … that’s cool”. “People, I inject!“, Daniel called and his sperm shot out of his cock. A large load landed on the floor in the middle of us.

He really didn’t seem to have hooked up for a few days. “Ohh, it comes too … yes … now,” I said. I also sprayed my sperm onto the floor. And Jonas did it to me.

Before my last drops were out of my cock, he also sprayed. “What that horny. We have to do that more often, ”I said. Daniel agreed with me.

Jonas added: “It is best after every sports lesson.”

With our feet we shook the sperm in the direction of the drain until it was captured from the shower head by the water jet. Then we three went into the changing room, dried ourselves and gypsy. We simply ignored the questions why we were only so late in the following lessons.

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