Just bizarre! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“It is finished! “Lisa looked closely at Nick, her eyes shining with curiosity about this announcement. He sat on his computer console surrounded by screens and entered data at astonishing speed. Ready? Really done? “Yes indeed. I have already checked everything except for the voice output, that should stay secret until I need it, but the software and the modems work perfectly.

We just have to test the programs. “Well finally! How long did it take to build the thing? “From my first idea – a year, I would say! “Hopefully it’s value.” No fear.“Nick’s voice was bursting with conviction.“When do you want to test it?” “Immediately. Before my business trip to the Middle East next week. Don’t forget that I did that for you and want it to work perfectly.“Of course I want to hope that too.“Lisa’s quiet doubts made Nick smile while entering another command.

He waved her to his side and pointed to his open briefcase, which was on the table. A complex keyboard filled the interior completely. Rows of buttons and displays surround a small screen, a keyboard and a modem for telephone transmission of data. “This is my personal control center,” he said calmly, his fingers lovingly striked about the keyfields.

“With this modem I can do you directly and at lightning speed from anywhere in the world Contact to record. Commands are coded, sent over the satellite and arrive here at the decoder, which forwards them to you by a simple radio remote control. When the contact is established, my control over you is absolutely – wherever I am, when I want!“Lisa smiled. “If you want to test it now, I have to change.

Can I have the keys?“Nick loosened a small keychain from the chain around his neck and kept it in front of her face. She tried to grasp her tied hands, but he pulled it away and put her closely around her hip. Her exciting fragrance mingled with the sweet aroma of the smooth rubber when he bent over her to keep her future. Lisa was still breathing when his researching tongue crowded into her mouth;She struggled slightly because she knew how much he liked it.

Their shiny rubber clothing rustled quietly with their movements, light reflexes played in abstract patterns over the flawless surface. Nick had given himself special trouble when choosing her latex wardrobe for the day. Now she knew why. They had been looking forward to both for a long time that the remote -controlled robot suit would finally be completed.

His progress had been tedious, the bisin of the microelectronics had allowed him to produce the tiny circuits that would fit in the wall of the attachment without affecting its wonderfully slim, female form.
Nick looked down on Lisa’s glowing face, the only of her body that was not covered by close, black rubber. Her scalp framed her face with a clean, narrow end without having any annoying hair. Lisa had been completely depilated for over two years;So, her bizarre and intensive relationship lasted long. She made a ritual out of shaving;removed every smallest hair.

The result was an exaggerated nudity;Her femininity was emphasized by the fine chrome -plated rings that she wore through the nipples and gender. Nick admired his naked rubber slave and used every possible technique to satisfy hunger for the bizarre. His genius as an engineer and electronics engineer had produced a remarkable collection of equipment, the preliminary high point of which was probably the present suit. And now he was done!Nick kissed Lisa’s soft, half -open lips again, and enjoyed the warm moisture of her mouth.

She trembled slightly while his hand slid deeper and stroked over her rubber -covered buttocks. He pushed a finger under the rear lacing of her ankle -long hobula rock and pressed him into the gap. Lisa felt the rubber stretched exciting until he touched her rings, which were kept stretched by small weights.

“I want you,” she gasped, and drilled her tongue in his ear. Nick enjoyed the warmth of her body on his chest, the stiff tips of her tight breasts to feel clearly and hard with excitement.

Lisa stroked the hardening bump in his crotch, the handcuffs ranging quietly around her joints, and kissed his neck by lifting her full, wet lips over his skin as if she was a vampire. He grabbed her shiny shoulders and held her in front of him, enjoying the sight of her incorporated body. She stood proud and upright, forced by the height of the black leather, laced balleriner boots. Both pointed breasts were presented in a cone in the well -shaped cups of their high -necked rubber blouse.

Lisa’s curvy hips and thighs spanned the tight rubber of the hobber skirt, which pressed her stomach flat and pressed her legs into a single, elegant column. A wide, firmly laced belt belt made of paint leather spanned her narrow waist, its murderous tight lacing with padlocks secured. With a short silver chain, their wrists were tied to the belt, so that their freedom of movement was drastically restricted. Nick found that she had never looked more beautiful!She stood in front of him and slowly let her hips circle while her excitement increased.

He wanted to have tested the suit immediately, but the sight of her excitement tempted him. Half an hour would probably make no difference. He kissed her again and pulled a black rubber mask sowing bag. Lisa’s eyes glittered in a face reddened.

She licked over her open lips like a cat when she saw the mask and kept quietly when Nick stretched her over her head, down over the hem of the blouse, and so completely included in rubber, this strangely exciting skin, which inLight flashed and Schillerte. The mask was totally closed, a homogeneous layer that included her face and head, and from which only two nasal hoses protruded, which were attached to the back of the head in an elegant swing over both cheek. Another hose came out of his mouth and ended in a small bladderbalg that bumped into challenging back and forth in front of her chin. Lisa’s breath stuttered when Nick grabbed the Blasebalg and with a few quick pump jets that previously bladder bladder in her mouth until her cheeks were shiny.
Lisa trembled and tied up in a world of total darkness, only felt her own palpitations and the moist warmth between her legs.

Nick let go of her shoulders and grinned when she immediately had to fight for her balance on the tower -high ballerinas. He went around her quietly and grabbed a small metal box, ready to hold his finger over the only button. Over here!“He called gently. When she turned around, looking for his closeness with darkened senses, he pressed the button.

Lisa held her breath, recessed moan escaped her caught mouth. Under the rubber seals, a tiny vibrator tickled seductively between the legs, and sent shaft around wave of delicious vibrations over the chains to their pubs and clitoris.
While she stumbled forward, Nick left sideways, let her turn back to his command and continue to search blindly. With every turn it was more confused and more excited. The vibrator tortured her soft, swollen meat with a sweet pain, while Nick led her through the house like an invisible band, calling quietly from all sides, so that she whirled around and performed pirouettes that it was a real splendor.

Lisa loved this game, her blindness increased the feeling of being at the mercy while trying to find Nick and in her Tie up and the restrictive clothing wall. The game was simple and uncomplicated, but it hardly had a chance. How quickly she turned on her heels, she has never had it caught. Nick tortured her, which inevitably on the orgasm headed, and whose movements became more and more hectic.

She had to find him before she came or she had lost.
Again she heard his voice on her ear. She turned desperately, pushed herself ahead with tiny steps, the legs pressed together from the humpel skirt, the weights between her thighs, but he was already gone. She had to find him. Had to…! Her body melted under the rubber skin, sagged into a chaos of heat and lust together, tears ran over her face under the mask.

She fluctuated, lost the balance, but nick caught her safely on his arms, protectively laid her while her chest rose and lowered the effort again until she was caught again. He pulled her wet mask off her head and licked her sweat out of it. “I’m afraid you’ve lost again.”” I don’t care, “said Lisa in a absent voice, the gaze turned into nowhere. “I want to rest now.

“Later. First we have to test the suit. I want to be sure that he works 100 % when I’m gone. “Why? “Because you will be included in it during these four days, my little rubber girl!“Nick had left his colleague in the annual hike to Hong Kong, where she visited an international conference on miniaturized circuits and components.

Lisa wondered how well the delegates would react if they got the results of Nick’s own private research to see. Hong Kong – almost halfway up. Even in the concorde, the flight was tirelessly long. She didn’t know if he had already arrived.

She had no idea at all how late it might be, because before he left, Nick had removed all the clocks in the house, as well as radio and the television. She should unsettle that even more. Lisa stood comfortably and comfortably, slightly back with the arms laid out with closed naming. So she had spent the whole eight hours in complete darkness and unable to move even one muscle because she had decided to spend the entire afternoon and early evening in the rigid warmth of her steel cladding.
It was like an external knight armor, only much more elegant and more feminine and enclosed her body with close and adamant handle.

Anchored in the floor by a single joint attached in the back, it could be rotated as desired. Lisa would later hire the Ding horizontal to spend the night. She got into it through a single length to be opened in full length, which automatically closed after getting in. The castle only opened after the end of a timer, or on Nick’s remote -controlled signal.

At the moment, her condition was voluntarily chosen, despite the heavy bondage. She had decided not to masturbate so as not to water her reactions if she was under the command of her Lord. But it turned out to be more difficult when she had accepted. The only safe way to wrest their high level of excitement was completely immobile and to spend the hours in a kind of dreamy trance.
In this pleasantly relaxed location it floated until the timer ran without warning and the flap swung up.

Like a huge silver moth Lisa, the steel cocoon and down on the bedroom floor. She stretched her stiff limbs and went over to the living room to check the standby lamp of the decoder. A green light burned and indicated that the suit was under her own limited control. She could drink, eat something and make it easier, but that was all.

The other light on the decoder was red and would light up when Nick sent his code. Once the contact was established, control over her suit would pass to him, which had an extraordinary number of functions – and there was nothing that she could have done about it! She would be his sex robot, like a silver doll dancing after his pipe. Data would be sent back and forth through your telephone connection to his portable computer, and it would be able to monitor and read all of your body functions, and thus plan his actions accordingly.

Lisa slowly went back into the bedroom and in front of the large mirror, involuntarily attracted to her own reflection. The sight was breathtaking! Like a knight from old days, it was packed from head to toe in a shiny armor, which broke the light in glittering reflexes that sprang from the many joints and hinges of the chrome -plated surface.

But this was not a raw accumulation of metal plates. The suit seemed to be melted onto her body, the joints hardly noticeable, the effect of a very sexy -looking robot girl with over -emphasized female characteristics. She moved her limbs carefully. Although all joints were fully flexible, a significant bulkyness disabled their freedom, which reinforced the feeling of robotization.

She raised her arms and drove with the almond -shaped chrome claws over her enclosed head. The perfectly shaped helmet contained screen slices made of plexiglass, which could be closed with aperture. Two breath tube protruded from the face plate over a pair of perfectly shaped, chrome -plated lips that seemed half open.
The chin section was flexible and could be folded down to provide access to the displaced hose, which was carried out by the rubber balloon that was filled in by its mouth and was the only way to eat. Any communication except an unarmed grunt was impossible.

A small language generator was attached behind the open lips, which was connected to the decoder by the remote control. However, she would have no influence on what she said as she was as she was. Nick had programmed numerous phrases and requests that would be indiscriminately called up by a random generator and vowel. She could hear her own “voice” about headphones, which were attached in her ears with wax.

Lisa turned in front of the mirror and admired the game of the lights on the chrome glossy surface.

Her big breasts were perfectly encapsulated, except for the tips, where their hard and excited nipples under two plexiglass cones were clearly exhibited. Nick had attached it to the armor by pushed small crossbars through her piercings and stuck on the suit. He had also used the same method in her step, where small movable levers kept their rings. Founding against the bulky suit, Lisa had her pelvis circle and felt the two arts in her abdomen.

Both were vibrators and the anal cones could be removed if necessary to enable their relief, but Lisa always left him inside because they enjoyed the feeling of his tight present. The other Dildo contained a thermometer and a moisture sensor with which the degree of their excitement was read.
Under the armor, she wore a double -walled, inflatable suit made of transparent rubber that was connected to a small pump that was mounted in one of her thighs. The suit would inflate on a signal from Nick and put pressure on her skin. A number of sensors allowed Nick to see the position of her body on his monitor as a schematized representation that duplicated each of its movements in three -dimensional animation.

She became aware of a certain urge and mechanically went to the toilet, silent and starking from room to room. She loosened the flap attached with hinges over her shame and saw cunt nailed on the suit under an anatomically plexiglass cladding. The benefactory dildos were also clearly recognizable, as well as a number of valves and hose ends that led through the plexiglass sign. She cautiously opened the small drain valve and made it easier for the perfectly attached hose.

This could also be controlled remotely, like any other function of the suit.

Lisa turned into the living room and gave a tired view of the decoder, her movements through the stiff suit strongly restricted. The green light burned unchanged. In order to pass the time, she wandered into the kitchen and inspected the various baby foods he had left her. Normal food was impossible in the suit because her mouth was filled with the rubber bladder.

But she could absorb liquid food through the hose. The only thought of baby food made her bad – no wonder that the diapers always stank – but then she chose a yoghurt and filled it into a large stainless steel sprayer. After opening the kin flap, she connected the syringe with the end of her feed hose and pressed the contents into it. It was difficult to call it food;She couldn’t chew and hardly tasted anything from the yogurt, except at the very back of the palate.

She pulled the syringe off and cleaned the hose with a little water before she bridged it again, pushed back into her mouth and closed the flap.
She cleaned the kitchen out of boredom and carefully wiped a few drops of water from the reflective surface of her leg. Satisfied with her appearance, she tended through the house on her steel platform boots, which were unsolved onto her legs. She remembered that Nick had shown her how the batteries of the suit were to load by simply plugging the plugs integrated in each of the needle tips into the can. ’Always load them well,” he had warned.

“You never know when you need it. “Lisa decided to test the batteries again and stood over the socket in the ground until her paragraphs snapped in. The indicators showed full load. She had hardly used the engines of the suit. Again the decoder attracted her magically.

Nothing had changed. She was grateful that the double rubber suit inside the armor kept it warm. She sighed. The waiting seemed endless.
Nick was tired after the flight.

He felt disoriented and delayed;Unable to face the noise and endless bustle of one of the largest cities on earth. His hotel room was an oasis of calm and he let his suitcase fall on the bed and turned away. “I hate traveling,” he growled, was motionless for a few minutes and breathed deeply through. The room was pleasant and anonymous, completely undisturbed and had – a phone! Nick looked at the clock, calculated the hours and grinned.

He opened his handlebar, inserted the modem and put the listener on the device. After choosing his own number, the computer beeped its strange codes into the line, data traveled to satellites in geostationary orbit at the speed of light and back. The technology used for this little bizarre game was already impressive.
The screen awakened to life as the connection was. As on the decoder at home, the green status light started with him.

Information came in from the sensors into Lisa’s suit and were displayed on the displays. Her heartbeat was ninety temperature and moisture normal. He heard her quiet breath through a small microphone that was built into her neck. Nick took the information with a quick look.

Lisa seemed calm and relaxed, she stood motionless. Suddenly she sighed heavily and he thought of the enormous distance that he had to bridge loudly to him. He thought a moment, thought about his approach, then pressed the access code sequence. The green lamp went out ….and the red lamp flashes on!Lisa frozen in the movement;Her heart knocked to the neck.

A comfortable feeling in the stomach spread and she waited, her eyes spellbound on the lamp. There was a gentle pop in her earphones, and she felt his presence, familiar and yet strange, lurking like a dark shadow on the edge of her consciousness. “Robot Girl, I established the connection.“Nick’s quiet voice seemed to come from the inside of her head. “Stand still while I close you.“Lisa kept up motionless.

She heard a quiet hissing when the various flaps of the approach locked, and knew that she was now completely under Nick’s control.
“Wherever you are, go back to the bedroom and stand in front of the mirror. I want you to see my power over you.“She stumbled out obedience and signaled with a suffocated grunch that she had reached the position. Again she faced her impressive image. Her vulnerability was only too aware of her, and yet she felt strangely safe in her tank made of steel and rubber.

“I want to know what you see. Describe it to me in all details, i.e. now!“Lisa was confused for a moment. Nick knew that she was gagged, he himself pushed the rubber balloon into her mouth before he had closed the chrome helmet over her head, so what did he want? Naturally! He called her “voice”, the secret stored sentences in the de-code. She had hardly understood when she heard a gentle female voice speaking from her mouth.
“My master and master, I stand in front of myself in the knowledge of your total control over my body.

Lisa became angry. The voice was very human, not at all like an electronic art voice that he had once demonstrated to her. As she spoke, she felt strangely suppressed how to reach the outside world unable to reach under an invisible blanket, and she had to see how another woman took possession of her body by describing him. As if it were obsessed! But also curiosity she plagued what was that voice? This woman had to have known the suit well, as detailed as she described him maybe she had even worn him? If he had persuaded to take these recordings? Before she could continue to think about it, Nick’s disembodied voice echoed in her head.

“An excellent description thoroughly and accurately, that deserves a small reward. Lisa turned and gasped when her breasts suddenly felt a delicious tickle, and shivered under the touch of tiny engines, which made the small steel bars vibrate, which led through their nipples. She wanted to touch, but her chrome -plated hands slurred down on the plexal league tips of her breasts.
Unable to touch her own body, Lisa would have been frustrated quickly if she hadn’t known that the suit had every conceivable form of stimulation for her. She closed her eyes and pulled her breath through the tubes a nipple was massaged her protective covers and wave around wave.

Lisa’s head was easy as the feeling of continued in her head, the warmth in her nipples took a correspondence in her damp step. She stretched out like a lustful, silver cat, her arms stretched up behind her head. She drove her metal hands over her chrome -plated helmet, along her neck up to the striking couplings her steel breasts. A single long sigh escapes her stuffed mouth.
“That is enough for the moment,” said Nick Scharf when the vibrations suddenly died away.

“I do not wish that you are already being excited in an uncontrolled manner.“Lisa was disappointed, but she had to join. Nick could read her condition exactly his control was totally. This fact alone excited her so much, it was the greatest gift she could make her lover. The thought brought her some comfort while the feeling of well -being in her breasts slowly threw away.

Then he spoke to her again. “I will now activate your language sequences that can be selected according to the random principle. As agreed, each of these requests is immediately fulfilled by me, no matter what it is. Understood?“Lisa’s dull, approving grunny was hardly able to sound when she heard her“ voice ”speaking again.

“Without you I bored myself, master, feel incomplete without your presence. I run around in the house and the ceiling falls on my head. I ask you for permission to go for a little walk to snap fresh air so that I will return to a revitalization to carry out your next commands. “Lisa was shocked.

Leave the house? That was amazing. She tried to protest, tone in her gag, but Nick ignored her statements completely.“Okay, your wish should come true. You can go. But don’t talk to strangers.

You are mine, and just mine!“He was obviously amused about the situation. Lisa refuses. That went too far now. She liked to be subdued by Nick in the seclusion of her house, but not in public.

A sudden vision appeared in front of her spiritual eye, as firefighters tried to weld them out of the steel suit. A great headline for the local press! She turned off the mirror and sat on the bed. Under no circumstances would she leave the house.

Nothing happened for a few seconds. She knew Nick could see her position on the monitor and knew that she hadn’t obeyed.

What would he do? She waited determined, but also anxious.“So you don’t want to play along!“His tone let her get her back down your back. “I don’t tolerate disobedience. You will now leave the house or I’ll punish you.” No wait …! Lisa wanted to shake her head, but it was too late. A sudden muscle cramp stuck in her buttocks and elicited a dull scream from her stuffed mouth.

She stumbles forward and was tormented again, panting the air through the breathing tube sucking, then sank on her knees while her thighs and buttocks trembled the non -stop steadfast shocks. The numerous electrodes that were located on the inside of the suit allowed Nick to stimulate any part of her body, or to torment with higher doses. It was as if she got a blow from a beef shocker!Lisa closed her eyes and bite on her gag. She knew that the electrodes were distributed everywhere, even on her head, and that the agony would go on until the batteries had expired.

But Nick continued to concentrate on her abdomen and let her meat glow with a series well -dose, electronic blows. She tried reflexively to protect herself, but the hard steel of course made such experiments completely useless, so that she crushed frustrated. She closed her spirit in front of the Marter, not decided to give in, but the shocks became stronger and longer and reached an unbearable measure. Suddenly her resistance collapsed.

She stumbled through the house to the door, desperately attempted to fulfill the command. She nested the bar and the door jumped up, Lisa stumbled into the front yard. And the door slammed behind her!”Good. My ads tell me that you are outside.

Without the key you won’t get back in.“Lisa pressed against the door but it was closed. She saw the dark road up and down, empty, except for a few cars passing, and pressed in the shadow of the house wall with anger.“I hid the keys in a small packet that sticks under our favorite bank in the park. You will have to get it, or have to bring it in the front yard for the next three days!“Nicks amused tone brought her to white glow. She felt completely humiliated and ashamed, but there were other emotions.

Mixed with anger were excited, tension and curiosity. Nick had foreseen her reactions well. Lisa was targeting the street from the garden. The street was abandoned in both directions.

Her steel paragraphs scratched on the concrete of the entrance when she went to the sidewalk and began to go down the street, looking for hedges and walls. It became a game. She jumped from shadow to shadow, the empty room in between avoiding where the glow of the street lamps she hit it, and ducked into entrances when a car drove past. She reached the park ten minutes later and slipped through the gate.

It was very dark under the trees and she lost the orientation, stumbled through the bushes with an increasing panic, always in the fight with the hindy robotic suit.

Finally she saw where she was. The bank was right ahead. She broke through the bushes and frozen! There was no doubt. A man was stretched out on the bench, A homeless person, covered with newspapers and a bottle on the neck.

Lisa gave way back and behind a tree, and first tried to calm her whistling breath. Her legs hurt from the strenuous walk in the high grass with the stiletto heels, and her whole body swam in sweat.
She really wanted to finish her job, get the keys and back home, but the man would inevitably see her. That’s a joke, she thought grimly. Everyone would see her a meter -flashed robot woman one meter eighty, with pointed breasts and glazed nipples! Even an idiot would get up and rub your eyes.

Then she did the only possible. They bit their teeth together and went to the man. The bottle fell out of his hand!Lisa stood in front of him in front of him with his hands, an incredible silhouette that glittered in the glow. With an authoritarian arm movement she pointed back to the street, but the completely contested gap only with an open mouth, rigid with fright.

Lisa finally leaned desperately, stretched out both arms to him and love to play their chrome -flashed claws. Now she was successful, the Landstreicher stood out a choked cry and searched the vastness. For a matter of seconds, she tore the package from the bank and stuck in the opposite direction. She could have laughed to death, but her rubber nog does not love this.

Memet the devil, which the man had probably thought, with his from alcohol Neginized mind when this incredible appearance in front of it seemed to grow out of the ground like a extraterrestrial venus.

But their joy was short -lived. She had expected a quick and trouble -free way back and almost reached the park entrance when the aperture over her left eye closed. A calm shock was completely forgotten that Nick had been invisible with her all the time and had followed each of her steps. She took a few more insecure steps and stopped when the right aperture went down.

Now she was locked in complete darkness. She whimpered with discomfort, balancing on her tower -high heels. Nick’s voice flooded into her consciousness. “This is too easy for you.

I think your task should ask a little more from you, so I will close your eyes to your eyes for the rest of your way back, every minute for a few seconds.“Lisa stamped his foot with anger and howled with exhaustion. As if the situation would not be precarious enough, it should now be finished with sudden blindness. “Chill out!“Nick warned and sent an electric shock through the sensors. Lisa howls and started moving, moving hands in front of the body.

After a few seconds of blind stumbling, she could suddenly see again. The gate was right in front of her. She slipped through it, and right away the street. Shortly before the first corner of the house it was dark again.

The aperture fit exactly, no light beam penetrated through it. She tried her eyes on him to see something, but it was pointless. Completely in the dark, her brain began to think of visions in the blackness of her isolation, deceived her and let her balance fluctuate. She pushed herself to a wall and prayed that she would not appear from the masonry, a silver chameleon.

She didn’t know if someone had passed her during these seconds, all her senses were caught in the armor.
After waiting endlessly, her view was restored and she moved further quickly. The short path seemed to be endlessly stretched, divided into sections of hasty parts and worries Harrens on the spot, in a dark entrance. Sometimes to annoy her, Nick only opened one of the panels, and so robbed her of her spatial perception, with the success that she ran against walls. She was recorded several times by the headlights passing cars, but nobody stopped to examine them in more detail.

Finally she reached the house again exhausted and breathlessly, the dark night was relieved.

She dropped onto the bed and leaned back, the tired, stiff members supported by a series of pillows. Slowly her muscles relax. But little rest was granted, because Nick soon ordered her to get up again. Slowly followed, the movements are severely disabled by the now heavy armor.

“I registered your progress exactly. Very satisfying. You have proven ingenuity and daring. I guess that.

This can make slaves special for their gentlemen. As a reward you can wish you something else.“The enormous distance between them meant nothing for Lisa when she heard his voice in her head eagerly to carry out the next treatment. Then spoke “she”, replied, to his command with a gentle, heart -soft request from her immovable chrome -plated lips.“My dear gentleman and master, I want to be tied up. I cannot control myself in your presence and please be bound so that my unworthy nothing can bother your calm.

Only in this state can I experience any form of grant. I present my body to you, offer my screams and tears, make my pain as a gift – do what you want with me!“Lisa listened with great fears, but luckily one of the topics was chosen by chance, which was more to her, namely Bonda-Ge. Finally there would be a little more fun for them. Bondage Was a game that she could play all night, as Nick knew very much.”So,” he murmured, “How beautiful.

A little reward for your efforts. Spread your legs!“Lisa obeyed her reflection through her eye glasses. A rod attached vertically on the inside of the calves worked to the side, just above the ankle. She moved her legs on each other until the ends of the rods screw into the bearings provided for this.

Now her legs were fixed for about half a meter by a double spreading bar. “Take your arms up.“Short metal bar snapped from their wrists, at the end of which was a marble -sized ball.”You know what to do.“And whether she knew it. She turned her arms onto her back and found the hinges into which the ball joints snap on its wrists. Her hands were firmly tied up at the level of their waist.

She looked in the mirror and tried to struggle something against the bonds, but the steel bars kept imminent. She knew that it was impossible to escape until Nick sent the corresponding signal through the ether. For the first time since the beginning of this game, she became aware of the tempting hardness in her crotch, and also clearly felt the somewhat more subtle filling in her buttocks. Under the two plexiglass cap, the metal sticks stimulated and rubbed in their hard nipples.

“Lay on the bed.“Lisa hardly heard his voice, when she had already followed his command.

She leaned back into the pillows and put on her knees as far as possible;Her breath was whistling and shocking with her growing excitement. A strange feeling suddenly overlaid the chaos of her sensations;A steadily growing pressure on her entire body became noticeable when the suit nestled more and more firmly around her limbs, which have now become significantly stiffer. Nick had activated the small pump, which blows the double -walled rubber suit, in which she was under the armor. She groaned as the flaps lowered, covered her widely torn eyes and sealed them in a midnight black cocoon made of steel and rubber.

Her step burned like a blast furnace and she tried to grab the slippery rubber hing with her muscles but he keeps slipping. Certainly Nick got exactly with ……..that she was almost before the climax.
The moisture sensor in the dildo sent an alarm tone into its computer console, into its still hotel room. He read the temperature display for her vagina and had to grin – she seemed to be shoveling in the suit! He quickly flogged the other ads;Its tense face ghostly illuminated by the greenish glow of the screen. Her heartbeat had increased to 130, and her violent breath was increasingly pushing.

Nick watched the winding figure on the display, free -floating in the room as if it were weightless. The line grid formed the contours very well. Fascinated, he had followed how the petite figure hiked over the screen, through the house and in the park. But now the game became exciting – it was what he originally designed for the suit.

He rubbed his sweaty hands and loosened his tie with a violent jerk to open the damp and narrow collar of his shirt. The signs seemed to run – now he was the martiered and she enjoyed the waves of lust.

He pushed his iron -hard erection in his pants and turned back to the screen. Lisa’s heartbeat had increased further, and the moisture and temperature sensors showed maximum position. Nick knew that she couldn’t hold it back for long, but he wanted to extend her sweet agony a little, the treatment to the utmost so that her orgasm was finally equal to an explosion.

But he would have to be careful. Lisa came almost by itself when the time came, too much stimulation and she would overlide into the orgasm before he realized it. Nick adjusted his controls and gave her a series of mild shocks on the stomach and breasts while giving the ads carefully. It was reluctant to appeal to her and on, the waves of lust spread like a rising flood in her defenselessly revealed body.

She was about to! Slowly activated nick her anal vibrator. The representation on the monitor twitched and turned from one side to the other, and moved the pelvis in pseudo koital bumps. He let them wind for a few minutes, delect their electronic stimulation, and then switched on their nipple stimulators.

Lisa’s ignorant moan increased in intensity when the flood of perceptions on all parts of the body increased. With a click, he put a small lever around the moving parts of the attachment and turned it into a stiff chroma doll with a crossed cross and widened thighs, which could no longer move a millimeter.

Every function of the armor was now activated and bombarded Lisa’s body with incessant stimuli. Only one, final application still remained. Not yet… .Not yet Lisa started screaming her suffocated loud came distorted by the little loudspeaker.”Now!“His voice was hardly more a whisper when he pressed the button ..

and brought the vibrator to life in her vagina.

At the same time, the little levers that were connected to their rings began to pull it at irregular intervals, like the fingers of a sadistic pianist who played on the strings of lust.
Lisa sobbed uncontrollably in her soft rubber fog, her body twitched helplessly in the relentless shell. The tickling in her butt had strengthened to a cozy hum and sent lustful waves through her entire abdomen. This feeling alone made her weak enough. But in combination with the stimulation of your nipples, and then these delicious bumps in your crotch ..

And then she melted into white -glowing ecstasy, endlessly driving in an orgasm that almost robbed her of the awareness.

Its twitching meat clutched the pulsating vibrator with a convulsive intensity. The strength of its climax was immensely, the physical sensations increased by the compulsive, complete immobility with which they had to endure the waves of lust in their rubber and steel prison until they slowly ignore. The multiple walls seemed to reflect on their desire and not to let it flow out.

Nick called her back quiet. It took a long time for her to answer, and her moan was distant and weak.

Nick neutralized all commands, one after the other, and thus freed them from the bondage and the inflated suit. He gave her control over the functions of the suit before interrupting the connection with a satisfied greeting. Lisa already slept in the warm -warm shell, the paragraphs in the chargers of the batteries. And in the early morning hours, when the night was still cool and calm, the little light on the decoder, which sparsely illuminated, changed from green to red.

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