The ring | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Thomas has her the first time randomly seen in a caf on the main street and was immediately fascinated by this woman when she sat down at the neighboring table. I kept trying to catch a look from her across my newspaper. She had reddish hair, blue eyes and a fabulous figure, as far as her costume allowed this assessment- exactly the type of woman I like. I took my courage together, ordered two espresso, went to her and asked if the place next to her was free.

She put her bag aside and smiled at me. On this occasion I realized that a metal ring, in which another, smaller ring was embedded, adorned her right ring finger. Immediately my thoughts shot through my head, as this ring reminded me of a book that I had read some time ago. After we had briefly introduced ourselves and we had talked about this and that for a while, she said that she had an important appointment and whether I did not want to accompany her.

I agreed, paid the bill and together we left the CAF. We went to yours automobile and drove through the city into one of the small suburbs, left the main street, crossed a small forest until we finally got on a small clearing. In the middle of this clearing there was a large country house, in the entrance of which she steered the car. We entered the house and got through the hallway directly into Living room, Where she asked me to make me comfortable.

You have some calls to do and would then devote yourself to me. With these words she left the room. “I thought to myself,“ what she might mean by that?“And a slight grin came over me. I took the opportunity to take a closer look. The living room was classically furnished: a leather set with a coffee table, a large shelf full of books, a showcase, full of glasses, and a small bar. Next to the showcase was a fireplace in which the fire was still a little blazed.

I added some wood and gave myself a drink at the bar. My thoughts revolved around this ring all the time. Suddenly I remembered which book I had read about it and I became aware of his meaning again. It was “the story of the O. “, Which I once borrowed from a friend. At that time I was very fascinated by this book, and if I remember correctly, this ring should symbolize that every man who knows his meaning could freely dispose of the wearer.

I was a bit ashamed at the time that this idea alone excited me, the idea of possessing a woman just fascinates me. I was slightly confused because I always believed that this ring would only exist in the imagination and took a book to distract my thoughts a little. It took about half an hour to return. I took all my courage together and spoke to the ring.

She apparently overlooked my statement and went with the sentence “I would like to make myself a little fresh. “Again from the room. Another half an hour passed, and I thought that I had somehow annoyed her with this statement when she entered the room again. My glass almost fell out of my hand when I saw that it was completely naked, except for in leathery collar and two leather cuffs, which were closed around their wrists.

She didn’t say a single word, but took my hand and took me out of the room. We enter the basement and suddenly stand in front of a door. Since there is no electrical light there, you can hardly see the door in the light of the candle that it has with them. We continue and when she opens the door, she gives a sound of herself as if it hadn’t been used for years.

When we enter the room, I discover some torches on the wall that used to serve the lighting. She lights the torches and envelops the room in a dim light. After lit a few candles and distributed them in the room, it slowly becomes a little brighter in the vaulted cellar, but not too bright, so that a scary and beautiful atmosphere is created at the same time. I stand behind her and slowly stroke her over her cheeks and neck, which means that she gets slight goosebumps.

I am very curious about what will happen now, but I can’t think of the thought, because it turns over, falls on my knees and lowers her gaze. “I haven’t done that for a very long time,” she says, “but your species fascinated me so much that I can’t help it. I want to submit to you, want to be yours. Do what you want with me!“I am slightly confused and do not know how to react, but the sight of this woman, who kneels in front of me, lowered the gaze and stretched the breasts forward, ready to submit to me, fascinate and excite me and the insecurity evaporatesvery fast.

When I entered the room, I discovered that all sorts of utensils hang on the wall, which I look closer to myself now. She doesn’t dare to move or even raise her eyes, because she is afraid to destroy this atmosphere and maybe end the whole “game”. She is slowly becoming a little unsure whether she may not have acted a bit when I step behind her and put a black blindfold around her head.

She is frightened easily, but lets everything happen with her. She decided to trust me and give myself to me. I turn her over, put an arm around her shoulders and press my lips on her and give her a long, intimate kiss. Our tongues merge from lust. My hands tenderly stroke their skin. She is slowly excited because she is more and more excited about what she can expect now.

My hands wander deeper and slowly stroke theirs Nipple, which also promptly put themselves at the height. I discover a small chain on the wall and shortly afterwards she feels how the chain strokes her over her breasts. The cold metal on her warm skin excites you even more. She feels how something lies around her stiff, excited nipples, and before she knows what it is, I have already carefully put on small brackets, which I connect to the chain.

A slight pain drives through her nipples and she moans quietly. Again I gently stroke her up and down her skin. From time to time, as if accidentally, I pull slightly on the chain, which also increases the train on the nipple in order to finally hang a small weight on the chain, which ensures that this feeling is still intensified. Slowly her breath gets heavier because this game excites you very much.

She also hardly registered that I now have another longer chain in my hand, so she is so busy with herself and her desire. She only notices it when she hears a carabiner hook on her leather hais band that I connected to the chain. I just say “stand up!“And she already realizes how I pull on the chain. I lead them to one of the walls on which heavy iron rings are attached.

She has to stand directly in front of the wall and I pack her arms and hook both handcuffs in one of the rings. I also combine the chain attached to your collar with the hook so that it is forced to stand upright. I take another, very long chain off the wall, put them around her hips and attach a carabiner hook there. Then I pull the chain through the crotch, which has already become very moist, attach the chain to the carabiner and repeat the whole.

The chain in your step increases your excitement almost immeasurably. The chain then follows her stomach, lies around her neck and I connect her, again with a carabiner hook, just below your breasts. I put the chain around her back and under her breasts several times, so that it is raised by the chains until I finally fasten the end of the chain with the hook. I take a step back and look at my “artwork” and just think “not bad, for a beginner! “Before I go with the game.

I stroke her lovingly and tenderly over my back, which is suddenly suddenly interrupted by a hot tropic. She is frightened and wants to instinctively avoid. I give her a easy blow with my flat hand on her butt, which she makes more frightened and she winds back and forth. To remedy the whole remedy, I get a wooden rod to which hooks are attached to both sides and two leather pies, which I attach to the ankles.

I attach the spreading rod to the two cuffs so that they are theirs Legs can no longer move and, above all. After a few seconds the wax drips on her back again. After 2.3 drops, she was prepared for the feeling and she winds and becomes more excited. Again and again the hot drops hit a different point in their back and when their back is almost littered with drops of wax, I stop, free their legs by removing the wooden rod.

Slowly my hand stripes her feet over her legs and she groans slightly when my hand lies between her step. I stroke her tenderly and notice that she has already done the treatment quite wet. She suddenly feels how she slowly strokes a little slowly over her skin, which she only recognizes after a few seconds as the leather top of a jumped man. I ask you to spread her on your legs and stand up very quietly.

The whip seems to be everywhere. She caresses her back gently, plays with her breasts and tenderly drives her legs along her. When I slowly drive her through the crotch with the whip, she can hardly hold herself with excitement and begins to moan and wind up. She believes that every fiber of her body feels. I just say: “I ordered you to keep silent! I think you deserve a punishment for your misconduct! ” to her.

she gets scared. “I think 10 strokes are appropriate”. She only nods briefly because she knows that if she contradicts now, it will at most be more blows. “But counting loudly. Did you understand?”. You can only have a short “yes!“Replace. She expects the first blow when she hears a very loud hissing fearfully. But the strike walks past her and hits the wall loudly. She would not have expected that I would strike so hard and slowly fears a little afraid of her.

Then she meets the first, easy blow in the middle of her considerations, which is by no means as hard as the blow that has hit the wall. “What a common game! “, Shoots her through her head and she says softly“ 1 ”, whereupon you another, somewhat firmer, hit with the words” louder – I can’t hear you!” meets. You answer loudly and clear “2”. Between the blows, my hand gently caresses over her butt, which is slightly reddoks in the course of the blows.

It seems like an eternity until she finally the 10. Hit and she lost her punishment. But she felt the whole thing less as a punishment – no, that humiliation Due to the blows, she made it a little hornier, because the blows had just the right hardness. My hands lovingly caress about their tormented buttocks and I almost satisfy that their rear part has become slightly red and quite hot due to the punishment.

Then I tie it out. I hold her because she is now so excited that she stuck slightly. I take her in my arm and slowly I open her thighs with my right hand and put my hand on the wet, damp gap, which brings it to the edge of the extase. Slowly and carefully I push a finger in, which makes them explode. She groans and whispers in my ear: “Fuck me, please! I’m so horny! “.

But after a few movements with my finger it is so far. She claws her Fin-Ger in my back and experiences a wonderful orgasm. I loosen the chain and the handcuffs from the ring and it sinks exhausted to the ground. After giving her a short breather, I ask for her to get up what she follows right away. Your knees are still soft and she storms lightly. I easily pull on the chain, which is laid through her step, which increases your excitement and makes it easy to groan up.

A few drops of their juice wet the chain members, pay their hullness to gravity and pull light threads as they drop down. I stroke my right middle inventor over the chain and wet it and stroke her lips, which you willingly opens to lick my finger and taste your juice. I think I deserve a little break and pull it to the chain that is still attached to your collar to an old bed that is in a corner of the room.

I sit on the bed and light a cigarette. She only hears the noise and I tell her, since unfortunately I don’t have an ashtray, she must take over this function. She instinctively kneels in front of me, stretches her hands towards me and holds her hands towards me. Again and again I knock off the ashes of my cigarette into their hands. In between, every now and then I drive slowly with the cigarette just above your body.

It gets pretty hot, but she doesn’t twitch away at any moment, because it never gets too hot. Then I press the cigarette on the floor. Since I want to increase your and my excitement, I command her to crouch on the floor in front of me. She feels how suddenly wax drips into the same place again and again, which she exhales loudly and finally bloated and then the candle on her back.

I only mean “Hmm, what a nice lamp you give”. She hears how I sit on the bed and start smoking a second cigarette. The minutes in which I smoke seem almost endlessly. Every now and then I bend forward and slowly stroke her over the labia that get wet and wet my finger to my mouth to cost her nectar.

This picture excites me more and more. I take off her blindfold and ask her to get up and stroke me. She only now notices that I have now got rid of all of my clothes, except for the shorts. It slowly and tenderly strokes my chest and spoils my nipples, which makes me even more excited after a while. I ask you to take off my underpants and mean tail to fondle.

She only likes to follow my command and shortly afterwards I sit completely naked in front of her. It begins to stroke my penis tenderly, which shortly afterwards developed into his full splendor. Of course, she doesn’t always forget my testicles to caress my testicles again and again. Then she takes my cock tightly between one of her hands and starts rubbing it. After a short time I get hotter and I get up and put her head and take it to my cock.

Slowly she encloses my cock with her lips and lets her tongue circle around my glans. Of course, she doesn’t forget to suck hard either. I have to control myself so that I don’t just mean her sperm inject in the mouth. This game doesn’t leave her cold either, and it begins to stroke her shame almost involuntarily, which is becoming more and more damp. When I notice that she will satisfy herself, I grab her head and pull it up.

“I allowed you, for example, to add me to me. You little bitch?“I say with a very bad sounding tone. She blushes and is ashamed of what she did. “Wait, I’ll be able to do that to you”. I sit on the bed and grab her and put her over my knee. Shortly afterwards she feels the first blow to hire her butt. After a few blows, she says that her butt would start glowing.

In between I keep pausing and tenderly stroking her ever wet -becoming column from behind and keeping my finger in, which brings it to the edge of an orgasm again. From time to time I pull my finger out and stroke her over your lips. She sucks him eagerly and tastes of her own salty juice. After a few minutes she is so excited that she will be interested in “Please get it to me! Take me as you want it!”.

I interrupt the game, pull it up and put it on the bed. I put it down and push the chain that goes aside through her step and push a finger into your wet column, which is willing to recording. She moans loudly, breathes more and more heavily and pleads. “Please …” I put her legs over my legs over my legs and finally penetrate them into them. After a short time we both rash in a never -ending orgasm.

We are both half a eternity, completely exhausted, so side by side. I stroke her tenderly over her skin. She looks at me with sparkling eyes and whispers quietly “Thank you! “. Then we go to her bed and she falls asleep in my arms happily. The next morning I wake up, and in the first sleepy moments, I think I just dreamed of it all. But after a few moments I realize that I gave up in an unusual environment.

The place next to me is empty, there is only one envelope on the pillow. When I open it, a ring falls towards me that resembles her to the hair. I found a small note on the stand: “Thank you! If you want me, I belong to you and this ring should be the symbol that I am your possession! “. Including only their initials. I take the ring and without thinking about it, I roam it over my left ring finger and fall asleep again satisfied and happily.


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