Swinger club | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

All sorts of interesting facts for everyone who wants to try it out.
Note: I am not a club operator and do not act on behalf of one. This text should only serve your information and is not an advertisement.

You are welcome to download it and spread it further as long as this is only for private, non -commercial purposes.
I thought that there are definitely some or the other out there who would like to visit a Swin-Greilclub. Who have never dared, simply because they do not know what is going on there and what rules of conduct apply.
These people can (and must …) be helped. So I just wrote down what comes to mind on the subject.
First in general to the hold of femininity: I know from experience that most women ask themselves the questions: I am in one Swinger club actually sure? Even if I come alone?I heard from a wide variety of women that they had completed the first visit with a slight feeling of fear.

(It was both single ladies and women accompanied by which I talked to.) They always feared beforehand that they could be thought to be free game.

But all of them said that this fear was absolutely unfounded.
On the contrary, hardly anywhere else the men are so nice to them. (Sure, we men all want something from the ladies …) And if one really wants more than the women want to allow, then the problem is quickly from the world through some clear words.
In any (and very rare) need, also with the help of the operator or, even more often, with that of other visitors.
Many women also said that if they take a man home from a disco or pub, they would be in greater danger than in a swinger club

(Quite apart from the fact that the hope for a one-night stand would not always come true.) So if you enjoy sex, then dare, overcome your prejudices and try it out. Whether alone or with your man/friend. Nobody will bite you.

(At most in places where you like it and only very tender …) Women are always welcome.
So, and now in the text.

Point 1: What is a swinger club?There are several types of clubs.
Party clubs, couple clubs, private parties and swinger clubs. (And only in this I try to give you a little insight.) Swinger clubs are meeting points for people who all combine a common interest.
The fun of sex in all its variations and the pleasure of living it with “strangers” people. Usually there is a more or less strong surplus of men there.
A “real” swinger club is usually only open two to three days a week. Mostly on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as on one or two days of the week.
Beginners are welcome.
Party clubs are usually open every day.

In my opinion they are actually nothing more than brothels. And if you advertise so much with the fact that the ladies present are “naturally horny housewives”. The women in question are present every day ..
You will probably not find real swingers there.
Under no circumstances are they suitable for beginners!Couple clubs are a special form of swinger clubs in which there are almost no soloons and ladies. The only exceptions are sometimes so -called “home lovers” from the couples with them with them.

Otherwise, on the whole, the same rules apply, as in swinger clubs with surpluses.

They are usually quite suitable for beginners pairs.
Private parties are (mostly) exactly that. Organized meetings by private individuals for private individuals, whether in their apartment or in rented rooms.
Not necessarily suitable for beginners.

Point 2: What actually happens in a swinger club?Nothing that you don’t want yourself!The motto of the swingers is: “Everything can, nothing has to.“That means if you feel like having sex with a couple, a single lady or a soloister, you can do that. But you don’t have to.
In each club you can always find couples or single ladies who are “accessible” on the mat with two or more men. But who now imagines the hustle and bustle in a swinger club as similarly as on a well -known one, which is adequately known from film and television.

Roman orgy, will probably be disappointed. Those present do nothing more than what you do at home. The only difference is that they do it for several and (want to) observe it ..
Hard SM game species, Pee and caviar or other perverse practices will in all likelihood not find. At least not in a “normal” swinger club.

Of course there are also clubs for supporters of this scene, but they are very, very rare.
(And for me, by the way, absolutely uninteresting …) By the way, condoms, fresh towels and shower gel are provided in every club.
So you don’t need to bring these things with you.

Point 3: What rules of conduct apply?First of all, talk to those present. (If you sit quietly in the corner, you can’t get to know people.) You will see quickly, there are just as “normal” people as you are. The bandwidth of the swingers ranges. Just imagine it would be a pub or a restaurant.

Only that people are less likely.
To the gentlemen: The women present are not a free game and for the same reason in the club as theirs! And voluntarily and because you want to have fun. So you don’t have to go on the mat with you if you don’t want.

And you have no entitlement to sex, not even through your contribution to your expenses! If you are looking for something like that, go into the puff! (I have experienced guys once or twice, who believed real, just because they had paid, they could act like Graf Rotz from the dump. But the guys were also very quickly outside again!!!) For the dress code: what is allowed. Regardless of whether there is a lingerie, boxer shorts, just a towel around the hips or even Nudist.

So you can put on everything that looks nice and sexy and possibly a bit of what shows. Underwear a la Schiesser-Feinripp is therefore not exactly the hottest outfit. In 99 if you find it difficult to sit half -naked between the stranger, you should consider that you are exactly that on holiday at the beach also power!(And, after a short time, the people in the club are no more unknowns …) If you decide to go on the mat, you can decide for yourself how far you want to go. It is completely up to you.

You just have to understand yourself clearly.

When people in the mat area, active or passive, are present who you like, but with which you don’t yet Contact Conscious, just don’t worry. Just ask if you can join or start to stroke them. You will quickly notice whether you are desirable. (Mostly you are …) If not, you will be understood.
On the other hand, also does not hesitate to encourage others to afford a little company when you hustle.
Watching (more or less subtle) should also be allowed.

Most people in a club have both the exhibitionist and a voyeuris tables.

(Finally, the second motto of the swingers is called: show, see, feel …) But in many clubs there is also a room in which you can withdraw in pairs or three.
If you should watch others during sex, please keep your conversations too loudly (possibly also about the people who are currently on the mat.), or to tell each other jokes. THAT DISTURBS! The contact areas (bar, sauna, buffet) are intended for conversations. (In addition, the hustle and bustle on the mats is much more interesting, or?)Very important:

A no always has to remain a no and if someone does not take note of (or wants to take …), then in the worst case, move out of the mat area. (Hardly anyone will be angry with you.

The others are more likely to be on Denurfried.) If there is no other way, says the operator, who will usually take care of the matter. (He also doesn’t want to stress in his club. That would be bad for his business) As a rule, the no is accepted by the others without hesitation.
alcohol You should enjoy in Maj3en. Because apart from the fact that drunk people are not necessarily one of the favorite guests of a club operator and other visitors, the sex is not even half as much fun.

And the contact is much more difficult.
After sex, showering is always a good idea. (Also before sex. I think nobody likes to discover an unwashed plum or a pint with cheese crust as a surprise to the respective partner.) And please, throw your condoms used into the wastebasket! (Nothing is more disgusting than stepping on a fully whernest Parisian.) In all clubs: access only from 18! If necessary, you can be shown your ID cards.

Last but not least: you are guests. Treats the other present as you want to be treated yourself.

Then the evening will definitely be a success.
Point 4: What do I have to consider before visiting the club?First, make yourself a list of all clubs that could come into question.
The following applies to couples: Both must agree. Surprising the partner with the club visit is really not a good idea. (I know that from my own expirience. ..

Nothing good!) Talk through the topic beforehand and together consider whether your partnership can withstand such an experience. If there is only the slightest doubt, leave it! Jealousy scenes in the club are not exactly built, neither for you nor for the other visitors.
If your respective behavior in the club coordinates each other. How far do you want to go, he/she may also be on the mat alone? And if z.B. One of you wants to go home immediately, the other should agree without discussion and long palaver.
The following also applies to the others: be sure?Good…
Then step two, namely the call.

Without registration you probably don’t get into any club.

You only need to name your first names, nobody is interested in the last names. Inquire about how high the contribution to expenses is (in the case of individual names mostly and often zero comment for couples and often for couples!) And when the party begins.
But does not ask how many people would come or what would work in general! The operator will not be able to tell you that!(No evening is like the other or is somehow predictable. A party with ten couples and five solo men can go into your pants as well as an evening with five couples and ten solos. And both examples can also end in a really successful experience.) If someone swells you on the phone that so and so many people will come and the evening will definitely be great, hang up and call the next club on your list.
Asks for a directions (which the operator usually gives you on his own.) and until when is admission.

(If z.B. at 8:00 p.m. the start of the party and then you only come at 11:30 p.m., the probability is that you will no longer be let in.) If you have registered, think about what you want to wear.
As I said, pretty lingerie or a sexy bikini are always the right choice for women. For men, beautiful underpants, swimming trunks or boxer shorts.

The most difficult part always comes when you arrive at the club and want to ring.
(Personally, the first time the sleeve was one to a hundred thousand. And I haven’t met any who was different …) But just don’t worry, do it, nobody will bite you.

(The only exception: see above … -o)) Another advice: If you have registered, then come too! The operator relates you to his planning for the evening!Point 5: What to do if I should meet acquaintances there?You are afraid that your neighbors, friends, acquaintances, your boss or even relatives will meet in a club? so what??? Think very sharply ..
What could they want there? About the same as her? EXACTLY!!!So greets you friendly and let the matter be based on yourself. The world should stay outside in the club. (Incidentally, in all the years I have been active, I have never met someone I know from “outside”.) However, this should also experience “there” in the club ..

So nobody has to be interested in who you had sex with there! If you really have sex with someone from your circle of acquaintances, it is definitely not pleased if you count it out everywhere! (Apart from the fact that you would then have to admit to have been there too …) Point 6: Where can I find a club?Very easy.

In relevant publications such as Z.B. Happy Weekend. Or you are looking for in Internet. In most search engines you will find it.
(Searchwords: swingers, swinger clubs, couple clubs and the like.) The daily newspaper is less suitable because there are usually only the party clubs already mentioned with professionals at the bar.

Point 7: What else is there?As already mentioned, you will not be allowed to enter the contact area in street clothing, as already mentioned.

So you have to bend the dress code
Nobody will be angry with you if you look in, look around and sooner or later go back without “doing” something.
(To the solo names and couples: you should be aware that this is only possible once or twice. Because people who only make a nice evening at the expense of others, eat or drink, but don’t even be seen near the mats, are not welcome. And gentlemen who have a woman as a “admission ticket”, nor do they.) A good club always has enough fresh towels, condoms and Kleenex.

The lockable lockers should be present, or. You should be able to securely deposit your valuables somewhere.

(If z.B. The valuables or your locker keys are stored under the bar, someone should always be present from the staff and keep an eye on the whole thing.) Clean showers and toilets are standard. Just like something to eat. (Depending on the club (operator), this can vary from some sandwiches to a buffet with several cold and warm dishes.) A sauna, a pool or an outdoor area, depending on the club, can also be present.

The mat area is in the mat area in 99das smoking and taking drinks there, is strictly prohibited in almost all clubs.
So it was time.

I hope I was able to answer some of your open questions. If you have now decided to visit a swinger club, I wish you a lot of fun. Maybe we’ll see each other ..

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