The boss’s sex slave | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“What is in the letter?”Asked my wife. I was silent and put the letter readable to her on the dining room table. It was the notification of the auction date. For two years we had had extreme difficulties in paying the rates after the laundry business in which my wife worked went into bankruptcy.

Afterwards she found no new work and became a housewife. Our parents couldn’t help us either, because they just got rounds themselves.

A year ago the bottleneck was so big that I was presented with my boss. My hopes hadn’t been great when I went to him, but he was more cultivated when I expected. He gave me a personal loan over 30.000, – DM.

Although I was initially relieved, I was also aware that our problem was not fundamentally solved. Already six months later I could not have the transfer to the mortgage bank carried out again. My boss helped again.

But it was understandably his last aid. Now we could no longer stop the course of things.

I looked her in the eye and noticed her tears in her pretty brown eyes. I gently stroked her cheek and stroked her through her half -length, chestnut brown hair and tried to comfort her: “Schatz, the world will not go down. But we have to look for an apartment.“At least I had a permanent job, which I was very proud of. At Opel-Müller, I had done my apprenticeship as a car locksmith as a 16-year-old and worked there for nine years as a journeyman.

I switched to Klaus-Schneider-automobile three years ago. Well, at 31 I really didn’t earn it bad.

Eight years ago I met Lisa at a company party. She was there with a colleague. But her relationship was pretty end of.

I liked it immediately. She is a head smaller than I was with her 168, but very well shaped with a cute face, soft curves and very pretty legs. And like me then the first time saw, I still like to see her today. In a black, half-length dress with black stockings and high heels.

We got married a year later and we bought this house for another year.

In the beginning we also wanted children, but that didn’t want to succeed right away. When we later noticed that our financial situation was quite tight, she had the pill prescribed. We both believed that we should only have children if we also had good conditions for it. Now we were both 31 and it didn’t look very cheap.

It’s good that my boss was satisfied with me, because that gave me some hope.

Klaus Schneider is a really personable man, about 41 years old and sometimes a bit clot, but still a good boss. Two years ago my wife and I were at a company party. Then he just passed me when I got new drinks. He put a hand on my shoulder and spoke closer to me: “Compliments, Müller, a sharp woman you have there.

A pretty thing. I like it very much.“Like a buddy, he knocked on my shoulder and continued. I didn’t know much about his private life.

It was rumored that he occasionally has a friend. His wife is a rough, thin, very lady person.

She literally struts when you see her go. Her long, blond hair obviously see a women’s salon very often. She seems to me to be a little older than her husband.
After we got this letter, I was very queasy. My boss probably noticed the next day that I was not doing well.

“What’s going on, Müller, problems?” asked he. I nodded and he pushed me into his office with his strong arm and closed the door. I told him about the letter and my concerns. He listened carefully to me and then said: “Müller, come to us tonight.

We, my wife and I, invite both to eat, ok?“My wife was very excited. For a long time she spent in the bathroom. When I saw her, I couldn’t believe it: “That’s how you want to go to my boss with me?“She smiled at me, nodded her head and turned around her own axis like a model. She had black stockings, high heels and a black, short dress.

“Why not. Am I not pretty? You want me to like your boss, ”she replied. I agree with her and we made our way.

Ms. Schneider opened us in a long, red evening dress. She looked very lasciviously and smiled ladys.

She said: “Oh, good evening, you both, warmly welcome. Come in. “We went to the entrance hall of the house that was more like a villa. My boss came down the wide stairs in a dark suit and greeted us.

He eyed Lisa from top to bottom that it was almost embarrassing. Then he said while he was still outrageous on her well -shaped legs: “Enchanted Lisa how beautiful they are.“Then he directed us to the large dining room.

We took a seat at an oval dining table, he on the side, on the left of him Lisa and next to me and Ms. Schneider opposite Lisa. I looked around. The furnishings were of very high quality.

A thick, older cook served us an excellent dinner. Our topics of conversation were general in nature and not very exciting. Again and again he looked my wife deep in the eye and she replied his eyes. After the dessert, my boss came to speak of our situation: “Müller, I thought about it.

The situation is precarious for you. To be honest, the auction cannot be avoided. But I make you an offer. Please do not interrupt me and let me explain.

I do it briefly. It is possible that you will go out of the auction with further obligations. And you need an apartment. So, I offer you the following.

I take over the undercover at the auction.

I also offer you both of our granny apartment free of charge in the back of the building. You no longer need to worry about your financial situation and can live carefree. Under one condition.“I was completely flat and noticed that my mouth was open:“ Which, boss?“He smiled and looked at Lisa silently, looked at her excerpt from her petite face and then back into her eyes until he turned his gaze to me.

Then he said in a calm voice: “Müller, or can I say Rolf to them, they have a very beautiful woman and I have liked it for a long time. I desire her and want to sleep with her.“He got up and handed my wife hand. I was in shock and was unable to get one tone out. I just saw Lisa her delicate right hand in his his his.

He closed his thick thumb around her hand and led her to the door. I was like in the cramp state and looked afterwards. I wanted to get up, but Ms. Schneider leaned over the table and grabbed my upper arm: “Stay sitting, Rolf. Let her!“I don’t know why, but I stayed consistently sitting.

My wife disappeared with my boss through the heavy wooden door that closed behind them.

The fine lady got up and sat down with me and held my hand. She said gently: “It’s really the best solution, Rolf.“I looked at her with big eyes:“ But he is her husband, how can you allow that.“She smiled:“ Oh Rolf, my husband already had many friends. But he never enjoyed them for long. Sooner or later they always wanted it to themselves.

Now he has his nose full and want something in the long run. I am enough for the beautiful life as his official woman. I don’t have much interest in sex. That’s why I let him toys.

And he already likes Lisa his long. He wants her to be his solid toy.“I had long since sunk in my chair and my thoughts raced through my head. How was something like this possible? It felt like a nightmare. I never wanted to share my wife with another.

But I was also aware of our hopeless financial situation. Of course, this would have disappeared suddenly. I didn’t find a solution in my head.

Ms. Schneider spoke again after she was silent for a while: “Rolf, come to the salon!“She led me and I took a seat in a voluminous leather armchair. A fireplace fire burned.

She handed me a whiskey on ice and sat in another armchair. She said: “Rolf, you will get along with it. You won’t lose your wife. You will continue to have them at your side.

You just have to accept that he takes you to play at will. But they will get used to it.“The whiskey was good for me and I could think.

I looked at Ms. Schneider: “What is he doing with her now.“She replied promptly:“ Well, he fucks her.“I swallowed and imagined what he was doing with her. But I stayed sitting because a feeling in me said it was the only solution. I had no idea where that should go, but I stayed seated.

She said: “He is well built, Rolf. A woman he once pushed wants to have him.“I shook my head. “I’m also well built,” I said defiantly. She laughed: “But certainly not like him.

She got up, knelt in front of me and opened my pants. In the state I was in, I read it without will. Somehow I didn’t care about anything at the moment.

Without a word she rummaged out my penis and put it on her palm as if she wanted to weigh him. Then she stuffed him back into my pants and sat back in her armchair.

Then she said: “Not bad, Rolf, but they don’t come along.“I always thought that my not exactly thin 18 cm were plentiful. But obviously there were other calibers. But that alone doesn’t matter. They seemed to be able to read thoughts: “Klaus is a strong guy, stocky and a picture of a man.

And he can handle women. Assume that Lisa will see it that way too.“The SAJ3, I was informed. This guy was probably now between her thighs and fucked her from her body. Merry Christmas.

I got another whiskey and talked to Ms. Schneider.

I had slightly forgot the time. I heard steps and looked at my wristwatch. Two hours had passed and they stood in the door. Lisa had a long, blue men’s head shirt that reached her thighs.

She stood on the tiles with her bare legs and feet and looked at me with a slightly transfigured look. My boss stood next to her in a white, very long shirt, where his massive calves were seen below his massive legs. The sleeves were half high and showed his strong, hairy forearms.

He sat on the big leather couch and took my wife across his lap. Her beautiful, silky shiny legs were closed on the leather.

Without any reluctance and shame he took my wife’s head and kissed her on her soft, open lips. It was clearly noticeable that he pushed his tongue into her mouth and whirled in it. He had laid both paws around her neck and back and her arms enclosed his massive neck.

The whiskey in me ensures a quiet condition for me and let me watch. Ms. Schneider asked: “Well, how do you like your new toy?“He did not react and continued to smooch.

Only after a while did he pull his tongue out of the oral cavity to my wife and said: “She is fantastic. She is the best fuck I’ve ever had.“That was all he said and carefree he kept smooching her. It was only after a while he stopped with it and laid her head on his shoulder.

She immediately started to caress his neck and cover with kissing. He looked at me: “Rolf, her wife controlled.

Which pill takes you?“I was puzzled and replied:“ I don’t know why?“He replied:“ I want to know the brand. Please get the pack!“I really didn’t know what that should. Why did he want that. I had an idea: “I can no longer drive boss, the whiskey.”” Do you drive him, “he said to his wife, who immediately got up and waved me with him.

We drove to our house in your A-Class Mercedes for the few minutes and I got the pack from the medicine cabinet.

After 15 minutes we were back and I put my wife’s anti-baby pills on the table with my wife’s anti-baby pills. He lifted my wife from his lap and puts her next to him by crossing her thighs on top of each other. He does not read that uncommented: “She is full of my seed, that doesn’t have to be all on the couch.“Lisa ponded the plump thighs and looked at him all the time. I really seemed pretty deregistered.

On the other hand, I was also confused because I felt a clear tension in my abdomen, but I didn’t want to admit.

It couldn’t be, no it couldn’t be that the situation still excited me. I did everything to suppress it. He took the pack with the pills and it seemed to me that he was not interested in the brand at all. He took the pill film out of the box and began to put the pills in the ashtray one after the other without forgiven.

The pills gathered in the glass ascher with sounding noises.

It appeared to me like a ceremony and it dawned on my project. Then he grabbed the whiskey bottle and poured a strong sip. His silver lighter snapped and he flamed the preparation. We all watched in silence as the pills were in the bluish flames.

Then he leaned back and pulled my wife back on his lap, back to him with her face to me. This time he spread her thighs and I immediately saw what he wanted to show me. A slimy, white chunks sperm rolled out of her vagina and showed the flickering light of the fireplace fire.

Slowly he buttoned her head shirt until it fell apart and gave the view of her soft, full breasts. With one hand he made circular movements over her lower abdomen and said: “Rolf, I want us to do ourselves.

Your wife told me that you want children if your financial problems are no longer available. You will get children. But from my sperm. I like this beautiful belly.

I want him to swell. I’ll fill it with my baby. I like pregnant women and want my toys are always pregnant. Lisa is created for me to wear children.

Many children. I’ll keep you pregnant for the next few years.

“Both looked at me in their face without any special emotion. I couldn’t believe Lisa was silent. She said nothing and her eyes did not let, but also did not recognize what opinion she was.

And I didn’t say anything either. I only noticed that I had difficulty avoiding an erection. It was a mixture of anger, pain and lust. He put on my wife the couch with the head on a pillow.

“Whiskey?”He asked me. He got up and poured me in plenty of. His wife did ice cream and he handed me the glass. He looked down at me and buttoned up his shirt.

My eyes immediately headed for this thing, which bobbed half stiffly in front of him.

From the background I heard Ms. Schneider’s voice: “Well? I didn’t tell you Rolf?“She had said it and she was right. What a tail. He reached with his left hand and lifted him in my direction. “With that, Rolf, with that I will pregn up your wife,” he said to me.

Then the bear turned, step to the couch. With both hands he pressed his knees apart my woman. Without even the most dieging shame, as if it were the most understandable in the world, he put this monstrous link from my wife into the smeared vagina and began to fuck her immediately.

I haven’t heard such a moan from her yet. Her legs wrapped around the man and her feet made circular movements.

What a picture. I was sitting there, as in a film, like in the cinema. It was a porn film that was running off. Only the actors were well known to me.

Ms. Schneider grinned over to me and said gently: “You can calm jerk off, Rolf. Feel yourself at home.“This cheek, this intimacy, I just couldn’t believe it. And I couldn’t understand why I was still horny now. I wasn’t normal? How could such a audacity excite me.

But I didn’t really care about anything now. I rummaged my cock out of my pants and started rubbing the shaft on me.

That was good. Actually, he shouldn’t have been after the many whiskeys. But he stood.

Like a one. I watched my wife concentrated in her face, which was too lustful with closed eyes. My wife could be my wife. She hadn’t contradicted a bit, she had accepted everything without will, she had literally gave himself.

Now she was there and received his bumps with full pleasure and longing. The bumps of my boss that I appreciated so much.

When he tore his head back and grunted and without any doubt without any inhibitions in my wife, everything I had on my head shirt between the reversal of my jacker chatted me. I wasn’t ashamed of myself either. That was my right.

I also pretended that everything was normal and I did one more. I didn’t gave myself any nakedness. Like a man, I pretended to be normal. Completely normal that my boss just takes my wife like that and fucking her.

That happens every day, search is life.

Oh, I could still think of English. How fit I was. Should he fuck her dussely. The main thing is that we no longer have any debts.

I wanted another whiskey from the lady’s bitch and I got it. I even did my boss: “Well, it’s fun Klaus, she is not nice and tight?“I knew I was drunk. He laughed loudly: “Hahahaha, yes, that’s her.“First of all, I heard a statement from my wife:“ Rolf, you are drunk, Rolf …“He interrupted her by holding his flat prison towards her.

He pulled this smeared fat sausage out of her and said: “Go to him, i.e. with him!“My angelic woman hovered towards me and actually sat on my lap with her seed -filled grotto. I felt her warm ass on my shrunk cock.

She gave me a kiss on my cheek and gently whispered in my ear: “Rolf, we had no choice, my darling. We have 40.000,- Mark debts, soon there will be 100.000.”” Fümmschich-. She frowned her. “Euro, Fümmschich- The euros, we will soon get the euro,” I added.

She panted my forehead and said: “We’ll get through it, Rolf.
The tailors are really nice to us.“I nodded and silent and she cuddled myself. It was really a nice, fun evening because he fucked her again. No, she fucked him because he was sitting on the couch and she rode around on his stiff meat sausage. Very enjoyable.

I opened my eyes and realized that I had a thick skull.

Where was I? What kind of room was that? It was light outside because there was a window above my narrow bed. I got up. A big garden? Oh the garden. I lie down again and knew where I was.

In the house of my boss. I struck this scratchy wool blanket, sit on the edge of the bed and dug my head in both hands. Oh, God, I had to have drunk a lot. So slowly but slowly my memories came.

I looked out of the window on the garden and tried to realize what had happened.

It was clear to me that everything was true. No doubt. He had fucked my wife. And he had burned her pills.

My god, I thought, how should it go on now. What about work. I…., Well it was Saturday, thank God. So we would live here.

But what would my colleagues say about it. I had no idea how to explain that. And my parents, how would they find that. Oh, God, they had no idea about the house yet.

And Lisa’s parents? That not either.

Shit, shit, shit, I thought. He would now fuck Lisa whenever he needs her. For a moment I thought I had to run away, far away, but where to. Shit, that was not a solution.

I loved my surroundings here, I loved Lisa and also my job. No, running away was not an issue. I gave myself a jerk. Somewhere there had to be something too breakfast here.

I scratched my clothes and just put on my head shirt and underpants.

Then I went to the door. It was a hallway there and a staircase went down. I heard voices. Now I knew myself again and came into the eating kitchen.

They sat, the tailors, he and my wife at the covered breakfast table. “Rolf!!!“It came to me from three throats. I just waved casually and sat on a free chair. “You slept well,” the tailors died me.

I slowly raised my heavy head, looked into her eyes with a grin and said: “Yes, dear Ruth.“I had said Ruth to her to this old snipe.

I was waiting for her protest, but he didn’t come. She just said: “Coffee?“I nodded it was like in the hotel. Lisa sat next to me and stroked the back of my head. She said: “A little whiskey, my darling.“I nodded and stroked a toast with letta full.

“We just talked about the move,” said the bear to me. I let my head lower and only opened my eyes questioningly to him. He looked a little confused: “We order a moving company, the next weekend your stuff is here. I’ll show you your apartment after breakfast.“I pouted my lips and said with a touch of cynicism:“ Very accommodating boss, really.“I think he felt a little fooled, but he said nothing.

We all took breakfast.

Then there was a tour of the house. He must be proud of his success, I thought, just as he commented on everything. Then we finally got to see our apartment. I was very surprised.

It was really big, at least 120 sqm and also light. There was a living room, a somewhat small kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom and four other rooms that he called children. Then he gave us the keys. He kept one for himself, which he did not leave without comment: “Because of …, Yes Rolf you already know, I just want to have access at any time.“He didn’t say anymore and I hadn’t expected anything else.

On Monday everything was normal in the company.

My wife was busy packing boxes at home. Of course we had talked about everything on Sunday, but I was very approved to everything she said. She was angry about it because she believed that I would not express my right opinion. Maybe it was like that too.

It was sure that because I felt comfortable in this stubborn attitude in the phase. I enjoyed my own cynicism. But I gave it up on Tuesday and we both howled. It was more comfortable for me now, but I still had to talk to Klaus and Ruth.

Some things were not yet clear between us.

My boss kept me in the company as the last Wednesday. Then he invited me to a pub opposite. He wanted to talk to me under four eyes and I wanted that too. We got two wheat beer and he started: “Rolf, I would like to you with all my heart’s sagas that I like you very much.“His prison stroked my hair while my lips inevitably pouted.

He continued. “You are my best man and I want to keep you. I want you to understand me. If you know, the Lisa is such a beautiful woman, I could hardly hold back when I saw her for the first time.

I am fond of her. I was never very lucky with women. In hope you understand what I mean. Ruth was also only a kind of compulsory marriage.

Because of the business. I got it from yours Father accepted. Soon I had a girlfriend, and then another and one more. But it was so pathetic.

They all just wanted my money. And of course me. I was really frustrated. The shop went quite well, but I felt lousy.

Until I saw your wife. Really, I wanted her. She is exactly what I imagine under a woman. At first I didn’t plan it either.

But when you came to me for the second time because of a loan, I thought about it. Do you take that evil me?”

I looked at my wheat beer and thought. Then I found words: “No, I can understand it. You are in a different position.

But it’s hard for me. I feel so helpless.“He also looked at his wheat beer and his gaze seemed empty. He also needed time to speak again: “Rolf, I am a sociable person. I don’t want to take it away from you.

She will stay your wife. I do everything for you, and of course you are doing well that you are fine. But I understand, I need her, I feel like it, I would like it to me, sexually. I need a woman that I can grasp at any time when I get a stand.

I also have an incredibly strong urge to make a woman pregnant. I stand there scary. And it is much more attractive to pregnant a married person. It’s too pleasant.

I can hardly wait for it to run around with a swollen belly and I know that my baby is in there. And Rolf, one is very important. I have to be able to rely on that. It doesn’t work that you sleep with her.

I also clarified that with her. My wife and I have separate bedrooms. I want to have Lisa with me at night. I often get a stiff at night and then I need something where I can spray in.”

What he gave about it has long been clear to me.

That he told me so clearly made it easier for me. I also knew an answer: “Klaus, I don’t know how to say it, but …, But I … “I did not bring out. He looked a bit hectic and threw in: “I …. I’m tender to her, I don’t hurt her, you mean that?“I put on again.

“No. I know that it has to happen that way, I mean, I agree. I just want the colleagues to know nothing and secondly, that you … ”I interrupted and he ran after:“ What, rolf, what?” “I….,Well I have to tell you that I was excited when you slept with her.“With his two paws, he grabbed my head like a relieved school boy and raised him up, forced my eyes into his eyes and said:“ Rolf, you give me a gift.“And he kissed me on the forehead. We both laughed and then had a pretty intimate evening with very interesting conversations.

Yes, from me beat me up, I thought, I accepted it and thus gave him the highly official permission.

I did it. Now you can insult me. As a horned husband or something, or, as it says in England? Cuckold? No, that’s not me. Or still? No matter.

In any case, I was very satisfied with the things because I had inserted myself into a problem and solved it. I was very pleased.

The move was done two days later. And while the workers brought the boxes into the apartment, he fucked my wife in his bedroom. I regulated the move and everything went well.

The furniture stood where they should and all technical things were done. It was all so easy that I hardly wanted to believe it. In the evening we sat comfortably around the dining table with dimmed light and celebrated our move in with a little wine. He had my wife on his lap all evening.

She was sitting to him with her chest and her black -roamed legs hung down on the right and left. She had a lilac -colored satin dress, from which I only saw the deeply cut back. The dress was pushed so high that I could see her bare skin above her own nylons.

He had a kind of silk coat of silk. Again and again his big hands lovingly paint over her delicate back skin.

All the time, and maybe we sat together for four hours, put his penis in her stretched vagina. They hardly moved, but around 8:30 p.m. he grunted strange and closed his eyes. Obviously it hadn’t been able to stop me and let his pent-up ejaculate run wild.
That happened again at 9:20 p.m., but before that she had easily moved her buttocks with tender gases. We were in the middle of a conversation about politics around 11 p.m. when my wife made whispering noises: “Ohhh, ohhh.“Perhaps his cock had stiffened in her again and started expanding her.

He probably had to relieve himself again, which was no longer possible now. This time he grabbed her with his strong hands around her waist and raised her up and down. He jerked his cock like a doll with her body.

So gasped after two minutes and panted Lisa a strong orgasm out and he came deep in her lap a third time that evening. After both breathed normally, he got up with her and apologized.

As they were put together as they were, he carried them to bed. I also wanted to get up to go to sleep, but Ruth asked me to stay for a moment. I explain to her that I have to go peeing first, because my bladder pressed very much. I went into the bathroom and had just opened my pants when the door opened.

I turned my head and was scared that Ruth grinning in the door grinning. “Come to the sink,” she said. I didn’t know what she was going to do, but I did it. She reached into the crotch and aimed at my penis into the mom basin.

“Come on, let it go, I want to see it,” she asked me. I needed a moment, I was so surprised and then I pissed off. “Ohhh, wonderful,” she said of herself and played her left index finger in the warm ray. What a sow, I thought.

But that wasn’t everything she offered me.

She whispered: “I don’t like sex, but I love something like that.“She leaned forward and let her tongue dance in the pretty clear water. It sprayed on all sides and her tight, red evening dress was wet. Then suddenly her lips grabbed my glans. I couldn’t believe it, but she swallowed the pee made from wine in her neck.

Was that obscene. God, I hadn’t expected that Ruth is such a perverse Mistsau. When my pressure and the source dried up after a while, she came back up with her head and stroked her lips with the back of the hand. Then she started to jerk off my cock.

I had no trouble getting stiff. This treatment excited me immensely.

We looked through the mirror. This lady had a hellish pleasure and her closed hand with the carefully painted fingernails raced over my plump penis. I really didn’t take long and my departure announced itself.

Now she crouched, turned me and shaped her lipstick mouth into an o. Vulgar let her slide this o to my tail root over my loosening tail. Seriously, every 18 cm were in her head. I ejaculated her directly in her throat.

I had never experienced anything like this until then. My whole pent -up load rolled down her esophagus. She still carefully licked me clean and stowed it correctly in my pants. “Thank you very much, Rolf, good night,“ was everything she said.

With a rarely, lady -like step she glued out of the bathroom.

In the following weeks I learned to get along better and better with our new situation. Only my colleagues sometimes made sniffing comments because we lived in my boss’s house. They probably rated it as a certain preference, although I told them that we were normal tenants there. My boss tried not to show himself anywhere else with his new toy in the company or in front of colleagues.

If he had to travel anywhere, he got his toy out of the apartment and brought it back to the company before returning to the company. He also took Lisa on shorter day trips. She told me that he love to get a blown over everything. He didn’t always offer her a passionate love play.

Once, on Saturday afternoon, Lisa and I were in our kitchen because we wanted to cook something together.

This is a little hobby of us. Sometimes we cooked very unusual dishes. This time we wanted to prepare scampis in wok with oyster mushrooms. I heard a key opened our apartment door.

Klaus came in. Lisa is just cutting a lettuce cucumber. He said: “I still have to go to the hardware store. What’s up?“The question probably had alibi function, because he raised Lisa’s dress and put the hem over her back to her.

Since she was not allowed to wear briefs, her pretty powder. Then he clamped the hem of his black jogging pants under his large scrotum, briefly rubbed the glans with spit and read the fat device immediately in the vagina my wife disappeared. Then he reached her hip with both hands and fucked her on it. I saw Lisa stopped cutting and leaning onto the worktop with both elbows.

Meanwhile I moved around in the wok and looked at the process from the side.

It took just 2 minutes when he pulled himself tightly and held. I could only see that he came into her on his lips pressed together. Then he pulled out the slimy thing, a flap clapped on the tiles and he stowed away his still half stiff sausage in the swipe of the sweat. At least he pulled her dress up again when he turned over and said when going away: “Tschau, see you later.“A week later I had my birthday.

In the evening we wanted to dine in the restaurant with Schneiders. It was a Friday afternoon when I came home from work. Lisa ran towards me in the house entrance when I got out of the car. With open arms she crashed into my body, hugged and kissed me.

I said: “Hey, honey, you already congratulated me this morning.”” I don’t want to congratulate you for the second time, “she said,” Rolf, we can go in and you can fuck me.“I made big eyes:“ I can do something?”” “Fuck,” she said, “you can fuck me. I’m pregnant.“We ran into the house.

I had never moved out so quickly. I fucked her into the mattress like a wild one. It was wonderful.

It wasn’t until when I hooked up, did I find words again: “Klaus allowed us that?”” Yes, “she beamed at me and kissed me,” today is your birthday. It is a present. “Really, it was a gift. We only came out of our feathers when it was time to get along for dinner.
We were sitting at the French and all of them had ordered the same: sole on walnut rice with sauce hollandai-see napped.

Klaus had put on a fine dark blue suit. He asked with a smile: “Well, how was your afternoon?”” Nice, “I said,” one of the most beautiful I have ever had. “His mouth dragged on to a big grin and he buffed my fist to the upper arm. “We have ever had,” corrected me Lisa.

“Today’s youth,” said Ruth, who was once again wearing a new evening dress, this time from pigeon blue chiffon and long to the ankles, her mustard. I occasionally looked at whether the waitress did not notice that Klaus moved his master craftsman’s prison far below Lisa’s enchanting red mini skirt.

The fact that she was not wearing tights, but only I knew, and Klaus, of course, who could also feel it directly. “Lisa is wetter than usual,” Klaus said to his wife sitting against him. Then he turned his gaze to me: “Was a little traffic jam with you, what?“I grinned and Ruth did not let it be uncommented:“ It couldn’t have been that much.“Sure, I thought, she had only sucked out my cock in the garage last night.

With the remark, nothing could do with the remark and looked at me questioningly. I smiled and stroked her hand with her hand over the cheek. Klaus spoke to me directly: “Listen, Rolf, I still have a gift. Lisa is now pregnant.

So, I don’t mind if you with ……. So like normal spouses, I mean.“He was not so clear because the food was served. Still, I kissed him on my forehead. When the waiter was gone again, he continued: “However, I would be better, I mean time when you let yourself be sterilized.

“I made a somewhat dark expression and thought after.

Why not. The idea wasn’t that bad. “Ok,” I surprised everyone in the round and saw free of charge. The food was excellent.

After the dessert, a ice cream cup “Bonaparte” with cream, chocolate sauce and amaretto, Klaus had to speak again: “So, children, I have to cum in between in between.“He reached for Lisa’s hand and pulled her to fuck her on the toilet. Ms. Schneider had probably stripped her high heels because I felt a roaring women’s foot slid into the crotch under the table. She put her head a little on the side and said: “We’ll go afterwards, not true Rolf? I would like to do something special from our birthday child than the second dessert.“My God, I thought, a hard day. But I nodded her to her.

It was a nice, sociable evening with lots of wine and Ruth ultimately drank twice the amount.

Things had developed very positively. There was no longer any talk of sexual emergency. Especially since Ruth was more and more discovered her sexuality. Although she is a drought, it has such a very special erotic charm, which results from her appearance as a lady.

She is a distinguished and highly moral person, but it brings it up to put yourself in front of you and shamelessly to the costume piss. In the meantime she had also passed to massage her clit when she swallowed my gifts. So she no longer kept hidden that she could also feel pleasure.

Two weeks later, Schneiders had the laundry room painted again. I had two days off and sat before our tax return.

Ruth had asked me to occasionally look at the craftsmen whether everything was done properly. I went down at 2 p.m. and found that half the room was already finished. The older journeyman told the young apprentice that he had to go back to the company. He was back in an hour.

The black -haired boy nodded and painted further. I watched for a while when Ruth suddenly came into the laundry room. She had a long, flowered but outrageously thin summer dress. First of all, I saw that their little breasts had pretty firm, stiff nipples because they literally piked through the fabric.

She looked at the walls and found: “Oh, how bright the room will be again.

Very nice.“She stood quite close to the crouching, painting apprentice and looked at him. He paused and looked up at her. Then she actually lifted her dress over her hips high and showed the stunned boy that she was completely naked underneath. With a firm, determining tone, she said: “Young man, if they had the kindness to fuck me.“Then she lay on the dirty floor with her back.

I couldn’t believe it and the slim boy looked at me helplessly. I said: “She is your client. The customer is king.“Where I had taken this saying so suddenly, I couldn’t explain to myself. I just saw the young man buttoned his dungarees and let her fall down to his ankle.

Then he grazed his already bulged, green underpants and let his young, normally grown penis jump outside. He was really still very young, had muscular but completely disregarded legs. “But they shouldn’t tell the journeyman,” he said when he knelt between the spread, graceful legs of Ms. Schneider.

He did not work clumsily and sank his stiff erection in the lady-like, bald-shaved vot-test. She answered his fucking with a loud shouting.

I really didn’t expect that from her. Firstly, that they could be fucked at all and secondly that she went out of this. The boy rammed as if it were the opportunity for his life, half an hour around the honorary woman and injected her three times into gender. I counted at least five orgasms with her, but they could not be easily separated from each other.

When he directed his dungarees again, she got up and carried his sperm with her lap like a trophy from the laundry room. I only said when I went to the boy: “Not bad, you turn into something.“He grinned a little and kept painting.

Klaus had decided to travel to Frankfurt for three days from Friday to Sunday for the international automotive exhibition. He had booked a double room in the Dorint Hotel because he wanted to take Lisa with him as a fuck toy. She already had a little belly because she was in the fourth month.

I stayed alone with Ruth. I can’t say that I got bored. I was sitting on the thick leather couch in her salon on Friday evening and had put two wine glasses. She wanted to get the wine out of the basement.

When she came back, she put two 1.5 liters of Puller Selters on the table and handed me a bottle opener for the wine.

I looked at her questioningly. She grinned: “I drink the wine and you the water.“I opened my mouth.“Waaaas? Water?”” Yes, “she said,” everything.“I looked at the mineral water bottles and asked:“ Why why?“She looked at me with a girlish pout and said:“ Rolf, I want you to piss me really afterwards.“I remained the spit. This horny hooker. But I really liked the thought.

I turned on a screw closure. “Stop,” she said when I wanted to tip water into my wine glass.

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