The neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A few weeks ago I finally moved to my first own apartment. 19 years of bin
I old and have just started a job in Braunschweig, which requires this step
I enjoy the work and I feel quite comfortable all in all.
In addition to some relaxed acquaintances in work, I have hardly had time so far,
to take care of further contacts.

Already during the move is one to me neighbor noticed, she lives one
Floor above me, maybe 25 years old, slim and extremely attractive, but so far are
All attempts on my part to get into conversation with her run in the sand. She
Look quite arrogant and struggle when I meet her in the stairwell, hardly any
Greeting from. From your name tag I only know that you A.

Schulte means so far
I have noticed it alone.
After I have lived with my parents so far, I had little opportunity to have certain
To live out sexual fantasies. Now I enjoyed it all the more, in Internet look around
And to look for opportunities to enjoy me – but this with little success.
Finally, however, I came across an advertisement in which a young woman “fun per Skype”
promised. Without hesitation for long, I answered the ad and signaled mine

The lady actually reacted and after some mail traffic we made an appointment for a
“Meet by Skype”.
After initially innocent conversations, she asked about my preferences and
What I would expect. I just talked about it a little unsure about it
To want to see naked and you may.

Want to watch masturbating. She laughed and
said that I would have to “show something myself” myself. Already quite excited by the
I agreed entertainment and took off, she grinned smugly and asked me
“Hand on me”, I followed the request and began to satisfy myself,
After a short time, she said that she would not really turn it on and
asked me if I was more ready for a little more … I nodded and asked what to do.
“I would love to see how you put something in your butt” said with a smile.
I replied a little frightened that I had never done anything like that and also not
It would be particularly sharp on it.

“Come on, don’t stand up like that, you would make me a great pleasure,
Then I also take off and do what you want “.
After some back and forth I finally agreed “what should I take there”
I. “Do you have a candle” she asked, “yes I think” – I had some candles in
Living room cabinet that I now brought in.
“So, now please leave your butt towards the screen, let it loose and slowly insert”
Small me in front of the screen and tried to push the candle in my butt, unfortunately
it didn’t succeed straight away “You are really miserable suddenly” and that
Connection was interrupted.
I looked at the candle pretty perplexed and became my unworthy attitude and
The whole stupid situation was really aware of it – all excitement was evaporated.
I quickly got dressed and covered the experience.

Hm, went pretty stupid but something
Should it be completely anonymous, I don’t know who she was and she doesn’t know me either – I
First took a distance from other experiments on the Internet.

A few days later I met my neighbor again in the stairwell, after a short one
“Hello” on my part, I just wanted to go on, the hope of more details
I got to know each other because of her way that has so far been repellent. But now
If she stopped, I looked at me from head to toe and said: “Good to know who I am at
A power failure has to ask if he has a candle ” – I looked at her at“ uhhh,
What … how please?”. “You already understood me – piglets!“Without another word
You up the stairs. I stopped and fled
Then into my apartment.

With a pounding heart I struck the door behind me and
I leaned against it. How could she know about it? Was that a coincidence and she had that
Candles may be seen when moving? But why then this now
innuendo? My knees trembled and I felt a lump in my stomach. What should I
Because do now?
In the near future I avoided her and avoided meetings.
A few days ago I found an unceremonated envelope in my mailbox without
I opened the chocolate, a printed photo a lot … it shows me a lot … it shows me,
How I with my butt to the camera tried to introduce me to a candle! On the
The back was the following:
There is a basket with laundry in front of my apartment door – wash it and hang them to dry
on, otherwise not only this picture will make the round – also at your new workplace.
By the way, next week I am cleaning the stairwell, which will be
Of course you take over, otherwise … you already know 
Horrified and stunned, I always looked at the picture and that
written lines. Completely finished, I thought about what I could do – I can’t think of anything, you
Had me in my hand!

With uncertain steps I crept up the stairs, as expected the filled one stood there
laundry basket.

I quickly grabbed it and crashed the stairs into the washroom.
Carefully and still desperate, I sorted the laundry and made the first load
complete. My thoughts revolved around the situation I got into and how I am back there
should come out – unsuccessfully! Despite my despair, I didn’t miss that
Some very nice in the laundry Lingerie found ..
After I also washed the second machine, I hung everything
carefully open and moved into my apartment – it was Friday evening, but I was
not to celebrate.
After a restless night in which I found little sleep, I was ranging
Telephone awakened – “yes please”, I reported in a drunk, “that’s not the greeting
which I imagine “sounded a female and rather strict voice, it was
clearly around my neighbor;Immediately I was wide awake … ”Ääh, sorry what is
Because off?” -” What is going on you will find out early enough, now shower, besorg rolls
And the bell in 45 minutes at my apartment door “without waiting for an answer, she put it
I briefly weighed my possibilities and came to the conclusion that a common
Breakfast would actually be a good opportunity to clarify the matter. So decided
I myself to get the rolls and go up to her. Unfortunately I could
do not completely displace determining tone in their voice and thus remained in
Unpleasant feeling in the stomach area ..
With the bread meter bag in my hand and a smooth feeling, I stood at the door on time
My neighbor and hardly dared to press the bell button – in my head
The thoughts overturned.

I stuck myself, talked to myself that everything is now clearing
dignity and rang.

It took a felt eternity until my neighbor opened the door “Well, at least you are
You on time, come in and close the door behind you, ”she said. Your sight was
Breathtaking – obviously she came out of the shower, her black long hair was
Moist and strictly combed backwards, she wore a black bathrobe that just over
the knee ended and the view of her slim, flawless Legs free.
I don’t try to stare at her, but I hardly got a look on my part
recognized, instead she stepped in the certainty that I would follow her, the hallway
Along and took a seat at a dining table in the kitchen. Temporarily she hit her legs
on top of each other. “Stop glinging down and prepare breakfast while I explain to you how you
Have to behave in the future “.
Shocked again and so unsettled that I am not even an indignant
Saw rejection, I tried to turn away from her and covered it
“So that your situation becomes clear to you … if you don’t do what I do from you
request-no matter what it is-I will publicly publicly open your embarrassing online intermezzo
Make it ”she told me with a smile,“ really a happy coincidence that you are on the Internet
of all things have come to one of my acquaintances who sometimes records something like this and
sends me every now and then.

You don’t think you were amazed when I recognized you
I put it with a laugh.
My heart slipped deeper and deeper. I looked to the ground unhappily and didn’t know how I was
should behave me. “Please, let me explain, I just have …” “That” you ”
Can you forget right away, you speak to me with “she” and
MISTRESS Anja an “she interrupted me perch.

I only think at that moment I really became aware that I have a real problem
had and wouldn’t get out of this number so easily.
“Sorry, it will not happen again,” I murmured with reduced
View. “I have already washed the laundry when I take it away and hers
Flur week, the matter should be done?!“I put on without
really great hope to be satisfied with it.
Now she laughed more warmly and louder than before and shakes shaking head with “You unsuspecting
You stupid, “We’ll still have a lot of fun with each other, you can do that
Now listen to: “I will be my personal slaves educate and after
I have already seen that you like to move out in front of strangers, I would like to
Now see naked ” -” Come on, take your off, complete!“I gave me all the color from the
Face “But I can’t … I mean …” Smiling she kept me in mind
Notebook in front of the nose, press on “Play” and played the entried video from “Who should
I send that first?“Resigningly I started to undress, I put everyone off until
On the underpants.

“What did you not understand, the” Kom “or the” Plett “? she asked
strictly. I had no choice, I patrol the panties and covered the panties
My nakedness with my hands.

“Suddenly so shameless?”” You didn’t work in front of the camera, “she said
smiling, but in order to add much more vigorously in the next moment:
“Cross your hands behind my head” – unfortunate I follow the instruction and stood
Now in shameful nudity and embarrassing pose in front of this strange young lady,
In the meantime there was nothing left of my facial blower, instead I felt how
shot my blood into my head. “Oh, how cute, he becomes red, want to see if
You have reason to be ashamed “. She got up and began to surround me, whereby she
I reached here and time there, checking me in my butt and finally mine
penis comprised … to my fright, I noticed that it started to get stiff.
“Well, not earth -shattering but very usable” she stated.

“Oh, what’s that? Is
Your little friend awakens?“I thought that you liked that!”

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