The sub -tenant | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

n had just got my abi and did not know what to continue. My parents both had completed a degree and of course wanted their son to go to the university. Since I’ve always been interested in the beautiful arts, I wrote down at a small university for art history. With the enrollment certificate, a list of room rentals came, as there was no more space in the student dormitory.

I found an apartment near the campus, in a 2 -family house that belonged to a divorced party.

She lived alone on the ground floor and I should have the upper floor. Usually she would only rent to students, but since I would look so nicely, she would take me. My parents, who helped me to move in, assured her that I would not make any difficulties and help her at work in and around the house.

Ms. Wörner not only rented me the apartment, she also made breakfast and dinner and provided my laundry;In short, she took care of Mother about me. She lived alone with her 4 year old daughter in the house.

She always wore tight jeans and tight blouses, which brought her figure very well. When I saw her for the first time and she went up the stairs to my apartment in front of me, I was thrilled with her figure and her butt. She also had a lover, but I never saw. He mostly came late and stayed overnight.

Since your bedroom was directly below my, I was able to hear love activities all night. Then I was awake, imagined what they drove and jerked mine tail Until the cumshot.
I hardly saw her in the following two weeks. I had too much to do at the university. Find registered mail, orientation, courses and the associated lecture halls.

Only at breakfast and dinner we met and sat together.

We talked about my start at the university and all sorts of things.
I noticed that their blouses became scarcer and that a button was too much open. More than once I had a decent stand in the pants and had to apologize to the bathroom to get rid of the pressure.

On a Saturday morning I came down for breakfast and she only wore a coat apron when she covered the table. I sat down at the table and she got the coffee out of the machine. When she poured my cup, her smock opened and offered me a short but full view of her bare breasts.

They were full, with large red farms and protruding nipples. I had never seen a woman naked and therefore immediately got a purple head and had to snap for air. She put the jug off and closed her smock again. Her view of my pants fell.

“I didn’t want to get you embarrassed.”She said,” but apparently it’s already too late?“I could only“ no, no ”.

Suddenly she laughed and shelled through my hair with her hand. “Such a reaction is completely normal for a young man. A female body is created to excite men. So now let’s forget the intermezzo and have breakfast.

Then you can go to your room and get relief.“I was flabbergasted how she spoke about such things so easily.
Of course I didn’t go to my room after breakfast, but went into the garage to get the lawn mower because I had promised her to make the lawn today. During the whole day I couldn’t think of anything other than her wonderful breasts and the upright big nipples.

That evening her lover couldn’t get and so she invited me to spend the evening with her and watch videos. After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen together and then went to their living room.
“Sit down!“Asked me up and switched on the television and the video. She sat next to me the couch.

“This is a soft porn. I want to show you that sex is a very natural thing and you shouldn’t have inhibitions.“She said as the first pictures flickered over the matt slice.
I had to swallow and realized how my member started growing. It was a film about two teenagers and their first cooperation.
“Are you excited?“Asked Gerda, she had offered me a few days ago that you offered.
“Yes very!“I could only moan.

“Would you like to remove and masturbate your limb?””Yes!“I groaned again and rubbed the bump in my pants.
“Then TuS!””I do not dare!””Look to me!“She said and when I turned to her, I saw that she had her hand under her skirt and obviously masturbated. When I watched her, the skirt slid further up and I would have come to the almost when I saw that she was not wearing panties and rubbed her clit.
“Take out your limb and masturbate too!“She asked me again.
I did as well as ordered and started to masturbate while I continued to play on her finger game on her vagina.
I was shortly before the cumshot when she “stop!“Called.

I stopped surprised.

“You have to learn your orgasm delay. Then you have a lot more of it. Have you ever seen a pussy up close?””No!”” Then kneel in front of me. Do you want that?”” Jjaaaa!“I gasped and went to her knees in front of her.

I got stem eyes when I looked directly at her wet pussy, which was shaved until a little tuft hair was shaved. The clit looked out Groj3 and red between the labia.
She put my head and pulled me closer. “Do you see what I do with my fingers? Do you want to do that with your tongue? I know you want that!“I was excited than ever before and suddenly only had one wish to do everything to satisfy her. I inhaled the scent of her gender as my tip of my tongue carefully touched her clit.

“Hhmmm, that’s good!“She groaned and pressed my head even more firmly to her pussy.

I licked her clit, between her wet labia, when she crossed thieves behind my back and pressed myself more firmly.
“Lick me! lick me!“She groaned and pushed her pelvis rhythmically against my face.
I got almost no air anymore, but I didn’t want to stop operating either.
After a few minutes of intensive leaks, her whole body suddenly stiffened, her pussy began to twitch. In doing so, she pressed me even more firmly and groaned loudly several times. I greedily licked her juice between her labia. My limb was shortly before the cumshot, without I had touched it.

But I thought of her warning to hesitate to orgasm as far as possible.

“That was good!“She said when her body slowly relaxed again and leaned back. “You are a natural talent!“She let my head loose and stroked my hair.
“Now it’s your turn! Come on to the couch!“She got up and makes room for me.
I lay down and she kneeled my place. My penis stood out vertically from the pants. She took him in hand and started to rub it slowly and tenderly.

With the other hand she kneaded my testicles and always pressed when I wanted to inject, the penis root with the thumb, so that the feeling of spraying was braked. It was the first time, that someone else touched my limb and I trembled with excitement. Then prevent himself and licked his tongue over my glans. Slowly her tongue wandered down the shaft, licked over the testicles and then up again.

She opened her mouth completely and let my member slide in her mouth until it pushed on her palate.

She raised and lowered her head, her lips tightly pressed around my limb.
I was on the summit of pleasure. “I’m coming! I’m coming!“I cried to the warning, but she reduces her head again over my member. With the best orgasm I’ve ever had, I inject my sperm into her mouth. It was only when my member started to shrink, let it go, kissed the glans again and smiled at me.

I gratefully smiled back when her face approached mine. She kissed me on the mouth that was still covered with her pussy juice and urged her tongue between my lips. I was more than surprised when she encompassed my head and let my own sperm out of her mouth into my running. I wanted to free myself out of her handle and spit out the stuff again, but she held me tight and whispered to me: “Taste it! You will like it!“Disgust came up, but I slowly let my throats run down into my stomach.

“It doesn’t taste wonderful?“She asked me when I licked my mouth with my tongue and tasted the slimy juice.

It tasted something like fish, salty and bitter, but not so bad. “Hm!”I said and she laughed.
“Now you have learned to meet your sexual desires without having to be ashamed of you?”. I could only nod in agreement, I was ready at the moment.
“We have to repeat that.
“Yes!” I said.

In the following week I could hardly concentrate on my studies. I constantly had her wet pussy in mind and fantasized about what would happen next.

Gerda acted as if it hadn’t happened. She mentioned the Saturday evening with no word and did not show anything else. She was just a bit friendlier and wore looser clothes.
On Saturday it was time again. After dinner she invited me to a video evening again.

I agreed with a pounding heart and stiff member.

When the video ran she said “Tighten off!“I quickly pulled myself up to my underpants and watched her get out of her house suit. She was not wearing underwear and my cock straightened my panties like a tent when I saw her bare breasts again.
“Everything!”She said and I also pulled the slip down. We sat on the couch and put a blanket over us. Hardly under the ceiling, she already had my member in her hand and easily jerked it.
The film Showed a triple scene in which a young husband blew the house friend’s tail.

The Frauhatten her husband’s tail in her mouth and was licked by the friend.

“You see, it is not embarrassing to show and live out his sexual wishes. Men shouldn’t be embarrassing to make another man joy. This is something very natural! “Commented Gerda the scene.
She rubbed my cock until shortly before cumshot, but then she squeezed my testicles until it hurt and my lust went back. In the film the friend now fucked the husband while licking his wife.
“It feels really good to have a tail in the butt.

Have you ever thought about it?”Asked Gerda.
“No!“I groaned when she had just brought me back to short orgasm.
“Why don’t we try?“She asked and got up to go to the bathroom.
When she came back, she had a belt around her hip where an art penis was attached. In her hand she held a can of vaseline. “My friend likes it when I fuck him with it.“She stood in front of me and kept the art member in front of my mouth.

“Put it in your mouth! Suck on it!“But that was a bit too far for me and I turned my head off.
“You saw the man in the film. It was fun for him to have a member in his mouth.“Widderingly I opened my mouth and she pushed her pelvis.

When my lips closed around the dildo, she held my head and began to fuck me.

“Just use the lips, not your teeth. Lick the underside with the tongue!“She instructed me,“ look up at me! You undertake him! You want to do him good! You look so cute with a tail in your mouth!“Suddenly it went through me like a jerk as if a wall had broken into;I felt like having this art member in my mouth. I followed her instructions and licked the underside and the longer she fucked me, the hornier I became.

She stopped abruptly and pulled back. “Know yourself, rely on the elbows!“She asked me,“ I’ll really fuck you now!“I panic.

“I’ve never done that before. Does it hurt?““ It will be a little uncomfortable at the beginning, but if you relax, you will like it soon.“Slowly I went into a knee-socket and looked at her. She was behind me, the art member was scary to me and had a thick blob on her fingers . She stroked some of it around my rosette and then broke through with her index finger.

It hurt and I wanted her to stop.
But she pushed her finger deeper into me. When she came to my prostate, it went through me like an electric blow.

“Is it better now?”She asked,” you are so wonderfully tight.“I twisted my eyes and could only moan.
“I’ll fuck you now!“Or should I stop?”” No, continue!“At that moment she could have done everything with me.
She pulled her finger back and steered the dildo to my hole.. She put my shoulder and slowly penetrated me with the dildo. Despite her preparatory work, it hurt hell, but I quickly learned to relax and after just a few bumps I came towards her.

“This is how a woman feels when she is fucked by her lover, it doesn’t feel good?” “Oh yeah! There is sooo good!“I cried when the art cock was entirely in me.
I would have loved to take my cock in my hands now and would have been ready, but at that moment she came with a loud moan and then fell on my back.
When she recovered, she pulled the dildo out of my butt and strapped the belt.
“Now you get your reward.

Lay on the carpet!“I lay on my back and she knelt next to me.

“Het your legs up! I will help you to get your cock up.“I had no shimmer what she was going to do, but I well raised my legs up. She pushed her legs further back until my knees almost stood next to my head. I had my own cock in front of my face.
“Are you ready?“She asked when she started jerking me. “Open your mouth!“In my lust I did what was called.

I quickly realized that I would inject. I wanted to turn my head to the side, but she held me tight and put a finger in my mouth and kept it open.

“Is not that good? It’s like sucking a cock. Do you want a thick tail fill your mouth with sperm?“Your words brought me to the climax. I splashed everything into my face and my mouth.

She let go of my legs. She drove through my face with her finger and pushed everything sperm on my mouth and fed me with it. As in a trance, I licked everything and then licked her finger clean.
After that we take a breathless next to each other for a while.
“Come on, we go to the bathroom.“She interrupted the silence. I came up with pudding in my knees and followed her.

She turned the shower open and set the temperature. Then we rose under the tingling water. Gerda washed the sparrow residues out of my face and held me in my arms. Her breasts pressed against my upper body.

I could clearly feel her hard nipples. I got a stand again.

“You little horny boy!“She joked when she felt my stand on her legs. “Can you again? It wasn’t cool? Would you like to learn more about sex?”” Yes, yes, yes, “I could only say.
“There are still so many horny things that I want to show you. Should I?””OK!”” Come on let’s go.”She said and turned the water off.

She took a terry towel and started rubbing dry. First your head and chest, then back and butt. When she kneeling my legs in front of me, she took my cock in her mouth and blew me again until shortly before the finish. “So you get a man fit again.

This is something that every woman should master. So now dry me.“I rubbed her back with the towel, then over her breasts, leaned forward and kissed the nipples“ You will be a great lover. It is so much fun to teach you.”She said when I sucked on her nipples. I got on my knees, buried my face in her shame and started to edit her clit with my tongue.

“Let’s go to bed!“I followed her in the bedroom, where she lay down with wide -spread legs.

She pointed to her pussy: “Lick me! I want to get into your mouth.“I sank into her lap and soon the room was filled with her moan. She came violently, I had every effort to lick her juices. Then I rolled on my back next to her. While I was still licking her orgasm from my lips, she got up and went to the closet.

She came back with a silk panties and wrapped him around my cock.
“It feels cool.“Was my comment when I felt the soft material on my cock and my testicles.

“That would feel even better if you put it on.““ But that’s a lady’s brief!““ Nobody sees it under your clothes and you have the horny feeling all day. Try it on. He would have to fit you!“So I got into the panties and pulled it over my butt. I had a little trouble to bring my stand in the tiny part.

But it fit perfectly and felt heavenly.
“You feel great.”Said Gerda,” How do you feel?””Wonderful!”” He brings your female side to the fore. With your few hair and your size;Manned something and with a little make-up you could go through as a girl.“The thought shocked me.

“I’ll give you the slip, then you can wear it all week.””Thanks!”I said,” I will wear it all week, but otherwise no women’s clothes!“Wear him and then you can decide next weekend how far you want to go to live your feminine page.“I actually wore the panties all week and the feeling was indescribable. My whole thinking seemed to concentrate on my middle of the body. I struggled to follow my lessons and hide my permanent stand.
On Friday, Gerda told me at breakfast that she had a surprise for me tomorrow.

So my concentration on studying was entirely in the bucket. All day I only thought about what she was going to do again.

In the evening her boyfriend came and I heard how they went into the bedroom right away. I was awake half night and listened to them during love. More than once I sprayed my juice into the silk patch.

At some point I fell asleep and only woke up again when someone climbed into my bed. Gerda kept my mouth and whispered in my ear: “PST, I’m it. At first I calm down, I calm down again when I recognized her voice in the dark. “I need you now! I’m still horny!“She climbed over me so that I was her pussy in front of my eyes had.

She smelled intensely for sex, but there was also another fragrance that I couldn’t classify. I automatically stretched my tongue out and drove between her labia.
“Yes! That’s it! lick me! Suck me out!“She leaned back and grabbed my, almost sore cock .

My tongue slid deeper into it and I felt that something ran into my mouth. I knew the taste and once it was clear to me that I had her friend’s sperm on my tongue. I wanted to spit out, but she heals my head with her thighs and pressed her pussy firmly on my mouth.

I overcame my disgust, the lust was stronger and licked further while Gerda hadn’t stopped jerking off my cock.
“It doesn’t taste delicious? Let yourself go4. Enjoy it! Ahhh! I’m coming!“She came violently. I had my mouth full with the mixture of her orgasm and the sperm of her friend. I hovered again on cloud seven.

My cock was rock hard when she suddenly got up and went to the door.

“Thanks!”She said,” you are so good at me. I can’t get enough of you!“In the door she turned again and added:“ And no longer jerk off! Het for tomorrow!“Sleep was hard to think, I was too horny. When I redeemed at some point, I dreamed of thick splashes.
When I woke up late in the morning, the scent of Gerda was still in the room . Her pussy glue was dry on my face and I still had the sperm taste in my mouth.

I stumbled into the bathroom to take a shower and rinse my mouth.

When I put her slip again, I would have loved to edit my morning latte, but I thought of her warning.
When I came down to her in the kitchen, she smiled at me and poured me hot coffee.
“You slept well, my dear?“She asked me,“ after breakfast I have a surprise for you.“I was terribly curious and asked for.
“Wait! If you see it you will be thrilled. It will help you develop your newly discovered sexuality.“After hastily ending my breakfast, I still helped her clean up and then followed her into the bedroom. There was a short cocktail dress on the bed. She took it and held it to me.

“I want you to put it on. Your female side will be well taken out.

“But I’m a man!““ Every man has a female side and you have to find ways to express it. So now take your off. I also have a bra, a new panties and stockings for you “I was not enthusiastic about the thought, but she talked to me: Come on! Nobody sees you.

Just do it for me.“I didn’t want to annoy her, so I took off. When she saw the silk patch, she smiled.
“You look so appetizing in it, I would like to blow you now now. Take it off, I have another one for you.“I pulled it out and she enough for me the new panties, it was a string when I pulled it up the bridge pressed between my baking, a great feeling.
Then she gave me the bra with the deposits.

“I think it will fit, maybe adjust the carriers a little.“She helped me pull the bra and close on the back.
“How did it feel?”” Unusually! A little heavy on the chest.“I answered and raised the baskets with my hands.
“You will get used to it quickly. Men always look at the breasts first in women.

So now the stockings! You have little hair on your legs. Your legs will look great in the stockings.“She showed me how to put on the stockings and rolled up.

“Now only the hip pads and you are ready for the dress. Are you already excited?“And how excited I was. That could hardly be hidden with the mini -slip.

She placed the hip pads and then held my dress. I held my breath away when I got into it and she closed it on my back. When she was finished, I automatically looked around for a mirror. “Not yet!”She said,” first the make-up.

Sit down on the bed! This time I’ll put on your make -up!” “This time?“I thought,“ she wants to repeat this game?“But at the moment I didn’t dare to ask her because she started putting on my lips and on wearing some blush. Then she combed my already long hair into a female hairstyle. When she was finished, she took a step back and looked at her work.

“Well, quite good for the first time! Now come over to the mirror!“I went over to the mirror and my eyes saw a girl with whom I would have liked to make an appointment. “Wow! I could only say, “I look really good!”” Indeed, “she confirmed me” but Michael can no longer call you.

How about Michelle?””OK!“I said, still staring on my reflection.
She handed me a few flat pumps, ”put them on and take a few steps!“It was not that easy to keep the balance in the tight shoes, but after I went back and forth a few times, I felt sure.

Only my cock always wanted to slip out of his tight prison.
“Do you feel your female self?“Gerda asked when I kept looking at my reflection in love.
“As a young woman, you have to pay attention to your appearance and behavior. You have to work a lot to express your femininity even more. Swing your hips while walking and shoulders back! You should be proud to be a desirable woman.“I stretch my chest out and tried to wiggle my hips, but she immediately warned me not to overdo it.

“Moving naturally! Leave things all day today, then you get more practice and tonight we will have great fun.
With Gerdas help I spent the rest of the day as Michelle. I learned how woman goes, sitting, eating and speaks, so that in the late afternoon I almost felt like a real woman and.

Then Gerda let the bomb burst.

“Michelle! I think we should go out to eat.”” Soooo!“I grabbed air.
“Of course so! Nobody will recognize you as a man if you stick to what I taught you today. I think you want adventure;And that will be a great adventure.“Reluctantly and with evil forecasts I followed her to the car. We drove to a suburb of a small Italian restaurant. When we left the car and entered the restaurant, a gentleman even stopped us the door.

To my relief, Gerda chose a table that stood a little off and first ordered wine. After the second glass I slowly lost my nervousness and started to feel comfortable in my new role. I don’t know what we had eaten anymore, but after dinner I felt a human need. When I asked Gerda to go home quickly, she took my hand and took me to the lady toilet.

Fortunately nobody was there else. I entered a cabin and wanted to pee when Gerda whistled back. So I lifted my dress, pulled the panties down and sat on the bowl. Gerda was proud of me.

“You will be a real woman once! Then you can master such situations yourself.“When we were back home, I should move out completely.

I felt so comfortable in the dress that I would have loved to keep it on. When I was naked, she rubbed my face and legs with a lotion and sent me under the shower. I have never had a lot of hair on my body, but I also failed these few now and were washed away with the water. After I dried myself, she took a razor and removed my pubic hair except for a small triangle above my cock.

“Now you look like a little cock girl!Have you ever had an enema?”” One what?“” An enema to clean the rectum.

I want my cock girl have a clean pussy. Girls have to keep their pussy clean “” I don’t have a pussy!””Oh but! I didn’t fuck you in your pussy last week. I want to do that again tonight. Do not you want that?“I remembered how much I liked to be used by her that I agreed in an enema.

She showed me what I had to do and after I emptied and cleaned from the bathroom she praised me: “Brave girl!“The silk night’s shirt, which she then covered me covered my butt. On my now smooth skin, the soft material felt much better.

“I’m going to the bathroom now and make myself fresh. Put it into your pussy while you are waiting for me.“It gave me a small vibrator in penis shape and the petroleum core.
“Grease it well and then switch it on here when you have it in it.”She said and disappeared into the bathroom. I lay down on the bed and put on the vibrator.

I put it on my rosette and without much resistance he slid into me. Immediately this emotion will be filled in, which had fascinated me so much a week ago. I switched on the vibrator. A quiet sum fulfilled my memory and spread all over the body.

My cock reacted immediately. I could have sprayed immediately without having touched him at all. I started sliding the vibrator in and out as if I was really fucked.

“I see my little cock girl has fun alone. Don’t want to try it out here?“Gerda had come out of the bathroom naked and had fallen around a huge dildo.

“Come on, take it in your mouth!“I leaned down to her without hearing the game in my butt and taking the dildo in my mouth. The thick plastic oak almost completely filled my oral cavity. Gerda began to fuck me in my mouth with the thing.
“Imagine it was a real cock, full of sperm and you want to have it!“The dildo felt so real that I actually imagined that I would suck a real cock. Suddenly she pulled my mouth out of my mouth and stepped behind me.

“Take out the vibrator now! I want to see how you can tolerate it here and clap the dildo on my baking.
“It’s too thick!” “Come on! It will go in! And when he’s in it, you will know how it is to be fucked by a real stallion.“I ducked myself when she put the fat glans on my rosette.

The pain started when she slowly pushed the dildo into me. “Stop! stop it! It’s too big! It’s not working!“Gerda did not pay attention to my groan and pushed deeper and deeper. When the acorn was through the muscle ring, the pain subsided and went into the feeling of lust.

Finally I felt her hips on my butt. The whole huge tail was in me!“Is that not cool? Imagine you are a woman who would do everything to please her lover and to feel his juice.“I really felt like a hot woman and pushed my pelvis back.
“Yes, so* s is right! Turn your husband ready!“Japied when she increased her fucking pace.
“Fuck me! fuck me! Spray me full!“I screamed in ecstasy and vehemently came towards each of her bumps.

Unexpectedly, she pulled the dildo out of me and snaped it off.

“I think my cock girl is ready now!“I was completely irritated. I was on the summit of pleasure. I wanted to be fucked. I was very recipient mare.

I was almost crying when I called her angry to her: “Listen* not! Fuck me on!”” I know what you feel Michelle! But a real cock made of flesh and blood wouldn’t be much better? My friend wants to fuck you. Are you ready?“I looked around and saw through my tear -veiled eyes that a big strong guy stood naked next to the bed and played with his enormous cock.
“This is my friend Klaus! If you want him to fuck you, you have to make him stiff first. Take him in your mouth as a real girl would do it.

I was still completely dazed and put his glans into my mouth. He pushed his pelvis so that I immediately had the whole giant device in my mouth.
“So it’s good, my cock girl! Make it big and hard! he said with a deep, male voice, “then I’ll push him in your ass and you will love it.“The tail in my mouth started to grow so that I could hardly keep it in my mouth.

It was my first real cock and it tasted better a thousand times than the plastic things. I started sucking and working with my tongue like a drowning person.
“I didn’t prepare them well?“I heard Gerda’s voice from the armchair in the other corner of the room.

“You did optimal work. She is a great cock girl. She is so eager.“Klaus* Schwanz had now reached a size that started to choke me when his acorns entered my throat.
Suddenly it seemed as if he was growing a bit and before I realized what that meant, I already felt the first fountain of his sperm injecting into my throat.

He inject so much that I couldn’t help but swallow everything.

“Sip* Down! I pump* your stomach full of my juice!“He screamed out his orgasm. “Lick it now nice and clean and then put you on your back!“I obeyed and licked his, still stiff cock clean and then lay back on the bed. He spread my legs and knelt in between. Then he lifted my legs and put them on his broad shoulders.

He leaned down to me and pushed his tongue into my mouth. Suddenly I just wanted to be there for him to be entirely up to him. I closed my arms around him and kissed him back.

Without warning I suddenly felt his thick glans, which pressed into my asshole. Gerda had done good preparatory work with her dildo so that he could easily penetrate me without pain.

His penetration didn’t seem to want to take an end until I finally felt his hairy scrotum on my butt. I groaned loudly when he was completely in me;But not in pain, but with pure lust. I crossed my legs behind his back and pulled it closer to me. While he kissed me further, he started to fuck slowly and enjoyably.

As if from afar, I heard Gerda, who cheered him on.

“Give the little sow! Get it ready! Spray fully!“When Klaus increased his rhythm and then came in me, I also inject without having touched my cock at all. I had an orgasm like never before. My own sperm claped on my chest and face. Klaus stayed very stiff for a moment and then pulled out of me.
“Your pussy and your ass honor,” he said to Gerda, “but this ass is just great! You did a really good job.“As in a coma, I was stretched out on the bed, the negligee pushed up to the chest as Klaus with his finger my sperm from my chest and held on my mouth.

I greedily sucked on his finger.

I still saw Klaus put on Klaus and Gerda gave him a farewell kiss. “I see you both next weekend. We will have a lot of fun together.”He said and said goodbye.
Gerda came to the bed and lay down next to me. “Do you feel good, Michelle? You were so good that he wants to come back.

A girl should keep her lover and behave so that he always likes to come to her.“I could only nod in agreement. From my stretched pussy, his sperm rafted tough, on my tongue I had his taste. I was in the seventh heaven.
So started my life as a cock girl.
In the coming weeks, Klaus fucked me regularly. From time to time he also brought friends with him.

I was almost constantly filled with sperm and I loved it.
In the meantime, through hormone injections that Gerda organized for me, I have two solid breasts and my whole body is soft and feminine.

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