My castration | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My desire to have me neutered comes from my earliest youth, because I suffered from the inguinal hotel when I was born, D.H. mine Egg Were stuck in the inguinal canal and decent (came) only at puberty (down in my scrotum) and had remained strongly back (degeneratively stunted) and one spoke of castration in my earliest youth or were given considerations in this direction. Due to a certain early ripening (learning and reading skills) in a very young age, which nobody really perceived, I followed the corresponding basics in existing parental lexicons and medical teaching material and found the idea of being neutered, over time and more and moreThe most desirable state for me and finally had to finally realize my wish to find my happiness.

After my studies, I found a job as a personal physician at an Arabian ruling court with the world’s largest harem.

I have to admit, I was looking for it without actually believing that there was still something like this in our time and found it. At that time, the professional prerequisites for doctors were not so good, rather bad, and the activity at an Arabian royal court promised to become a very well paid permanent position and offered many other advantageous things for me personally. A prerequisite for employment at court was the castration of the applicant. This condition was also part of the job advertisement.

But then you were also accepted into the closest family circle and, afterwards, in the event of a steady state, you were allowed to move freely everywhere, in contrast to everyone else who was executed after entering the harem. No egg carrier is allowed there.

However, my employer often had his eunuchs gathered around, or. Always only a part of us, because we were over 500 castrates and enjoyed our bare sight. The girls didn’t bother at all that we had no testicles, but only about birds and they had fun with it.

Especially fresh eunuchs that could still fuck were exceeded and used for the harem service. Of course, the ejaculate was checked beforehand and only when no sperm showed after the third time, one was approved for the minute service.

Of course, we also liked this very much, because we “tick” all similarly and also fell with each other and in front of the audience, because our ruler only surrounded with beautiful people according to his terms. Some also took testosterone, which was not forbidden, and was already desired before my time in a sense.

The castration was publicly carried out, quasi celebrated, that is, in the presence of the sultan and the entire court, almost under witnesses. I had the advantage that it was still my predecessor at the court who already had a lot of experience with these operations, because all male narrower employees were no longer allowed to be fertile. – Hardly anyone can imagine what happiness for me. – later I fell, among other things, this task.

My castration ended in a big celebration and with the admission to the closest circle of the royal family. My testicles, which were quite small, were preserved and then exhibited for a while in the royal family with the others in front of the eunuchen accommodation of the closer circle and closed away a few weeks later than the 2. Gulf War broke out. With this privilege as an eunuch and after repeated negative control of my ejaculate on freedom of sperm, I was allowed to go in and treat the “girls” in a harem, otherwise you would have been beheaded.

In the second Gulf War, the royal family was largely destroyed under the heaviest attacks and many members of the royal family and the court were killed. A part, including me, managed to escape despite the most intense shelling and with violent resistance on our part.

So far first. More details maybe later with “sociable” Meet in front of the fireplace with a bottle of wine and on an polar bear with a “latte” in hand.

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