Horny fuck in the park | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It is wonderful summer weather: Summer, Sun, sunshine. You dressed airy, very airy. Under the wide summer dress you have nothing more than your seductive nudity. The fragrant fabric lies slightly on your shoulders and the but rather large cleavage only fleetingly covered your breasts due to the buttons to almost open to the navel.

You put it on it today, want to experience a special risk today.

You already feel an extraordinary wet in your notch. The tingling longing has already taken your whole body. The nipple The loose bobbing breasts are fixed and clearly distinguish themselves by the clothing fabric.
While you stroll through the park next to him, you have pushed your hand into his waistband. Here, too, you feel a humid nudity.

Your hand glides stealthy over his bare buttocks.

He also has no slip today. With him too, only a simple zipper keeps the trousers covering the nakedness in their place. A zip now only – and she would inevitably slide from his narrow hips and expose the goal of your desire. But it is not that far yet.
You conduct him inconspicuously to the big meadow in the park.

He still doesn’t know anything about your actual pre-. He still thinks it would be an evening walk as you did so often: enjoy the secret nudity in public together, let them feel each other there and horny each other on it. Horny of the certainty that only one bit would be missing … A bitter and you would satisfy your mutual immense longing on the spot …

But today you want to make a dream come true that you talked about yesterday.

The park is still quite well attended in this weather. Every now and then cuddling couples stroll past you, older people sit on the benches in the mild sunshine. Jogger pull park paths past you their rounds. Between all the people on the glide your hand in his pants inconspicuously over the bare cracked butt.
“Wonderfully horny,“ you think, and the tingling in your pussy strengthens.

You steer yours and his steps into the big meadow in the middle of the park.

Here people linger on ceilings they have brought with them, some who were lucky got one of the deck chairs set up by the city administration. Others run over the lawn, shorten one or the other way. Some further away from here, play with the few children who are now present in the evening, the majority reads all around, döst, and looks around the blue sky or in the area.

At the back, a little away from the bush hedge, you have often been located, more or less open, more or less uninhibitedly smashed each other there. But today you continue to the middle of the meadow, tell him that you want to store a little here.
You lie next to each other on the green lawn, look dreamingly into the blue sky.

You feel how your pussy becomes even juicy. Your secret dream will come true soon. After a while you straighten yourself up, watch the walkers who stroll past the path. It is exactly the way you hoped to.
You lie down on your stomach, turn to his lap.

You pull playfully with tips Finger At the zip.
“Hey,” he protests a little.

But you open it slowly and enjoyable. The wool swells out, finally the object of your desire is free. You are careful afterwards. You get him out of his hiding place: a somewhat disappointing half -tier!You put your hand around him, rub the soft shell over the half -tire shaft.

His initial protest has died. You feel delighted with the emerging stiffening in your hand. Your gaze roams the park path. The temporary noticeable do not notice your actions.

Perhaps one or two stealthy looks of the temporary are focused on you. But they pass, they don’t seem to have noticed anything. After all, that is enough for you. It is enough for you that you could notice it.

And if someone should notice it? If someone should notice your horny doing, then they might continue to go with horny thoughts. Yes, what will you probably spin in your dirty thoughts?There is a couple in the grass a little offside.

First he noticed your activities and watched you stealthy out of his corners of the eye. But after a short time his girlfriend burst him and showed him over to you.

Now they both look over unobtrusively. You will turn them on, they can encourage them to do the same to you?The bar in your hand has now become immensely firm and big. You pull down the protective cover. The pale -red glans is firm and shiny.

Despite the distance to the couple, you think you can see a horny shine in your eyes. Although the majority of the walkers on the a little further away still don’t notice anything, there is occasional a look at you. One of the walkers suddenly goes a little slower, what you offer them, longer observe be able to.

Not far from you a young man sits on the lawn. He pretends that he had chosen this position by chance.

But his glimpses, which are inconspicuously focused on you, tell you his real motivation. You enjoy your enthusiastic- observing audience.
The couple towards you has moved closer together. Now he is trying to push his hand between her thighs. But she defends herself -.still?Your hand glides over the solid bar, which is now very close to your face.

You smile mischievously over to the couple, licking your lips upset. Now you will show them: Slowly you approach your mouth of the shiny glans, lick to beguiling with the Tongue Around the top.

The slight twitch of the tail in your hand is underlined by a slimming sigh. -Keck you put your lips over the tip, sucked on it slightly.
Your gaze roams the round. On the park path, continue to pass.

The girl slides her lap back and forth slowly and imperceptibly, obviously she rubs her column on his outstretched hand. A couple on the park path that has perceived you despite the distance, and because of the distance, not everything can be seen so clearly now looks over even more interested.
You let your hand slide over your toy.

“Yes, just look, I don’t have a nice toy?“Say in your ordinary thoughts about your viewers. And: “just not cum let, “you ponder and rub slowly with behavior and shamelessly over the horny stand while you are shamelessly over the horny stand secretly exciting Viewers wander.
But you’re not finished yet. You straighten yourself up, sit over his lap wide -legged.

You arrange the skirt of your dress, so that nothing will be seen. But the previous horny observers, of course. And the way you now settle over your friend, you also leave no doubt about what you are doing with him now.

Again you look into the round in extremely voluptuous. You let yourself down on him sensually.

And while you feel infinitely slow and penetrating it into yourself, you look around again: People continue to pass on the way without participation. Only the couple, who had already watched before, is now apparently emphasized.

You start to roll slowly, almost imperceptibly, with your pelvis. You feel this wonderful comment in you with gentle movements. Yes, that was it after you longed for the time.

Now it’s the wonderful feeling. Yes, the longed -for butterflies yes, you see them … want to wake them up in you … Slowly reality disappears around you …

And the way you decide, you will eventually find yourself in a heavenly fairy tale world: in the middle of the vastness of this meadow, in the middle of elves you sit on your pleasure post, surrounded by thick, flowing clouds of lust.

And with the surrounding dance of the elves you start to dance your own lust waltz. With the waves of your feelings, your pussy dances on this thick and firmly in direct pleasure stands, they rub sensibly in its length with increasing pleasure.

You feel inspired as the wave of bliss slowly grasps you. The dance of the elves around you will be faster. Even the subtle dance of your own pleasure roller has become more intense.

The first butterflies start to flutter. They dance excitedly in you and with the elves around you a wonderful round. It is not the longed -for crush yet;But it becomes urgent and unstoppable. The waves of pleasure grasp you, the swarm breaks in you, you still feel the twitch of the tail in you;The slight pressure with which his pleasure hesitates in you.

This will make you completely in the deep sea of lust …
The dance is abbot. The elves have disappeared how they had come. It’s silence about you. You open your eyes.

With still throbbing heart you reappeared in reality and your somewhat veiled look wanders carefully into the round.

The couple actually seems to be seized and still in the middle of it. She stares through you with a glassy gaze;You can tell the inner tension with which the lustful twitches of her body are pushing through their mastery, which is shown externally. Now she coincides relaxed.

The Lonely Spanner on your other side rubs over the bump in his pants.
Exhausted exhausted you are still sitting on your stake in the slippery swamp of lust. As indifferent as possible, you consider yourself deliberately and meanwhile gives him the opportunity to pack the slipped slab in his pants under your gun -protecting skirt.

Then you are entirely awaiting yourself and handing his hand: “Come on,” you say, “I want to eat an ice cream now.“With still glowing face, you laugh mischievously to the couple when you pass them close to them:“ Have fun, both of you …“The Lonely wanker looks at you polluted, but you don’t pay any attention to that anymore. You enjoyed his horny looks – for more you didn’t need him.
While you are now going over the lawn in the direction of the park cafe, you feel the slippery wet in and on your lust -filled pussy. You hug him intimately, and his passionate tongue kiss speaks volumes of his abandonment to you …

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