Help with lips and tongue | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I’m Trixi, I’m 22 and I am still going to the university. Although I am brought up to church, I have no taboos and like everything. There are many sweet boys in the university that I would really like to go into. The cuteest of all is Tom. He is in most courses that I also have, sporty and cool. Since he has so much coach he has a very horny body.

It is shortly before Summer And since I’m not petite, I also like to wear cut out shirts. I like it somehow when the guys look in, once I meant to the level below “if you want to take pictures of the neckline, it costs 10 euros per person!“They actually gave me the coal. Whether it has been sex in the School came, well not really. I tell the one time before I switch off.

Now it was 3 weeks ago. It was very warm again and yesterday was the last semster test. The only one who wasn’t there was Tom. He had played footbal and dislocated his foot, so he fell out for a day. The Teacher allowed him to make up for the test today. Of all the natural science, that was absolutely not his area. During the big break I was sitting at the table with a good friend and drank my Redbull when she said “Wow Tom looks great again today, the teacher could pop by a good grade.

I would give it to him!“He was wearing a white carrier shirt, a really thin blue shirt, dark gray jeans and he always had some gel in his hair. He came to me at the table “Hey girls can I sit down with you?” asked he. We grinned and lends each other to see us in our excerpts. “Yes, of course, make yourself comfortable!“He smiled and said“ Well today I have the exam, unfortunately natural science is my weak point.

I still buffered yesterday but it would be nice to me one of you could help!“The exam was at 11, there was my girlfriend Gymnastics, horny a free time. “So I can help you, sgaen we 10 in front of 11 in front of the classroom?“I smiled. “Yeah, that’s not a little late?““ No I already have a good plan!”I grinned. He stood up and went satisfied, which my girlfriend said “He has the exam with Ms. Ottbett, she is the strange teacher here!““ Just don’t worry, I know what I’m doing!“Shortly before the agreed time I went to the Toilet, Lipped Lip gloss on my lips and pulled mine bra out of.

Yes, unfortunately there is a bh mandatory at the university, but I didn’t care about that right now. I still stroked my boobs so that it was about excitement and went to class. Tom came in time and I started explaining what we were doing. “So my sweeter. The table is big, I will hide underneath and write down what you have to answer. Is that OK?““ Yes, think, I hope that works!“He looked very nervous.

The universes are actually built so that a second person could easily hide underneath. “One before I go in!“I leaned up and kissed him. His lips were delicious and I noticed how he looked at me in the neckline. Then I went into the room and crawled under the counter. Tom waited for the teacher and I heard what she said “so you have an hour. Since they are satisfactory, they need about 80 points.

Good luck!“He sat down and his shot was close to gripping. The test was in front of him and he started reading the first page. I had already written down the answers and when he went down to me I showed him the answers. I stroked his crotch with the other hand incredibly. He looked down again and I smiled at him and licked my lips. Every woman knows that this is horny for men.

I noticed how his step tired. He already had a little latte, so I opened the closure and got the thing out. The contact alone made it even harder. I whispered “you like that?“He affirmed and I took off my shirt so that he could see my boobs. He became red on the face and his cock literally shook. I jerked his tail Something, then I licked my fingers and stroked his glans.

His excitement became more and more and I couldn’t differentiate more than his glans to lick my tongue. With my lips I slowly slipped over his cock while my tongue massaged the glans. Tom was also so horny that he massaged me in between. I licked the rest of the cock alternately and repeated it. His cock just tasted fantastic and my boobs were so excited that they had sprayed with sure if that was going.

“10 minutes to go!”Said the teacher. I already felt that the cock was shortly before the coming. He whispered “I’ll come right away, where should I inject that stuff?““ Just don’t worry in my mouth is enough space!“I was horny fuck. Finally his dick and the juice shot out almost. Something on my tongue, a little bit in the palate and a decent load was followed. I sucked the whole seed out until something flowed over my lips but that could get my tongue back in.

I cleaned it until the cock was slapped again until the whole load of swam in my mouth. I showed him the cargo and chewed something. Well it didn’t taste really good, but it was cool, so I was swallowing I felt how the stuff ran down my revenge. He said nothing but I knew what he wanted to say, so I whispered “like to happen sweeter, at any time again!“Time was over and Tom put the exam on the teacher table.

After the teacher was gone, I got out, pulled my top back and smiled. “If that brings me a good grade, I have to thank you!”Said Tom happily. “Yeah, in my cunt and mine ass Is still space for the tail!“I replied and we left the room. Well, only that you know, he had the full number of points and how he really fucked me I write another time;).

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