Clear fuck offer | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Last Friday I got a call from Mr. Brandstätter with the request whether I could not stop by, since the television would not work with his new tenant. At that time an experience began for me, which I would not have thought possible so. We made an appointment with him for the next day, a Saturday, 1:00 p.m. As a trained radio and television technician, many acquaintances contact me for repairs or.

New installations in this area. So also the Brandstätter. Many years ago I got to know the two older gentlemen than her automobile had stayed lying down and I had stopped. Unfortunately, Ms. Brandstätter died almost a year and a half ago. I arrived on the villa of the Brandstätter on time. The host opened and asked me in. He said that he has rented the separate part, most recently the bedroom of his late wife and the apartment of her housekeeper with living room, kitchen and bathroom, to a very nice, young woman for about half a year.

Furnished as he emphasized;“And that also includes the television. “Look at this and get the necessary one. You already know … ”he said in his calm way. He introduced me to his tenant and retired. I thought to myself when we were shaking our hands. Mrs. Falk asked me in. Since I knew the way, I steered purposefully to the site of the television.

After a few seconds it was clear that it was the cause of the error. “It is not worth repairing the old ones. “I said,” you need a new one. “” Whether he pays that?“She asked with a concerned look and said her landlord. Since he had already assured me of the cost, I was able to calm them down in this regard. I looked around a little in her realm. There was still very little from the old furniture here. “Yes, I brought a few things with me, for example the bed or the desk.

And the bar stools. “She seemed to be particularly proud of them. Chrome -plated chair legs and a leather -related seat, not round and just, but rather ‘word -right’. We began to talk. Maybe it would be more correct if I say that she told me a lot about and of herself. That she was divorced, that she failed with her own small business and therefore had a chewing, that she has a good job nearby and was given this apartment through a friend.

“Mr. Brandstätter didn’t really want to rent. He is very nice and I can only live here against reimbursement of the additional costs. In return” < in dem Moment dachte ich, er würde Sex von ihr verlangen> “I just have to take care of his dogs from time to time and take them for a walk;”. The dogs, two relatively large and a somewhat smaller, all nothing purebred, had been the hobbyhorse of Ms. Brandstätter.

If you know them (the dogs) they were peaceful, but for a stranger they looked threatening. With a resigned undertone, Birgit said that she has been living here for a good six months, but has not yet known anyone from the area or had come into talking about a “good morning and beautiful day”.. “No friend?”I asked a little curious what she answered:” No, only my boss and the people in the fitness center, where I go there several times a week in the evening.

“She also said that she has been living vegetarian for some time and that she does it very well. As a confessing meat lover, I kept against it, so that now there was a little discussion between us. Our topic was now Vacation, When she asked me out of the blue, how old I would appreciate her. In any case, she had to be over forty from the content of her story. Admittedly, she looked like in the mid thirties.

Nevertheless, I speculated: “Prtyzy to forty -five”. She was disappointed. “Really?“Haked her. “I admit,” I replied, “that I derived your age from our entertainment. Visually, I would say: in the mid -thirties in mid -thirties!“Now her mine brightened up again. “Fourty seven!“She smiled and added that she would be estimated by many in the mid -thirty. Just by the way: my age had guessed her very well at one -time fifty.

We agreed to one before I said goodbye to Birgit. On the way home I reviewed our conversation. I rejected my thoughts that she might be interested in me with :;And it was certain that she could have enough other men who were younger and agile more and looked better with it than I do.

I got a new television and made an appointment with Birgit for Tuesday evening. It was dark when I heralded her. We welcomed ourselves with a handshake, which might take the fraction of a second too long. “Come in!“She said joyfully and went to her living room in front of me. In view of her stunning appearance and the skin -tight jeans, I again stated for me and followed her again.

“The structure will take a bit. “I warned her what she offered me something to drink. As she disappeared into the kitchen I discovered a packet condoms that were on the DVD player. I pondered. I decided not to make an allusion.

Birgit came back from her kitchen, put the glass of water on a sideboard for me, sat down on one of the three bar stools that were distributed in the room and watched me screw the feet of her new television. “So, done!“In the meantime, I also had the satellite cable, the connection to the DVD player and of course the network management and explained Birgit that we would now have to search for and sort the channels.

“O. K. “Said Birgit and interested. Soon the station search was ran. I hardly trust my eyes, but Mr. Brandstätter’s tenant pulled the sweater over her head unabashedly. Two super beautiful breasts came out, I would say B, and although I risked more than one glance, she did not try to cover them. “I just put on something easier! It doesn’t bother you?“Birgit acted as if it were the most natural in the world to present himself in front of an almost stranger man Topless.

“No, you are welcome to stay that way too!“I replied provocatively. To my dismay, however, she slipped into a T-shirt. I refrained in and instead asked if she would like to save the transmitters in a certain order. “No, make you quiet!“Birgit left her seat on the stool and crowded close to me. “You liked what you saw?“She whispered by walking past and lay diagonally on her bed.

“Yes, very much!“I brought out hotter. I was torn back and forth. I first pushed around at the buttons of the remote control. I have never been in such a situation with my fifty -one years. I said my me. Birgit followed my settings until I was at the 28 programs. Then she said dryly: “Come fuck!“There was a violent mess in my head.

Of course I turned to her. Our eyes met. “Come on!“I heard Birgit’s second request. “O. K. – gladly ”came from me hesitantly. I didn’t just look like that, no, I was speechless. She stopped my foot with her foot, which she pressed against my slightly hardened genital part. “Show what you have!“She demanded lascivious. We both grinned all over the face.

it shot through my head. I bent down, pulled the shoets on my treads and brushed them off. While opening the shirt buttons, I looked Birgit in the eye. I will not forget your eyes, I miss the words to describe him. Your almost imperceptible game with your lips. I was really proud now that I was that she had chosen!From my jeans I had just got out and was already in the spirit next to her when she said: “Everything!“Again we laughed at each other.

“O. K. “I agreed and also roamed my retroshors down. “Hmmm, shaved!“She still stated before we fell into our arms and started a wildly sensible smooch. “Did you deliberately place the condoms on the DVD player?”In the meantime I breathed her ear, whereupon she replied:” Oh the …; “she initially innocent, but then admitted:” I had hoped that you would make an allusion to this in this regard!“After another very intimate kiss, she added:“ You can also use it – if you want to use it!”” We don’t need them?“I handed in to be on the safe side.

she laughed. “There will be no little birgit!”” Somehow a shame!“I regretted and nested on the button of her jeans. She willingly raised the buttocks and I straightened her string down over her hips and thighs. An extremely beautiful, lightning -blank shaved pussy shone towards me. “It looks great!“It gushed out of me and my lips pressed a few kisses on their hairless shame right away. My little one let the sight of this beautiful naked, (or maybe better: naked beautiful?) grow to full size.

He stretched out and admittedly, I would have loved to sink him in this wonderful femininity immediately. But so I dragged pants and panties over their lower extremities and then devoted myself to the socks, who wore Birgit on the feet. In a playfully gently gently I brushed the first and immediately started her Toes to kiss. One after the other was spoiled by my lips. Even when my tongue penetrated into the space next to the big toe, Birgit stopped Still.

They even bit enjoyable on the lower lip. “Come on I want to feel you! Finally fuck me!“Birgit refused to play with her other foot. Instead, she opened her thighs and offered her lotus blossom, I find a nice expression for the female genitals. My big smaller was received in a very wet, very very receptive cave of pleasure. Birgit wanted to fuck, no, she wanted to be fucked.

At least as long as it was below. In this position I had control over myself, I was able to be careful that I always slowed down in good time before this certain point. And Birgit enjoyed. Of course, she didn’t like my little breaks in between, but so I was able to elicit two orgasms. The moisture that her vulva had now produced was extremely cool. Only in the moments of the highest arousal she groaned loudly. Otherwise she was more of the quiet, the sex -enjoying type of woman.

I now also wanted to see her breasts, which she refused. I thought cheerfully . Then we changed the positions. Now she was on top. She knew exactly that it would turn me on to watch her buttocks while riding her next climax. And she also knew exactly that I couldn’t think long anymore Cum could hold back. Somehow she managed to only find her redemption after me.

This woman was amazing! Of course in a positive sense. Insanely sexy, incredibly horny, incredibly hot. I calculated firmly with a break, with cuddling, kissing, caressing. No, she wanted more. Without questions, she placed herself so that her pussy was exactly over my face and I couldn’t help it than she was too lick. She cheered me on: “Come on, spoil me with your tongue! Lick your cream out of me!“I also showed her that I was just too happy to hire her rosette played around with my tongue.

“Yes, let your tongue feel my tongue on my polöchlein! Put in! Oh that’s cool!“The more she excited my tongue game, the louder she stuck me in words and the more violent her movements became. I already said that this wife is amazing?She pressed my head tightly between her thighs when she came again. Then she lay a little drained next to me on her stomach, her head lying on one arm in my direction.

A smile played around her face. “You’re good!“She praised my skills. “With such a woman you can’t do any other way!”I returned,” you are the absolute madness that drove me!“It appealed to me too much to touch the bottom presented by her prone and gently stroke it than to do it. I breathed kisses on her very aesthetic arches and sensually licked the furrow.

“This is beautiful” Birgit commented on my caresses, but then turned on the back and called for a kiss. Of course it didn’t stay with the one. We lay side by side for a while, only a few words alternating. My fingers stroked her face. “Now show your breasts?“I asked and expected that she would easily pull her shirt over her head. Instead, she denied my concern with a short head movement.

Her gaze was on the sideboard, where my knife was still, with which I had opened the packaging of the television. I thought briefly and decided to do it. I straightened up and grabbed the cutting tool. Birgit briefly picked her lips and suction of audible air. With the tip of the blade I roamed between her breasts over the fabric of the shirt. My playmate stretched her arms up and looked deep into my eyes.

“Do you take it off voluntarily now?” I asked. Again Negeled with a shake of the head. “But I want to see her!“I insisted and pulled a second lane on her shirt over her sternum. “Already forgotten – I have already shown you!“Said Birgit Keck. “How could I forget this sight!“In my answer, I approached theirs with my lips. My tongue gives the contours of your mouth.

Gentle kisses, which became more and more demanding, followed. My hand with the knife, of which I pushed under her shirt. “Last chance to expose yourself voluntarily!“Again we looked deep into our eyes. “Never!“She breathed. Ratsch – I determine your top from the inside. Now her breasts were free. Birgit held his breath. Immediately followed a third trail with the knife tip from the neck down. This time without fabric interlock, directly on your skin.

Slowly, very slowly I led the tip of the blade. Birgit breathed flat and harmed things. Her mouth was slightly open, her eyes looked fearfully into mine. It was only when I arrived at the ribbow that she reached to my hand, took the knife and dropped it onto the floor. My tail was now tougher than ever. Without another word we fell on top of each other. Birgits’s dripping wet pussy did not resist.

Unfortunately, their forty bed offered little scope to roll into each other. Nevertheless, our genitals only detached each other again when we both had hooked up again. We love wet wet for a long time before Birgit started to print around a little: “It was a great game! Do you do something with your wife too?”” In the past!“I answered truthfully. Birgit then stated: “So you are married!?”” Jjjjaaaaaa “I replied hesitantly with a smile on my lips.

“And your wife is waiting for you at home?””Perhaps. “I guessed, still smiling. “Will you tell her?””I guess so!“Birgit seemed confused and said:“ The very few women accept one Fling her husband!”” She wouldn’t do that either!“I agreed to her. “And why do you want to tell it?“Asked my new lover incredulously. “Because our marriage only insists on paper. We are more of a kind of purpose community and have so far been simply too comfortable to separate ourselves spatially.

“Birgit seemed to be relieved and said:“ That’s good!”. But then her face became thoughtful. “I have to, no, I want to tell you something. “It didn’t seem to be easy for her to pronounce what she was on her heart. I stroked her face a little. Tears flowed. She avoided my kiss and began to explain: “All my relationships and my marriage have broken because I can’t be loyal.

I would rather pure you pure wine right away so that you know where you are. I’ve never told it so clearly, but you should know!“Birgit buried her head between a pillow and her arm. My gentle kisses on her shoulder found no response until she said: “You don’t have to comfort me. Just go, I’ll get along!”” “You really think, I’ll let go of you again?“Almost suddenly my lover set their sobs.

Moments later she asked incredulously: “How?“I explained:“ You are the hottest woman who has ever met me. And if you keep your fingers from my two or three good friends, everything is fine! At least when I’m not there!“Birgit hadn’t expected so much tolerance. “You mean …” I interrupted her with a kiss that she liked to get involved. “You won’t be that bad!“I continued our word change.

Birgit claimed: “No, but sometimes it just happens. So far whenever I have felt neglected. “For a while we were cuddled together and hung our thoughts after. My: “Want …;” And you: “Are you…;” Came at the same time. The second approach also failed. We laughed heartily. “Yes!“She replied to my question that has not yet been asked. “You don’t even know what I wanted to ask!“I replied to their early approval. Birgit said Schelisch: “You wanted to ask if we fuck together tomorrow, or?”” Hmmm, yes, that too “I agreed to her,” and before or in between or in between?””Gladly! No, very much!“Birgit enthusiastically accepted my proposal.

“And what was your question?“Then I wanted to know from her too. “Oh, that was not necessary …” she announced quietly and nestled a little more firmly to me. Around eight o’clock the next morning Birgit called me and wanted to know why I left while she was asleep. “I woke up around midnight. The light burned and the television was still running. My reason told me: go now, because otherwise I would not be able to leave your buttocks and as a result of fucking her again! And of course she would wake up.

And after you slept so nicely … I breathed a kiss on your shoulder, carefully peeled out of bed, covered you, put on me, made up the TV, the light deleted in the corridor and pulled the door behind me. “After Birgit had not answered anything immediately, I added:“ Evil?””No no! Not at all!“Birgit hurried to assert himself,“ but to wake up next to you, to feel your kisses all over my body and maybe break open after the best sex ever to work would have been nice!“We were still amused by their expression and agreed on for 6:00 p.m.

I should pick them up.

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