Chubby sucking horny Heidi | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was just 19 years old and worked in a large department store. Even if it was a noble department store, it quickly became clear to me that it was actually a huge puff. Here everyone really fucks with everyone and everything.

My first experience. I had often had the opportunity to do something with colleagues or customers, but because I was still very “new” I concentrated only on work.

After all, I wanted to get ahead.

I also flirted a lot with my colleagues from the other houses on the phone and so it was actually in front of me at a Heidi training seminar, 43 years old. Although she already had on the phone described But in front of me there was a woman who was a bit chubby but by far the biggest tits I ever seen.

We talked pleasantly and quickly found that we were sympathetic and so we decided to do something after the seminar.

She told me about her life and that she is currently living in divorce. I was so pointed on her tits that I was really a fine charmer.

The day ended and she thanked me with a quick kiss and a note with her phone number.

Of course I was so sharp that I called in the evening and we agreed for the coming weekend. She could bring her children to the husband and we wanted one Jazz concert visit. And even if I didn’t know anything about it, I wanted to hold these tits in my hands.

At the agreed time I was at Heidi at the door and rang the bell. A sum and the door opened.

I knew that the husband had a good job with an automobile manufacturer and so I wasn’t badly impressed when I came to a huge house.

Because we still had some time we sit up the couch and drank a wine. Now we landed very quickly on the subject of sex. She told me that her husband didn’t want sex anymore and she had just lived apart. She suspects that he has a girlfriend but she doesn’t really interest that.

Of course they had nothing to reproach themselves and never had anything outside.

Suddenly we found that the concert had long started and she asked me what we wanted to do now.

I approached my lips and we kissed. She dropped back and smiled at me. Probably we both had already drunk a little more wine because I felt that she started lightly to fall.

She said that she hadn’t planned that because she didn’t do something like that and she didn’t want you to do so in the company would think badly of her. A great passionate woman who captivates me and after all it would probably be bad for both if they know about our response in the company.

After all, the age difference was not so easy to understand.

Finally we kissed again. She put her glasses on the table and I pulled the sweater over her head. To the fore, their splendid tits in a black, albeit a little simple bra. I took off the bra and kissed her breast.

Really buried my face in it and sucked on her hard nipples. I stroked her cunt through the pants and I noticed that she got hot. She stroked my legs and noticed my stand. I pulled out her pants and then she lay naked in front of me.

Of course, her bosom of gravity was just nice to look at and to touch it nice. She rose and opened my zipper very skillfully. Pulled my jeans down and also had my stand in front of my face. I’ve had something with women several times but Heidi blew me tail as I had never experienced yet.

While she was nice to blow, I kneaded the breast and stroked her back. I still stood in front of her and she was sitting on the sofa. I noticed that I was shortly before I came and informed her of it. But then she did not react and continued nicely.

I’m a very direct type and maybe because of that alcohol But I grabbed her on my hair and pulled her back back. Reach for my cock and started to wank. And then it came to me huge and I sprayed her in the face. She had opened her mouth and I sprayed in and in the whole face.

Finally I put him in her mouth again and asked her to clean him cleanly. She did everything as required.

When she finished she got up and went to the bathroom. After a few minutes she came back, she had a bathrobe and sat down with me. I had pulled my pants back up.

I told her that it was wonderful for me and that I hope she doesn’t have the feeling that I am exploited would have. But she just said she would like to go on. So I’m out of my clothes again and then we got around again.

She lay on the sofa and I suspect that she was expecting that I was revealing myself and she spoiled her orally but after that I was not even though she had a nice shaved pussy. I knelt on the sofa and stroked her cunt.

And because Heidi was extremely moist, it was also easy to penetrate her. I enjoyed her with relish in the mission representation. Then I raised my upper body and raised her legs. She groaned passionately and I started to push her harder.

As I fucked her I started insulting her with dirty words and she asked me to fuck her properly. I massaged her buttocks with my hand and I came to her asshole. Now there was no stopping with me and I asked her directly if I could have her ass.

She said she would also like to do it, but she would never have tried it and I should be careful.

Because she was really very damp, I just took some secretion out of her cunt and spat on my tail.

She was still on her back and I put my strap on her hole. Despite that I have an above -average cock, I penetrated into her poloch without any special resistance (so I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t the first in her asshole …)

Heidi went off without end and I enjoyed this fuck in her asshole. After a while she turned and we continued to fuck in the doggystyle. When my second orgasm announced itself, I started to push more firmly and then I shot my juice in her intestine.

I stayed for a while and then my cock slipped out of her ass. She got up again and went to the bathroom. I followed her because I wanted to empty my bladder.

When I entered the bathroom, Heidi showered.

I stood on the toilet and emptied myself and stood up to her in the shower. Again we grew wildly together. She asked me what I had before and I gave her the answer that I would like to fuck her even more because it was really cool with her. After all, the children would only come home the next Sunday and that had to be used.

We then went to your bedroom and continued there. When I really couldn’t anymore, Heidi got my cock and blown me again. Everyone has their limits and finally mine were also reached. When I came my cock really hurt.

But it was horny to see how the horny sow swallowed everything. When she was finished I asked her to wake me up the next morning.

The next morning I actually woke up because something was getting on my body and lo and behold, Heidi was nice to blow. However, alcohol had lost its effect on me and so I found this Wind concert Pretty but when I sprayed her back into her mouth, I just wanted to go away. She then went to the bathroom and I dressed.

When she came out again I thanked her for the wonderful evening and said I had to go now. We said goodbye with a quick kiss and I was already on the street.

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