On a horny escape part 2 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

They drove for a while, there may have been two hours in which they drove across small and small streets. At some point Lea registered that they were on their way to the capital. She didn’t care. Her life was in ruins.

She greeted her sleep as a good friend. When she woke up, it was already bright. Lea saw the typical traffic crowd of the capital. It was honked, pushed and cut.

She loved this city. She had studied here for two years and was reluctant to leave to start her training abroad at the request of her father.

“So far we have been lucky. We will now try to get to a message. However, it could be that it is already too late but an attempt is worth it.”

Lea suddenly remembered everything that the sleep had covered.

Now she also noticed the military posts on the streets. She even saw tanks.

“We won’t make it or? You will grasp us and you will … what?…kill?”

“You haven’t got us so far and you won’t believe us later. Maybe the messages have already been cordoned off, they will certainly be monitored. There is always some way.

We will make it. On the radio, the message of the coupons is currently being sent on every channel. The previous government is somewhere abroad, remaining important people apparently arrested. Surprisingly, there is no output lock.”

His passenger looked at him for a long time.

Now she knew it for so long and had never really noticed him. At the end of her school days he suddenly appeared, at that time he must have been in his mid -twenties. He was always close to her in his studies, others may accompany them while shopping somewhere in the background or on other occasions but she knew that Johann was always there. He discussed everything with her what she had to look out for.

Partially decided where she was allowed to go. Johann determined the rules of her life. He was the symbol of her prison.

So she had seen it for years.

And that’s why he was as popular with her for years as a pimple on her face. Now he had saved her life and tried to further protect it. He could have simply disappeared after the big collapse. After all, he was no longer directly responsible for her after completing her studies, but as head of security, he organized everything necessary for the Family and especially for yours Father.

She was guessed with him or was he paid for it?

“Thank you, Johann, that you saved my life and that you are still there.”

She couldn’t see him because she also remembered how she had called him earlier and what her relationship with each other was. She had always said mercenaries. And that regularly brought them up with a lot of contempt.

“We are paid mercenaries for that. Always ready.”

He did not smile at his words, but continued to concentrate on the street.

Lea suddenly felt a lump in her throat. She could just be a pour.

“They were even younger than today when they decided to blame me for everything they didn’t like. I do not blame them and from their point of view can even understand the resentment. In a way.

Her father hired me and I liked her father. He was a big man and I owe him a lot to him. I would never have let him down and that applies to her now.”

Lea looked at him. Gratitude and relief could be seen on her face.

Johann still had the street at a glance.

“We will automobile Park now, take the most important documents with you. Then we try to get to a message.”

She understood that the topic was over and no longer answered. They found one parking spot, Johann handed her sunglasses and they set off. From a distance they saw that the actually busy place in front of the message was cordoned off by the military and deserted.

The same picture in two other messages. Then they came to a message that was not cordoned off. Johann was suspicious. Lea still wanted to go over to the entrance but Johann stopped her.

This time she did not want to accept his opinion, her goal was right in front of her eyes. She just had to go over this place and they were already in safety. Finally, however, he managed to dissuade them before they attracted attention.

A greengrocer sold them some melon and bread for little money.

They looked for a bank to place the place too observe. In silence you ate your meal. After a short time, a man appeared on the pitch, who was strikingly unobtrusive. For a moment he seemed undecided.

Then he suddenly ran off towards the message. You could immediately see several men who persecuted him. The way for the refugee was too far. He was caught up and brought to the ground.

They heard his screams, saw how he was beaten. The previously busy place was suddenly empty. A car came and the man was put in and removed. After a short time the two spectators rose and also left the place.

Lea was depressed.

“What are we going to do now? We will hardly be able to go to the airport to take an airplane.”

“We are now going to an apartment that her father created through central people. There we have rest there. Then we will find a different way.”

Lea didn’t listen properly and just ran to the car after her lifesaver. They drove through the city in silence for a while.

At some point they had reached the house and entered a large apartment with four rooms.

“Here is your room on the right, the bathroom is over there. Rest out, make yourself fresh. I make sure that we get something to eat.”

Without a word she followed his instructions. She was surprised that she found useful clothes in her room.

Modern clothing. Not the quality that she was used to so far was much better than the strange scraps she was wearing. There were even different high heels in the closet, unmistakable the influence of their Mother. Only she wondered if she would need this kind of shoe in her life again.

She was looking for suitable things and then went to the bathroom. She enjoyed the warm water on her bare skin and certainly stayed longer under the shower would have been necessary.

Her body became aware of her again. She stroked her hands with her hands, stroked her breasts briefly and pulled on her warts.

A wonderful feeling flowed through and she enjoyed her hands on her body. The touch of her pearl had her eyes close. She briefly considered stroking more intensely, fully indulating her fingers. She decided against it and gave herself some time to return to reality.

There was even a razor in the shower, so that out of sheer habit, she checked the sprout of her pubic hair. After finally leaving the cabin, she felt like new born. There were even suitable creams and perfume. Lea got dressed and she was much better.

When she opened the door to the hallway, she immediately took the wonderful smell out of the kitchen.

Johann had conjured up a wonderful meal from the certainly not lavish foods. She thanked him for that.

“You haven’t tried yet.“He actually smiled. “It is above all filling. You will have to accept in the near future that your life is no longer as selected as before as before.”

“What is that Johann.

Do you think I can’t accept that? I’ve already lived a simple life.”

“You took part in a student exchange for a week. This is something else. We should now eat and then talk about everything else.”

A strange tone in his voice had his wish accepted. The food was simple, filling and tasty.

There was water and wine. At first they ate in silence, then they came into a simple entertainment. At the wine, Johann later told about his stations before he became chief security with her father. The violence he had experienced, the camaraderie, the special fun in such a troop.

However, he paid attention to what he told her. So over time they came to speak of their time together in the capital and in the foreign city abroad. With the background of the last day she understood and accepted his work. Was even grateful to him.

“Father and her have something to do with the fact that Marvin then Contact broken off to me?”

The question came as a surprise and Johann’s short -lived silence revealed him.

“What do you know about it?”

“These are old stories.

We should consider what we will do from tomorrow.”

His lame defense attempt was wiped away.

“Johann! Marvin was the only person I trusted with my parents. I loved him. And suddenly he didn’t get in touch. From one day to another.

What do you know about it?”

Lea became sound and Johann understood that he could no longer get any further with excuses. He considered how much he should tell her. Due to the threat and the fact that he could be dead tomorrow, he decided on the truth. Even if that hurt.

He told her how happy her parents were when she met Marvin. In her eyes, however, her father’s position made it necessary to also include the family in a special security concept. Among other things, all people who came closer to the family were therefore subjected to a special examination. Marvin could not be checked green due to various evidence, so he was particularly observed.

After considering a long time, her father decided that Marvin, while he was in Lea’s apartment, should be monitored. Over time, they found that Marvin was not the nice guy for whom he spent. He was a terrorist in the service exactly the people who had now carried out the coup. And they were lucky, because instead of acting before his opponents knew crucial, he decided to play with Lea.

Ultimately, Lea saved her attractiveness. However, Johann did not say that. Marvin was therefore eliminated by them before he could do damage.

“I’m sorry.”

Despite his experience and despite his hardness, Lea could see how uncomfortable this report was to him. However, that wasn’t her problem now.

The man she had loved next to her father in her life was probably murdered by Johann at the decision of her father. Lea was besides himself. She insulted Johann in all conceivable variants and he endured everything. She slapped and spit on him, was completely of your senses.

Johann stayed stoically on his chair.

“The decision was not easy for her father.“She had been exhausted and now came to rest, so that his words did not go down in the roar. However, she cried again.

“Ultimately, however, we had secure evidence that we could not by. In the end we also knew his clients. Excuse me that I have to say that.

In the games that they both and above all he drove with them in their apartment, I was about to intervene several times without intervaling their father’s consent.”

She looked at her protector for a long time. You had watched her. Johann had seen everything. For God’s sake.

Lea closed her eyes.

“Good night, Johann.“A cold farewell greeting ended an evening that initially started promising.

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