Not the fine species | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Sandra and Klaus have been together for a few months now. They had met at a conference. After a few glasses of champagne in the hotel bar, we went into the room together ..

From time to time, if the time allowed, they met. They went out to eat together and then mostly to him or her or in a hotel.

Both had very demanding jobs, which in some of their time and therefore they were not interested in a steady relationship.
Sandra was a career woman’s forward model. Big, great figure, always very well dressed, and at 32 not exactly old for your position. Klaus, who had just turned 26, was on the rising branch and still had a lot ahead of him. He too was well built and his appearance left nothing to be desired.

Both sipped each other safely in high circles and were used to good manners.

Today it was time again. They had agreed to eat in a fine restaurant, which they already knew from various business lunches. They were both dressed chic and adapted to society, which otherwise still sat in the restaurant, perfectly. Around them you could only see rich company bosses with their women or players, who certainly employed more than six people in their company.

Sandra was wearing a long, airy golden dress that well emphasized her figure. Klaus in his suit attracted a few slimming looks of the women present. After eating, they drank a few glasses of wine that soon got to their heads.

Without further ado they left their cars and called a taxi. They drove to Sandra, who owned a spacious apartment about 20 kilometers away.

On the way there, Klaus started through the alcohol had become affectionate to stroke her shoulders free through the dress and cover her neck with kisses. Comfortable showers ran over her back. ‘Now’ a number here in the taxi … ‘, Sandra shot it through his head. Suddenly a certain thirst for adventure was awakened in her and she remembered her wild time during her studies.
After a few minutes of hot thoughts, Klaus whispered in the ear: Say – you are not sometimes sorry to always play the fine one? Klaus stopped with his petting units.

What did she want from him? Wanted to discuss it? He nodded slightly confused with his head and said: yes … sometimes … but what … what do you want to get out of? Sandra grinned.

Well, I only mean … we are always in a fine company, always have to be careful what we say … we … we just can’t give ourselves as we might want to be ..


Klaus thought about it. Somehow you’re right … after all he said. But I still don’t know what you want to get out ..

How do you want to give yourself?The taxi turned around a corner and stopped. they were there. Klaus paid the driver and they got out. They were in the dark on the front door.

Sandra snuggled up to him and continued to speak quietly. Well … I have … I just came up with something in the taxi ..

She took a long break to wait for his reaction. What … he finally wanted to know. Oh well…

When you kissed me so beautifully and stroked, I got hot … and … and … and I wouldn’t have didn’t care if you had left ..

In taxi??? Klaus looked at her in astonishment. He didn’t know her that way, but somehow he liked her sudden openness. Yes! Sandra replied with a smile. But that brought me to other thoughts and ideas.

You know, then during your studies, I wasn’t like that … well, so jammed. You certainly not. It was pretty hot for me.

At that time we knew almost no taboos. – and now I wonder why this is not the case today. So actually it is not difficult for me to separate jobs and private life ..

Again she took a long break. She pushed herself against Klaus and began to stroke his crunchy butt with one hand and with the other hand.

Well … said Klaus. I don’t know why we have changed so much. You are right: at university there was really much wilder than now.

And somehow … somehow I would like to … Sandra had been waiting for that. She looked him seriously in the face and whispered: I want you to really ..

Really horny ran … oh nonsense. I want to be fucked really cool from you! As soon as she had spoken it out, she became a little red. But she didn’t know anymore.
Just let’s put our shit fine roles ..

I want to be your little fuck bitch tonight … yes?The words drilled into his hearing like arrows, in his stomach and ultimately also into his tail, which immediately stirred himself. You really want that … with all the consequences??? he hooked after.

Yes, I really want that. I really want to let myself go … she pressed her full, sensual lips on his and immediately made his way to his tongue. You sank in a wild kiss.

When this ended, they needed a few seconds to get to breathe.

Then Sandra closed the door and they went into the apartment. They didn’t get far until they sank back into a wild kiss. They began to stroke. Klaus had his hands hiked down to her back over her back, where he slowly got the thin dress upwards.

If he reached far enough down, he could feel the edges of her own, black stockings. Tarmedly stroked hands a bit higher again and now felt the thin, silky panties underneath. He started massaging her hot butt. Again and again he felt the silky stockings with one hand.

You like my legs? breathed Sandra.

And mine … my ass! Klaus twitched slightly together. J … yes ..

And I also like your hot packaging … that makes me really horny.
But I don’t feel much of that yet ..! Sandra said in a firm voice. She pushed him away and turned around. Then she leaned over a table and stretched out her horny butt.

Well come on … I don’t believe you any other word of your horny time at university. She stroked her long legs over her long legs, over her butt and then let a hand slide between the thighs. At the time you were probably more of a sissy ..

or?Attached from her words, Klaus now took a few steps towards her. Immediately he crouched behind her and grabbed her butt with both hands tightly. The silky panties slipped back and forth under his massaging movements.

You really want to know … or? Jaaaaa ..

Damn … now do something … Lick me, put my tongue deep into the pussy, Fuck me with your fingers … and give me your horny cock, grunt Sandra completely desperate.

With a jerk Klaus dragged her panties to her ankles. His girlfriend’s moist pussi literally beamed at him. Finally he pressed his face tightly on her wet paradise and started driving his tongue through her wet column. The fragrance she radiated made it even hornier when he was already.

Sandra moaned loudly.

Yeah, finally … this is Gu-Uuhhhht!… Meehhhr ..
Klaus tongue got in top form. He sucked on her hard lust button and kept giving up into the dripping wet to taste her juice.

When he noticed that she was getting more and more nervous with the pelvis, he also spoiled her rosette with small leaks.

That then brought Sandra to the first, violent explosion. She reared up and groaned her lust. The tremor in her body just didn’t want to stop. I…

I want … now feel your … horny cock in me! she gasped. She turned to him and dragged his pants off his body.

His tight latte jumped out like a pen from it. Sandra turned his back, pushed himself close to him and raised one leg. Come on, fuck me right here … she asked him.

Jahhh … Klaus croaked, who no longer had his lust under control.

With one hand he put under her leg and pressed his lower body firmly against hers. He could already feel her warm, wet column on his tip of his tail. That’s good…

So I can massage your horny tits! ‘Finally …’, thought Sandra in her rest of the mind, who was not yet foggy. ‘Finally he thaws … ’her thoughts were interrupted by his plump acorn, which her labia was now shared. She stopped the air and felt his tail drilled into her bit by bit until the stop. Only then did she push the air out with a loud groan.

She spread her labia with one hand so that he could penetrate her even deeper.

After a short time, Klaus Kütend said: Let’s bend forward … so that I can really fuck you ..! The words drove Sandra. Klaus let go of her leg and she leaned forward.

Klaus immediately began to ram her like an animal. With hard bumps he kept ramming his crossbar deep into her body. It claps loudly when your bodies meet.

Sandra whimpered with lust. Again she felt like a new one orgasm wanted to break in.

The stronger this feeling became, the more intensely it counteracted his impacts.
Then she finally trembled all over the body. She gave a loud grunt and moan while her pussi massaged his cock in orgasm. That made Klaus completely wild. He suddenly lost every inhibition and wanted more.

What had she said? – I want to be your horny fuck bitch … you should have that.’, He thought with himself. Her pussy now massaged his cock so strongly that he only had the opportunity to withdraw if he didn’t want to spray everything in her ..

With a loud greaser, his crossbar slid out of the wet column and shot up again. He pressed himself firmly to her so that his cock stopped baking asses.

Sandra was still except for lust. When she felt the hard strap now she immediately knew what would come. She had always loved that in the past. Ooohhh, yes! Delicately drew her.

Now a horny ass fuck … I haven’t had that forever!!! She leaned a little more forward and now presented his willing ass.
Without thinking, Klaus pressed his cock against the tight rosette, who gave up more and more. With a jerk the plump globe disappeared into it. The rest followed slowly, but urgently.

Klaus noticed that that wasn’t the first time For Sandra was. Deeper! she fired at him.

I fuck you as deep as nobody fucked you in your ass! whispered Klaus in a rough voice. After her tight rosette got used to his great pleasure bolt, he began to push her vigorously. Sandra rubbed her wet pussi with one hand and occasionally let two fingers disappear into it.

Her heads were completely empty. They were only two willing pieces of meat, which are now uninhibited their lust.

I want to ride you … Sandra gasped. Klaus, who already trembled the knees, was grateful for this proposal.

He carefully pulled his red belt out of her narrow channel and lay down on the cool soil heavily. Sandra finally dragged her dress off her body and continued to turn his back on him. She stood over him wide -legged, positioned her horny back over the twitching tail and slowly sat on it. He got her ass freely now.

Sandra’s reaction to it was more violent than he expected.
Aaaahhh is awesome … your hard stick in … my … asshole.

She began to ride wildly on him. She massaged her pussi with her fingers. She was so horny that her juice dripped on his eggs, in which it was already dangerously tingled. Suddenly Sandra screamed out loudly and dropped on his crossbar until she stuck in her to the stop.

He felt her rosette edited his cock. It had come again. Even more than before, her body shrugged under an insane orgasm. From the words she pressed out he could only horny sow, fucking bolt, fucked in the ass and misunderstood in the face.

Klaus couldn’t hold back long.

His gasps and moans became louder and louder. Sandra suddenly jumped up and without warning. She looked him firmly in the eye and said this time in a firm voice: Did you hear? – I want you to splash your hot cream in my face. I want to feel every drop on me ..
She already made herself over his cock.

She took him in one hand and started him jerk off like never before. She held her face so close to him that he could feel every breath on his glans. Then she also opened her mouth. Klaus could no longer.

He felt the cream boiled over and slowly climbing into it. He became dizzy. With a loud moan he injected a load in her face that could have come from a horse.

With six strong sparkles, he exuded all his lust over her face and into her greedy sucking mouth, which she had quickly put over his tight latte. She sucked and pulled the twitching cock until she also had the last drop on her tongue.
A few minutes later they both sank to the ground completely exhausted.

Klaus looked at Sandra, whose breath was still difficult. Why do you sample me like this?… did you … don’t like it? she wanted to know.

Klaus Grinst. But! he admitted. I even liked it very much. I just have to think of your words.

When you said you wanted to be my horny fuck bitch, I couldn’t imagine that at all. If I see you now, in your fine laundry and … sperm in my hair … what? Sandra artificial.

In the hair? Oh god – you have my hairstyle … verb ..

With one hand she drove through her hair and then held her face. She started licking her hand grinning. Then she reached with the wet hand to his half -flap, twitching tail.

Hmmm … she grinned. Do you have a little more of it? During that night they drove it twice. A little uninhibited every time ..
But later!

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