In the car dealership | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

01.12.2014 6:12 a.m. My automobile will not start. After a felt eternity, the friendly gentleman of the ADAC comes. Anyone who knows me is now expecting a seduction of the ADAC master, but I was not in the mood for that.

Result of his attempts: “No idea. tow away.“Again later my car is in the workshop and I sit through because train drives, at work and hope that my old golf can be saved. After all, we went through a lot together.

The call in the afternoon is devastating.

Everything broken. Way too expensive. Motor, gear and everything stuff that somehow belongs in the car, but now is on strike. What’s left over ? A new car is needed.

And I have to repel my beloved golf. The second is surprisingly unproblematic. However, the first is more difficult. What kind of car do I want ? And where do I get one quickly ? And somehow I’m sorry for my car.

He drove me for years without bitching. I have with him Hitchhiker picked up. I dented the radiator hood with a lot of passion. And not to forget, I got a top price for him – with full physical effort.

Should I see that as a sign ? Didn’t give me a little erotic task a few days ago ?

So I rummaged in the online car catalogs and checked my modest finances. Another Golf ? Or something else ? I would like to have a real women’s car, namely a mini. But my account advises me against it. So I’m looking for a used golf in my area.

Why should I change the model when I enjoyed so much joy ? A dealer in the north of the city actually has 3 affordable models on site. So, get on the phone, asked. Cars are still there. You could also have them immediately.

Opening times there until 7 p.m. during the week. Oh damn. And today I can’t get rid of before 6 p.m. So hardly a chance to be there before 6:30 p.m.

The lady on the phone speaks briefly with her colleague. “No problem.“, She says then. “Our consultant Mr. B. stays longer if you really don’t make it earlier.“I decide that I have Mr. B.

In my night prayer.

Shortly after half past nine I enter the car dealership. The lady at the reception greets me kindly. “Ah, Ms. S.”, she says.

“Mr. B. is already waiting for you.” I look around. New cars, as far as the eye can see. A large hall full of new cars (far too expensive for me), which all shine and flash.

“The cars are getting bigger and bigger ?”, I ask myself. The new golf models already look like SUVs against my golf. Mr. B. comes from his office.

He wears a dark blue suit with a suitable tie. He seems to be around the mid -twenties. He smiles rehearsed when he greets me. We take a seat in his office and talk about my wishes.

His name tag on his desk shows “Thomas B. – Sales consultant used car “. While I tell him which cars could come into question, I see how the receptionist Quitting time might. She looks again briefly into the office and says: “Mr. B., I’m going now too.

The key is at the forefront. Have a nice evening.“Then I’m with Thomas B. – Sales consultant used car alone.

“Ms. S.“, He starts and sighs.

The tone sounds memorized.

“Are you sure that you will be happy with a used one ?”

“Of course a new one is always beautiful, but I like it when they have run a little. Correctly introduced … ”I say and cannot prevent it from sounding ambiguous.

“Um, yes.”, he says.

“May I still show you a model of what is how it is for you ?“He asks about.

“Naturally.”, I say. “Show me calmly what you have to offer.”

I have the feeling that I am already a little more unsettled.

Of course he shows me a model that is completely oversized. And far too expensive.

A touareg. Where the now “how created” is for me ? But whatever ? Is his time. It opens all doors. And I take a seat in the driver’s seat.

He sits down on the passenger seat. He begins with the advantages of the car.

TDI, climate, consumption and so on. I slide something on the seat and here to check its cosiness.

Look back, to the side and into all compartments. When he ends, I say “is too big for me.”And then add:” I have nothing against ‘big’, but where should I get that in ?“He’s squared. “So in which parking space.“I add. He smiles relieved.

He thinks that he comes back on well -known terrain. So he starts with the park assistant. I look at him and ask: “Mr. B., There are things that you should do yourself and should not take a technical aid, or ?” He is sweating. I think that’s somehow cute.

A few slippery comments and he becomes unsafe. “Let’s see how far we can do the hustle and bustle.”, I think to myself. Somehow I also start to have fun.

“How far can you put the seats backwards ?“, I ask innocent.

“Um. So, well, you can put them all the way back.”, he says.

“And how ?“, I am starting to search for levers and switches at the seat.

He shows it to me and my seat slowly drives into the horizontal. When I lie, I say: “Well, that’s pretty good.”


Practical for transport.“, He starts. And he definitely knows that nonsense is talking about. What should I transport in the driver’s seat ?

“I had a different way of using it in mind.“I say while looking at the headlining. “How dirt -repellent is the headlining ?”, I ask.

He looks up and begins with: “Um ..

so…”. And then: “Why ?”

“Oh well.“I start and take off my shoes. I pull mine Legs one after the other on my upper body, so that you can already have a nice look through mine through my high -slipped skirt Pantyhose On my panties. “So.“, I drive on.

“If you Feet presses against the headlining, it then gets slightly spots ?”

He looks at me questioningly. “Why do you want your feet .. ?“I decide that I am not answering, but demonstrating it to him. Slowly I stretch both legs up.

I already spread it easily. Then I press both feet against the headlining. Lying next to him, my legs are now forming a “V”. And since he is still sitting, he would now have a nice insight if he would bend slightly forward.

“Now understand why ?“, I ask softly. He swallowed and fumbled out nervously on his tie. I let my legs sink again and slipped back into my shoes. “Yes, a nice car.”;;I said.

“Perhaps now show me the silver golf, please ?”. Probably a little confused about the change and situation change, he said briefly: “Yes. It is in the yard.“I got out and got my jacket out of his office. He trotted a little uncertainly after me.

He quickly got the keys and we went out to the yard outside. It wasn’t warm in the car dealership either, but it was really cold outside.

He unlocked the car and we rose quickly. And now he automatically looked at the headlining.

I smiled at him. “May I ?”, I asked. He nodded. I let the seat slide back, pulled out my shoes again and pressed both feet to the headlining.

“Yes.“I sighed softly. “Just like in my car.“I straightened up again and looked around in the car. “But the switching stick is impractical.”, I said. He looked at me questioningly.

“Well, he’s pretty high.”, I said. “For what ?”, asked he. I leaned over to him and pressed my face into his lap. Then I came up again and looked into his eyes and said: “The gear stick presses my chest to me.“Again he fed nervously on his tie.

“But, I can get along with that.”, I say. “I like what I see. I could imagine taking it on the spot.“Mr. B. Now swallows again and becomes red.

“Can I see your big one again ?”, I ask. Oha, now I almost have it in Tilt mode. Better a little less research. “The Touareg.

I can’t afford it, but he was cozy. And inside is also warmer.”, I say. And he relaxes something again. “Are all the guys jammed ?”, I ask myself.

Or am I too impetuous with my kind ? Or too pushy ? But, actually it makes me great fun. So we go back to the sales hall. I hooked with him and a mustache: “Tell me, Mr. B., there is still something to do on the price ?“He says rehearsed:“ I look at my documents first.” “You do that. I’m waiting for you at the Touareg.

And bring the contract with.”, I answer. When we enter the sales hall again, I notice how he trifles the door behind us. “Soso, Mr. B., but here the jammed games.”, I think to myself. He goes to his office and I go towards Touareg.

I just let my jacket fall on the floor in front of it. I quickly get on on the passenger side and quickly pull out the tights and panties. I push my skirt so far that you could almost guess my column. When I pull up the skirt, I drive through my legs briefly and notice: “Oh yes, something still has to happen today.”.

Then I wait. It only takes approx. 1 minute as Mr. B. come back to me and sit down on the driver’s seat.

He has the contract with him and puts it on the feast board at the front. “They probably wanted to try the passenger square ?”, he asks. “You have to try everything out in life.“I say with a cheeky grin and then add:“ I also like it when the man takes the wheel in hand.”

“So, Mr. B.“, I start softly. “Can you do something for me today that sweetened the day ?”.

He stares at my legs. Apparently he thinks about pantyhose beforehand. “We could start at the price.”, I say. “So …” he starts.

And I start to push my abdomen a little forward. The skirt remains in its position, only I slide a little forward … out of the skirt. He stalls while he sees what comes to daylight there. “What did you want to say ?“I smoke.

“So 7000 € is the best offer that I can make you.“He presses out. “Really the best ?“, I ask. I take his hand and put it on my bare thigh. Then I let his hand drive between my thighs.

Mr. B. is now becoming braver and confident. His hand himself drives up my legs by itself and reach my lips. He caresses me there tenderly.

First only on the outside, then a finger slips between my lips. I string comfortably. “So …” I say softly. “What did you want to offer me ?”.

I press my abdomen a little and press his finger into me. “How about 6000 € ?“He asks in a rough voice. I put my hand on his pants and say with a smile: “There will be something else, or ?”. I open his zipper and drive into his pants with my hand.

“Oh, Mr. B.”, I say. “Apparently not only the Touareg is huge.“And that was also true. No reason to lubricate honey here. Because what I felt there was huge and club hard.

I wrapped it down and pressed my hand a little together. He now breathed heavily and I whispered: “I take him for 5000.“I leaned over to him slightly and lowered my head in his lap. In the meantime I had his tail Freed from his pants so that he was hard and steep up. Slowly I closed my mouth around this beautiful comment donor.

“Yes. Agreed.“, He groaned. I solved my mouth from him and said: “Write it into the purchase contract. You can use my back as a base.“Then I lowered my mouth over him again.

He quickly fiddled with the contract on my back. And while I missed him the best treatment I know, he was in a hurry. “Complete.“Then he groaned. I leaned up again and took the paper in my hand.

As I had my seat going back, I read. “You still have to sign.”, I said. In the meantime my seat had driven backwards. And I leaned back.

I put my right leg against the headlining again while I left my left leg against the floor. Acrobatic. Uncomfortable. But so my column was raised very wide.

And he could see it exactly. He wrote hastily. I snatched the paper and threw it out of the still open house onto the floor. I grabbed him on the sack and pulled him on me.

Half kneeling in front of my seat, half lying on me, his cock found his way between my legs. “So, and now take what you want.“, I breathed in him in his ear. His glans divide my lips and then slowly pressed himself into me.

I pressed both legs against the headlining so that he could penetrate me better and deeper.

And now he started to push me firmly and deeply. “Yes.“I groaned. “Take me. So hard and as firm you want.“He pushed me even wilder and harder.

His hands roughly packed my breasts. My hand drove between my legs. And while he was panting me, I started rubbing my clitoris. It didn’t take long for me to get through this treatment with a pointed scream.

Through my cramps I pressed myself together so that he couldn’t hold back either. One last push, then he paused. To come with a quietly oppressed moan. He sank down on me.

And then he kissed me for the first time. Passionate. When we loved each other, I saw that we had left a big spot in the passenger seat.

But now surprised with Mr. B.

He got out and held his hand to help me get out. But instead of going to his office to regulate the remaining formalities, he led me around the car. When he arrived at the trunk, he opened it quickly. “Have you actually already looked at the trunk ? You can almost crawl in there.“He said, while he was almost gentle on the trunk with gentle violence.

But surprised at his actions, I leaned forward. Within a few seconds he had opened his pants again and pushed my skirt up. Without losing time he penetrated me again and began to fuck me hard from behind. “For the price you won’t get away from me with a quick fuck.“, He groaned.

And I also became sharp again. “No.“, I gasped. “I have to be at least twice for you.”” I would have given you the car for 5000.“He groaned while he pushed hard and deeply into me. “I would have been fucked by you without a discount.“I groaned back.

It didn’t take long, then I felt it trembling and then pouring into me twitchingly deeply into me. He loosened from me and said: “If you pick up the car tomorrow, I won’t be there. You understand that safely.” “Yes. I understand.“, I said, although I don’t really understand it.

I directed my clothes and said goodbye to Mr. B. -Sales consultant -.

The next day I was able to pick up my new car. And now I just have to inaugurate him.

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