Horny sex in the home office | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am already in your home office in an armchair that is supposed to serve as a visitor chair. Then you come in, as always short skirt, high heels and blouse with a deep neckline. You sit on my lap and rub yourself with your horny Venus column, which is extremely irritated again, on the Schwengel in my crotch. You like how I grab your skirt under your skirt and finger you right away. You hug me and you kiss me intimately and very extensively with your tongue, which hunts mine.

You sit on me, super styled and super elegant in costume with a business mini skirt, in high-heels 13 cm Italian lacquerlettos, and with ownerless super-fine stockings with a wide lace and a blouse that your lush melons are neatlyalso packed horny at the same time, you rub yourself on me and at the same time you have the phone in your hand and briefly make a business recall. I also clearly smell your lust and I think my pants get a damp spot.

I take you around you and grab your beautiful mighty melons, lift them out of the half-shell bra and knead them, first pull on the nipples with my fingers, then when you turned half to me, with my lips and sucka little child. When I bite my nipples slightly, you groan out loud. Your legs are spread on my lap through half the turn and I put a hand on your thigh and drive up with my fingers under your skirt.

My fingertips reach the top edge of the ownerless nylons and touch the bare meat. You breathe audibly with a hiss. I stroke this area of the skin and push against the edge of your top briefs again and again, drive along the finger along the edge seam, I grasp one or the other hair of your sweet little bush and then it is about whatever audible you every timelets up a little. Then I carefully push aside the panties and rummage my fingers in your bush.

You react with a deep sigh that sounds like “finally” and lean against me. You get my thing out and then you sit down with your ass naked and with your cunt directly on my Schwengel that I slowly penetrate something from your cunt hard and firmly, but very glip. You are so horny because you are shortly before ovulation, you do not use a pill, no contraception. You want to feel my cock deep in your twitching and tightly pressing cunt how I penetrate you and fill you up with the violence of my tail completely perverse.

You feel it that penetrates that acorns squeeze into you, open you and press into you that the heat of my tribe immediately fulfills you and makes you even hornier. “Oh god, Papa press him in, I ride you, I want to feel him the cock that is hard and horny and full of fertile sperm that is ready for me and insembled, pregnant and me for your pregnant daughter luxury business-Bitch makes, yes give me your juice.

“And you jerk on me and smash, groan and feel the orgasm that spreads so horny perverse:“ Yes dad, fuck your elegant luxury daughter now, oh god!“Your mouth is looking for my mouth and we sink into a minute -long kiss in tongue, in which we let our tongues loop around each other with a lot of saliva, like lovers in an extensive lovemaking. When I now keep your clit tightly with two fingers and at the same time you also press the thick thumb of the other hand into your cunt deep, very deeply pushed in until my palm presses against the anus, it happened to you and you come with a soundExcure, which you scream against my neck, to reduce the volume, on which you press your lips firmly and bite in, and leave me a day in the form of a stain that is deep blue from Zartrosa.

You take me by hand, want to go to your bedroom with me. You are in your home office today and actually forbid me to visit you here at home unannounced because you know where this leads with us. But now I am there and as soon as you see me, you smell and feel me, you are controlled and can no longer control it, your lust for me, you pull me up, stuck and in horny business style after you, yours, yours, yoursAlpha Bock, your Papa-Stier, your Monster-Kerl, who is only that I use you as just as I can, that you are my daughter and that it is completely absurd and perverse that you are so sexual.

You pull me behind you and we are in the bedroom and I throw you hard on the bed and storm over you how you lying down on my back on your back your high-heel legs, open your lingerie legs with the stockings,Your knees dress and the mini skirt slips that I can see you on the cunt, you pull the tiny panties aside and want me to fully fuck you, your dad, your dad, your dad. You look at me, you like it as I am for you, big, powerful, masculine.

It’s like a drug for you when you smell me. We kiss on, and the kiss is immediately a sensual suction and devoted tongue kiss with open lips, as we merge in the kiss. You can feel the thick, hard, heavy cock that bulges out in my tight pants. I grab you, your tits, hold your head, also reach your neck to demonstrate how dominant I have you in my handle.

My fingers tackle you, reach under your skirt again, between the thighs and I finger your panties, the thick vulvalipes, your wet cunt, which already smells intensely for your horny longing for me. You get the Schwengel out of me. It lies like a lively animal, like a snake firmly in your hand when you jerked him with delicate women’s fist to full size. You smash and groan because I suck your tits, peel the tits out, keep finging you and you are already friction, jerky, trembling back and forth back and forth.

We look at ourselves, we don’t need words. I feel that my brave is horny for perverse father’s narcotics. I feel your horny dirty lust that blazes the neatly styled young business woman like a volcano. I stand in front of you how you lie there and open up to me. My Schwengel swells immediately and it gets tight in the pants, it begins to pain. I pull the zipper and finger out the hard piece of meat.

He jumps into my hand and I drive up and down twice, then I have to stop so as not to come right away because your sight is so insanely horny in front of me. I step between your spread legs and my cock protrudes from me like a crane over you. You look at the coveted piece with such lustful eyes that your eyes alone could make me cum, I think.

But that’s not how we can fuck because you are too far down, but too high to get into you in your knees. So I push my big rough hands between your firm tight butt with so tender skin and the fine smooth bedcloth, pack fully into the curves of your ass and raise your lower body from the bed so that you only with your shouldersBetting and the pelvis is captured by my pranks.

Now your already half -open vulva is at the right height, so that my round glans can slide through the thick red and swollen lips. Ohhh, as I love it before my cock penetrates you, to plow through the vulvalipes so that they become even wetter, downright wet. And every time when I was plowing forward, the head of my Schwengel pushes against your clitoris, presses it up against your body and thus spans the skins that they hold so that when I have pushed them beyond, they are back with a small snapslips and you always groan ore.

So we make ourselves more and more hotter on what should follow and are longed for by both of us, even if we can play this game of rapprochement for a long time and get higher and higher. But at some point we both don’t stand it anymore and you scream me: “Damn, finally fuck me, you old guy with your monster tail, get ready!“And I press my Nille deep into you, as deep as possible, let myself fall against your body at the same time, your butt strikes on the mattress and I lie on you until the stop on the cervix is pushed deep.

I sink into you and we are both heated up so that it only takes a very short time to find a common climax and my cock from your vaginal muscles in orgasm crumbled in you: “Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!“Both come from both mouths.

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