Threesome on the open sea | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Three in a boat happened while sailing. Dieter, my long -time and best friend, my wife Petra and I, we had cleared our little sailboat on a wonderful summer day – as is so often the case this year – and sailed out to the Upper Bavarian lake. However, beautiful summer weather is usually called lull here, then sporty sailing is out of the question. So we soon steered a quiet anchor bay today. The few simple steps ran routinely, sail down, anchor out and firmly, swayed up and hung up bathrooms.

After a short bathroom in the clear and cool lake – as usually naked – as always there was red wine for a small snack. While Petra usually wraps a colorful cloth, which more or less opaque her lavish stimuli, we men only change a towel. It’s going back into the water. This Sunday we soon let ourselves slide into the water over the bathing ladder. Maybe it was on the red wine, but today everything should go differently than before.

Usually Petra was the first to climb back on deck to be able to dry out undisturbed in front of our, especially Dieters look and wrap it into her cloth. Without any agreements, Dieter was on board this time, I followed him. We had just dried slightly when Petra appeared at the rear of the small ship. When they slowly emerged from the water over the bathing ladder, the sight of their bare body, especially their great breasts Dieter and me, took their breath.

The sun rays broke sparkling on their damp skin Nipple Stocks really emphasized. Slowly, with a stolen smile on his face, climbed Petra on board and suddenly stood dripping wet and in full splendor between us. Because of the rolled blessing and the sun roof, there was no upright. So while Petra looked for her towel, she had to stretch her plump breasts at eye level;Dieter, who was sitting opposite me, the whole glory of her back was presented.

Now it was up to me: “Leave, today we’ll dry you off!“I stammered with a slightly covered tongue. Dieter and I had winked in, he had probably also waited for my consent. On other sailing days I had often persecuted his not open looks and saw that he liked what he could see here and there under Petra’s cloth here and there. We had already expressed ourselves appreciatively about her lingerie, which she could hardly hide from Dieter if she had to put on our boat at the end of a sailing day in the small, visible slip cabin.

It fulfilled me with “owner pride” when Petra was also attractive for my friend. So I took my towel and tried to dab Petra’s upper body, but in reality I soon included her two plump breasts with both hands – only the towel was still between us. Dieter initially stealed quite moderately with Petra’s towel over her back, her shoulders and arms. I watched him out of the corner of the eye like him. Then when I started to maintain her stomach and even deeper regions of the body, I nodded imperceptibly and now he devoted himself to the round, which was still shining, to which the fresh sea water was still running down.

In order to have a reasonably safe stand and to be able to compensate for the gentle swing movements of the boat, Petra had to stand with slightly spread legs. At first we slowly stroked her legs on the outside, I at the front, Dieter at the back. Then it went up again on the inside. I expected what came then. I knew that Petra suddenly excitedly excited when caressing her thighs and can hardly be held on his feet. So now, a buckling, a lustful Juchzer, Dieter was almost frightened, but it immediately understood and bravely led his handle right hand between Petras Legs.

He almost couldn’t avoid, she stood in front of his face with an inviting butt. “What do you do with me?“Petra breathed more than asked. It was clear to me that it was not repellent, but rather as a request for more. After all, I know your reactions and your behavior in love play. Now Dieter was no longer stopped;With his free hand he reached forward, grabbed one of the breasts and pressed too.

A quiet “Auah” indicated that he had done a little too impetuous. But I recognized what he wanted, so I was slowly turning Petra around her axis, careful not to get out of balance. A motor boat was just past us, the crew of which certainly had no idea what was currently on our small, fluctuating “love island”. Now Dieter Petras had full splendor like mature fruit in front of his nose. He also did not hesitate for a second to alternately hide his face between her breasts, to take both of them in his hands or kiss her.

We had long since put the towels away with mere, constantly looking for and finding Finger And our hands wander over Petra’s body. “Uih” she only groaned shrill when she felt my hand and Dieter’s fingers before and between her now damp but called again pussy collided. Without saying a word I took his hand and led her to the wide pleasure opening, pressed something, Dieter understood: with two fingers he penetrated, Petra answered with gentle turning and counter-movements.

Of course there was no trace of the cold sea water from Dieter and me – on the contrary: two love stems protruded as additional masts on our sailing ship. Petra had probably already noticed that Dieter could contribute the considerably larger and stronger mast to the deck equipment. Just when she tried to grab this gem, I made the suggestion – still in a hot voice -: “Let’s go inside!”.

Without waiting for an answer, I quickly scurried inside our boat, Petra followed, Dieter hesitated again briefly, looked for my eyes and realized that he was highly welcome. The so -called slip cabin is small and low, but two adults can usually be comfortable in it or. sit on the triangular -shaped cushion. Both Petra and I, Dieter and I, we had already stayed in this tightness. This camp gymnastics and me regularly.

We have already experienced countless love games here. But only in pairs. Every now and then I had indicated Petra to the fact that it should be great for her to be spoiled by two men at the same time. Most of the time she reacted immediately and angry. If I talked about it further, she threatened to no longer want to go with Dieter and me. But I continued to dream of my dream. Dieter knew and shared my dream, and of course he knew about our shepherd’s hour on board.

I had often detailed him described and pretended how erotic it can be in our fluctuating cabin. Unfortunately, his wife no longer wanted to go on the boat, so he envied me for our experiences but we were very close together: Petra in the middle on the back, Dieter on the left, I on the right next to her on the side. We continued where we stopped on deck. We stroked and loved Petras erotic body almost synchronously.

Dieter followed my movements. If I let my fingers slide over her cheeks, neck, breasts and belly to the legs, then Dieter did this on the other side mirror image. Petra had closed his eyes, hardly spoke a word, you only heard quietly, satisfied well -being, again you could feel the slight wind and urge of her body. We had to turn a little and bend down to kiss her thighs, her stomach, her venus hill.

Petra used this position to access now, searched for her left hand and found dieters magnificent tail, Your rights clutched my very gently. Slowly she moved her hands up and down. I was tense for bursting, I wouldn’t be able to endure long anymore. Hopefully it’s not over too quickly, I thought. I therefore opened her legs that have now been bent with slight pressure. Then she was lying in front of us, snake -like windend, this everything that has been devoured.

Again I took Dieters hand and led his fingers to the finish line. He literally ranked for air. I could empathize with what his fingers felt how they were enclosed by Petra’s love muscles. I suggested to him with my fingers to curve his to stimulate the G-spot. He followed immediately, although he had never done it before. My hand on Petras Venushügel could feel Dieter’s pushing fingers. From the outside I pressed against it, stimulating Petras Kitzler on my part.

She groaned and continued to turn. Petra wanted everything now. Quietly she said “I want a cock!”. It was clear to me that not one should be the lucky one, but his. She didn’t need to worry, I had been dreaming of being there for a long time and participating when a big cock fucks her. She also took our tried and tested, great “boat position”: lying on her back, legs spread wide and pulled back, which Feet tuning against the ceiling ceiling.

A woman cannot be even more open and inviting. Dieter immediately understood a nod, a quick look at me, he looked for the right position and drove up his huge lance with initially slow, careful bumps. While he was able to support himself on his arms, he had to make sure not to push his head too violently against the blanket. I lay down next to both – a lot of space was no longer – watched and enjoyed the sight.

Again and again I let my fingers play on the breasts, sometimes I could penetrate from above between the now more violent bodies to the clit. A strange feeling of feeling another cock that my wife serves so successfully. Before Dieter reached the climax, I wanted to stimulate a change of position of the two. Petra protested, she too was shortly before orgasm, who often comes very early and violently with her. But I managed to separate both of them and when I indicated what I meant, Petra also agreed.

We both discovered a position that can only be relaxing and exciting on such a boat. Dieter was supposed to lean against the side wall with his back, his legs apart, so that his limb protruded in full splendor of Petra’s lap. Half -lying, half -sitting, she slipped to him to literally devour his gags in her grotto. I supported her by kneeling behind Petra, so she was able to lean against me and concentrate all her senses and strength on her tremendous pool.

It was intoxicating for all of us: I included her breasts, kept her abdomen, which almost seemed to burst, even now I was able to participate in the clit. Dieter had closed his eyes, then he tore her up again. With both hands he comprised Petras Po, pulling her to him while he penetrated her more violently and deeper into her. We were all like senses. Petra bit himself firmly into the forearm, then she cried out loudly again -well that no other ships nearby -Dieter suddenly came with a loud, long groan, Petra replied his violent bumping and fell back at the same time asDieter, who now showed an almost childishly shy smile and yet looked at me slightly unsettled.

“If it was only half as great for you as for me, it must have been terrific. “I said that after a short break of the breath. Both dissolved from each other – I quickly had a few pace ready – and as on command, both hugged me and pressed me very tightly. Was it sweat or I discovered a little tear at Petra? “Thank you” she breathed. We lay down next to each other again.

“What about you?“Petra asked me after a while. “I said yes, I also enjoyed it. But if you want, you can also spoil me with mouth and hands. But I also don’t mind if we wait a little longer, then maybe you can do it again. “I suggested her. Obviously she liked both variants. As she now closed her eyes relaxed, she gently encompassed my sagging mast and straightened it up again.

“But you still have to wait a little!”She said more to him than to me. Everything was right for me. Without word, we alternately beamed at ourselves, amazed and happy at the same time about what just experienced. Slowly and very gently, initially only with the fingertips we revolved again over the body of our sorceress, shiny by sweat beads. Now my wand woke up again soon, stretched out curiously and expectantly Petra. She pushed me on the back to be able to come over me in full splendor.

I enjoyed her juicy breasts with joy and pushed myself among them. This time Dieter helped and led my hot stem on the right track. He immediately drilled into his beloved grotto, who can keep driving him crazy. We flowed into one another in even bumps and turns. Dieter not only remained the role of the observer, his hands met my everywhere. We encompassed Petras Feasts and yet Babyzarte Poback, traced in her damp furrow, gently kneaded her breasts or stomach.

In the meantime, her ride became more and more wilder;Because Petra could not stand up to full size because of the low cabin and lean back – a position that is hard to top because I can not only look at it, but also fully encompass them – we made a virtue of “need”: Dieter and I, we raised and lowered their devil body to the stop with four hands, she made enthusiastic and moaning. When I felt her inside, it was about me.

It was the highlight of the highlights. We were no longer on a lake, but me, all three of us, felt on the highest peak of bliss. As we were, in this narrow position, gave way to all the tension from our bodies and we sacks on each other. Dieter was also sloping over Petra’s back. So we paused for some time, then loosened – again with radiant and at the same time glowing faces – and fell into the upholstery.

Dieter had obviously come again, because we all needed a paper handkerchief. Maybe we slumbered briefly, then at least we went into the water again to cool. Each of us swam a few laps around the boat in silence. You heard a cozy grunt every now and then? One last sip of red wine and water to strengthen, then we ended this dreamlike day of sailing quite soon and routinely like all the other days before. When Dieter said goodbye, we all confirmed each other: “It was just great! A wonderful, an unforgettable day “whether there is a repetition?.

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