Uninhibited threesome | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The first time for three, I am Alexander, Alex, 28 years old, and how many I have a friend Melanie 27 years old, brunette with a handsome 80c breasts at 170cm and 65 kg … A really nice, sexy young woman. As for our sex life, I find it rather boring ….But of course I wouldn’t say Melanie because I knew that she was always disappointed quickly. Melanie has been wishing a baby for some time, but I am not yet ready for family pla.

So sex is therefore not so often the order of the day and if so with a condom. Recently, at the weekend, Hardy unexpectedly came to visit a work colleague. Until then, Melanie and Hardy knew each other fleetingly. Hardy is twice as old as I do, at 175cm also has 1o kg more on the ribs and has a baldness. It was on Saturday evening and we all sat comfortably on the sofa. We talked about God and the world ….One beer chased the other …

While to my surprise, Melanie, who otherwise drinks very little alcohol, spoke well to the wines. And before I was melanie, Melanie was sophisticated Knalle Blue ….Like a hammer stroke, it was totally wide from one second to the other second. She laid and brapled incomprehensible so while I and Hardy still dead of us over it. No question, we were already drunk well …… I noticed how Melanie fell asleep on the sofa. I talked to Hardy about other women who we knew ….Hold men’s stories.

Since I knew that Melanie had nothing more, we talked very openly. Hey ….The new girlfriend of the Jutta is totally sharp said Hardy …… I recently met her on the bathing lake ….Cool body I tell you …… and your tits are totally great …… small but fine! I would like to eat that he said ….It is certainly shaved ….I could hardly see any hair on the bikinian set, I thought …… then it has to be a great woman? We both increased in my mind to somehow flattened Jutta’s girlfriend.

At some point I said to Hardy, well then she has to be as great as my melanie, she also has great tits and shaved she is too!”Is it that” came the question from Hardy? And to go one step further, I even said that Melanie also tasted great. What we both had to laugh at. Our laughter was so loud that Melanie became awake and in a quiet voice said “Ohhhh ….I feel sick….. I want to go to bed…..“She fell asleep again.

With a slight regret, I said to Hardy, come to get Melanie to bed, then we can both talk something here. Ok said Hardy, then I want to help them bring your sweet to bed. We both raised melanie from the sofa and carried them into the bedroom. She really didn’t notice anything anymore, she slept like a marmot. Laid on the bed I said to Hardy, it doesn’t help, we have to take off Melanie’s clothes, so keep piering is not good.

Due to the alcohol I started to open the jeans, “Lot Hardy help me, lift them up a little otherwise I won’t get the pants out”. He raised Melanie a little while I pulled out her jeans. I also pulled her down the panties a little bit. Hardy, who now clearly saw the lack of hair of her pussy, “Wau”, “very cute, you are right, your melanie has a really nice pussy!””… Ey ….Hardy du tensioner look away immediately ”, but how should he, because after all he had to hold up her pelvis! Somehow I went through a great feeling to want more.

We were heated up and what about showing something of Melanie, especially since I could give it well what a great friend I had. “Make it on Hardy”? “Yes, of course what do you think?“Inspired by the thought to do something forbidden here, I said“ So if you hold your mouth ….And we would keep our secret to ourselves … you can also touch. Hardy looked at me with big eyes ….really? “Yes,” I said, and pushed your bra a little …

So that your breasts were free. “Oh man…. They look really good ”and started carefully to strike her nipples. Both we had a pipe in our pants and since I also stroked the tits ….We were always hotter. “Would you like to see more” Hardy? “Sure that turns me on”. Then I pushed Melanie’s panties to the side “Look how small and narrow she is?”He swallowed a little ……” My God “he said …

“Dei-ne little has a really great pussy. “I opened Melanie’s thigh something to get a better insight into her column ……. stroked over her charm lips and massaged her clit. Hardy was stunned … “. Man alex..What are we actually doing here, that’s your little one “….”I know that I said … And that will remain so. “I pulled out her panties ….While Hardy opened the bra. Now she was naked and unpaid between us.

Melanie really didn’t notice anything from all of them, she was there, deep and firm sleeping. Perhaps due to the alcohol, I became braver and asked Hardy to carefully finger my little one. There were fantasies in my head for a long time that I could watch Melanie drives it with another. He was careful and stroked her tender. I said to him “we’ll move out” too “said. I looked at his cock, which was already stiff, exactly.

He resembled mine, might be a bit thicker. Hardy lay down between Melanie’s thighs and started licking them extensively ….While I massaged both tits from her and pulled to the buds. Horny I thought it was totally to see how my little one was licked. But now Melanie was slowly but surely awakening ….She stimulated something … totally dazed … and confused ….Sealed her a little. She groaned slightly ….Hmmmm ….Alex…. what are you doing? She didn’t seem to register at all that she was spoiled by two men.

Uaaah ….Alex said she kept sneaking again and again you licked wonderfully and she kept her eyes closed and joined her like an eel. “Yes mouse” I said “you like it?”” Ohhhh Jaaaaa. That feels good, ”she took her two hands between her thighs and caught on herself on the clit to string strikes, she kept her skirmishes apart ….and groaned ahhhhhh heeee! Without knowing who lay between her thighs, she enjoyed the leakage campaigns.

She was still totally dazed until she suddenly looked to the left and saw me. “Heeeeey ….How is that possible? Who to hell licks me there. You are up here and who is down there?“I calm down and just enjoy it, ok! Only now did she realize what happened here. She immediately raised her upper body and looked down “Hardy you?“Tell you both spins? You can’t just flatten me here? And you hardy, you don’t ashamed, you have a friend? What do you think you react if she knew it?”” Heey Schatz,.

It’s not that bad. You just turned us on … nothing more!”” How did you allow that to?“Then she jumped up and went to the bathroom …… she showered that you heard. We looked at ourselves affected, it was probably not a good idea. Now there is trouble. What do we do now? Both were still naked on the bed, the erections shrunk together. Melanie came out of the bathroom, dressed with a morning mantle she went into the kitchen and made a coffee.

She had calmed down again briefly came into the bedroom and asked “someone else coffee?”” Yes “we both said as if out of one mouth. …… she came back into the bedroom, put the coffee and laid on the bed, “so and now” she said? “Uhhhh … yeah!?!?!?! I don’t know, ”I said…. We are really sorry for Melanie, but you were so sexy that we couldn’t help it “. She looked at both of us. “You know ….Such a threesome has something … only what bothers me is the fact that I didn’t notice anything …

You exploited my helplessness ….that was not fair!“Yes, we both said reputable … and looked like little children on the Bo-Den ….Melanie seemed to please the situation ….And couldn’t help but grin on the cheeks. “Now it was quiet in the room. Melanie now took over the scepter and led the conversation to a judge that I would never have expected.

“Did you like it?“Both we nodded because it was horny and nice at the same time! “And you Alex, it turned on you when Hardy licked me?“Yes, answered I am pointed like neighboring Lumpi. Melanie looked at me lustful, opened her bathrobe and said if even then I want to experience it too. We looked at ourselves confused ….like right now!?!?!?! As a punishment, Alex will not make a rejection … no matter what happens…. OK? That was cheeky and exciting at the same time I thought.

So hardy come here and lick me like ….I didn’t trust my ears … so you want to continue, I said. Yes said Melanie but this time correctly that I can get it with it too. Hardy lay down between her. Thighs and licked the little pussy extensively. Come on my dearest give me your cock if a threesome is right then. I took out my spanking and put it in her mouth. At the same time I massaged the clit. Come high hardy give me your cock too.

Now she blew both tails at the same time …… Hmmmmm ….Ohhhhhhh … Jaaaaaaaaaa! Then I wanted to fuck her ….No she said … not you…. Hardy should start … To punish my little one … and grinned at me. I thought this bitch, a punishment and coercion at the same time. Melanie lay on her back. Go hardy fuck me! She took our cock and slowly put it in. Uaaaah … Yeah aaaaa …… continue she said …… she looked at me how do you like it ? Still turns you on? Yes….

Alex…..It does…..what is going on with you…..You are like replaced? Now she is turning … So that he could fuck her from behind … And again he pushed ……. Uaaaah ….Ahhhhhhh ….She said faster …… much faster …… jaaaaaa! I pushed my cock into her mouth ……. Let’s bitch ….I said…..Now it is enough for me ….go blas! Hardy fucks really well she said grinning and provoked me on the loud band … She kept looking at me. She lay down on the side, just don’t stop …

Look into my pussy ….She is horny and wet, look how it is fucked. Hardy had found a good rhythm almost completely out and then back to the eggs; while I was just blowing a blow. Look at alex she said she turned on the back and sat on him on it. She rode him like a wild jaaaaaaaa … come on…. Uaaaaaah ….Ohhhhhhhhh …… her little pussy was nicely taken and my cock stood like one but was unemployed …….

Because only he fucked her and that bothered me now …… Heeee…..What’s with me? Nothing said ……. raised her ass and said …… you get the second hole ….I want a sandwich ..! I was shocked…..Oh man…. My Melanie, I can’t do her again. Melanie leaned very far down and stretched out her butt. I drove along her Poritze with the penis tip, circled her hole, drove a little with the tip, my fingers distributed the moisture from her pub.

Again I put on my link, due to the lubrication of her hole I was able to slip a little deeper, the smile disappeared a little deeper in her hole, mela-nie groaned, she wanted to feel the limb in her bottom and drove me verballyto put it completely in her. I carefully pushed the limb into her tight buttocks to make it disappear after a few seconds, I pulled it back and forth, her exit continued to widen and the limb was completely over.

Melanie was damn tight because Hardy’s cock worked on her pussy, and initially it prepared a little pain to push the link back and forth, and to go back to Hardy, but the lust in us grew, the fucking movements became more violent, while Melanie was easy, while MelanieCircuming her buttocks, I was able to move my member faster and faster and the initial pointed screams by Melanie turned into a moan. The feeling was absolutely insane. While Melanie gasped and groaned and murmured something, but I couldn’t understand that because I was too busy editing her butt.

I felt the emerging orgasm again and tried to delay it for some time, but the view of Melanie’s butt, which was now moving faster and faster and the cocks that disappeared in her holes, did not allow any delay and so I could last in the lastWait my limb out and splashed Melanie, the entire load on the butt. We fucked all night. Again and again we shot our juice over your body-per, we all came 5 times until it got bright and everyone was in bed exhausted and finally fell asleep.

Pregnant or not????Risk of repetition …………………..Copyright at Madtscher6 2020. PS to smile2 friends talk about sex ……. Do you actually have nude pictures of your wife?…… you want what liking and commenting.

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