Father bangs his wife and gets appetite with the daughter’s friends | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The opera is only over when the fat woman has sung. Tom had to grin again over this old saying. The fat woman had already sung several times, but one end was still not in sight. He accompanied his wife, who was anything but fat, to the opera.

She did not insist, but it was always happy when he agreed. In the past, this had given him bigger problems. Although he was ready to recognize this musical form of dosage as art, but to this day he found no right access to it.

However, Tom had learned to shut down his state of consciousness so far that the procedure on stage no longer bothered him.

With a panic in the hall, however, he would have been the last one who would have noticed that. No, the penultimate one. He should have pulled his wife out of her deep admiration. They had met with friends of friends and he was able to observe with silent satisfaction that one of the men was far from reaching his state of mind.

He slipped back and forth restlessly. Then they finally made it. The curtain fell and, with honest joy, applauded Tom to the introduction of the all -round after -work.

They met in the foyer for a drink and all looked very relaxed. Some because they had enjoyed the performance of having survived the others out of relief.

Your entertainment was correspondingly in a good mood. Tom let his eyes wander over the other visitors and got stuck on slim silhouettes a few times. Whatever the time, he had to imagine in the opera at the sight of attractive women what her sex life looked like. On other occasions at work or in leisure time, he rarely had this thought.

Silke and Peter soon said goodbye because they had to replace the babysitter. Tom relaxed even more on this topic.

At the end of thirties his wife Julia and he already had this topic behind him. They had just become twenty when theirs Daughter was born. Ultimately unprepared, panicked and headless they had fallen into pregnancy.

All plans seemed to be at least on ice, unless suddenly unreachable from their point of view. Then everything had changed through the miracle of the grandparents. They were able to study appropriately, take the first steps in professional life and expand them well. Now her daughter Lisa became of legal age, had her own plans and the parents were able to rethink their lives again.

Your friends were at the very beginning. Tom said goodbye to her funds and looked at them for a moment.

“You think the same thing as me?”

Julia had noticed his gaze and immediately guessed his thoughts.

“Freedom and melancholy?”

“Freedom and melancholy.”

Tom had to laugh and put his wife in his arms. He kissed her tenderly and enjoyed her exciting perfume.

They now had the freedom that they always believed to miss, and yet it was a strange feeling that their daughter would soon go their own way. They chatted with their friends for a while and then divided apart. On the way back they talked relaxed and were finally happy to be at home after a hard day. They drank a glass of wine together and then wanted to end the evening.

Julia ran up the stairs in front of Tom and he admired her elegant walk and her slim body.

They were already together for twenty years and Julia’s attraction on Tom was unbroken. She had changed, as they had changed in this long time, but she was still very strong. While Tom pulled out his suit and hung away, he watched his wife to take off her dress.

Her slim body was slowly visible, only covered by the beautiful lingerie she was wearing.

She had noticed his eyes and smiled quietly. It made her proud and happy that Tom reacted so much to her. In some of her friends, the tension between the partners was lost or noticeable.

Her dress was slowly exposed to the holding stockings and slid down her long legs. With her high heels she got out of the dress and ironed it on. None of her movements remained unnoticed. Elegant and erotic, she came past her husband, who was somewhat lost in his underwear in his underwear.

“If you come to the bathroom or do you want to take root here?”

Julia giggled and turned to him again with a lascivious eyes.

A jerk went through Tom as if it had been turned on again.

“Uh what? Sorry, of course.”

Tom watched her combing her long blond hair while he himself fought with his toothbrush. Again and again their eyes touched in the mirror.

“You should talk to Lisa once. I think she has some own ideas about how many friends would like to invite you to your party.”

“We hadn’t agreed on 30?”

“True. In the meantime, however, she seems to have arrived at 50.

And don’t let yourself be wrapped up, you hear? 30 people and none more.”

“What does that mean? When I talk to my daughter, she always does what I tell her.”

Julia laughed out loud but friendly.

“Oh Tom, you can in the company And even against mine Father push through. You give at the football Still the tone. But if your daughter asks you for something, you will be soft. You could never dismiss her and at some point her opinion was yours.”

She still laughed and continued the brush.

Tom pulled her a grimace. He knew she was right. Julia turned to him.

“And you are a wonderful man who still makes me sharp. Like today.”

She kissed the now somewhat surprised Tom.

Through their high heels they faced each other at eye level. Her tongue penetrated into his mouth and her hands on his body let him feel a pleasant shower. Tom and Julia had an intact and lively sex life, but after a visit to the opera, Julia was usually particularly excited and often took the initiative. Maybe that was secretly a reason that sweetened Tom visiting the opera.

He returned her kiss and also let his hands hike over her body. They explored their body powerfully but tenderly, stroking their beautiful breasts and their crispy buttocks. Julia’s mouth was sighed by a sigh.

“Lisa is at Anna?“Whispered her up into his ear.

“If she doesn’t have a lover with whom she plays around in his parents’ bathroom, she is with Anna.”

“That’s good.”

Julia loosened out of his hug and slowly crouched. She pushed his panties down and threaded Tom impatiently.

His already half -zealous and stately tail was right in front of her face. He felt the hot breath on his tube and on his testicles while she looked in his eyes incessantly. Your tongue slowly and wide over the length of the shaft.

“That is very good.”

The glans disappeared into her hot mouth and Tom groaned. With slow movements she moistened his cock and then moved faster.

Tom closed his eyes and put his head back. It was an indescribably good and horny feeling for him to put in her mouth. He always liked that. Julia also excited his hardness with her lips, teeth and her tongue and manipulating him.

She let his glans penetrate further than usual and already felt and heard her choking her. But it didn’t go on and she broke off. His cock left her mouth briefly, and her lips stroked the long shaft. He looked at her in disbelief and saw the mischievous flash in her eyes.

Again she took him in her mouth and spoiled him skillfully. His moan, which she excited so much, came back. He already felt a new attempt. Again his glans slid deep into her and again threatened to fail.

Her chokes didn’t sound nice for him, but then she did it. His cock slid into the confines of her neck and with surprise and sudden excitement, Tom almost hosed. The treacherous twitch was there but he managed to control himself.

With the narrow and lust that he now felt, he did not see her strange attitude and the tons of saliva that ran over her chin on her breasts and the floor.

Tom could only concentrate on this special surprise. He had started making his own movements in her throat and felt how she came towards him. It couldn’t take long, that was clear to them both. And Julia wanted to know.

Now she didn’t let go of him and felt the well -known twitch again. Her husband’s groaning and gasping became louder and finally he exploded in a cry. Thrust around pushing he poured into his wife’s throat and twisted his eyes delighted. His body stiffened and then trembled slightly.

Julia had started to stroke herself at some point. When she felt his orgasm and the large river ended, they let themselves go too. She didn’t have a real orgasm but it was so nice that she could wait relaxed his relaxation. However, the thick cock in her neck presented her with bigger problems than she thought, because breathing was much more difficult for her.

When she calmed down, Tom freed her from his hard pipe and pulled her up. He kissed her consuming and exhausted but happily answered her. Only then did Tom be the special red her face and her cleavage. And how wet her skin was.

Julia beamed at him.

“I wanted to try that for a long time. I finally had the courage and the right situation.”

“It was a crazy feeling and blew me up. From me you can always do that now.”

“Something special should remain,” she grinned at him.

They went closely to their bedroom and snuggled up on the bed. Julia enjoyed lying in his strong arms.

She cleverly prevented him from reducing him and kept feeling her firm breasts or sliding tenderly with her hand over the inside of his thighs. There was another guilt here and she absolutely wanted to demand it. Her pats approached more and more of his middle of the body, her kisses became more and more passionate. When she felt that he reacted to her again, she attached his wonderful cock to.

He belonged to her. Like a snake, she walled in his hug, excited herself to reaction to her. His ever greater pipe felt just horny. Tom’s first loud groan took her to act as a signal.

With her legs spread wide, she headed down on her husband and slowly introduced his big companion.

Their moaning together filled the room. The movements became faster and eventually more uncontrolled. Julia enjoyed with your eyes closed and felt strong hands on her breasts. With a cry she finally reached her fulfillment and felt shortly afterwards how Tom’s hot cock twitched into her.

Exhausted and satisfied, she dropped to him and she sank in a passionate kiss.

The next morning was also reserved for Tom and Julia. After an extensive and late breakfast, Julia disappeared into the garden and Tom devoted himself extensively to his newspaper. The calm was over around noon. Lisa was back and had a big appearance with the usual bang of the front door.

And it was immediately clear that this disturbance would be sustainable. Tom heard the chatter from three other young women. He recognized Anna and typed Franzi and Emilia. His guess was confirmed when the four stormed the living room with Lisa in advance.

“Hi Papa. I brought the girls with me. It doesn’t bother you when we go into the garden?”

He got his kiss and the rays of her face made the disturbance of disturbance and sudden excitement in the house take a back seat. Her friends also greeted him.

“Hi Lisa.

I have a different choice? You are already there, my calm is gone and the weekend is over.“He grinned at his daughter. “What should I have about it? Get out with you into the garden. And if you get bored, you can help mom.”

He got another kiss and the crowd disappeared in the garden with a laugh. Sighly, Tom got up a short time later and was amazed at how much energy you could lose within twenty years.

He cleaned up a little and went through the things he had to do in his head again. His eyes fell through the large terrace window onto the four young women. They lay on the deck chairs in scarcest bikinis and old ones in the sun. Tom already knew all four as children, with their parents they were partly good friends.

It was hard to believe for him what attractive women had become. Of course he knew his daughter and she stood her Mother in no way. So far, he had not really noticed her friends as women. Her slim bodies, the long legs and the already beautifully developed breasts captivated his eyes.

He really had to tear himself away.

The big sunglasses gave them a sophisticated appearance and increased the erotic factor for Tom again. He made his plans to put on his plans and first wanted to do his tasks in the garden. He apologized to himself that he was finally just a man.

Smiling he moved and foregoing a T-shirt. He wanted to present himself to the young women with a naked upper body. Perhaps he was able to get an appreciative smile with his fitness studio -stated muscles even in another generation. He was aware that this was putting the distance that he should actually maintain.

After all, he was the experienced and adult man. It was also clear to him that his plan was certainly embarrassing from several perspectives. However, he decided to whistle on it.

So he entered the garden with shorts and sunglasses and the reactions were actually the same as he hoped.

The women’s conversation ended immediately. While three pairs of eyes looked at him in disbelief and admiringly, he saw on the face of his daughter an expression that he made aware of having to endure an adequate behavior in public later in the public. However, Tom enjoyed his appearance and started relaxing to pursue his tasks.

“The old Gockel would like to test its effect on the young chicks again?”

Tom was startled when he heard his wife’s voice behind him.

Of course she had looked through him.
“The chicks have grown up to hens, as I just noticed. But of course that has nothing to do with the fact that it is really hot in the sun today. It is better to work with free torso.”

“You didn’t really want to go by car? How is it that you have changed your plans so abruptly? I think old goat affects it better than old gocks.”

Julia laughed warmly. She came up to him and kissed him slightly.

Her hands stroked his muscles.

“You are an attractive and great man. And you don’t need such appearances because your sovereignty alone seems very erotic. In addition, there is no such young vegetables to start with a man like you.”

Her hand stroked his hosen seam and Tom felt his cock stiffened as on the command.

She intensified hers massage and breathed erotic into his ear.

“I know that very well and will prove it to you later.”

Julia let him go and laughed warm again.

“But only when you have survived your daughter’s preaching preaching. Because she cooks.”

He could convince himself later. Lisa was really angry with him and felt his appearance more than embarrassing.

Throughout the afternoon she had to listen from her friends how great her father would look. She had trouble bringing the girls on another topic. Tom apologized with her with her. As a offer of peace, he therefore offered to go to the party in the evening that they wanted to go and to pick them up again.

Lisa fell around his neck and thanked him exuberantly. Public public transport was the terms of an unknown language for them.

“For this offer you really earned your strange appearance from before. Thank you, Dad.”

Lisa now left him standing and immediately excitedly grabbed her cell phone so that she could tell her friends the good news. Tom has liked this day very well so far.

The weather was great, there were no stressful tasks and, what it looked like, he had made five women happy the last night. And the day was not over yet. He wanted to take the promise of Julia’s word. Tom had to grin and could hardly wait for them to be alone.

“Can you borrow your black high heels, mom?”

They sat at dinner together and Lisa had a few details for the party to clarify.

“You mean that with the 12cm heels? Can you run on it?”

“I secretly tried it a few times.“Lisa giggled, but also looked a little carefully at her mother.

“At first it was difficult but over time it was getting better and better.”

“So so. So with time. I’ve only had the shoes for three months. You have probably already affected her more often than me.“Your gaze was amused.

“Why do you want to go to a party with such shoes? Otherwise that’s not your style.”

“We are planning a big appearance today. Light black and high shoes. Something else.”
“It doesn’t have anything to do with a certain David?”

Lisa got a little red, but managed to look her mother in the face.


“So David. Do i know him? May I just have to pick up Anna and the other two girls?”


Lisa was indignant.

Tom was always a bit jealous when it came to his daughter’s friends and always had something to complain about. He tried not to show the opposite of his daughter, but knew that it didn’t work. He also fell the latent fear that she could surprise her parents with a sudden pregnancy. But now he had only tried to be funny.

Julia ended the topic immediately.

“Everything is fine, Tom. David is a nice guy. Your daughter also knows what she is doing. And of course you can have the shoes.”

“Thank you Mama”

Tom grinned and got a friendly Knuff from Lisa.

She got up to get ready for the party. For Tom felt like hours later she came down the stairs and presented herself to her parents. In fact, she already managed to run in her mother’s shoes with a certain elegance. At first glance, the dress was too short and too narrow for her father.

Julia’s warning look at him and the honest smile on Lisa, but let him swallow his reservations. He had to admit that she looked really good. And Lisa beamed all over the face.

They drove off and Tom collected the friends after the other.

Four young and exceptionally attractive women were now sitting in his car and Tom had to be very concentrated with all the visual ends and the perfume fragrances. Anna in particular was very impressed by him. Everything about her was a trace of more seductive than with the other women. The cleavage of her mini dress in particular almost left his mouth open to him.

And as if it had been intentional, she greeted him with a special eye premium. He felt the effect on his hardening tail. After a challenge for his concentration, he took off the girls and drove back. He didn’t get Anna’s cleavage and her boots out of his head.

His excitement was still not afraid when he parked the car on the driveway and closed the front door behind him. It was strange in the house.


Tom got no answer and shrugged with his shoulders. However, with the exception of the house, there was nowhere. Then he saw a note on the stairs and when he came closer to lift him, he saw the message.

“Search for me!”

He smiled and knew that the evening would bring exactly what it had promised a few hours ago.

And he felt his imagination growing his cock. It was almost painful. First he searched on the upper floor, but there was only darkness there. He had already seen from the hallway that there was no light in the living room.

His next idea was the party cellar. But here, too, he only received emptiness. Where could she be? Now he looked again in the living room. As he expected, he didn’t find his wife there but he saw a weak lighting on the terrace.

He went closer to the large panoramic window curiously. And there he saw her. Julia was on a sun lounger in a much too scarce bikini, which was almost blown up by her big and firm breasts. He recognized the little piece of fabric and the sunglasses as the property of his daughter and now knew what was played here.

The only difference to the scene in the afternoon with the four young women was that she was wearing exciting high heels. She grown in the pleasant warmth of this summer evening.

She saw him stand by the window and smiled seductively. Her long hair was braided and Tom had to grin. As in the afternoon, he pulled out his shirt and entered the terrace with a bare torso.

Only now did he see the open bottle in the bucket filled with ice.

“Good day beautiful woman. I hope you enjoy your stay on our terrace. As I see, you have made the right choice of clothing for the temperatures. A sparkling wine is made.

May I invite you to a glass?”

Her smile was now less seductive than mischievous.

“Hello Mr. Baumer. Finally they are back. I also wanted to go to the party and they probably forgot me. That’s why I thought I used your wonderful terrace in the beautiful weather.

You like my bikini? Hopefully he’s not too pushy for you? But what else can you wear in this weather?”

She sighed a little theatrically and briefly spread her legs. Tom’s view of the movement automatically went into the movement. He saw the contours of her labia under the tight panties and had to swallow.

“I am happy to take a glass of sparkling wine.

In this heat I get so thirsty, you know?”

Her played-naive eyes drove him crazy. Tom filled the glasses and handed her one. In one train she drank it.

“Please give me again, Mr. Baumer.”

Again she drank it on a train.

Your gaze and your voice became lascivious.

“Your muscles are great. A real man, no boy. Oh, sorry, Mr. Baumer, I didn’t want to say that. The sparkling wine makes me completely … nervous.”

Her eyes and her voice color almost brought him out of the concept.

Tom gave in and sat down on her couch. He had turned off his empty glass. One hand was near her high heels. He firmly fixed her with his eyes.

“I would like to calm you down if you are nervous.”

His hand slowly stroked her shoes and ankle.

He could see how the hair roots of her smooth skin turn out briefly. A barely noticeable sigh came over her lips.

“Know your parents where they are? Not that they are worried.”

“Mr. Baumer! I am of legal age. I can do what I want. It is not the nervousness you mean.

It is so exciting to sit alone on his terrace with an experienced and strong man. I only know the boys my age. And then they come. That makes me nervous with the sparkling wine.

Huuuuh. But they don’t want to take advantage of the situation, Mr. Baumer?”

He continues to stroke her leg upside down. Her sighs were by no means played, but she was definitely not nervous. Rather excited.

Tom continued to stroke her leg. Externally. He enjoyed watching their mine game. Tom knew that she was as excited as he had been waiting for these moments since the afternoon.

“I just feared that they could be cold, so I wanted to give them the warmth of my hand.

And now I feel what kind of wonderful skin you have. I have never felt such a wonderfully soft and tight skin.”

The hand continued up her leg. Julia had now spread her again and was open to him. The fingers of their absolute pleasure zone came closer and closer.

Lusters licked her lips.

“But I can understand if that should be uncomfortable for you. If you wish, I would be happy to do without your wonderful skin.”

He stopped his hand and her almost panicked reaction was only partially played.

“Please! No! It feels good and I know that such a great man as she won’t take advantage of this situation.“She bit her on the lower lip and a little hesitantly added:“ Please continue.”

He continued to stroke her panties. He stayed briefly and then stroked her slim waist with both hands.

Her sighs seemed almost disappointed. He reached her breasts and carefully stroked her underside.

“I have never seen that a woman as young as she is, has such fantastic breasts. It seems to me like a miracle. Allow me to take a closer look? Of course I would understand that if you didn’t want to give me such a gift.”

“Mr. Baumer! But that goes too far now.“She looked at him indignantly, closed her legs and pulled her to herself.

Then her gaze changed. “Do you really think that my breasts are something special? You have probably seen many others who are more beautiful than mine. They make fun of me, Mr. Baumer.”

Tom almost had to laugh at her snapped face.

“Believe me, it is the most beautiful I have ever seen in my life.”

“Really?“She beamed all over her face.

“I trust them, Mr. Baumer.”

Julia Tom had a short hesitation. Then she picked up the closure, took her hands to the full breasts with hesitant hesitation and a shy look and then slowly pulled the top. Her husband looked briefly at the wonderful hemispheres and then into her bright eyes. His strong hands now surrounded her breasts and elicited a sigh.

He leaned over her face and kissed her. She greedily picked up his tongue and passionately replied this first kiss. Her hands initially included his neck and then hiked over his upper body. His muscles excited her and she wanted more now.

Your whispering voice sounded a bit rough.

“Is there too. The brats have excited you. I saw it and felt it. I would have wanted to seduce you immediately this afternoon.”

She felt a hand left her breasts and wandered into her panties.

Excited she groaned as a finger played her pearl around. Her abdomen pressed towards his hand.

“I want you now. Get it out here.”

“Can you promise not to scare away the whole neighborhood?

“Uuuh … I do my best, but I don’t promise anything.”

“It must be enough. Stand up, stand on the wall and stretch your horny ass towards me.

Fortunately you have high heels, that makes it easier.”

He let off from her and she fulfilled his wish. It was great how she pushed his butt on him. Immediately he was with her and pulled her panties over her long legs. The smell of her lust made him become even more greedy after his beautiful wife.

He quickly straightened up and opened his pants as she wiggled her butt impatiently. When she felt his big acorn on her pussy, she groaned again excitedly. She bit her lips when she finally felt him and he slowly pushed into her narrow channel. As always, it was a unique feeling.

Finally he was completely in her and she had to concentrate very much so as not to moan loudly. Surprised but pleasantly she gasped when Tom hit her hard on her bare butt.

“Now I will take your teen pussy really hard. Let’s see if you like that.”

She wanted to reply, but the hard bumps that started immediately wiped it away. The feeling of always feeling his big and hard cock up to the attack went through and through her thoroughly.

Her whole body was recorded and the lust was wearing it like a wave of it. His hands made her swinging breasts hard and she felt her nipples being pulled. Tom’s cock worked in her ever faster and penetrating in her. All concentration was now gone and she groaned her lust into the mild summer night.

The orgasm came up with it and shook them through. She threw her head into ecstasy and then felt Toms twitching again. Thrust around thrust she picked up his juice and the energy transferred to its climax. His gasp and wheezing were wonderful and she knew that she just didn’t want to feel or experience anything else.

Julia enjoyed the wonderful feelings extensively. She still felt filled with it and defended herself to perceive other impressions than her declining orgasm and her beloved man.

“Who would have believed that your embarrassing, funny appearance of this day at noon leads to such horny sex.”

Julia turned her head and kissed her husband.

“The answer is simple. You believed in it.

And you raised a wonderful and horny game. I couldn’t help it into your trap. And now let’s go in. After all, Lisa is not in the house … “

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