Erotic picnic | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

This story is fictitious … However, I would not mind if this imagination is true 🙂 ..

When we met for the first time last week, you immediately enchanted me. We spent a nice evening in the park, laughed a lot and got on right away.

How much I was looking forward to seeing you again today. We have to one Cycling tour Ailed to the Elbe.

I am at our meeting point too early and terribly excited. Fortunately you don’t let me wait long. We hug ourselves and I can smell the wonderful scent of your perfume. You just look dazzling.

It starts in sunshine and pleasant spring temperatures.

Again we have a lot to tell ourselves and sometimes don’t get out of laughing. In addition, we enjoy the beautiful landscape and at some point find a particularly beautiful place on the Elbe.

It’s time for a little picnic that I have prepared. We made ourselves comfortable on the ceiling, sitting almost directly on the water and are completely undisturbed.

Over time, we get closer and exchange deep looks. You are so pretty and your sensual charisma fascinates me … I want to kiss you and while I am still considering how I best overcome my shyness, I feel your lips on mine. You kiss me and yours very gently Tongue looking for her way.

I am electrified, your kisses take my breath away ..

I am incredibly warm and that shouldn’t just be due to the temperatures. Now we want to test how cold the water is. Shoes and socks have moved out quickly, the pants are rolled up a bit and we are already in the water with our feet. A welcome cooling, but after a few minutes it gets too cold.

We lie back on the soft blanket in the middle of the grasses and bushes on the banks of the Elbe and immediately we start again with our tongue games.

I hold you in my arms and feel the warmth of your body. You smell so good and stimulating. At some point you carefully dissolve from my hug and sit on me. Your hands slide under my shirt towards my breasts and then under mine bra.

You massage mine with two fingers Nipple, First very carefully and then a little firmer. I escape a quiet moan – your touches excite me.

I am still below you and when I bend upwards to kiss you, you skillfully take the opportunity to open my bra. I look around again and find that we really looked for an undisturbed place.

Then I patrol my shirt and my bra. I stroke your back while we kiss and also open your bra. Your shirt has moved out quickly and so I can caress your beautiful breasts. My tongue plays with your nipples that are getting harder.

First gently and then a little demanding I suck on your nipples. My hands stroke your back and the more I feel your excitement and hear how you groan very quietly, the more my fingernails scratch you carefully.

Then you push me back onto the ceiling and lie down on me. It makes me incredibly horny to feel your body on mine and kiss you.

My hands grab your butt and I pull you even more firmly to me. You can easily rub your thigh. I realize that I’m already quite damp and excited. As if you had guessed my thoughts, your hand wanders towards my pants.

You first open my belt and then my pants. Gently and yet determined you start, mine pussy to fondle. Your touches drive me crazy and it’s just awesome how you touch me.

I want to spoil you too, and so we quickly pull our pants together with underwear out of. Immediately you lie back on me so that we can stroke each other.

Your pussy feels incredibly exciting – your hot labia are swollen and you are wonderfully wet. I penetrate with two Finger Into you and fuck yourself very slowly. Then I pull my fingers out and massage your clit. I enjoy how your hands touch my pussy and make the tingling almost unbearable ..

I try not to moan too loudly, even if it is very difficult for me.

It seems to you the same way and after a few minutes you whisper my ear that you come right away. I amplifying the pressure of my movements, you press yourself firmly to me and then your pulsating heartbeat lets me know that you have come ..

Your lust also excites me and so it doesn’t take long for me to come to orgasm too. You stay on me for a while, we kiss and enjoy the moment. It was damn hot with you and this time we don’t just limit the cooling to ours Feet..

… we dare to jump into the Elbe and splash around a little in the water until it gets too cold for us again.

We snuggle into the ceiling, let the water pearls dry on our skin from the sun and our lips still cannot leave each other. We tell ourselves about our fantasies and slowly we get horny again ..

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