The horny neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It is Friday evening. On the table in front of me there is a deliciously sacrament. Well meal is a little exaggerated, just a few breads, nothing extraordinary so. I sit on the couch and stare at things in front of me.

The calm is only disturbed by a few unpleasant greater noises that my stomach emits. He thinks I should start eating slowly. Well if he thinks I should do him a favor. So I enjoy my dinner with relish.

For a while I sat there and ate.

As I ate so I thought about what I should do all evening. Since my parents went to the theater almost an hour ago, this means that this evening the entire apartment is only there for me. A whole evening all alone, wonderful.

But what should I do with it now? Questions about questions, I should just go away? No, I don’t feel like it today and besides, the free booth would not really help me. Should I order a small, cute hostess in the house, as I had sometimes done? A look at my Portmohnais tells me that this is not a real alternative today.

And call a friend? I don’t really think of the right one. It’s already a whine since me my girlfriend Had left 2 weeks ago. An alternative would be any porn? No, basically it won’t work, so now I would have to get out and go to the video store. So there is only one thing, a boring television evening.

I am unwillingly switching on the television.

News is coming. Of course only pictures of war, dead, displacement and other atrocities. But that doesn’t bother me anymore, with relish I keep eating my dinner. The messages, I think, are once again so incredibly boring and absolutely unscathing as nothing else.

There is nothing really new in the world.

I just pushed my last cuts into myself. The news is currently bringing tomorrow’s weather. Once again it should rain. Somehow the weather somehow does not bring a change in my “sad” daily life.

So I start clearing the table. Everything, nicely clean and neatly placed on a tray and in it in the kitchen. On the way back into the living room I literally stumble across a package that is inappropriate in the hallway. Curious how I am, I cannot resist the temptation to look at the address.

The package is intended for our neighbors. In the moment I read the address, I remembered it again. My mom had told me earlier that I should bring the package over to our neighbors in the hallway. Because they weren’t at home this afternoon, it had mine Mother assumed.

Hmm to my neighbors, so that could be quite funny tonight, I think so with myself.

A little more television and then I will hand in the package over there. Returned back to my place runs explosively on television. Let’s see what there is to look today, what gruesome we are interested in today. Hardly set, the advertising begins, actually typical.

I inevitably take the remote control and start to drop through a wide variety of programs. Such a notorious, super -intelligent soap opera is running on a broadcaster. I would normally switch on, but something like that suits my thoughts and my mood today. Today I need something like that.

Sunk in my thoughts, there is still a little bright spot in the evening sky today, a little change in the half -dark evening.

I hope that our neighbors are there, maybe there is a little entertainment again. Our neighbors are still quite young, 2 months ago they only married. She has just turned 30, he’s already about 36. Basically, the two are very nice people.

For their wedding they gave a small party for all residents down in the courtyard. And I had a very interesting talk to my neighbor. She really sprayed with charm.

I like it extraordinarily, I have to admit that.

In the past, about a year ago, they had just moved in, my heart always started beating violently when I met her. At that time I was really in love with her, and since talking to her at the party, this feeling has been flown back in me again quietly. Oh, her figure is just great, as I like it, big breasts, round bottom, slim figure and she still looks stunningly beautiful. She is a real dream woman.

Even then I sometimes dreamed of her at night. She seduced me, we did things that I had never done until then. Of course I satisfied myself with these thoughts. Yes, one night with her, that would be just the thing for tonight.

Oh yes, you can dream again.

I stay with these thoughts for a few more minutes. You are just too beautiful. But some time later I stand in front of our neighbors and have the ominous packet in my hand. Slowly I press the bell button.

Behind the door, it rings. For some time, I ring the doorbell a second time. It rings again.
Now noises come out of the door. Now I can hear steps.

A short time later the door opens. The sight of me seconds later overwhelms me. My neighbor is in the door, only dressed with a silk bathrobe. Her long, blond hair falls loose over her shoulder.

Her bright blue eyes look at me something of erotic that my knees start to shred me.
With a smile on her lips, she asks me “Yes please. “Only after a short moment, did I recover from the sight and answer her with a dry tongue.

“This package came for you today. My mom has accepted it for you. Well and now I wanted to bring it over.

“I pass the package in your direction.
” Oh thank you. Do I have to pay for it? “While she asks me that, she looks at me as innocently as if that were the most lapid question in the world. Maybe it is too, but for me and my thoughts was and is no longer succinct. Without responding to your question, I only stare at her.

” N/a?!?!?!?! “It tore me out of my thoughts.

Somehow I should answer her too. But what was your question again? I have to pull myself together now. Oh yes, the money. I don’t reply with her not exactly rhetorically happily.
” I think so.

My mom said it was on the package. “We both look at the package. As she prevents herself, her bathrobe opens slightly. What is offered to me almost brings me to the mind.

She only has a top bra. Below you can guess that she does not wear panties. In the darkness of the bathrobe, your love cavity can be recognized correctly. Suddenly my blood flows to me.

I notice how I get a bang of red. Is that embarrassed to me, right now at that moment.

It just has to be noticed, because to overlook, I think it is probably not. But I can’t read any reaction to it on her face.

Only a smile plays around her corner of your mouth. But that worries me inside. What should I think of that? I expected any other reaction, but nothing of the sort. I am not prepared for that.

She now leans even deeper, so that I get a deeper insight into her wonderful body.

After a while we discovered the price. She looks at me and says “If you have a moment, then I’ll get you the money. “I give her to understand with a violent nod that I would have a lot of time. Because you can see you for a while is guaranteed to be more exciting than television.

She still looks at me and I can no longer avoid this fascinating look.

With a ray on the face and with an erotic sparkle in her eyes, she asks me in that I don’t have to wait in the cold of the hallway, she says. Only slowly her words penetrate into my brain winnings. She asks me in, just inconsistent. I shouldn’t be told that twice, or?“Don’t you want to come in? “With these words she tore me out of my thoughts.

She still has her incomparable smile on her lips. I enter your apartment a little hesitantly. Behind me she closes the apartment door and immediately disappears into the living room.

For a while I’ve been around in my beautiful neighbor’s hallway and wait for her to appear again. Enough time to let the events of the last few minutes go through your head again.

The more I think about it, the more embarrassing and unpleasant to me my behavior. Yes, I think I found myself quite well embarrassed with my behavior and that in front of my beautiful neighbor. And I stand in their apartment now. I look around in the hallway unsettled.

Actually there is not much to discover here. But what do you not do to bridge the time. I am still standing at the door and waiting for it to come back. Slowly I get even more nervous than I am already.

You can’t need that long to get DM 25.00?After about 5 minutes, I guess the room door opens again. My neighbor comes towards me with the DM 25.00. She still wears the silk bathrobe. As they

The money is enough for me, my knees are involuntarily trembling.

I don’t know what’s going on with me at that moment, but I would do everything I can to spend a night with my neighbor today. I notice to repeat the blood in my head. With a disarming smile and the still sparkling eyes, she looks at me.

She speaks quietly to me “Here Michael is the money. “She pauses.

A small but effective tension break is created between us. My nervousness continues to increase.
“You don’t have to get red straight away. But I think that’s cute. “With these words, my embarrassment increases to immeasurable.

I easily lower my gaze that I do not have to look into her wonderful eyes anymore.

“Do you have some time? “She just asks me out that way. This question surprises me. I stand in front of her completely perplexed. It takes a few moments for me to caught so far.

But what should I answer her? There is only one answer.
“Uh, Mmm … Yes, actually I had nothing to do for today. “I stood towards her.

“I think”, she continues, “I have something that might be interested in? If you bring a little time, I promise you an evening that you will never forget. “Your words sound like me in my ears.

For a few seconds she lets me stand in front of her uncommented. Only a cheeky smile is lies above her face. In my thoughts the events overturn. Surprised and surprised, I can’t even think clearly.

What should I do now? The decision is basically simple and simple, I should stay here. But the right words just don’t come over my lips.

We still stand in front of each other and look at each other. For me it is getting more and more embarrassing. How should it go on? For me my beautiful neighbor uneasy this embarrassing situation.

Without my rejection, which was not present in itself, she tenderly takes my hand and pulls me gently. Slowly it opens the living room door. In doing so, she looks into my eyes outrageously. What does she have with me? Everything overturns in me.

My thoughts turn wildly. My heart begins to insist wildly. And again the red’s face rises because I just imagine what could happen today. Hardly thought, the doubts come with me.

No something like that can’t happen to me. Certainly she has something else with me? But what? With every second I become more restless inside. Together we enter the living room hand in hand.

Visibly confused, I stand behind my neighbor in the door to her living room. The room is only illuminated by a slightly reddish glow.

Quiet, gentle tones of a cuddle title penetrate my ear. I still couldn’t take a look into the room. But my neighbor’s beautiful back is also a promising view. This should rapidly change.

My neighbor turns around with a skilful swing and takes a step aside. I will probably not forget the next sight my whole life. It is indescribable and exceeds everything I can only imagine with my gray cells.

The furniture has been cleared throughout the living room. Nothing stood where it should normally be.

Everything was set aside, so that a large free space was created in the middle of the room. The table, which is actually in front of the corner couch, is now on the side. On this there is an open bottle of red wine and in front of it 3 filled glasses. In addition to the couch, a low table made of chrome -plated metal with a glass plate was placed.

I would estimate just 30 cm high. On it there are a whole selection of lovers and other interesting utensils. Particularly striking, I find the large, silver vibrator.

There is a small lamp in the corner that creates the light in the room. And burning candles are distributed everywhere in the room.

There is an indescribable mood in this room.
The large, free space in the middle of the room is taken into account by a large fur blanket. What to do on the blanket suddenly becomes clear to me when I have the wonderful Angel Discover, which is completely naked on the fur in front of me. This angel is my neighbor’s girlfriend. I had seen her a few times before when she was sitting in the courtyard with my neighbor or both sonnen below.

Of course also at the wedding party at the time, she was there and helped our neighbors. Even then I was able to imagine more with her, but today it exceeds everything.

I still stand in the door. My neighbor nasty into the room towards the fur blanket. My gaze does not turn a millimeter of the beautiful woman in the evas costume in front of me.

With pleasure, they are recovered under my eyes on the fluffy surface.

She really enjoys being looked at, even stared at. I am unable to solve my gaze from her.
My neighbor closes the door behind me. A quiet rustling behind my back. Without let me distract me from it, my eyes hike over the wonderful body in front of me, over the plump breasts with their delicate pink tops over the beautiful face framed by black, curly hair, over their small round buttocks,And last but not least, her love triangle ties me, which she willingly stretches towards me.

Now she straightens up in an incredibly erotic way.

Her incredible hip swing brings me to the mind. Your breasts adapt smoothly to every smallest movement. She is slowly moving towards me. Only now do you notice her great, graceful and indescribably long legs.

We both look in the eye. Our eyes meet. I switched off my brain a few minutes ago. Unleashed eroticism, lust and lust sprays her whole body towards me.

Standing in front of me, your bewitching fragrance flows towards me. Not only now is a clearly visible bump in my pants. The beauty in front of me drives me crazy.

She gently approaches mine with her lips. I let it happen.

Shortly afterwards we kiss wildly and unpleasant. With her damp and erotic tongue she penetrates between my lips. It was like a starting shot for me. I just couldn’t keep my hands with me anymore.

I hug the horny grace and let my fingers roam over her back. All my thoughts are only geared towards enjoy. Incredible minutes pass. Nacrifies our lips.

And again we pierce the other with our eyes. We both want the same. Something like that has never happened to me. With her eyes she shows me exactly what she wants from me.

And that’s exactly what I want to give her too. But that doesn’t cost me any further overcoming.

“So we can’t leave the little one here, or Kathi? So it doesn’t suit us at all. I think he has too much, or? “She says to my neighbor, who had posted herself behind me for a while. But what about the “little one”, I am not so small and inexperienced again either.

But the beauty in front of me can say everything to me today.

A short blinking and both start to take me out. First my sweater, then the training pants, in which something is very clear. Finally, the shirt and underpants, and a short time later I am completely splinter -fiber in the room. Impored and unsafe I let my eyes sink down.

Somehow the situation is a bit embarrassed to me. My neighbor’s girlfriend lifts my chin up with one hand, so that I can no longer avoid her gaze in any way. Your message is clear and clear to discover in your eyes, I want you, we want you and that tonight. This message is exactly what I wanted.

Both women take one hand from me and accompany me to the small table.

Between the two beauties, right next to me Kathi, my neighbor and left your beautiful friend I suddenly become unsure. A false feeling in the stomach shows me that the whole situation of my direction is completely evade. Everything the two want to do with me, I let myself be done with me.
Slowly I let my eyes slide to the right. She has now also got rid of her clothes.

She has put her top bra, now the view of her oversized breasts is free. They gently swing back and forth gently. Your profile completely brings me to the mind.

We are now in front of the table with the wine bottle and the glasses. My neighbor is enough for each of us one of the filled wine glasses.

When she holds the glass towards me and I grasp it, our eyes meet. In her eyes, this indescribable sparkle is, which has also been manifested with her girlfriend. She raises her glass, and the woman next to me does it the same. A little hesitantly I join the two graces.

My neighbor starts a small drinking saying, “on us and for the coming hours. “Everyone has a little sip of the red wine.

“Come on, let’s drink brotherhood. “It penetrates my ear from the left. Three pairs of eyes look at.

And all three are of the opinion that that should happen now. First I drink on brotherhood with my neighbor. By hand by holding the glasses, we wrap ourselves and drink a sip from the glass.
“My name is Katharina, you can say Kathi to me. “” My name is Michael.

“I reply to her shaky voice. This is followed by a huge kiss. During the kiss, I feel like a hand spoiled my already stately masculinity. Of course, he addresses this treatment immediately and continues to stiffen with every touch.

Following then, I come across with the other beauty, the girlfriend of Katharina,.

“I am Christina and want you. “She goes to me briskly. With a deep eye contact I imagine her in a light voice ”and I am Michael and you are beautiful. “For this compliment from me, she then thanks one of the most exciting, never -ending kisses that I had experienced until then.
As I kissed with Christina, Kathi changed music.

Now a hint of Caribbean penetrates the room. Gentle, wonderful sounds seem to give the room a different, erotic mood. What should happen now? Should I take the initiative? What should I do? At that time I could only answer none of these questions approximately. I was fully at the mercy of Katharina and Christina.

If you had said I should jump out of the window. Really I would have done it. I was falling and horny, horny for these wonderful bodies.

Still with the glass in hand, both push me to the couch. I gently let myself fall into the soft leather cushion of the couch.

A touch of cool flows towards me from the leather. That’s exactly what I need now, because Kathi and Christa stand in front of me. Completely naked, just as God created them, these two bodies turn into real goddesses in front of me. They look stunning, their charisma includes an uncommon eroticism.

For the first time I have the opportunity to just admire both beauties. Although the two bodies in their uniqueness cannot be more different. Both raise interest to me to the same extent. Kathi is an incredible woman.

Your body is just perfect. Not too thick and not too thin. Just everything is right with her, long blonde hair, lush bust and not too lavish proportions. That’s exactly how I like it with a woman.

My special attention is, of course, belongs to your smooth -shaped love triangle.

Both venus mounds show me in their most natural form. In contrast to Kathi, Christina, slim, sporty, half -long, curly, black hair, she has to do a lot for this figure. I particularly like their hand-sized breasts with their tender pink tips. Christina is a lot bigger than Kathi.

This is only noticeable if you stand next to each other like now. I have to say Christina has the most excellent fashion dimensions. Usually I am not particularly interested in such women, I like the more lavish shapes, large bust and such. But Christina has an uncanny charisma on me.

For a moment I let myself be enchanted by the face of both. Clear thoughts are no longer possible with this outlook for me.

Our eyes meet again. Christa and Kathi also patter me as I just patterned them. Christina’s eyes stay on my best piece.

And he feels these provocative looks. He reacts to it immediately. With a glitter in the eyes, Christina crouches in front of me. With one hand she captures my stiff.

Your lips give my spearhead a tender kiss. Then she begins to spoil my masculinity that has become stiffly and stiffly stiff. Eerie feelings flow through my body. At the same moment, Katharina sits next to me in the soft upholster.

I feel the erotic warmth of your horny body blowing over to me. At the same time, a touch of her tender, sweet perfume flows into my nose. It is to be crazy. Now she takes my hand and puts her breasts gently on the soft skin.

I start to knead and spoil your lust horny hemispheres. My two hands slide over their body lustfully. At the same time, four horny hands pull over my whole body.

Now a hand of me is scratching in Christina’s hair, the other has now found its way to Katharina’s pleasure grotto. With my fingers I slide through your baby soft column.

Moisture encloses my fingers. I gently bend over to Kathi. My lips find them from my neighbor. Lust goes through the mood.

Our two tongues are uninhibitedly enjoying each other. It is as if we were three unity of one too. For my fingers on the grotto of Katharina, the Christa is now also joining. They show me how I can increase the lust and lust even more.

Wild leads my fingers over the horny pubic hills of Kathi. Together we penetrate Kathis Potze. Now a hand from Kathi is also involved in the wild love spells. All three captures the warmth of their love cavity.

The love juice of her gentle, soft pussy runs uninhibitedly over the cool leather of the couch.

In the meantime, the other hand from Katharina has its way to my stiff tail found. Christina and Kathi jerk off my great and stiff masculinity together. It is hard to endure. My eyes go down to Christa.

Your lips have been looking for another toy. She plays like a little child with the big stiff warts from her friend. Lustful groans echoes in the room again. I also let off the lips of Katharina and prevent myself even more.

Together with Christina we spoil the gigantic hills of my horny neighbor. With every touch, their warts are becoming more and more aligned. I knead the soft, delicate skin of your hemispheres firmly and wildly. Kathi seems to enjoy it very much, which she groans more and more easily.
Now my hands and lips have discovered Christa’s body.

With many kisses and touches about Christa’s body, I slowly let the couch slide on the soft fur carpet. Your skin exudes a horny and exciting fragrance.

To burst strong lust is in me. Fortunately, my two love servants stopped working on me with relish, because I can’t hold back for a long time. Both are completely busy spoiling each other.

So I can be unselfishly used in your game.

But as horny as the two play together, it literally forces me to get involved in this game. So a short time later my fingers and my lips are on their firm, wonderful horny buttocks. Before that, I could never really imagine how nice it can be to caress such a buttocks. Now it happens and it’s beautiful.

But that’s not enough for me yet I want more. Slowly I slide under Christa’s lap. My gaze falls on the fluffy hair of her love grotto. My fingers glide gently and tenderly over the already damp fluff of your cunt.

For the first time I cost from the so horny love juice of a damp grotto. And it excites me more. With my tongue and fingers I spoil her hot lap wildly. You play tender with your clit.

While I only give Christa my whole being, she continues to spoil Kathi to all the arts of eroticism.
Of course, all of this doesn’t leave me cold. In me there is tremendous tension. My stiff penis is swollen for bursting. He literally screams for a hot cave to let off steam.

So I straighten up. In front of me are the two female creatures that play wildly together. Slowly I glide to Christa from behind. With my right hand I try to find the way in Christina’s cave.

Ih-re pubic hair gently tickle my wet acorn. With a skilful push, I penetrate my body with my spanking into the inner life. Horny warmth surrounds me and my masculinity. Christa rears up when she feels my strength.

With gentle movements I push into them. With my hands I comprise your butt so that I can penetrate even deeper into it.

Christa’s lips are spoiling the horny love tray of Kathi. Kathi is currently stroking herself. I can see how she gently wins her warts.

I too can no longer defend myself with a lustful groan. My bumps are becoming increasingly violent and wilder. Full, horny extense fulfills the room. Shortly before my climax, I stop briefly in my movements.

I feel how a first orgasm wave flows through Christa. Immediately my pent -up energy is discharged in a superorgasm. I inject my love juice in Christa’s horny cave. Together we experience a gigantic one orgasm.

My neighbor also grabs such lust that she winds wildly and exactly under Christina’s touch.

I will stay in Christa for a while. It’s a great feeling that roams me. Sweaty I crouch behind Christina and look at both wonderful bodies. With a slight smack I withdraw from her.

A candlelight is easily reflected on your sweaty body. Slowly I let myself slide down onto the fur ceiling. An incredibly beautiful, liberated feeling flows through me, fills me out completely. I love these two women more than I had guessed.

Christa is gently and calm.

Your body is also quite taken from the last minutes. It gives both of us a full wine glass again. All three we collect again. Now Christa next to me is on the fur.

We both look in the eye. And there it is. An incredible shower flows through me for a short time. Her eyes burn deep into my heart.

I had never caught up with such a strong feeling. I can’t think of anything else than the goddess in front of me. This feeling also seems to flow through Christi-Na, her eyes are becoming more and more dreamy. Yes I like her and I can’t get enough of her.

Everything about both of us is completely unimportant at that moment.

With a tender touch on my shoulder, I will be torn from my dreams. Kathi has now also come to us on the ceiling and crouched behind me. Your gaze reveals that she knows exactly what happened there. I lie on my back and look at both beauties from below.

Yes, it is nice when two such creatures next to a sitting, left Kathi and on the right of Christa. I feel the heat that radiates the two bodies. It is indescribably beautiful to lie between two such women. I enjoy the short -term calm.

For a few moments I close my eyes.

Suddenly I feel four wet lips on my cheeks, each right and a few links. I involuntarily open my eyes again. Before my face, two tongues play wildly and unrestrained. Kathi and Christa kiss uninhibitedly in front of my eyes.

Now Kathi Christa whispers in the ear, “we want to offer him a little show? “” Yes, but then a real one. “Both whispered together, I shouldn’t notice it. But I understood a few scraps of words. And whatever my ear penetrates, I really like it.

My gaze goes to Christa. And I understood. I skilfully get up from the blanket and make it comfortable on the couch. I was practically in the 1.Series of a provocative play that the two women want to offer me.

With a sip of red wine and with a blink towards Kathi and Christa I gave the starting shot. The Caesar raises the thumb. The games may begin.

Following the request, both start with an extremely erotic lovemaking. Mutually they cover their bodies with kisses and pats.

This prelude is extremely provocative. Again and again their lips meet and their tongues are wild and excitingly playing around. Christa deals with the two big cubes of my wonderful neighbor for a long time. With her teeth she nibbles on the stiff and large warts with relish.

Like a toddler, she sucks her breast milk out of her teats. Small, white milk residues play the skin of the breasts. Christa swings to me with her gaze. With a short nod, she asks me if I don’t want to get from Kathi’s breast milk costs.

It already excites me. And she doesn’t have to ask me long. Slowly I straighten up and crouch next to my neighbor.

My hands gently slide over the skin of their tits. With every movement I massage more and more the spraying liquid into all pores of these love hills.

Now I can’t hold back. I want to cost them, I want to know how it tastes? I bend smoothly down. Between two fingers I twisted the hard nipple. I try to press some white milk from the glands gently.

Something liquid sprayed with a small jet. I open my mouth so as not to waste a drop of it. Warm, sweet taste is now on my tongue. It tastes good, very good and I want more of it.

Slowly I start to feel like a baby. I suck wildly on her chest. I feel good and safe with her.

But what does Christina do? I skillfully slam down. While I had used nature’s breasts, Christa armed himself with a toy.

In her hand is now the large, silver vibrator that I had noticed at the beginning. With this thing she positions herself exactly between her friend’s thighs. Quiet hums sounds again in the room. The cold metal gently slides over Katharina’s blank -shaved pussy.

With every little touch of her little love pearl, her abdomen reared up involuntarily. All of her movements demand more, but Christina hesitates over and over again, a sadistic, horny game. Finally it is increased. Millimeter for millimeters of the metal disappear in the damp grotto.

The vibrator penetrates deeper and deeper into the body. In rhythmic movements her whole abdomen swings with. Shortly before a discharge in Kathi builds up, Christina pulls the silver-shiny piece out of her triangle. Her eyes begin to shine as she looks deep into my eyes.

“Michael please come to me.

I have an idea that you will certainly like. “With these words there is a quiet smile on her face. I still look into her eyes. Only slowly her words penetrate my brain turns.

What does she have before? I really can’t imagine it. It will certainly be extremely erotic and cool. Exactly this exudes her whole body and I can’t really escape it.
I slide down to Christina curiously.

Now I’m sitting next to her, Katharina lies in front of us.

Sexy and erotic your body winds gently in front of our eyes. What will happen now? While I am still brooding over it, Christina captures my hand. This leads them tenderly towards the love triangle of Katharina. With my fingertips, I gently touch the soft skin of the venus mounds.

Without annoying hair, your pussy feels incredibly great. Slowly I drive up and down through the damp slot. I let my finger circle wildly over her plump love pearl. Christina’s hand joins my game.

Together we spoil Kathis lap.

A short time later seduced Christina’s hand to penetrate my fingers into the wet hole. First of all, my index finger disappears between the damp lips. Gradually 2 fingers disappear. Your cave encompasses me closely and warm.

Katarina’s lap follows each of my advances and rears up horny. I didn’t expect what is happening now. Christina comprises my hand and shows me unequivocally that the other two fingers should also look for shelter in their cunt. All of my fingers form a spearhead and push together into the unknown.

With each push you penetrate in Katharina. They have almost disappeared. She welcomes me closely, very narrow and hot. Now I feel a slight resistance.

Actually, I don’t want to get any further, but Christina continues to push my hand.

Incredible but soon my whole hand will be gone to the joint in the cathis lap. Confirmed, hot and horny to a fist, I start to fuck Wild Katharina’s pussy. With every bump she rears up more.

Your breath is getting faster and faster. Your moans echoing again in the whole room. In return, my bumps are getting faster and faster. Fully in horny familiarity I fuck Kathi with my fist.

Incredible energies build up between us. In a single moment, all of these energies discharge in Katharina. In a scream she frees herself all of her constraints. Your body rears up.

Your love triangle is getting hotter and hotter. It is indescribable. I have never experienced such a development of energies. This natural spectacle takes several seconds.

While I spoiled Katharina so much, my body also became more and more excited.

My sperm dispenser has almost grown back to full size and filled full. Not only Kathi should have fun, I also want to get my right. Ignanticism finally desire to fuck my neighbor properly, urge me up in me. With a slight pulling I free my fingers from the horny, damp clasp.

Kathi instinctively feels what I have now plans. She too would like to suck my love juice out of my masculinity. Both legs bend them so that I can step behind them. Her thighs are heavy on my shoulders.

My hands include their waist. I feel how Christina’s hand of my spearhead shows the way to Ka-Thi’s interior.

I strongly push. With each push, her lap clings me more.

I penetrate into them. Sweat runs over my back. Nothing is important around me. Fully in extase, I feel the energy.

After a few bumps, I discharge myself in your cave. This is the notorious drop on the hot stone, which also leads Katharina to the realm of lust. With every hip swing it sucks out of me more and more white love juice. Completely empty and drained I separate myself from her horny pussy and lie down next to my neighbor.

We both of them instantly fall into a wonderful, perfect, erotic and hot kiss. That was the best thing that happened to me until then.

Slowly and unwillingly, Kathi’s lips come loose from mine. I open my eyes and look into my neighbor’s beautiful face.
“That was great and exhausting. I will get us something out of the kitchen for refreshment.

You both don’t run away, I’m neither with you right away.“With these words, she straightens up from the fur blanket. Once again I can admire your erotic, perfect body.

But soon Kathi has disappeared from the room into the kitchen. As a matter of course, the empty space next to me fills with the wonderful angel Christina.

Where I just looked into my neighbor’s face, I now look into the most gentle, most erotic eyes in the world. A quiet shower flows through me. The touch of her perfume and the warmth of her heated skin flock to me. This woman makes me crazy.

Our tongues and lips are unstoppable. At that moment we merge both into one person. We both are one unit.

I let my fingers fly over her heated body almost contactless. Christina’s fingers do their peers on mine.

With every little one Contact A little shower flows through me. Our two bodies are pushing closer and closer together. Every centimeter more skin touch increases our desire. Indescribable plays in my head.

I never want to let go of Christina anymore. Horny caress me her hard nipples on my skin. I gently turn Christina on me. Your delicate body is difficult to mine.

But it is horny to feel that way.

Our lips separate again. Christina’s body slips deeper and deeper. On the way to the way, her mouth leaves a hot, horny track on my skin. Her hot breath burns deeply in me.

My hands rumble wildly on your hair. Infinite time passes until she reaches her goal. But finally she has arrived at my center of love. My little love servant has far from recovering from the amorous adventures with Kathi.

Christina’s tender touch and massages quickly teach him to live again. People speakingly spoken, her horny breath breathes life back in life. I close my eyes and enjoy the tenderness of Christa.

Growing up to the old size, my masculinity is in the middle of the two hands of my angel. Your lips kiss my horny tip.

Christina obviously likes this stiff condition of my Schwengel because she crouches over him with her lap. In slow motion my penis disappears into her hot cave. With my hands I include your horny buttocks. Every movement of their wild ride continues to bring me to a climax.

Your body prevents itself. In front of my eyes her stiff nipples up and down. I can’t help but kiss her. Up and down her lap flows over my pulsating masculinity.

Christina is becoming more and more excited with every push, like me. It is the wildest ride in my short life.

The movements are getting faster and faster. I feel that soon I can no longer hold back. According to Christina above me, Christina screams her lust out of herself.

A gush of overwhelming feelings flood us both at the same moment. Again we milked my body. Her love cavity sucks out of me from my love juice. Pumped out and physically finished we both sink together.

For this ride I thank Christina with an intimate kiss. I am still in her damp cunt. Everything about me enjoys the body and the touch of Christina. In a brief moment, the realization flashes in me that Christina and I simply belong together.

But I quickly reject these thoughts that they would only destroy the situation now. But I don’t want that, I just want to just enjoy now.

For a few minutes we are both lying closely together, on the fur blanket and delight each other with each other. Only when Katharina is in the living room door with a filled tray, we both separate each other. Kathi puts the tray between us on the ceiling.

Then she sits down. The three of us sit around the tray and start to strengthen ourselves at the delicacies that my neighbor brought us. This is also needed bitterly, in the last few hours, yes it was hours, our bodies were exhausted by love. While we strengthened ourselves, a lively conversation comes about.

We talk about God and the world, just like that. I get stuck with Christina more and more often. I just have to look at her. Unfortunately, I look into her wonderful eyes more and more often.

It seems to you like me. But nobody dares to say a word about it.

“How time betrays time? “I say when I look at the clock in the wall unit in the meantime. It’s half an hour after midnight. My parents actually have to be at home again.
“I think I should go now.

It was nice with both of you, really.“I smile at Christina very tenderly. In her face I can see a slight expression of regret. Yes, I don’t want to say goodbye to her either, but it has to be.

Slowly I straighten up and collect my things distributed throughout the room. I am back in front of my two goddesses, who have now also hatched into their bathrobes.
“Michael, that was an extraordinary evening today, thank you.

“And Katharina thanks me with a great kiss. Now I want to say goodbye to Christina. We too expire an intimate kiss. It is difficult to say goodbye.

We separate with an erotic look.
“That was definitely not the last time I see you again. I like you. “She whispers in my ears quietly.

With a smile on my lips I open the living room door and enter the hallway where I stood a few hours ago and did not dare to dream of what I experienced today.
“Wait, I accompany you to the door.“My neighbor calls me after me. Together we go to the apartment door.

Another kiss and then I’m in the cold hallway. In Katharina’s eyes I can read that I was definitely not the last time in your apartment.

” Sleep well and good night. “With these words she closes the door behind me. Lonely and abandoned, but in a good mood I open my apartment.

Surprisingly, my parents are not yet back from their excursion. After the theater, you must have done a short detour to your favorite bistro. That fits me quite well, so I have no questions about my whereabouts and therefore do not have to come up with a good excuse.

A few minutes later I lie in my bed. The radio is doing quietly to itself.

In my thoughts, tonight goes again as a feature film. I finally fall asleep with a satisfied smile. That was a wonderful evening. Yes, and I think I fell in love with Christina a little more than just easily.

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