Fuck with the ex-mother-in mother | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

These long distances were really murderous. Sometimes I drove out onto a rest area, folded my van’s benches and hit my ear for an hour. Better than falling into a second sleep and then provoking an accident. Just yesterday they had brought such a report in the TV Tagesschau from a overturned truck on the A2.

A Polish truck driver simply drove straight on the way back from Spain, strayed from the street and tipped it to the right into the embankment and had seriously injured himself. 24 hours without a real break. Thank god there were no rear -end collisions and nothing was loaded. I blinked.

Slight tiredness came up and it was clear to me that I couldn’t drive long without recovering myself.

In front of me I saw the sign “Rasthof in 5km” and it was clear to me that it would be mine. Somewhere on the A45 Sauerland line. I steered my car on the hard shoulder with 40 km/h and parked in the bays next to one Family From Denmark, who ate Brotstulls on the bonnet and drank tea while the children were sliding in the playground. The resting yard was in front of me but I had to go down the stairs beforehand.

Fully automatic coffee machines laughed at me. Immediately I would be with you. I said in my thoughts about the coffee machine. I left the buffet on the left and continued to empty myself. I went down the stairs and the toilet woman looked at me as if I were a potential toilet fraudster.

Someone who sneaks over when she is wiping the glasses on the men’s toilet. She was over sixty. Badly made up and wore the short nylon stockings that only went over the ankles and killed every lust. The parts cut into the calf and let the skin get out significantly.

Ugly. If she was wearing it at home, her guy would be a poor sow.

But here on the shit house it didn’t matter anyway. I went to the pissoir and got my part out. He was 18 cm when he was extended.

Now he was smaller in normal position. It was enough for peeing. I aimed at the fly in the porcelain and noticed the blessing when she emptied the bladder. Shaken off, wash your fingers and put the woman on the bowl for 30 cents.

She was satisfied and wished me a nice day. When I went up the way, my cell phone rang. It was my boss. “Peter,” he replied.

“Take your time. The spare parts have not come and you have to be there until the day after.“We already knew each other from the youth and so we did ourselves too. “Sorry that I will break the day for you, but don’t work any other way. Maybe you will find something in the area “.

Before my divorce I was here often. My in -laws lived in Dortmund. Now just the ex -confession parents. We promised that Contact to keep because we got on so well.

But unfortunately nothing came of it. So far nothing. Maybe now would be a good moment. Call didn’t hurt.

And there in the living room on the sofa was always better than in the van.

“Gisela Ebermann” I heard Gisela’s voice. Gisela was my ex-mother-in mother and now had to be in her early 50s. “Here is Peter,” I replied truthfully. “Oh Peter, that I can hear from you, how are you?“Asked Gisela at the end of the listener.

I told her about my time I had to stroll and she understood the wink. I was allowed to come over and spend the night on the sofa. I was also looking forward to Horst and would watch a little sport with him. I left the coffee and recorded the twenty minutes from the rest area to Dortmund without a junction.

The house had changed. Get new color. I noticed it right away when I parked the car. The two -winged windows were also replaced and the walls were isolated.

It no longer looked like Ruhrpott. I rang. Gisela opened the door and let me in. Her orange -red hair had now become slightly gray but otherwise everything was still crisp and in the right place.

She wore a pretty skirt, had slippers on and a blouse to me if I wanted to look plenty of insights.

“Would you like to have a coffee, Peter? “Gisela asked me. “But very much,” I replied. She went to the sideboard, where there was still enough coffee from this afternoon in the blue thermos. Cup from the closet, sweetener and condensed milk.

The way I liked it. She put the pot for me and poured me in. I looked at her breast and admired these plump boobs. “Tell me, when does Horst come from work,” I asked Gisela.

“It’s on a cure,” she replied briefly. “You know, he doesn’t get air and is down to 40% lung volume. Too much smoked “Horst was a fighting smoker. Two boxes of the hard variety without filters were not uncommon.

And at some point it just takes revenge. But Gisela still smoked himself and was on one. She handed the box to me and I declined. “Well Peter,” said Gisela, “I can’t understand that Tine had separated from you.

I always liked to have a son-in-law here. And you don’t have such a pretty man here every day, ”laughed Gisela. “I can only reply,” I replied. “Many have you greater as Tines Sister Seen, ”I said.

“You hate me erotically found, not,” she said suddenly and there in addition to laughing, too, seriously in the voice.

“Yes somehow already” I said “the hottest mother-in-law of the world. Now I can say yes.”” But I’m no longer Peter, “said Gisela. “Now only the hottest ex-in-laws if you want,” Gisela pulled out her slipper and drove my feet off my foot under my pants. “And I’ve always been awesome.

As a mother-in-law, I still had reasons to hold back “. Certainly I had imagined my mother in law fuck. To tear her tights in complete lust and to record my part. To get out who can be fucked better, Mother or Daughter.

I thought that before. But really done? Really implement into practice? Gisela looked at my pants and realized that I was now “link carrier”. “That’s way too tight,” she said, she bent down to me and opened my belt, then the jeans button and very slowly she pulled the zipper down. Blood pumped in mine tail and brought him to felt 20 cm.

“Well we want to see what kind of gem,” said Gisela.

She took him in hand and said to him. “Well, my prettier, you have probably not been to service for a long time, not?“She went to the sink, took a wet cloth and wiped my cock clean. Then she took him briefly in her mouth and got up. “Well there was really Peter,” said Gisela, who sat on the kitchen chair in front of me.

“Sometimes I imagined when Horst was drunk and you slept with Tine in the living room, how it would be banged by you. To feel your cock in my cunt. “Gisela grabbed the first stocking under the skirt. Her legs were slightly browned and she was wearing a purple paint on the toothes. “I imagined whether Tina is satisfied with your qualities or not.”She said and loosened the other stocking from the leg.

“And now I’ll find out”. She got up and went to the shoe shelf and put on the red pumps. “And how do I like Peter?”” If the ex-mother-in mother is not worthy of being banged “” I lack the words and I’m pretty sharp “I said truthfully.

“I look forward to being nailed by you as you want,” now she took off her blouse and only had her little panties and the bra. She knelt in front of me and took my cock in my hand: “I just want to enjoy you now and have no scruple.

Horst cheated on me so often and will surely smooch around somewhere with a spa shadow. “Well, then nothing stood in the way. Today I would pop my ex mother-in-law and find out who was hotter. You or my ex -wife. She put my cock deep into her mouth.

Then when she pulled her head back, she sucked as much as she could. My cock grew to a felt size of 25 cm. I closed my eyes and thought that I would hit her a cargo of my little John on her suppositories in my mouth. “Gisela you blows great,” I said.

But Gisela had other plans. She stopped and took me by the hand. We went into the living room. Horst’s television armchair stood there.

Gisela put a few pillows in his back, a couple under his buttocks and pulled out the panties and put her legs over the backrest.

“This is my cunt, who is already twitching when she sees your spanking” I got on my knees and pushed the pubic hair outside. So I got a clear view of the bright pink and the clit. I licked her cunt from bottom to top while I rubbed my clitoris with my fingers. “We could have done that much earlier, Peter,” said Gisela, who slowly started breathing more violently.

“While Tine was with her girlfriend, you could have popped me. But we probably didn’t dare either “. I licked her clitoris and Gisela got on the way. “Get it to me,” she said excitedly.

Then she kept the air cramped and came. Now it was my turn. Her cunt was supplied with blood and ready for my cock. Slowly I pressed it in.

At first it was still a bit tight, but the pussy juice had distributed and I was able to happen. I was on my knees and did my job. Gisela went from the television armchair and now knelt in front of me. Only I would edit her vagina from behind.

Your assholes laughed at me too. But I chose the gap that was below. “Yes, very good,” she said while I was introducing her.

I paused and opened her bra. Pralle udders hung down in front.

I pushed my cock into her. This gives her breasts swinging. Your thick breasts now clap in the rhythm with which I can ­my thigh drove against her ass. “Plopp Plopp” did while my thighs made “Plack Plopp Plack”.

I reached from behind and put their wonderful breasts.”Oh yes, she kneaded” she panted. I did that. Gisela was getting hotter and made strange tones. My glans had touched the right place in her vagina.

“Plack Plack” did it at the back and in front Gisela “don’t stop now, push me” she sighed. I fulfilled her the wish. She had come for the second time. We went over to the bedroom.

Gisela lay on his back and had a pillow behind his head. I had so much cunts in the cock that I could now put a great titty fuck down. Gisela pressed her brummer together and my cock squeezed through the plump meat. “I’ll come right away,” I said, noticing how 1 billion sperm got ready for the jump.

Shortly before I came, Gisela opened her mouth and I understood the invitation.

She blew fantastically and had it on it. Suck, generate vacuum and let go again. I emptied myself into her mouth. My Johannes shot in their throat.

She swallowed it down and smiled at me. What I wanted first, I had got it now. “It was a good fuck,” said Gisela, leaned over and stuck a cigarette on the dessert. “Yes,” I said, and this time also took a cigarette.

I had never done that at Tina and now I knew who could fuck better.

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