Girls for everything | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

(C) from the web erotic stories

My name is Sven, and at the time when the things described below happened, I studied in a big German city – to be precise, the beautiful city of Cologne on the Rhine. During my medical studies, I tried to improve my financial situation a little by working- in the evening in a restaurant as a waiter and “girls for everything”.

The announcement restaurant belonged to an older couple in mid-50- to which a very good, almost family relationship developed over time ..

Once a month, the bowling alley housed in the basement is rented by a bowling club that consists exclusively of women.

The ladies are – I think the entire club takes 15 women, i.D.R. are always between five to ten women- between mid-50 and mid-50, and come, since the restaurant is located in one of the wealthy districts of Cologne, to which some of the previous variety, which should not mean that not all, except for one of theLadies, nice and mostly courteous.

The only lady who serves a little because she can often be very “beastly”,

Means Ariane – I will later become more precise on this specific lady, why she was sometimes so beastly (just to me) and how I managed to put this fact to be spoken ..

At the last two meetings, I had the impression that every time I brought the women to the ladies into the basement, or around the bowling system, which- sometimes from the late seventies- had one or the other deficiency, was whispered and giggled (which was not abnormal, since it was always a relatively funny round that had a lot of fun). However, I often heard my name behind the scenes and could literally feel the looks that these ladies have in my back – and probably also on my butt (jean carrier) ..

Since these women in no way let their bodies go, and seemingly regular sport also seem fit, I have to honestly admit that I also against a romantic one adventure would not have been averse to one of the women – but that it would happen so that it would have been so much in my wildest dreams!

It was again one of these evenings in which the majority of the club met – this time, however, was one of the women’s birthday, and this should be celebrated extensively.

Ursula, the landlady, informed me of that, and I was preparing for a long evening from the start, which should not be difficult for me because the coming day should be a holiday and the university was accordingly closed.

The women came up with around eight o’clock, and it was discussed that the bowling was foregoing that evening and instead wanted to convert the bowling room into a kind of party cellar ..

At first everything was the same, I brought the drinks down, collected the empty glasses, and entertained me here and there briefly with the ladies until one of the women asked me to dance.

Of course, I could only do this request briefly, since I also had to serve other guests in the upper part of the restaurant, and Ursula, in this case my boss would definitely be a little angry over a long time, as she would be around the counter, andHer husband had to take care of the kitchen.

However, Iris had to talk to Ursula and negotiated a “deal” with her, because when I came up again, I took Ursula aside, and said with a wink that I was exclusively about the ladies of the club that eveningmight care. Finally, Iris had his birthday, and Ursula, even one of her closest friends, could not refuse this wish as a gift.

So it happened that I could only devote myself to the women’s club that evening!

When I came back, the ladies seemed to be waiting for me, and Iris came up to me and said: “The first real dance that evening would belong to her!”. In the word correct, I should have already been hearing, but I didn’t think about it.

When I danced, I noticed that Iris might happen by accident, maybe not- a button on the blouse, and she had already opened a lavish neckline. So I enjoyed an almost unhindered view of the very womanly curves of Iris during the dance.

This is a tall, well -toned woman with brunettes medium -length hair and green eyes, which seemed to shine in the steamed light of the bowling cellar.

During this dance she grew more and more closely at me, and looked at me continuously with a smile. Suddenly I noticed that her hand, which was on my back until now. Still smiling she said: “Really so crispy!“, And at this moment the bump had to have formed in my pants. Iris had to have noticed this, at least she stroked my cheek with her back of her hand, gave me a fleeting kiss, and said, “she would come back to it later …”

Now I stood there, with my little friend, who was no longer so small, and tried to arrange my thoughts a little and collect the glasses.

Once at the top, the bump was in no way disappeared, and Ursula had to have noticed it because it winked back to me, and said I should do everything I like, and Iris and the rest of the ladies spoil a little at that momentmore than ambiguously came over. I must have looked completely unsettled, at least Ursula came to me purposefully and whispered in my ear, I should briefly come into the room behind the counter. There she suddenly put me in the crotch, stroked it, and grabbed me- fast- roughly on my butt. She said: “You’re a tight boy, I wouldn’t push you out of bed”, in order to then miss an extensive kiss.

I was totally off the role because I would have expected something like that from my boss very much. She confesses to me that she had also thrown an eye on me for a long time, and unfortunately she couldn’t quite like her husband in bed as in the kitchen. With these words she sent me down again.

Once again, Angelika was waiting, and literally fell around my neck to dance with me. Angelika is a small, well -shaped woman with black hair, blue eyes and a boyish figure in mid -40.

She always seemed to be the cheekiest from the whole club, and I felt that suddenly felt. Shortly after we started dancing, she put me in the crotch without warning, and since it was still irritated, he almost put himself almost full of size, which Angelika acknowledged with a grin, and more and more into a remote cornerof the basement pushed. There she took my hands and asked me to stroke her breasts, which I did, but only above her stunningly short dress. She took my left hand impatiently and pushed it under her dress so that I could feel her already hard nipples directly on my fingertips.

In the meantime, I noticed how she was struggling with my jeans, and for a very short time her hand had found her way into my boxer shorts. Once there, she started, now I mean completely stiff tail Massifying with hard aprupted movements, which I was not used to up to this point, since my friends at the time were rather cautious about the “thing”. It wouldn’t have been missing, and I would have already come to the shot in my pants, which she noticed and stopped. Now, in turn, I conducted my hand under her dress in the tight panties and noticed that it was already extremely moist.

My middle finger found the way to his destination, her permanent pleasure pearl and the sweet -moist grotto, which she acknowledged with a loud groan. Since I was probably a bit reluctant to work, she asked me by taking my hand and the “tact pretended”, she should spoil them harder and faster – her wish was to me, and I noticed that she was twitching and winning thatShe had arrived at the point where she wanted to arrive. If I had believed that she would take care of me again, I thought wrong – she kneaded my festivals again Egg, And gave me a stormy kiss, then to think that she couldn’t leave her friends alone for too long … Now I stood there in the dark corner with a down-to-down pants and didn’t know what to do.

At that moment I probably failed my eyes, I must have looked like a fish, and have become high, which my personal enemy got out of the club, Ariane came around the corner, and already fingered at the blouse.

I have to say that Ariane is a little chubby- but not thick- but has a beautiful face (at least if it is not “beastly”), chestnut-brown hair, and bright blue eyes.

I have to have stuttered because I still know that Ariane has said quietly: “I should hold my mouth”. With these words, she knelt in front of me, look at my cock very briefly, took it back and forth two times in front of and back, with my deep red acorn appeared every time, and took it in his mouth without further adoagain grew to full size.

I have never had a woman who recorded my cock so deeply- the fast was complete and so much my senses stole my senses. In between she caressed my glans with her extremely nimble tongue tip, which made this wonderfully tingling feeling of the upcoming orgasm in me. When she noticed this, she started to suck properly, and I inject the whole lot of the warm juice into her mouth, trying to swallow everything that did not succeed, so that a small remnant ran out of her mouth. She blew and sucked on as long as the almost impossible took place in my eyes, and my cock remained hard – I hadn’t done that until now ..

In the meantime, she had completely got rid of the blouse and I was able to examine her magnificent breasts, or.

spoil what I did enjoyable too. I covered her upper body to slowly Nipple To approach, the atmosphere circled and then spoil the stiff nipples with my tongue and delicate bite. In the same way, my hand wandered into her pants and found the way past her top panties. Here, too, I already noticed how a warm moisture and a completely shaved cunt with Angelika, which only made me hornier.

The same seemed to be the case with Ariane, because she now groaned completely and heated me up in which she gave the messed up mess. My middle finger found a hard lustperle for the second time, which I stroked extensively. Now I put her on an old chair, spread her Legs, knelt in front of you so that I can take a unhindered look at your shaved one pussy received and put my middle and index finger on their column, in order to then lit in a pleasure, to spread it on the inside, and to bring it back halfway out again. I repeatedly repeated this process to take care of her magnificent solid clit with my tongue at the same time with my tongue.

After a short time I noticed that her pelvis began to circle faster and faster, tensioning her calves, and shook her entire body and she experienced her orgasm loudly.

Now put me again, crouched slightly until my hard cock was positioned exactly at the height of her pussy, and I was able to penetrate powerfully and deeply into her. She looked at me incredulously because she probably didn’t expect that I would fuck her here in this chair. However, I was not put off, and birded with deep, powerful and regular bumps, so that she soon started moaning again, and I noticed that the pussy juice ran down on my thighs. A short time later she was supposed to get her second departure and now asked me to take it “from behind”, driven by complete lust.

She was now up- with very shaky legs- leaned over the chair, and stretched out to my blast butt. I couldn’t help it and drove again with my outstretched tongue through her column, up to hers rosette, What she acknowledged with a quiet but still pointed scream.

I got up again and pushed my still wet cock into her column, and, while I kept penetrating her in long bumps, with my thumb, which I had moistened with spit. In the beginning it didn’t seem pleasant to her, when tried to always escape, which was not possible due to the regular bumps she wanted to enjoy, and when she had her- more quickly than I expected- this time incredibly intense and long orgasm, it seemed to you like it. After several bumps after that, she let my dripping wet “slip out” and position it exactly in front of her rosette.

She groaned that I may be careful because she had never done anything like this before. I drove mine, well -oiled through their juice to the burst hard cock slowly but definitely into her tight rosette, which is like a hard fist To make my best friend closed. This feeling was also completely new to me, since I hadn’t yet enjoyed an anal fuck, and I also knew that would not last long, but I wanted to enjoy this uplifting feeling as long as possible. I penetrated them with everyone, this time velvet deeper into them, and they seemed more and more to savor.

However, I had to admit that after a short time I could no longer keep myself, my skinus was trembling and pumping, which moved to stretch her butt in the clock of my bumps, and I was in her entire load in theButt sprayer. I stayed in her for some time, and when pulling out a part of my sperm was going out. This horny me so that I was licking this rest and licking her rosette. She returned and licked my skinz clean, which should not get stiff again this time.

She only noticed briefly and briefly that I would probably need a little break now, and to herself, visibly shaky legs.

Later she would explain to me why she was always so beastly to me. Her husband has often no longer shared the bed with her, it would have preferred to bird with younger women in the area- what I couldn’t understand- and she had probably had an eye on me as a pleasure object and the beastly only used to cover up.

The whole thing has to take longer than felt, because when we went back to the other ladies, laughed at them, and typed on the clock, or. said something of steadfastness and the like!

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