The lost luggage | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The heat in the luggage output is unbearable, the long and uncomfortable flight has expected a lot to passengers. The young man, well dressed in Italian fabrics, did not show anything and patiently waited for his luggage. He observed the other passengers calmly and discovered a petite lady, in a blue dress with white flowers she was hectic looking for and visibly nervous. Finally his suitcase came, whereupon he lifted him on the car.

Most were already gone, he too went to the exit, but looked back again and found that the lady was still looking for her luggage and became even more excited.

Then he decided. To help her and go back, “Le Posso aiutare?“And looked into a questioning face, not realized that the lady here in Sicily did not understand Italian well. But he realized immediately, “have a problem” and whether!!”Came with steam,” My luggage is gone, my clothes, my … “And made a heartbreaking face,” come with me, I help them “she looked at him skeptically, but what could he, maybe he couldReally help ..

And she also noticed that he looked good. After the customs control, they went to various offices in the airport, asked several people, looked into the lost property office … But the suitcase did not find himself, “I make you a suggestion: you come with me, we go shopping, then we’ll see …“He was surprised by his generous gesture, but he liked this enchanting lady extremely well. “OK..“And he could actually discover a smile on her face.

They went into the underground car park, where he already gave her the door to her from great distance 😉 Elegant and she slid into the leather seat. The engine started inaudible, the heavy vehicle moved elegantly and smoothly, but as powerful as a big cat out of the glowing sun ..

What did you need the most urgent?“He asked her while the heavy car pushed through the afternoon traffic. “A toothbrush and …”Flaming reddish shot her face -” I would have to go to a pharmacy ” -” are you sick?“He visibly enjoyed her embarrassment, she looked adorable when she glowed that way. “No, not directly …““ Well, then I would suggest the large department store in the Strada di Mas-Calzone 😉-if it really only needed a toothbrush and one, then the evening promised to be exciting.

Before the underground car park, he gave the porter the car key and a benevolent tip and then entered the department store ….

… The steep escalators led them to the third floor, standing close behind it and sucks up her fragrance of the fine perfume, which is for a fresh, this erotic fragrance…. At the top, control directly onto the corresponding shelf, looking away discreetly so that it puts together your personal toilet items in peace.

He paid at the cash register when she realized that she had no clothes than the one she was wearing. “Ehmm ..“She started,“ Posso Permettere di Comprare un Vestito?“He came to her before, Vestito the dress, comprare…“ Okay, a dress for me?”She asked with a bright face,” she, by Lei … Signora ..”” Oh how stupid from me, my name is Dolcessa “” Ed IO Mi Chiamo Amorato, Piacere ..

Venga, because Questa Parte ”and led them to the women’s department, where many beautiful dresses hung in fine fabrics and airy shapes. She rummaged through, looked at several, and got two out. “What do you think, this … or that?”” Try it!“He asked her what she quickly hoped into the changing room.

A short time later she came out: “… and??”The colored dress was really good for her …” e Adesso L’Altro!“He demanded. It went in again, he waits patiently ..

Then she came out with his back to him. “Could they help me with the zipper?“He immediately helped her. He slightly touched her school theaters, his breath tickled her neck, like his close, and he took time with the zipper … Slowly he pulled it up, and at the top he kisses her neck, but moved away from her again.

She turned around, blushed on the face and with a questioning look. The big sunflowers on the dress were a real sunshine, her face also seemed to be shy … and the figure was light but seductively emphasized.”You look adorable …” “I can buy you both?“Her red on her face hardly let go, she just nodded. The woman at the cash register packed up and he liked to pay.

On the way down, they passed the toy department ..

Then she headed targeted to a glass showcase. There were dolls in how he was from his little one Sister knew-but much more expensive “these are collector’s editions,” she said-“this is from Eska-Da, this from Lagerfeld (they really exist!) “Some also make them out of porcelain, just like the bride behind” he saw her look into the distance and gently stroked her face. She was far away, she didn’t even feel the touch. His hand gently slid into her hair, which was attached to a heavy knot ..

Which he loosens with skill, rather unintentionally, but the knot put it on and … the hair flowed down her back, that brought her back to the bottom of reality. He kept her slightly on the neck, she looked at him, with bright eyes, with anticipation … his lips touched theirs who greedily recorded them.

Behind the showcase, they kissed passionately and intimate without paying attention to the audience. Their mouths gave and took at the same time, and their bodies nestled each other as if they were only created. Incited warmth exuded … slowly finally he loosened his lips.

She breathed deeply and violently, “You are a beautiful woman, Dolcessa …” She smiled at him. He took her hand and then went on … “Do you feel like …”Whereby he took the break extra long” … a cappuccino?”He asked her?Oh yes, a cappucino would be wonderful. “If he looked at her like this, he could imagine things that were even more wonderful.

She had hung up with him and enjoyed the warmth that urged through her light clothes. Arm in arms they strolled into a street cafe and you could see from the admiring eyes of the people what a nice couple they were. When they sat down, he immediately took her hands again and gently stroked the inside of her ring finger (you know that the Kamasutra says that there is a vein that is exactly …

The waiter also came …

… “Due cappuccini” and devotes herself again. She sat comfortably and in the chair and had her finger stroked .. “Lei Ha delle Mani Verhound Belle, che co-sa does di Lavoro?”She smiled and understood nothing that he noticed,” What do you work, such beautiful hands … “His tender touch made her hormone mirror snapped up,” I study ..

I’m shortly before the end and took a few days off to switch off a little .. Simply gone … alone and enjoy … “At the same time” Its Time to Say Good by “from the loudspeaker, and she breathes deeply, smiling in reconciliation” Anch’io Mi Sono Permesso di Scappare dalla citta “. Ho qui una piccola casetta, tut-ta sola … “She listens to his melodic words and dreams ..

“Se vuole, Puo Esser il Mio Ospite, by unpaio di giorni, Senza problem.Had sound. She just said “she”, very warm and with a deep feeling without knowing what she had got involved with. But she found him attractive, he is not naughty either, she just wanted to enjoy. And somehow she had this indescribable feeling that she could enjoy in his society ..

Io Linvono in una ditta a Milano, FACCIAMO FACIAMO DEGLI POSTER DI ARTE, lithographic etc.”” Lei Interesting in Arte, Dolces-Sa?” ” I’m sorry, what?“She wakes up from the sensual world that continuously work on his touches,“ arte, art, she is interested in this?”” Ohh sure … “The waiter comes and puts the hot Cappoccino. He holds her hand, glides with his fingers between hers and caresses them tenderly. She slowly stretches out her leg and touches him on the leg, strokes his calves … they look in their eyes and both recognize an insane fire in it, a desire that ripped them into a spell.

The cappuccino tastes delicious, they don’t let themselves … “Allora, vogliamo Andare?“So they went. They strolled through the old town in arm in arm and she was nothing but the cheering beating of her heart. It was nice to be safe and she liked his caressing hands in her hair.

“You are certainly exhausted from the excitement- let’s go home?“Home home, this word has not been in her life for a long time – but she didn’t want to control herself, but just enjoyed the things that came there. She let herself slide relaxed and watched him safely and concentrated the car steered out of the city. A slight smile was on his lips.

… and soon the car meander the light crest.

At the top she opened an enchanting view, over the hilly landscape of Sicily. The house was not very big, a small nest that promised great cosiness. The car came to a standstill and he opened the door to her. A wall of heat hit her in the face that almost took her breath, or was it his sight, this beautiful man, who, like a Adonis, stepped in front of her like a Adonis, a god from Greek mythology??? The stairs led them up and then she entered.

The typical Italian architecture was omnipresent here: arches and masonry, high rooms with a narrow double door, many ornaments in the hallway, and a large salon, equipped with light leather furniture Italian style, the sofa really invited you immediately. A Miro ’hung on the big wall, the kitchen, the salon, everything open!! She loved such rooms very much, where that bedroom lag?? From the salon you got to a terrace, overshadowed with a green roof. It was not big, but the view down on Palermo and the sea compensated for the shortcoming, ”pregned Posto, by favorite, Desidera and Vino?“Where she followed him on the terrace and nodded with the word vino -joyful. He disappeared and the petite lady grazed her gaze into the distance.

So far away, a nice home here, in the sun, the sea, a white bird flew over … And she thought of one Angel … her impressions made her look enjoyable. The sun’s rays grazed the leaf of the leaves and penetrated it down, when she opened the top two buttons to loosen up a little.

“Ecco qui” and put the glasses down and took a seat next to her on the big Hollywood swing.

The wine had a nice color. They pushed themselves to “Alla Vostra Salute” she nodded to him with a smile. “Is this yours? “” You, Era di un Mio Zio, Tanti Anni Fa. Poi Stava Mal, Ando ’Al’ospedale ..

Ed IO Lo Ho Curato. La Casa era in Condizionione Veraments Male, Pero ’lui me la vendo’ ad un Buon Prezzo. Dopo Ch Mori ’, Ho Fatto Tutto Nuovo… Ed ad addesso e il Mio Posto Segreto, Un Rifuggio Per Me Solo …“ She felt indescribably comfortable here in this place with this man ..

She was actually fled at home because of the man, simply distance, calm and herself … but she found it all here. Be yourself and someone have with you … strange! She always thought that you had to be alone to be yourself ..

He took her hand in his and began to gently caress her, along his finger, tender and finely stroke the inside … ”They are married?“She asked curiously,“ No, Sono Stato… Pero Lei Mi Ha Lucato, by un Altro.“She couldn’t believe that a woman simply leaves such a man.. Hmmm.

Maybe he’s hiding something. In any case, she is currently enjoying his pats. She closed her eyes, felt his delicate hands, which slowly slid up her arm, like on an air cushion. His mouth approached her neck, she could clearly feel his breath, slowly and tenderly kisses her there.

His lips wandered up her face over the chin around her mouth too meet, who was eagerly waiting for it. They kissed Siech for a long time, his hands stroked her over the long hair. He loosened from her, took a glass of wine, and slowly dropped a two drops of the cool juice between her breasts. She lay down slightly so that he could open two more buttons and his Tongue the noble drop of her chest too lick.

She felt hovering, his tongue failed, and with his fingertips he circled gently and tenderly around her bare nipple, the candle straight up ..

…His hands burned on her skin like fire and she enjoyed his touch. Slowly she started, buttocks his shirt, her hands gently lead over the wonderfully soft skin of his chest. She pulled her muscles with her fingertips and enjoyed the heat that spread into it. His lips hiked deeper, gradually he opened one button after the other and dropped wine on their golden brown skin.

The contrast was stunning, the cool wine and its hot lips, which sparked a fire in it, as she would not have considered it possible. She grazed her shirt from his body and covered his chest with her hair. Slowly he picked them up and wore them.

… On his arms.

She nestled like a cat on him, felt safe and gently. He brought her up a staircase into a duked-out room, in it there was a large round bed, with silver satin sheet. Without letting her kissing off her skin, he slowly peeled her out of the rest of the dress, with it also becoming active and freed him, now they were totally naked and lay on the cool satin. She stretched out all the limbs and felt the fire burned into her.

His fingers touched every inch of her skin, let every nerve bring in the highest ecstasy and then took her delicate face into the hands “Tu was Verhsente Bella, Dolcessa” he whispered. “Mmmmhmmm …“Then he kissed her intimately on her sensual mouth again. She hugged him, began to caress his back and felt his strong excitement on her step, “I want you, MIO Amore …” she asked. Very slowly he conducted his hard friend in front of the erotic entrance and then slowly pushed, enjoying every centimeter.

She breathed in deeply and let himself be driven by his slow rhythm. She clawed her hands in his muscular back and left traces that spur him more.

It slightly increased the pace and moved his spear skill so that her lust was also well edited. It hovered along a height, too excited and in a unstable state to explode at any time. He noticed her and slowed down the pace so that these heavenly feelings do not end a quick end.

Again and again she came to the critical threshold, faster and more often, until she only exceeded it once and could not go back: a wave rolled over it and showered the body with indescribable feelings, with long stop-that orgasm, and let her sink into the depths where she could forget everything. At the same moment he came and let himself go, filled them out with his love juice and slid down into the deep sunkenness, where they hugged, gave a lot of love and were there for each other, after and tenderly.Last long time they were there, in an indescribable beauty united, what was no picture, no poem, no love letter could have been better reproduced.

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