Erotic weekend in the hotel part 1 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A weekend in Bamberg – Part 1am weekend after my divorce (end of May) I just wanted to go away. I wanted to take pictures again, just like that. I wanted to get to know new people and just talk about any stuff. If I wanted to drink a few beer and all of this regardless of other people. I booked im Internet A nice hotel on the left Regnitz arm from Friday to Sunday. I grabbed my photo backpack, sat in my old Peugeot – at that time I had no Porsche – and drove comfortably to Bamberg via the A7 and A70 in an hour.

When I entered the underground car park, I left a CA. 45-year-old lady the right of way. I parked next to her, greeted politely and got my suitcase out of the trunk. She tortured herself to balance her suitcase out of her benz and so I offered her my help. She thankfully declined. I went up the steps from the underground car park and wanted to go towards the hotel reception. Behind me I heard a moan and quiet swearing. I left my suitcase and went back.

The lady stood on the stairs at the bottom and murmured to herself. I went down the steps, took her suitcase without asking and wore it up. She hurried to come behind me. “What do you think …” I heard you say. I immediately interrupted them: “Sorry, I just wanted to help. I can also carry it down again. “She looked at me, smiled and whispered a shameful:” Thank you very much “. “Come on, the reception is back there.

“We went in silence, but at least side by side, to check in. Of course I let her go back. A second employee of the reception took care of me and so I went to the elevator with my parking garage lady together. Our two rooms were on the same floor and faced each other. I helped her into the elevator with her heavy suitcase and out again. We opened our rooms and wanted a nice day. I packed my camera and two lenses and ran into the city.

I was on street photography and immortalized many a house or house segment. After an hour I saw my lady sitting in an Italian cafe. She had already seen me and waved to me. I went to her and she asked me to take a seat at her table. She invited me to a drink and I chose a red wine. She ordered a hugo. After we had drunk briefly, she started telling.

“I would like to apologize for my appearance in the underground car park. I also don’t know what was going on with me. I’m just revised, which I have to attribute myself. So again: sorry, because I’m actually really nice. By the way, my name is Angelika and she. “I got a few centimeters out of my chair and indicated a bow:“ My name is Karl and I have a helper syndrome with all the advantages and disadvantages.

What do you do in Bamberg?”” From Monday I will visit a congress here. But I’ve already traveled today to recover something. The congress goes until Friday, hence the big suitcase. And you?” -” I just wanted to go. I’ve been divorced since Wednesday and now I want to follow my hobby, photography, follow up again. ” -” The wedding ring has left clear traces of her finger! I noticed that right away. ” -” He is and will remain a fan iron for a long time, “I replied.

I took a closer look at Angelika. She was an extremely attractive woman and she knew it. I appreciate their size at 1.75 m and their weight at 60 kilos. Her blond hair was crossed with darker strands. She was wearing medium -length and a little shaky, as if she was getting out of bed. She was slim but not too lean. Her breasts hardly noticed. I found their round full butt and their well -shaped Legs.

I took my camera and target Angelika in the viewfinder. I set the camera for a lightning shot and waited. We talked about this and that. When she took her glass with the Hugo, I pulled the camera up. The autofocus pumped briefly and I pressed off. I looked at the photo. Happiness shot, great photo with nice bokeh. She looked a bit annoying but I moved to her and showed her the photo.

“You can do something, yes, you can do something!“I thanked me, but still stayed close to her. I put the smell deep, which Angelika sprayed. What a horny perfume. She looked at me questioningly. “Man, what do they smell good,” it took me. I noticed that she was happy about this compliment. Now she wanted to stroll through the city a bit. I was allowed to accompany you with my camera. I kept in the background, often Angelika didn’t know where I was.

Wonderful recesses were made. I paid attention to reflections in the shop windows and the incidence of light. At backlight, her clothes seemed to be transformed into a nothing that released all parts of the body. In contrary, she liked these pictures, she found her very sexy. We strolled back to the hotel and I was able to take some successful photos of Angelika on the river bank. We went into the lobby and I got my iPad. We sat in a seating area and we now had the opportunity to look at all the pictures of a reasonable size.

I did not like that I immediately deleted. I suggested her to eat together together. As a restaurant we chose the Bolero, a Spanish restaurant. I booked a table for two people via the Internet. We took a taxi because we were still tired of running in the afternoon. With delicious tapas and two good bottles of wine, we were quickly at you. In the mandatory kiss, our tongues winced briefly. With the taxi we went back to the hotel.

We paid a visit to the hotel bar and drank everyone more wine. Around midnight we went to our rooms. We kissed violently in front of our room doors. Angelika turned quickly and disappeared into her room. I showered briefly, shaved, applied a bitter razor and called it on the hotel phone. As if she had been waiting for it, she decreased the listener when you ring the first. “Would you like more photos?”I asked her.

I heard her deep breath, then she said: “Yes, gladly, you come over?“I had equipped my Nikon 85mm lens of the light types. I knocked on her door softly. Angelika opened and buttoned up the blouse quickly. “Don’t look at me like that, I still have to make up for myself,” she said and disappeared into the bathroom. I went after her and posted myself in such a way that I could first record her about her reflection. She turned over and stretched my tongue out.

Exactly at that moment I pressed. “You can’t move in these stupid clothes,” she met her. “Then take off it,” was my suggestion. “You would like that. “” Yes, that will definitely be particularly nice recordings “. Defiantly stood in front of me and pulled out her skirt and blouse. She was now in front of me in bra and panties, both from very thin fabric, almost already transparent. She has small, pointed breasts with dark warts and small, dark courtyards.

Her pubic hair was dark blonde. “Do you like what you see?”She asked me. “Oh yes,” I replied, “you are a very, very beautiful woman!“She turned back to the mirror and continued to make up. I continued to fix them through the viewfinder. She was slim and her round full butt and her well -shaped legs fit her figure. I made a few close -up shots at an angle from her face with the help of the mirror. At their top bra with the sweet inner life, I chose the tilting macro function.

I only picked up one breast, the dark nipple shimmered through the bra. I knelt down and focused on her butt. “Slide a little towards me,” I asked her. Very slowly she stretched him towards. “Would you like to bend forward?“Angelika did it. The result was a wonderful recording of their covered yet open cunt. She was finished with her make -up and joined a cloud of the horny perfume.

“And now? Should I get dressed again?”She asked me. “No, stay that way and lie down on the bed,” I suggested to her. “Then you also take off!“I did what I was called. I quickly only stood in front of her in boxer shorts. My half -stiffer tail Stand in the shorts. I took my camera again and took some photos of her in her lingerie. Her facial expression, a mixture of shyness, curiosity and the beginning of lust was remarkable.

I placed her on my back and she supported her elbows. Her legs angled her. I reached and pushed her thighs apart. I absolutely had to take pictures of the wet stain on your panties, exactly at the level of her cunt. She wanted to see this photo immediately. “I can undress naked right away!“She sat up and opened the closure of her bra. I reached and took him off.

I stroked her nipples, they were hard as a board. I put the bra together and held it on my nose. He smelled of her beguiling perfume. She picked up her buttocks and pulled out her panties. She threw him to me with the words: “There is still something to sniff!“Her cunt was dark blonde, but cut briefly. Their outer labia were small and the clit and the inner labia determined the appearance. “Do you also pull out your pants?“As desired, I brought my hard cock into the fresh air.

“Oh no, not with the part! You break me with that, ”was her first comment. I made further close -ups of their little tits and from their cunt. Then I put the camera aside and crawled next to it. I took her in my arms and we kissed for a long time and greedy. My hands stroked her whole body and I took a lot of time. My lips, tongue and teeth then took over the tasks of the hands.

I dealt particularly loving with her little tits. The nipples were hard and the little pimples on the atribards were also stiff. My lips went on a hike and I kissed them until I got to her cunt. With my thumb I rubbed her over her clit twice. Then the tongue took over the wonderful task of making it so sharp that it let me up. I licked her through her whole column and only stopped when I reached her hole.

I stimulated that for some time until I took my way back to her cunt. With quick blows my tongue penetrated again and again into her hole. A little higher, my thumb took care of her clit again and a hand kneaded and stroked her little breasts again and again. She was still very quiet, but I noticed how it cooked in her. Your one hand supported my fingers to spoil their tits. The other hand held my head and pressed it firmly on her cunt.

She groaned more and more violently and panted: “Yes, lick me, lick me deeper! – rub my clit! – Make it my chest, let’s turn my warts. “Then she stopped all movements and looked at me with her hot eyes. “Please be very careful and would like to feel you now. “She didn’t need to say that twice. I put a finger in her plum and shortly afterwards two. I gently turned and spread my fingers to expand her cunt.

When I pushed the third finger into her, she groaned: “Now come, now put in in. “She was so horny now that she was looking for my cock. She pressed him a few times as if she wanted to check his hardness and then carefully pushed him into her hole. We stayed in the missionary position for the time being and I fucked them very carefully. Her pelvis now worked with and she kept pushing a little bit.

She kept me closely wrapped with her arms and groaned the word “yes” in the ear again and again with every push. After a few minutes she suddenly stopped and pushed me down from her. “Wait a minute!“She went into the bathroom and got a sliding cream. She smeared her cunt with it and my Schwengel also got something. “Do you do it from behind?”She asked me. “Spoon or doggy?“I wanted to know from her.

“As you wish!“I pushed her into the spoon position, brought her butt into the right position and she lifted her leg a bit. She grabbed my cock again and carefully introduced herself into her cunt. With slow fucking movements we came back to time. My hand caressed her nipples and she rubbed her clit herself. In doing so, she turned her head back so far that we could kiss. I pushed my stiff Schwengel so far into hers cunt how it was possible and she allowed.

There were still a few centimeters of tail. It was completely filled out. “Please fuck me faster, I’ll come right away,” she whispered between two kisses. I put on the pace and a short time later she experienced a gigantic one orgasm. She slipped from my cock and curved into the embryo position. In doing so, she clamped both hands into her crotch and trembled all over the body. With his eyes closed but wide -opened mouth panted and groaned her orgasm.

I was sitting next to her and watching her fascinated. Almost five minutes later she had recovered, crawled into my arms and started kissing me again. Your hand was looking for my cock. He was still hard. She leaned down to me and gave me a blow with the support of her hands. She licked and sucked and bite, she pulled all the registers to spoil me and to make me cum.

I came slowly but huge. She had put her mouth over my glans and she took a lot sperm on. The rest were spread over my body and bed. She hadn’t swallowed my cream yet. She showed me how much she had received. She dropped half of it onto my chest, the rest swallowed it down. Then she went into the bathroom and shortly afterwards came back with a towel.

She wiped the sperm away and snuggled back into my arm. “Please stay with me tonight?“Asked Angelika me. I nodded and gave her a thick kiss. “Should I put the alarm clock”, Angelika could be annoying. “What time we have”. “Shortly after three”. “Then put it at 9:00 a.m. so that we can get breakfast. “When her alarm clock rang at 9 a.m., I was already awake. I gave her a little kiss and went to my room.

Around 9:30 am I knocked freshly showered and styled on her door. She opened me in the morning mantle. “I ordered breakfast for two in my room,” she smiled at me. “That must be there right away. “I already heard how the serving car was squeaking through the hotel hallway. The waiter quickly covered and had disappeared as quickly as he had come. Angelika took off her morning mantle, underneath she was naked. “Do you pull yourself off too?“, She asked me.

I quickly got out of my clothes and hugged them. “Let’s have breakfast at first,” she threw in and escaped me. The food covered were tried extensively. Suddenly Angelika knelt in front of me, took some of the raspberry jam and stroked it on my cock tip. She took my belt into both hands and enjoyed the glans again with relish. So she tried every jam. I didn’t want to be inferior, took a little honey and sucked him from her little tits.

My cock became stiff again. I asked her to lie on my back and spread the legs. I rubbed the red cherry jam onto her cunt and onto her hole and let my tongue run wild. Suck, suck and lick I cleaned her again. Her cunt shimmered moist and I put it on for a Saturday morning fuck. She took my stiff in her hand and jerked it a few times. Suddenly she looked at the clock, shouted up and jumped out of bed.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been an appointment with my best friend and have been overdue for 10 minutes. We’ll see each other at some point, ”said it and disappeared into the bathroom. I peeled myself into my clothes and went into my room.

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